Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

47 Caught

  My mind is in a haze as someone lifts me up and sits me upright on the bed. A relaxing aroma fills my nostrils as an arm snakes behind me and supportively holds my waist. My head rests against something warm and soft, and I snuggle into it.


  "Mmummm," I mumble as I enjoy my warm squishy pillow. I open my eyes slowly and look at a well-made blue suit. I shift and see that I was laying my head on mom's boob. On the other side, Brigit is also happily relaxing.


  Mom smiles at me. "You can rest longer if you want," she says while giving me a comforting squeeze.


  Brigit rouses at this time. I watch her eyes go wide as mom is holding her. "Mom, you're back!"


  We both look at each other and blush. Mom just caught us having sex. This is so embarrassing!


  "Now, Brigit," Mom states sternly. Oh no, is she mad? We haven't told her about us having sex!


  Mom continues her lecture, "I know you girls are young and want to play. However, you are the elder sister. You should know better."


  Brigit looks down in shame and says, "I'm sorry, mom."


  "Hedone is hurt. I expected you to make sure your energetic sister didn't push herself. But here I find you wrestling together," mom adamantly says. She then looks at me with hard eyes. "Hedone, you aren't a kid anymore. You have to take responsibility for your actions."


  I shake my head and point at Brigit. "I've been letting the slimes carry me around. She groped me from behind and made me cum in the entryway!" I argue.


  Brigit looks up at mom when she realizes she isn't angry about the sex. "But she was saying that the clothes were pointless!" Brigit accuses.


  "The clothes are still pointless. You ripping my shirt doesn't make them not pointless," I respond with crossed arms.


  "It was sexy to rip the shirt open, so it added to the fun," Brigit states.


  We stare at each other in a pouting battle. Both of us do our best to look the most like a sad puppy. Mom looks between us as we lean into her for support.


  In the end, she leans in and kisses Brigit's forehead. I'm shocked it's covered in my cream, and mom just kissed it without thought. As we both look at mom, she licks my cum off her lips and then turns to me.


  Brigit pulls mom's shirt and says, "That's my cum, so it won't taste as good."


  Mom ignores her and kisses my forehead. She then licks Brigit's squirt off her lips too. "I think they both taste good. You don't need to worry."


  "Yeah, Brigit, you taste good. It makes me wonder if it was worth making my cum taste good," I say with a bitter smile.


  Brigit shakes her head. "It still has the slight taste of cum, and don't forget everything tastes good, so saliva, pee, and sweat all have a nice taste."


  I tilt my head in thought. "I'm a bit worried that everything tasting good and being purified removes the deviant nature of drinking it."


  Brigit shrugs. "Maybe, but I think it's good as a drink."


  Mom squeezes us into her. "It's not something you need to worry about. How about I make us lunch?"


  I nod and hug mom back. "Alright! Oh, we are going to Angelique's house. Franklin is going to help us make the wood for a garden in the dungeon."


  Mom looks at her watch and then pats our back. "Then you better hurry and get ready." She then stands up and walks toward the kitchen.


  Brigit stands up and pulls me to the shower, where we get cleaned up. We then go upstairs to change. Brigit starts sorting through my clothes.


  "Remember, we'll be working," I remind Brigit.


  Brigit stops and raises an eyebrow. "We? You think mom is going to let you work?" She questions.


  I frown. "This sucks," I whine.


  "Well, I'll pull out those overhauls," Brigit grabs a pair and then smirks at me. "Want to go with only this?"


  I laugh, "if it were just Angelique, I'd go for it. Her reactions are always cute. But I don't want to show Franklin."


  "That's true. Here we'll go with a simple T-shirt today," Brigit gives in.


  So I put on the underwear from earlier and a white T-shirt and overhauls that end just above my nipples. Brigit wears baggy pants, which I didn't think she owned, and a button-down shirt. The shirt is a bit too small, so her bra is visible as the buttons are stretched.


  As we eat, I ask mom, "what happened with that woman?"


  Mom looks over at me in thought. "Oh, you mean Justitia?" She pauses, and I nod. "She's just an old acquaintance. No one expected me to leave my job so suddenly. But it was worth it to have you girls," Mom explains.


  Brigit looks up in excitement. "What kind of job did you do?"


  Mom sits back and puts her hand on her chin. Her arm presses between her boobs, making them more prominent. I shake my head and focus. I look up into moms eyes.


  "I ran a large organization. I mostly took care of disputes and fixing moral issues," mom explains.


  "Like HR?" I ask


  Mom shakes her head, "no, not HR. More like a judge."


  "A judge?" I ask, leaning forward. It's exciting. I've always been afraid to ask since mom doesn't seem to like talking about her old job.


  Mom elaborates, "I would hear what bad things people did and cast judgment. Then the employees will take action. But I was too strict, and many people got hurt. That's why Aphrodite was causing you trouble. She's always been a bit petty."


  I look over at Brigit in confusion. She doesn't seem to know what mom is talking about either. "Who's Aphrodite?"


  "A goddess of sex and beauty," mom says dismissively.


  "You mean the goddess that's supporting my dungeon?" I ask with wide eyes.


  "Yes, I didn't know who it was, but I was sure it was someone who knew me."


  Brigit jumps up, sending her boobs flying. "You know a god?" she yells.


  Mom nods with a gentle smile. "I know plenty of gods."


  "That's amazing!" I exclaim with a clap.


  "It's not that interesting. Everyone is just controlled by their divinity. Personality locked up by chains," mom says with a sad frown. "It's about time for us to leave, isn't it?" mom questions bringing us out of the deteriorating mood.


  "Oh shoot!" I yell, looking at the clock. I start shoveling food into my mouth.


  "Hedone, it's not healthy to eat quickly. We still have some time," mom chastises me.


  I slow down while glancing at the clock. Once we finish our meal, we head to the car. I let out a breath of relief, knowing Brigit won't be driving.

I considered different goddesses but I stuck with Aphrodite in the end. Another strong contender was Rati since she is also pretty famous. But the personality didn't match. It's hard to keep things some intrigue while still revealing things. I hope you all enjoy!

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