Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

45 Down Time

55 upkeep -20 stipend = 35

1770 – 35 = 1735 Wednesday

Upkeep break down:

Anti-men shield upkeep: 10

Sexual Sensitivity upkeep: 5

Purification upkeep: 10

Taste upkeep: 3

Nutrition upkeep: 4

Unlimited Fluids During Sex upkeep: 8

Healing fluids upkeep: 10

Slime Amount: 5 Upkeep: 1 Total: 5



  I wake up in the morning, and we prepare for a new day. We go out and measure out the room. We settle on four plots of four by eight. A garden in each corner, leaving a path to the exit and between each plot.


  As we are relaxing in the dungeon, Christal suddenly pauses and acts strange. "Mistress, the goddess that is supporting you…"


  I look at Christal with scrunched eyebrows. "What's wrong?"


  "It's unusual, but they want to give you novice knowledge in Purla," Christal states.


  Brigit grabs my shoulder supportively, "why?"


  "I don't have that information. Do you wish to accept?"


  "What do they want?" I ask aggressively.


  Christal shakes her head. "They want nothing."


  I frown and look at Brigit. "It seems fishy."


  "But we need to know the language," Brigit says with wandering eyes.


  "Mom can teach us, though," I say while thinking.


  Brigit looks at Christal and states, "we won't accept any demands in the future. We owe nothing."


  Christal nods, "They can't force you to do anything."


  "They are a god, though. And your information is unreliable," I say with disdain.


  Christal is unaffected by my mean words and replies, "do you wish to refuse?"


  This is tough. It would be great to be able to get a head start but is it really safe? I tighten my ponytail. "Fine, we'll do it."


  My head suddenly thrumbs as if my brain is expanding. I get a killer migraine as I hold my head. As the pain increases, I realize I can now recall strange words.


  "Urg." I hear next to me. Blue flies over crying, "mom, my head hurts."


  Are we all getting the language? That's a lot of points! This seems sketchy.


  After a few more moments of pain, we recover. "hello," I say in Purla.


  Brigit responds, "Hello, I'm Brigit."


  We try out our new language for a bit. Novice seems to give a few simple nouns and action words. Like give me, thank you, here. Enough to survive a vacation but not enough to have a conversation.


  We return home to eat, and when we arrive home, I check my phone, and there is a missed call. I pull up the voice mail and hear Angelique, "Hedone, you need to get a landline for your dungeon. Anyways dad says he'll help. Want to do it Friday?"


  I call back and confirm Friday is fine. I then call mom. After a few rings, mom picks up, "Hello, honey."


  "Hi, mom! How are things going?" I ask happily.


  "I talked to an old associate. She was causing problems, but we talked it out," mom explains.


  "I'm glad things are going well. Here we got novice Purla from the goddess that's supporting me."


  Mom replies happily, "she must have had a change of heart."


  A change of heart? "What do you mean?"


  "Well, she," mom begins but is cut off.


  "Dikê, what an unpleasant surprise," a woman says.


  Mom responds with a voice that's an octave lower than usual, "Justitia, what brings you here?"


  Justitia laughs, "Hohoho. I heard rumors that a disgrace was back in town. You caused a lot of trouble when you left. But now things are even better with me in charge."


  "I'm glad things are going well," mom states.


  "I can't believe you were so dumb, to." I hear, but then the phone cuts off.


  I frown. I hope everything is alright. Brigit comes in from her room and asks, "what's wrong?"


  "I was talking to mom, then someone interrupted us," I explain.


  "Mom can take care of herself. The real question is, what are we going to eat?" Brigit lazily says.


  "I don't want to make anything," I say lazily.


  Brigit grabs my arm and suggests, "should we go out and eat?"


  "Are you sure you can drive? It's quite a ways to a restaurant," I question.


  Brigit shrugs. "I guess we can just eat your cum?"


  "Let's get delivery," I say, giving Brigit a playful nudge.


  "I don't mind, but is there someone who delivers out here?"


  "Maybe?" I look up the major pizza shops and find one that says it'll deliver here. "We're just in range."


  We eat then Brigit goes and works on her dolls while I watch movies lazily.


Added 250 points for the tickling fun. I've decided to take a week off and getting ahead. This will help keep things consistently releasing for you and allow me to make sure things come out better.
Thanks for reading!

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