Lesbian Dungeon Mistress 18+

31 Training and a Visitor

  We return home, and I check my points. Fifteen more. Dungeon points: 89. I guess the toys helped. I go to bed after taking my third shower and upping my sensitivity.


Saturday Dungeon points: 55


  We continue masturbation sessions and abduction. Eight points, nine points dungeon points 72 – 34 Sunday 38. Today I decide we need to abduct more people, so we kidnap three. I leave that to Blue and head to the gun range with the family.


  We leave the car and walk into a small building. There they have all kinds of guns. The cashier, a young man, stands behind the counter. We walk up, and mom says, "we have a self-defense training scheduled for Nemesis."


  The young man looks at a clipboard. "Ah, yeah. Jonah is waiting for you. Do you need to rent anything?" I guess you can rent weapons to try out.


  Mom shakes her head. "No, thank you."


  "Alright, you're in range three," the man behind the counter says, pointing out to the left.


  We enter to see a man without a shirt. He's muscular and has a visible six-pack. He has four round scars, three around his stomach and one on his right shoulder.


  He looks over with a smile and jogs over to us. "The Nemesis family?" he questions while extending his hand to mom.


  They shake as mom responds, "that's correct. I'm Dikê." Mom gesture's to Brigit. "This is Brigit, my oldest." Jonah shakes Brigit's hand, then moves to me as mom introduces me, "this is Hedone."


  "It's nice to meet all of you. You may think it unprofessional of me to arrive without a shirt on. However, I always do this for people new to self-defense. I used to do MMA, and I was pretty good at it. But when I ran into thugs with weapons, I was the same as any other person," Jonah explains while pointing to his gunshot wounds.


  Jonah continues his lecture for a while. He explains safety while training and what we will be doing. We then move to practice. There are a few dummies placed in the range. "Let's start with your pepper spray. It is important to have a feel for grabbing it. If you spray yourself you're dead. So like with all weapons, you must practice until you do it correctly on instinct."


  We practice for a few hours as Jonah helps us use them better. The key takeaways are: Pepper Spray be prepared for blowback and use in confined spaces. Taser needs to get into the skin, so armored enemies are dangerous. Surprisingly, stun guns are close range; thus, he taught us how to attack from different grapples.


  We gain 32 points putting me at 70.


  Monday Dungeon points 34. Today I finish my run and go to the dungeon with Brigit again. I can't keep abducting people like this, or I'll get in serious trouble. I worry as we enter the dungeon.


  Blue flies over to me as we begin to settle in. "Mom, that woman is back."


  "That woman?" I ask as I shake my head in confusion.


  "Yeah, from below," Blue states as she zips around.


  "Oh, that peasant woman? What is she doing?" I question this hyper fairy.


  "She's just standing there saying something. But I don't understand," Blue explains with her hands out and her head shaking exaggeratedly.


  I look over at Brigit and say, "I guess we should go check. Come on, slimes." The slimes are all pink now. They slide around us as we go downstairs.


  I look at the woman who runs towards us as we enter. She is just as grimy as I remember, but she seems a bit healthier. That may be because she hasn't been under aphrodisiac for ten hours, though. As the woman nears me, the slimes block her.


  "hilejlm gojw lsijh," she spouts at us, but I can only shrug.


  "What do you think, Brigit?"


  "I think she wants something," Brigit says while crossing her hands under her chest. They bounce at the sudden support.


  "Do you think she enjoyed the aphrodisiac so much she came back?"


  Brigit laughs, "I doubt it. She's not us."


  Blue lands on my head. "Mom, she probably wants your juices. They are yummy."


  That could be. I walk upstairs, where we've gathered dozens of old water bottles filled with my cum. I take one and return. The woman speaks excitedly when she sees the bottle, so it must be what she wants.


  "I guess you were right, Blue. I don't know why people would want my cum, though. I mean, it does taste good…"


  Brigit shakes her head, "I mean, you can live off it. So I think for someone just getting by, it's pretty great. We could end world hunger if we farmed you."


  "I wouldn't mind helping people, but I'd rather be on top," I retort. I do note that we can create a livestock system in the future.


  "I think we can get more points if we touch her, but I don't want to," Brigit says with a bitter smile.


  "That's true. With the abductions, we aren't able to participate. Should we bath her first?"


  Brigit frowns. "Taking her to the other side seems dangerous."


  "Yeah, I guess we can just use the toys," I give up. I don't want to touch her either. I can smell her from here, after all.


  I tighten my ponytail and throw the bottle to a slime. "Aphrodisiac her and then feed her my cum," I order. "Let's go get the toys," I say to Brigit.


  "Alright," Brigit says, following me. As we head up, I hear her squeal at the sudden attack. Then panting and the universal moans of a horny woman.


  We return with the toys and lay them down. "We'll have to wash them extra well after this," I say with a sigh.


  "We can just throw them out and get new ones," Brigit replies.


  "Maybe we could have the slimes eat all the grime off her?" I question.


  Brigit looks at the woman writhing on the floor. Brigit's mouth is a thin line across her face. "I don't think we should. Remember the stars. We may end up with them eating her. I don't want to see that."


  I feel my stomach turn at the thought. "Alright, that was a dumb idea."


  I point to the slimes and command, "hold her down." The slimes follow my command and hold the woman by her four limbs. I walk over and reach under her shirt. Gross, gross, gross, gross. I try to ignore the grime as I attach nipple vibrators to the flat woman.


  At least I don't have to go for the bottom. I hear Brigit gag as she puts in a vibrating dildo quickly. I wanted to use more than that. But it's truly disgusting, so let's forget it.


  As she writhes in pleasure on the floor, we return home and get into the shower together. Usually, I would think hot. But this one time, we don't have any thoughts of sex, only scrubbing.


Sorry the release is late. I added to It's Common that Dikê had a gift near the beginning and her giving the weapons in Aliens. I'd always meant to but I forgot. Now people are going to say that I added it in after the fact even though it's what I always wanted. Uhg. This is the start of more dungeon focus now that everything on the home front is laid out.

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