Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 52 – We Will Be Reunited: A Guardian Fairy

— Leon Greyrat —

After getting our tent set up, feeding our two horses, and waiting for the other group to complete their own preparations for the night, it was then that the affairs concerning the dead were to be completed.

The atmosphere was sober, which was exactly what you would expect from a funeral.

Princess Ariel said some sweet words along with a Millis prayer, promising to fulfill her ambition they fought for, and then they were buried with earth magic.

Quite simple, especially for a princess’ retinue, but considering their situation, there was nothing else they could do.

Throughout the ceremony, I couldn’t help but notice the silver-haired girl with black glasses casting her gaze my way.

Come to think of it… she had been looking at me even before then.

Was she… suspicious of me?

She was a guard, after all, though it seemed she wasn’t one for words, since I had yet to hear her speak, so perhaps this was her way of showing her discontent?

I was unsure.

But I had also found my eyes drifting towards her.

Initially, it was because of her odd mana, but then, it was because she looked… somewhat familiar. 

And the more I looked at her, the more familiar she felt.

Ah, but I should stop looking at other girls with Eris right beside me, right?

I was a loyal lover, after all.

Anyway, with night befalling the forest, and both of our camps prepared for the night, I then went to meet with Ariel in her carriage, which also seemed to double as her sleeping quarters for her journey.

Which led us to now.

I decided to have Norn and Aisha stay in the tent, not only because they were sleepy, but also in case any of the discussion became… unpleasant.

“I’d like to thank you once again for your assistance,” Ariel said, sitting on her bed. “And while I do know your name, Leon Greyrat, may I ask who is standing beside you?”

Eris, who was standing beside me, crossed her arms. 

“Eris. Eris Greyrat.”

A flash of recognition danced across Ariel’s eyes.

I wonder… did she remember Eris as she is, or rather was, a noble of the kingdom? 

Or was it from something else?

“I see,” Ariel nodded to her right. “And as for these two, this is my guardian mage, Fitz.”

The silver-haired girl, who had been staring at me for a while now, jolted upright before performing a small bow.

So… Fitz, then. An odd name.

Hmm… throughout my time around their group, while it was short, I had still yet to hear her speak…

Was she affected by her comrades’ deaths that much?

It didn’t seem that way, though.

And those ears… was she an elf?

I hadn’t seen any elves outside the Millis Continent except for Elinalise, Laws, and… Sylphy, but she was quite an impressive mix of races, if I remember correctly.

Looking to her left, Ariel continued, “And this here is my knight.”

“Luke Notos Greyrat,” the young man who looked similar to Paul said, smiling as he performed a bow. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

…I had a feeling he was saying that to Eris specifically, but I decided to ignore that for now.

“Well, now that we’re all familiar, I suppose I should ask once again,” Ariel said. “Will you help guard us until we reach our intended location?”

“That depends…” I said, raising my eyebrow. “Where is this ‘intended location’?”

After all, even if she was my chance to know more about Sylphy, if she wasn’t on our intended path, then guarding her was completely out of the question.

“The magical city of Sharia,” Ariel answered smoothly. “For I am to become a student of the Ranoa University of Magic.”

Well, would you look at that?

We were heading to the same place.


“…Look, I don’t have anything against guarding you in principle, especially since we’re going to Sharia,” I said, sighing as I looked out of the carriage’s window, towards our tent. “…But I can’t just risk my sisters’ lives like that.”

Ariel nodded, “I understand, that is why I offered a reward as well-”

“I don’t need any damn reward,” I interrupted her.

Haa… dammit.

I really didn’t want to end up guarding these people but… I just couldn’t stop my curiosity.

“Instead… I need to ask if you know of someone.”

Ariel smiled at me, urging me her eyes to continue.

Was she expecting something like this?

It felt that way.

Fucking cunning nobles…

“I know from… sources, that she was in the royal palace as of two and a half years ago, and I planned to search for her after dealing with things here, but… do you know a Sylphy?”

Fitz jolted upright, her mouth widening in surprise as Ariel’s smile deepened.

Even Luke’s lips were curling up.

Did they actually know her?

“She may go by Sylphiette,” I continued, their reactions spurring me on with a feeling of hope. “And, let’s see… she’s good at magic, can cast spells silently, has the prettiest hair, and is super cute-”

I was interrupted by Eris elbowing my side, looking at me with a pout full of disappointment and jealousy.

Well… I guess I deserved that, but I needed to get the point across.

Mouthing a ‘sorry’, I returned my gaze to Ariel, only to see that she was looking at Fitz with a wide grin while the silver-haired girl in question was… covering her blushing cheeks with her hands.


What was going on here?

Wait… the feeling of familiarity… those ears… her silent spellcasting.

“Leon and Eris Greyrat,” Ariel said firmly as she looked back at us with a serious expression, her previous smile removed from her face. “I will allow you into a close secret of mine, but it is important that this is not revealed to anyone else. Understood?”

I felt an odd sort of pressure descends around the room at her words.

It wasn’t the pressure from the strong.

I could cut her down in an instant if I wished, either by a wind blade or my sword, but nevertheless… I still felt a pressure.

Was this… charisma?

It seems Philip wasn’t the only person with a terrifying tongue around.

Meeting her gaze, I nodded seriously, and pinching Eris’ side, I made sure she did as well.

“Good,” Ariel nodded. “You can take those off now… Sylphy.”

Eris’ eyes widened at the name as Fitz removed her glasses, revealing a pair of familiar red eyes as she stared at us with a small smile.

“Sylphy…” I whispered, stunned. 

Quickly overcoming my initial surprise, my lips curled into a wide smile.

She was right here… but what the hell was with her hair?

But she was safe… thank goodness.

Sylphy’s lower lip trembled as her eyes became watery, and a second later, she dashed towards us, jumping into Eris and I’s arms.

Ah… and now she was crying.

“Leon! Eris!” she sobbed, hugging us closer. “I… I missed you!”

“I’m here… It’s okay,” I said, patting her back.

I was glad.

So, very, immensely glad that she was alright.

Out of all the people I needed to get for everyone to be together, Sylphy was who I was expecting to cause the most problems.

After all, for her to be in the royal palace, either she was captured by royalty or a high noble after her teleportation, or she had been teleported directly into the palace.

Both situations would be troublesome.

But here she was… right in front of me…

“I… missed you too,” I said, resting her chin on my shoulder as I patted the back of her head. “I really did…”

Eris, having gotten over her shock, also wrapped her arms around Sylphy, returning the hug as she lightly patted her back.

“I… missed you too… obviously…” Eris mumbled.

Right, these two were quite close back then.

After all, in terms of friends who were girls… they only had each other.

But Eris had grown, becoming close friends with Minitona and Tersena during our time in the Great Forest, and Sylphy…

I then looked over at Ariel, who was watching the scene with a soft smile, alongside Luke, who was simply nodding with a content expression.

…It seems like Sylphy had grown as well.

I’m glad. 

And if Ariel was able to protect Sylphy from the terrors of the royal palace, I’d have to thank her.

“I can’t believe I met you so soon, Sylphy,” I muttered, gently stroking Sylphy’s hair to calm her down.

Wiping off the last of her tears, Sylphy separated from us enough to look up at me, giving me a sweet smile.

“Yes, it’s me… Sylphy. Your Sylphy,” she said happily.

‘My Sylphy’?

Okay, maybe Ariel didn’t protect her from everything.

She accentuated her point by staring into my eyes as her cheeks gained a faint blush, telling me that those words meant everything they implied.

Dammit, Sylphy… just what did that perverted royal palace do to you?

Well, at least that answers the question of if she still liked me.

I was glad, definitely, and there was a certain ring with a green gemstone burning a hole in my pocket, but…

I was still hesitant.

After all, we had been separated for three and a half years now, and the last time we met, she was only nine years old.

A child. 

And a child with a childish crush.

She was thirteen now, if I remembered her birthday correctly, but was that enough time for her feelings to change into love?

With maturity, and my advancement with Eris, I know mine had, but was she able to grow the same way?

I didn’t know.

And who’s to say her tastes haven’t changed since then?

Or what if I myself had changed into someone too different from the Leon she had initially adored?

I told Eris when we first made love, and again when I placed that ring on her finger, that she was mine and mine alone.

Trapped by the love of yours truly, the selfish and greedy King-ranked swordsman.

So, until I knew that Sylphy would be happy in such an agreement… I would have to hold off. 

For both of our sakes.

Besides… would there be any trouble regarding Ariel, the person Sylphy was apparently protecting?

I then looked back at the princess’ face, which was plastered with the same smile throughout our interaction.

In fact, that smile had been there throughout the entire time I had been in her presence.

“Is there something wrong, Leon?” the princess asked, tilting her head.

“…No,” I said, looking back down at Sylphy.

I didn’t like how easily she threw away her subordinates’ lives, especially the one who had acted as her double.

I could understand that for someone weak, that was the only way to survive, but… it still left a bad taste in my mouth.

And then… there was her smile.

It was a nice smile, especially on the face of such an objectively beautiful girl, but it still felt… odd.

Almost like a facade.

I wouldn’t have been able to notice it before, but after seeing Philip’s real smile upon our visit to Roa, I was now able to see it clear as day.

It was her eyes.

And considering how she complained about how ‘irritating’ the princess seemed when we set up our tent, I could tell Eris felt something odd about her as well.

For her, it was probably just instincts, but I was still proud that she could spot the difference as well.

“How glad I am to see close friends reunited,” Ariel said, nodding to herself in satisfaction. “I had heard of you two from her before, but… your strength is quite amazing. Especially considering how young you are.”

Hmm… the princess seemed a lot more confident now.

And that glint in her eyes… it was as if she was trying to evaluate my value, and whether she could ‘obtain’ me.

Was she going to use my connection to Sylphy as leverage?

It’s a shame because that would probably work, but… what would stop me from just taking her away?

While I wasn’t one to brag about my abilities, I should at least ensure she knows to not mess with my family.

“…Yeah, you could say that,” I said. “Officially, I have been given the status of Sword Saint and Water Saint…”

Her eyes only glittered in slight surprise, as if she was expecting that. 

She had likely heard about my strength from Sylphy, but was only now able to confirm it.

“…And recently, I have been told I can call myself a King-ranked swordsman.”

That seemed to get her surprise. 


“And Eris here is quite good with a sword herself, recently becoming a Sword Saint,” I said, my hold around Sylphy in front of me tightening as I stared forward. “So yes… you can say we’re quite strong.”

Ariel quickly regained her composure, forcing her lips to spread in that same smile.

“I understand,” she nodded. 

Did she?

I didn’t know, but I released my hold on Sylphy anyway, letting her hesitantly return to Ariel’s side with flushed cheeks.

Well, with that somewhat dealt with, I then looked over to Luke, who had been staring at Eris throughout this whole meeting, but even more intently since I revealed her prowess as a Sword Saint.

Wait… were his cheeks red?

Oh, for fuck's sake…

Well, this wasn’t the first man Eris had unintentionally charmed, and he was surely to be the last.

And I knew from experience that I might as well deal with this problem before it devolved into anything more.

Eris was mine, after all.

Others should know to back off.

Wrapping my arm around Eris’ waist, I narrowed my eyes at the man as I pulled her close.

“So yes, while we’re strong, I don’t want my family fighting unnecessary battles, or my sisters getting put in danger.”

Seeing the surprise on Luke’s face, he seemed to have taken the hint, and looking over at Sylphy, I realized that she had understood as well, her eyes turning down in sadness.

Ah, shit… I should have talked to her first.

Ariel, whose expression had turned troubled, glanced at Sylphy before turning back to us.

“I understand your hesitance,” she said calmly as she bowed her head. “Then, for now, I will give you my utmost thanks for rescuing us, and I will ask that we reconvene in the morning.”

With Luke quickly going to open the door with a sour face, I went to follow Eris back to the tent, but not before looking back at Sylphy one last time.

Her ears were drooping slightly, alongside her head, and I could see the tears welling in her eyes, threatening to break out.

She… shouldn’t look that sad.

We had finally reunited, after all, and I still held feelings for her. 

Immense feelings.

Leaving things on such a sad note, simply because of a dumb misunderstanding, and not revealing the ‘agreement’ of Eris and I’s relationship… that would be unacceptable.

So, briskly walking over to the downtrodden Sylphy, I wrapped my arms around her in an embrace.

“Huh!?” she squeaked. “L-Leon?”


I needed to tell her my feelings.

“Sylphy…” I whispered in her ear. “I missed you, and…”


I didn’t want to spur on her feelings like this when my concerns about her feelings and maturity remained, but… I couldn’t leave it like this.

So… when in doubt, it was always better to be sincere, right?

“…I love you.” 

Her body, still held in my arms, jolted.

“So… let’s talk more tomorrow, okay?” I said, letting her go.

Receiving a slow, shy nod from her wide-eyed form, I took my leave out of the carriage, joining back up with Eris.

Well… today was certainly a surprise, but definitely a welcome one.

Who would have thought I would be able to meet my sweet childhood friend in the middle of our travels?

Even if some troublesome things might happen from it, and our pace was surely to be delayed… I was quite lucky.

— Sylphiette —

“Well… that could have gone better,” Ariel said, releasing her mask as her cheeks slackened. “To think that he would be so steadfast… your childhood sweetheart is quite interesting, Sylphy.”

With my name being called, I quickly shook off the haze that had been clouding my mind.

Placing my hand over my chest, I took a few deep breaths as I felt my rapidly beating heart calm.

“Y-Yeah… he is,” I nodded.

When I first understood that Eris and Leon were together like that, I was distraught.

My dream of a home, of starting a family with the one I loved… the dream that always kept me going… it was shattered before it could even begin.

How cruel.

But then, not a minute later, Leon held me closely, telling me the words I had always wanted to hear from his mouth.

‘I love you.’

Just remembering them sent a shiver down my spine.

But… was it in the way I thought of it?

The way I hoped for?

What if it was a love someone feels for a friend or a sister?

And if it truly was the love I sought… what about Eris?

I… loved her too. As a friend, of course.

So… what would happen? Would she be cast aside?

The thought left a truly bitter taste in my mouth.

What did Leon want? What did I want?

It was all very confusing.

“That aside… Sylphy,” Ariel said, looking at me with a stern face. “I understand your feelings, and we can talk about that later, but I want to know more about Leon Greyrat. And Eris Greyrat as well, if you can.”

Getting control of my emotions, I regained my composure as I told her everything I knew about the two.

Perhaps, some would see this as betrayal, but I knew who Ariel Anemoi Asura was.

She was my friend.

And as long as one wasn’t her enemy, she was kind.

She might want to gain Leon on her side after this… actually, knowing her, I knew that was what she was going for, and I knew that through me, she was hoping to possess some information to do so.

But I knew that it wasn’t a bad thing.

And… selfishly… I wanted her to win him over… so I could stay with him.

So I told her.

About our childhood in Buena Village, his genius in the art of magic, how he taught me everything alongside his brother, how he became an Advanced-rank swordsman at the age of eight, and a Sword Saint shortly after… I told her everything.

Everything up to that terrible day when we were separated.

I had said some things here and there, but this time was thorough, with Ariel asking questions whenever there was something she was confused about.

“…He seems quite amazing,” Ariel said after everything was over.

“He is!” I said proudly before shirking back. “I mean… yes, you could say that.”

Smirking at my embarrassment, Ariel continued, “If I hadn’t seen him with my own eyes, I would call your story a fairy tale. But alas… he is quite talented. And handsome too.”

I felt a pang of anxiety at that.

The princess wouldn’t… feel that way about him… right?

But Leon was amazing… and he was handsome…

Uuu~ I knew it was bad for those two to meet!

Narrowing her eyes, Ariel turned to face me.

“So? In your opinion, is there any way to get him on our side?”

Frowning, I slowly shook my head.

As much as I truly wished for Leon to be by my side… that was simply not like him.

“Leon, he… he always didn’t like politics, and when he was forced to when he was in Roa, he always made sure to keep his family out of it. So it’s… well…”

“Unlikely,” Ariel finished, releasing a sigh. “And to think I had found the first person that could give us a fighting chance against my brother’s forces, and he hates everything about nobility… Though considering our current situation, I don’t blame him.”

She then massaged her temples, as if trying to relieve a headache, before Luke spoke up.

“Do you think… he’s with the Boreas family?” he said, rubbing his chin in thought. “While they ended up being quite a useful distraction, they were originally our enemies before the Displacement Incident.”

“But the Boreas family as he knew it has been deposed,” Ariel said with a raised eyebrow.

“Perhaps he is helping them regain their titles?” Luke said. “After all, wouldn’t that Eris Greyrat be an acceptable heir? He could be trying to take over the family.”

“Hmm… do you think so, Sylphy?” Ariel asked, turning to me.

“No… unless he’s changed, that doesn’t sound like Leon,” I said, shaking my head. “For the Boreas… he would probably help them survive, but not with anything concerning nobility. And Eris… he wouldn’t marry her for power.”

It hurt my heart to say that, but it was true.

After all, I had seen the flush on my friend’s cheeks as Leon pulled her close, as well as the familiarity at which he did so.

Not even mentioning the warmth with which they spoke each other’s names, the obvious trust they shared, and the fact that they were sharing a tent-!

“Sylphy,” Ariel said softly, interrupting my train of thought.

Ah… I was getting irritated.

“S-Sorry,” I bowed my head. “But… no. Leon is likely not involved in politics. I can ask him tomorrow if you’re worried about it.”

Ariel nodded her head. “That would be wonderful, Sylphy.”

Stretching her back, she slowly let out a yawn, “Huam~ Well, after such an eventful day, I think it’s time to get some rest, don’t you think?”

Luke bowed respectfully, “Of course, my lady.”

“And Luke?” she said, narrowing her eyes. “Don’t sneak into Misha’s tent, okay? I doubt she’s in the mood for those activities after today, no matter how much you try to convince her.”

He waved off her concern, “Of course. I am a gentleman, after all.”

I watched with a blank stare as he exited the carriage.

While Luke Notos Greyrat was a friend of mine, and many considered him to be handsome, he was what I would call an ‘enemy of all women’. 

The complete opposite of a gentleman.

Was that… something in the Greyrat blood?

Did I have to worry about more than just Eris with Leon?

No… he was adopted, right? So I should be okay…

Shaking my head, I then got up to follow him.

“Ah, Sylphy,” Ariel said, reaching for my hand. “Will you stay with me tonight? We do have some stuff to talk about, after all.”

Ah… right.

With Ariel pulling me to sit back down on the bed, I averted my eyes as the princess undressed herself, changing into her nightgown as she began speaking to me.

“So… it seems that Eris and Leon are together,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Y-Yes…” I responded, that feeling of worry returning in full force.

“And I don’t know if you noticed, but they were both wearing matching rings,” she continued. “Ah, and can you undo my bra for me?”

They were… weren’t they?

Following the princess’ request, I swallowed down the lump that had formed in my throat.

Leon and Eris… were they… married?

I know that they’re already sleeping together… and if that’s the case…

“Just how far have they gone…” I whispered.

Ariel gave me an apologetic smile before turning off the lamp and crawling into the bed.

“Here, let’s talk about it,” she said, patting beside her. “Just like when you had nightmares.”

Getting under the covers to join the princess, I let her hands wrap around my waist as she pulled me closer, resting her head atop of mine as I faced away from her.

“Now… I’m guessing you are still in love with Leon?” she asked.

“Yes… more than anything,” I said, nodding slightly. “But…”

“He already has Eris,” she finished for me, squeezing me slightly.

Ah… I wanted to cry.

Just how far have they gone? 

And, more importantly… would they leave me behind?

Leon said that he loved me, and I believe him, but what kind of love was it?

And to what extent?

If it wasn’t the romantic type of love… could I turn it into that?

And what about Eris?

Would I want to hurt her like that?

Would I be able to?

She was much more… mature than me, especially in the breast department.

Maybe Leon liked that more?

He obviously would.

Even Luke said he could feel no attraction to me, so why would Leon when he’s already promised to-

“Sylphy,” Ariel calmly whispered, running her hand through my hair. “Let’s calm down for now, and think about this rationally.”

With her words breaking me out of my depressing chain of thoughts, I brought a pillow closer to me to squeeze as I basked in the princess’ gentle touch.

“…Are you worried?” she asked softly.

I nodded, not trusting myself to talk without releasing the floodgates of my tears.

“About what?” she continued.

“…W-What if Leon doesn’t want me?” I said, my voice wobbly. “And… he already has Eris, so…”

Ariel tightened her hold on me.

“While I am not an expert on romance, especially regarding men, I am quite good at reading people,” she said. “And Leon… the way he looked at you… that wasn’t the way someone looks at a friend.”

“R-Really?” I asked, turning to her. 

Despite my best efforts, I felt a warmth blossom within my heart.

A warmth of hope.

If Leon was looking at me as a woman, then… could my dream become a reality?

“Well… I can’t be sure,” she said, sighing softly. “But even if he’s not… we can just make him fall in love with you.”

My eyes widened before I suddenly looked away from the princess’ blue eyes.

“H-How? When I’m like this…” I said, looking down at my childish body.

Remembering how pretty Eris looked, and how she had truly grown into a woman, I felt another pang of jealousy.

How round her rear was, how defined her breasts were, even covered by her coat, and then her strong yet soft-looking thighs… how could I compare to that?

“You’re cute, Sylphy. Even if that Luke can’t see it, I’m sure Leon can,” she said, kissing my nose. “And for how we do it… well, we’ll just have to scheme him into your grasp.”

I looked back at her, seeing her lips quirked up in a confident smirk.

“Let’s consider it practice for when I plan to take over the royal palace.”

We stared into each other’s eyes for a moment before simultaneously breaking into a fit of giggles.

Ariel… she really was so kind.

I was really glad to have her as a friend.

Calming down from the hysterics, I once again voiced the other concern that was plaguing my brain. 

“But… what about Eris? If they’re together… I don’t want her to hate me… and I don’t want her to be left all alone…” I mumbled.

“Right, she was your friend too,” Ariel nodded. “But… who says he can only have one wife?”

I tilted my head. “You mean…?”

“You becoming his wife alongside Eris, is what I mean,” she said. “After all, my father had many concubines. Though I doubt you want such a relationship with him.”

I narrowed my eyes in thought and a bit of frustration.

In my dreams, there was never another person.

Eris was there, sure, but she was always a close friend of ours, nothing like a wife.

And even though if a few of my more ‘exciting’ dreams had both Leon and her together… that was just fantasy, spurred on by the princess’ overenthusiastic descriptions of her conquests.

But considering how close those two are… this might be the only option.

But it’s still frustrating!

“Just think about it, okay?” Ariel said, closing her eyes. “You have tomorrow to talk to your long-lost lover. There’s no need to make any tough choices right now.”

Nodding my head, I turned around, snuggling under the covers.

“Thank you… Ariel,” I said as I closed my eyes.

She squeezed me tighter.

Hopefully… things will work out tomorrow.

After dreaming of meeting Leon for so long… I didn’t want to let him go now.

Especially not if he truly loved me in the way I hoped for.

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