Leisurely Beast World: Plant Some Fields, Have Some Cubs

Chapter 1630

Question 1630

Yin buried the heads of An An and Lan Ze together, so she should be happier.

There was no tombstone in the sea, but silver still pressed a flat boulder on top to prevent the body from being turned over by fish.

The silver mermaid leaned on the stone and gently stroked the stone. His movements were as gentle as touching his beloved one. The cold eyes continued to gather water marks and fell one by one.

He really regretted it, because he interrupted the development of the family’s prosperity, although the little female can let them repeat the prosperity, but the female who always loves to bite him will not appear.

From small to large, he turned around her, in order to get closer to her, he worked hard, rushed to the forefront of the fish, and won the opportunity to contact her.

When he was young, his opponent was a fellow.After growing up, the opponent changed to a father.

Both stages went smoothly, but he did not expect his success but killed her.

He resented in his heart, but he didn’t know who to hate, if he wanted to hate, he could only hate himself.

Quiet and deadly around.

Yin leaned his head to his left hand, and the index fingernails that had not yet fully grown reminded him of the cruel facts.The nails shone with a sharp cold light, which could easily cut the body of the prey, and also cut his own throat.

He really wanted to stop himself altogether and end his painful life.

“Boss, the female is running nose, what should I do?”

A mermaid swam carefully to the neighborhood, interrupting Yin’s thoughts.

Silver dropped his hand and swam the fish tail to swim past.

“It should be cold. Change her thicker clothes.” Yinyan Tong was still covered with bloodshot eyes, and his expression had returned to the coldness and alienation of the past.

He still has a family to manage, and if he kills the leader, he will be responsible for the family.

There are many mermaid families in the sea, at least four beasts must sit in town, otherwise they will be hunted and enslaved.

The silver head left without returning, leaving only a grain of tears in the graveyard.

The world in the deep sea is day and night, but after the sun sets, the temperature will still be lower.

Souls that have lost their physical confinement are more likely to condense in the cold environment. The bottom of the boulder and the sandy ground dotted with transparent beads slowly emit a ray of white light.

It turned around in place and seemed to be looking at its body.

Similar to what I saw before, it also emits white light, but it feels different again.

An An thought to himself that his attention extended to the surrounding waters.

The sea floor without beads of light was so dark that she could not reach her fingers, but she could see clearly now, and the world was almost the same, but there were many more beautiful moving things.

Blue fish, yellow fish, colorful fish … they have no roots of plants, swimming in the water, An An looked at the novelty.

At the same time, she was a bit puzzled. She used to look at the sea, so things going east and west are glowing objects. How come the light is gone?She was still glowing herself.

Just as she was about to swim far away, a sudden burst of powerful energy came behind her.

An An turned around, okay, there was no perspective constraint on the soul, she actually just shifted her will power to the back and saw something behind her.

“An An …” Lan Ze was still alive when he was alive. Unlike a female, his powerful energy was enough for the living to see his appearance. However, in the eyes of the soul, An An was also the appearance of his life.

She is still beautiful and fragile.

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