Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Side S. 1) Procedure & Protocol

Quick introduction to my formating in case you are unfamiliar with it. This is how I handle a different PoV in first person. At the start of the chapter, we get to see the character's name in quotations. Like so: «Name» 

It's a side-story so that everyone can relax (including me).



“Dad, are you leaving already?” Oh my. 

“What are you doing awake at this hour Lily?” 

“I wanted to see you off…” My.

“Such a wonderful daughter.” 


I firmly hugged her under my chest as I caressed her head, she kept me going, she was my reason, I wanted to protect her at all costs. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t have become a guard in the first place. I needed to protect her. Everything that I had built needed a solid foundation. 


She separated herself from me and looked at me directly in the eyes with sadness. 


“Say, when can I see mom?” 

“Lily, you… already know…” Why did she have to bring it up just before work? 

“Yeah, but… I want to see her…” I bit my lip in pain like always...

“You already know,” I swallowed with bitterness. “she is dead…”


I attempted to look into her eyes, but she just averted her gaze. Although I was just being selfish, I wanted to see those eyes of hers, just as captivating as Laura’s. I knew it wasn't the right time, nor the right place. But I just needed something... comfort...


“Then… can I at least… know about her?”

“No, Lily…” She already knew everything she needed to know. 

“I hate you…” She said as she touched the sides of her head and tried to cover her eyes. I didn't blame her.

“I know…” I took her under my grasp once again. I had made mistakes over my life, but further mistakes were unforgivable.


There was nothing but silence for a few seconds.


“Dad… why are things like this?” She asked the same question as always.

“Because that’s just how things are here, maybe it will change in the future, maybe it’s different somewhere else. In a faraway kingdom, on a different nation…” Although, it was nothing but a fever-dream...

“You always avoid answering…” She dug her face into my chest. "Why... Why, why, why, why! Do you insist on always being like that!" She started crying. It tore my apart every time it happened. 


“I am sorry…” Lily, I am sure someday, you will understand this stupid father of yours… Just hold on until then… 


Sometimes I would wonder how long would I be able to keep the facade going? How long until I would lose it in front of Lily? 


It’s been a week and I keep thinking about it… So much for following the protocol. The look in her eyes was something I will never forget. She seemed hurt, I thought monsters couldn’t feel, but now looking back. Maybe— No, that didn't matter. I should at least I should do something for Lily...


“I will make it up to you, I promise,” I spoke to her in a soft tone. Lily was frozen for a second and then she started to tremble. The only reply I received was her hug getting tighter, and that was more than enough to keep me happy. 


I finally separated myself from her, although I was reluctant to do so. “Lily, go back to sleep… I will be back by mid-day.” I told her with a fake tone of reassurance. “I will be going…”

I headed towards the door and opened it, there was no need for goodbyes, or rather, she never gave me one. 


“Dad…” She called out to me once again.

“Yes?” I looked back at her, she was smiling as she wiped her eyes.

“You don’t need to promise anything, you are already more than enough!” She said as she attempted not to cry.

“Thanks…” My nose got really itchy. “Go back to sleep…” I left the house and closed the door. I was breathing heavily and my heart was rushing. 


Finding a place to sit I looked at the ground and started to tear up on the spot. How pathetic, for a man to cry, a guard out of all things. Look how much I have fallen… But I was glad. 


“Did it ever happen before?” I continued to weep under the early morning's light, it was the first time in which she actually told me I was enough. I felt glad, I felt accomplished, ever since I can remember she always asked about her mom. I always shared some information but there were things I simply could not say, things I could not explain to her. I was glad I was getting somewhere… 


“Thank you…” I didn't know if I was thanking Lily, if I was thanking myself for not giving up. But I felt like I had to thank someone...


* * * 


I continued to think about things for what felt like forever, although truthfully speaking only a few minutes had passed. I stood up, wearing my basic leather clothing kit. Sadly I didn’t get to take the armor home, it was something expensive that belonged to the town. I still had to get to work and report.


For some reason since that happened I had been feeling slightly melancholic, that situation felt familiar and at the same time, depressing. Even though I didn't really understand what the entirety of the tablet was saying, I did get to see a few parts. It was bad and borderline unbelievable. 


“Although, seeing a core in their natural state is unheard of… a core having a different stage was something unthinkable in the first place.” I muttered my assumptions. 


There was this old tale about a core meeting a human and that’s how kin came about. Which makes them tainted with the darkness of the world. But, again, a core was a giant rock. Not a being… I wonder… did she turn into a fully-fledged core? Thinking back, she did not pose any threat at that moment. I felt guilty and sorry every time I relieved that memory in my mind.


“Humans fear the unknown, huh…” Those words came out of my mouth without even having to think about it, words to live by and avoid like the plague, and yet I still did that. 


I absentmindedly walked throughout the city and back to the interior guard post. I heard a few friendly muffled sounds during that time, but I had no idea what they were, I was simply too indulged in my own thoughts to even pay attention. Before I even realized it I was already right in front of the post. 


Without a second thought, I went inside the building and entered work mode. I had to follow protocols for the sake of Lily after-all, no matter how many atrocities I had to commit... Even while in regret, there is always an objective...



Did I think something interesting? Or why did it go off? 



“Hey…” My other coworker greeted me, he was the same as usual. Indifferent. I was feeling a bit under the weather as well as confused. System notifications were kind of rare since it didn't send me a message it was probably a quote. 


I was glad I only had one partner and that was my coworker, due to protocols we were not allowed to share out name. Even though we still looked the same with our armor on… Apparently there were around fifty guard squadrons stationed around the city, all of them composed by two people. 


He walked past me and looked back. “Oh yeah, the captain wants to see you.” He continued on his path. Strange, he never really wanted to see me… he always preferred him… Hmm… Is it because of yesterday? Sigh... here we go...


I steeled myself as I continued walking further into the building and entered his office through the door. Even though it was the early morning he was still working on his paperwork, truly an admirable man. His shiny scalp blinded me for a second. 


“So, you are finally here… Guard…” Good job, naming protocol... Making everything awkward! Either use a number or just a placeholder name! 

“I am here captain…” This is depressing...


The whole naming scheme was stupid, he looked at me as if I was stupid. Of course, the protocols always brought stupid interactions like that. It made me wonder why the town major chose them? I mean, no other surrounding towns used them either... it makes me question... 


“Anyway, you must know why you are here.” I nodded. I saw a vein instantly pop on his forehead. “SLAM! WHY DID YOU LET HER GO?!” Sigh… Here we go… he always had a short-fuse.

“You see cap…” I looked down. Did I really want to get her into trouble? No… all for Lily...“She is a vile monster! I feared for my life, as soon as you left she stared at me with predatory eyes! Revealing her true nature.” Although I was the one revealing my true nature...


He nodded to my explanation, even though I waited for the captain to shout at me. Especially since if one had heard the tale before they would conclude that she posed no threat at that moment, and yet, he never shouted. 


“I see… That’s to be expected, I could not find anything through my research, but she is abnormal… Even if her stats are below average, she has too many attributes I have never seen before. As you said, she is dangerous.” 


Sigh, I guess that does it. “Guard, that’s why I am asking you to find her and kill her!” I really did it this time, I wonder if the captain never heard the tale? Growing up to the tales my mom told me on the farm, maybe it wasn't that common. Well, first things first... 


“Alone?” I asked with fake fear. He nodded and I gulped. It was awful acting but the captain bought it. “I will be leaving immediately.” I exited the door and made my way. My partner was left to guard the entrance as always. Although I did not want to kill her… even if she was now one of those cores...

* * * 


I stood in front of the cave, or the dungeon that had the outbreak. If she was the core then she would naturally be here. A part of me wanted to call out to her, but I knew it was too late already. How many days had passed? 


I gulped and steeled myself to enter the cave. Holding my sword in one hand and venom dust in the other. It was a particularly nasty substance rarely used, however, it was one of the greatest tools in dungeons. 


I continued walking past the bones, there should have been a way to get down somewhere. I found a small path and followed it with uneasiness as I readied myself for any monster to attack me, but that never came. All bones, everything was dead. The next floor had the same…


“I wonder…” With even more uneasiness I continued walking down and finally entered the chamber with my sword ready to strike. It was just like I remembered it being, a small room of death with a lake of acid to the sides. As I scanned my surroundings I realized something.

It was empty… No, it wasn’t empty. “Core blood?” I questioned as I saw some burning liquid scattered about. I looked with confusion, and there were rocks here and there. They were part of a core. But they seemed small, something I had never seen before.


“Who did this?” Or rather, why? Who in their right mind would enter the core chamber after an outbreak? The core dies and gets replaced by a stronger and bigger one. Why would the small core be here but not the big one? That makes no sense… Wait… “Leah…” 


I knew something was wrong with her, but to believe she did not even think of herself as a core. I thought she was hiding it from us and waiting for the right time to kill us… I wonder where she is now?' I questioned myself as I left the dungeon, my job there was done I had no reason to stay there anymore. 


I left the cave, this time with peace of mind. I might never see Leah again, but at least I knew she was a being, not an inhumane monster that had no feelings. I had been wondering about her eyes, after I kicked her out that expression was that of a human, at first I thought it was simply a mistake, or something else. Even if it made me feel bad, I did not think she had feelings. But now I know I was wrong. I felt guilty… for being so selfish… so… inconsiderate. 


“If I ever meet you again, I will make sure to do anything to make up for my mistakes…” I made a promise to myself, I was a person of values. That’s why I did not discriminate, nor cared about the other races. That’s the reason I loved Lily so much, and also the reason I hated the captain so much...


Since my duty was done I returned back to town, it was a peaceful walk even though my conscience felt guilty. 


“How did it go.” My partner asked. It was unusual for him to even ask questions.

“Killed a core, no idea if it was the girl.” I lied with a hint of truth. He nodded and went back to duty. 


Returning to the outpost the captain was waiting there for my report. He urged me to speak with a weird manly nod, the hidden language between all men. No woman I had ever met understood it, something that I found rather mystifying. 


“I killed a core, no idea if it was the girl.” A lie and a hint of truth yet again. 

“I see, well done. Now onto what matters.” He brought both of us to his office. 


Number 39 had always been a quiet person, and this time it wasn’t any different. He wordlessly stood there to my side. 


“I will cut things short, we have possibly found one of the groups of traffickers. Or rather, one of their buyers.” That didn't really matter. "It's the collector... " Our eyes widened, we had been trying to catch the traffickers or a client for quite some time now. But they were good at hiding, and careful with their targets. 



“Glad you ask… Guard no. 40… There was a report regarding the collector, he is doing his job better than ever, but something is amiss. I might dislike them, but we still have to enforce our protocols. Even if it means invading his privacy.” Ha… Although something is weird. 


“That’s rather unusual, wasn't the collector a very meticulous person? Why would he go on to work like that?

“I wonder the same. Anyway, this is our time to strike. However, the supreme chief in command (as I liked to call him; the town major) tasked us to only send a single unit of guards. Or two guards.” Ha… “Guard no. 39 and 40 of Squadron no. 20. Both of you have an impressive track record and have been chosen to carry the duty.” 


““Yessir!”” We set off to raid the mysterious man that was the collector. 

Wait, what's with the sudden timeskip?! It's a sidestory for a reason, I just wanted to throw it early on since i needed a break from writing such bad things for Leah. Even I feel bad about writing it... The two chapters are quite a bit longer than usual, being about 2200+ each. Hope you all enjoy them. o/

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