Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 18) Gearing up (3)

As we all can tell, the mood of the story is kind of light at the moment. It is to imply that there is more to the world than just suffering — Even in this one.

I entered with might and dignity, well not so much. It was hard to not get pushed around, although it was like a shopping mall. So it didn’t feel insanely packed once I walked quite a bit past the entrance. The entrances were often packed with people though. The brick was black and everything was lit by candle chandeliers that hung with golden threads on the surprisingly tall roof. The place was huge. The chandeliers seemed to be finely made with gold as well, the contrast between gold and black gave a rather elegant feeling. Luckily, the floor was white, so it didn't seem like a horror movie. 


I was expecting to feel kind of well... claustrophobic inside. And yet… The place still felt massive in spite of it being just one floor of many. I noticed something, everything was managed by locals. I didn’t quite mean like street vendor style, but like actual rooms with glass showcasing their goods to sell. It was quite weird seeing it like that. The locals were no joke either, and they were at least three to four times the size of my room!


Of course, having absolutely no idea I approached the fanciest local I saw. The one that had glass windows and things made out of some kind of gold metal. It had swords and armors, it seemed like some type of utility shop. The awkwardness to enter was there since I had no idea what I was doing, the last thing I wanted was to look retarded in front of so many people. 


“Oh, if it isn’t a collector! What can I do for you?”


A fat man approached my side, he was wearing well-kept clothes and a super butler-esque suit. Black fabric with a white shirt and buttons that seemed about to pop. His bowtie was impeccable, I had to at least admit that. Credit had to be given somewhere.


“I was looking fo⁠— 

“I see, I see. We all need weapon upgrades after all.” He paced around the open local. “Allow me to show you something.” In awkwardness, I followed him. What was he talking about anyway?


He got close to a sword on the wall and examined it, turned to look at me and then simply shook his head. I was confused by his odd behaviour but he kept looking. He traced alongside the wall and… he stopped at yet another sword, this one seemed shorter and was also gold-plated. 


He pulled out a weird rectangular stone and touched the sword. 


“How does this seem?” He handed me the stone and the sword. I understand the sword, but the stone? 


I tilted my head as I touched the sword, I mean… it was a sword I could carry I suppose. I shrugged and looked at the stone, there was something written on it. 


[Dentrum GOLD sword ⁠— 20% to all damage archetypes.]


It seemed kind of lackluster, I shook my head in disappointment. While I did not want to think of it was lame, it kind of was. I simply shook my head yet again simply from thinking about it a second time.


The buttlery vendor gasped for a second and took the sword and stone back.


“I was actu⁠— 

“Say no more!” He hastily grabbed my arm with his white-gloved hands and pulled me to the very end of the wall, I noticed a door next to it but nothing too special, simple wooden door. The wall on the other hand, while the swords were still just as gold, these ones had fancy ceremonial ornaments with intricate patterns running on their scabbards. 


He pulled the smallest one and touched it with the stone, wordlessly giving it to me. 


[Tritan GOLD sword ⁠— 50% to Cut and Piercing attacks -50% to Blunt type attacks.]


First of all, what was with the names. They all had gold written in capitals, was it the brand or something? Had no idea this world already had brands, that’s rather impressive if I say so myself. I made a quick conclusion with a nod. 


“So?” He anxiously asked I guess he saw me thinking and nodding.

I simply shook my head. “I was l⁠— 

“You are a hard customer…” He said with slight annoyance as he pulled my hand once again and proceeded to open the door next to him. The door was made out of wood, or seemingly looked like it. Until I passed next to it and it was nothing but pure metal with wood covering it as a case. 


Passing the door we were yet in another room, this one wasn’t as spacious but it had small tables with weapons in crystal cases. All of them seemed like some type of masterpiece. As I admired them, the vendor carried my hand around until we finally stood before a sword.


It was about one meter long, the scabbard was made out of white marble with black stripes, it had golden ornaments running along the hilt. The handle seemed to be made out of some type of reptile skin, it also had a piece of red cloth at the pummel. 


He unsheathed it and I gasped in awe, it had blue engravings running all alongside it. The entire blade was covered with engravings, it almost seemed like a legendary weapon of sorts! Was I gonna claim it as my Excalibur or something?


He touched it with the stone and handed me just the stone this time. 


“It’s not like I don’t trust you, but this sword shouldn’t be touched by the customer until its sale. Policy.” I nodded as I glanced at the stone. 


[GOLD Murakuzani RP ⁠— Perhaps not as awe-inspiring as the real one. Perhaps it is, for one will never know. Manufactured with the finest coral reef it sits near the boundaries of an artifact. 


150% Cut type damages, -150% to Blunt and Pierce type damages.]


Before I could say anything the vendor opened his mouth. 


“Perhaps it’s not the real Murakuzani, the ancient sword with an ancient history. Said to be made during the periods of the great Fallen empire, during the last emperor. It is said that the emperor used to have a secret meditation chamber, somewhere sacred... The materials found there were rich in sius, which made them strong and artifact contenders. A talented blacksmith took upon his journey to make the strongest sword in the history of mankind. And thus Murakuzani was born. 


It was said that the great mountain doctors were flabbergasted upon its creation. Murakuzani would destroy mountains with its mere presence, however, mountain doctors at the time diagnosed them with exploding mountain syndrome! Due to the damages made to the mountain ecosystem, Murakuzani had to be sealed away, but its story still lives.” 


Achu, tf, do what?! Great mountain doctors?! Mountain ecosystem!? What is this guy even saying?!?! Exploding mountain syndrome?! So you're telling me you have actual mountain doctors but humans rely on oily liquids instead? What’s with that story... I understand the world having a history and blah, blah, blah... But now you are telling me the emperor was basically crafting pills to power up...


“Impressive right?” His smirk of knowledge made me oddly mad.

“That’s bullshit!” I let my mouth run in frustration. “That just sounds like some one-thousand chapter Chinese novel!” I know I was right! “What’s next??? He opens the 9th door to ascension ????” I sighed and realized my mistake. Oops. 


“Pardon?” He blinked repeatedly trying to process what I said. 

“Sorry… So... about the Murakuzani replica version.” I diverted the topic. 


His eyes lit up and all of the visible confusion washed away from his face. 



“Actually… I don’t want it…” 

“Eh…” His confusion was visible. 


“I simply wanted a master board and you kept dragging me around. So tell me... Can I buy one from you, or?” I finally got to ask about things. 

“No…” He was visibly shaking. 

“Where can I buy one then?” I asked as nicely as possible. 

“Top floor…” He stood there — seemingly frozen in time. 

“Well. I will be going, okay? Thanks, bye!” Without stopping I exited the door, I was feeling kind of tense. I mean, how couldn’t I? It was simply a bit too much, it gave me a bad omen feeling, my sense wasn’t triggering, but it still kind of felt like a deja-vu. 


I sighed as soon as I exited the door. It was relieving knowing I wasn’t going to get assaulted. 


I left the local and looked around some more, however, I quickly noticed something. All locals had weapons and armor, the only difference is that the one I was in seemed rather… 'fancy' compared to other ones. I walked towards the very back of the building, where a lot of people were heading. I had to follow people to learn how to get around after all.


I stood with confusion, there they were, stairs for going up and down, except they were dark. They kind of got lost just by looking at them — the number of accidents that can happen... The floor was white so it was easy to see where everyone stood, but the stairs? Not so much. Feeling a bit uneasy by the stairs I looked around in hopes for an alternative, and then there was something that went to the side. Kind of like a mini hallway for elevators, except well. Elevators couldn’t really be a thing here, could they? There was a guard standing there, seemingly guarding the hallway with his spear to impede anyone going there. I guess I could ask him if there was an alternative to the deadly stairs of doom. 


I approached and… 


“Oh, a collector! Are you here to use the revolutionary Magius system?”

“Magius?” What? Never heard of it in my life. 

“Oh you know, according to the major it uses sius to propel itself and allow easy transportation between floors of the building.” So it’s an elevator… Also, I guess I did hear the other vendor right 'sius' is it some kind of mana? I will think it's some type of mana for now, but more importantly...


“And.. how do I use it?” 

“You simply stand before a door, poke your finger with the traditional nib and say what floor you want.” Okay… Perhaps this world was more advanced than whatever I thought possible? 


“Um, can I use it? Like… I won’t die or anything right?”

“Weird question, but you have my word. Just let me check your ring.” I lifted my hand with slight fear, maybe he would see something weird or wrong with me, so it was hard to not start shaking. 


“Looks alright, go ahead.” He gestured me to pass with his spear. 


In a heartbeat took his offer, or rather, command, uh... approval? I walked into the rather empty hallway and approached one of the black doors, it was made out of pure stone with no buttons whatsoever. Why did everything on the building have to be black, there were no plants to get rid of the ambient either! It was eerie and oddly creepy. The white flooring was the only thing that saved it from being straight up haunted building. 


I saw a white nib sticking out of the door, with slight hesitation I pressed my finger against it, it hurt and as expected; blood came out. Except for this time my blood did not stain the surface since it was black, yay! The door opened and allowed me to go inside the small square room with the same white floor. I guess it simply felt like another room, instead of an elevator capsule or something. There was no separation between the room and the hallway in terms of ground. With confusion, I went inside the capsule/room. 

I couldn’t even stretch my arms side to side without them hitting the walls. It was truly a small room, I guess it was an elevator cabin? Well, I got confused. 


“Ah right… Top floor, please…” The door closed, I was in full darkness. No candle-light this time...




Eeeeeh, what is happening!? Why is it violently shaking?!

The shaking suddenly stopped, I laid all my weight on the door to not fall on the ground. I was feeling kind of nauseous, being thrown around so much. 




I slid and hit the ground like a dummy; making a small thump sound in the process, it kind of hurt. I was feeling nervous as I reached the top of my head. Kind of thought my cloak got messed up, but fortunately, that wasn’t the case. 


Standing up with pain, I finally saw it. The elevator exited towards a single local, this one was just as big as the fancy local, except the entire floor was the same size of the local, meaning the entire floor was just composed of a single local! I was kind of confused, I saw stairs at the very end of the hallway, so I guess that was the stairs method. 


The local was particularly eye-catching. It wasn’t dark at all! The walls were white, and it was made out of wood. The floor was fully made out of gray carpet and the local itself was full of tables for exposition. No items hanging on the walls or anything, so it gave it a bit more of a fancy aura. 


It was luxurious and empty! I guess it was my time to explore. Without thinking twice about it I made my way to the local area and approached the counter. There was a bell, following logic I rang it. it made a melodious note resonate throughout the entire local. I simply wanted to ask so many questions. Also, I kind of felt that I would have no idea what the things on the tables were for. They were all stones and looked eerily similar. 


“Who requires my service?” A cutesy voice asked as her small steps calmly approached. I tilted my head and looked in the direction, there was a door. The door opened with an almost silent creek and there she was. Ears swaying side to side and a tail happily wagging… A wolf-kin?


We both made eye contact and she paused. 


“You!” EH?! “Take off your cloak!” 


Wolf-kin on Cat-girl action? I dig it. Emm I mean. Wolf-kin on Dungeon Core action? I still dig it, wholesome wrestling! 

Also, on a  more serious note — I hope the shitpost, I mean, almost fourth-wall break was funny. Leah has done it before and often associates things with her knowledge. So, again, hope it wasn't "unimmersive" — MXR mods. Why did I do that? Every time I see that word it plays in my head with his voice. Ha...


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