Lay the Dragon v2 (18+ NSFW)

Chapter 52

"NOOO!!!" Nury screamed as she saw Rania's sword pierce his chest. Arland's wings of light faded and he fell to the ground.

Nury beat her wings furiously as she raced for him. She caught him and landed, cradling his limp form in her arms.

"Arland... no, baby..." She said, crying as she brushed his hair out of his face.

As she saw his still chest and the blood drenching her from his wound, she gently laid him down before standing and turning to face Rania, the elf-demon still flying overhead cackling in glee.

The dragoness spread her wings and let out a roar laced with the fury of her entire lineage, edged by the pain of losing her love. Her tail thrashed as the sound echoed through the city.

"RANIA!!" She cried as she beat her wings once again, now racing to meet the twisted form that had stolen Arland's life.

"I KILLED ARLAND!" Rania chanted with merciless glee as she swooped around, dodging the dragon's fiery breath and claw strikes. "I SLAUGHTERED HIM LIKE A DOG!! HAHAHAHA!"

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT WITH YOUR LIFE!" Nury roared, her attacks growing more reckless as she tried to land a hit on the nimble foe.

Rania grinned and dodged around a claw strike, countering with her blade. It cut into Nury's forearm, but the dragoness didn't seem to notice the new wound.

"You're wasting your time! Arland is DEAD! Dead!" Rania continued, her face contorted in psychotic pleasure, the once beautiful elven face seeming to twist into an even more ugly visage.


Rania stopped momentarily, "Is that any way to speak to a GODDESS?!" She chortled, her lips split into a cheshire grin, showing her now-gnarly teeth.

Nury screamed in fury as she rushed in again, leading with a claw strike. Rania dodged back and then grunted as Nury spun, striking her with her tail and sending her back through the throne room window.

Nury hovered, panting as she watched Rania stand and step back up to the ledge.

"Oh, you're dead now, little lizard..." the elven-witch said with a dangerous edge to her voice.


Arland watched as Nury and Rania battled. He took a deep breath and muttered under his breath, "Lady Seraphina... Give me strength. Help me end this..."

He glanced back to see wings sprouting from his back, now more defined, glorious golden scales covering solid dragonic wings. He smirked and flapped them experimentally before looking back upward just in time to see Nury land a solid strike on Rania, sending her through the broken throne room window.

He set his feet and pushed off, beating his wings with a strength that carried the weight of a real goddess behind it.

He pulled his arm back and slashed, his empty hand taking the form of a golden dragon claw, striking true on the false goddess.

"ARLAND?!" Nury gasped as tears sprung to her eyes.

"IMPOSSIBLE! I SAW YOU DIE!" Rania screeched as she regained her feet, her top falling to reveal her once flawlessly milky breasts were now sunken, hollow-looking things.

Arland softly set down on the throne room floor, "True. You did. A falsehood as great as your beauty. Hag."

Rania's eyes narrowed, "Who needs beauty when you have power?! I'll kill any who disagree that I'm beautiful until I'm undeniably the most-"

"Shut the fuck up," Arland said flatly, "I wasn't done."


"Did I stutter? Shut... up... You may claim the title goddess. But I've met a real goddess. You're not even a pale imitation. Look, Rania, upon the power of a goddess!"

As he spoke, he spread his wings, the evening sun illuminating his wings, causing them to glow ethereal, the light silencing Rania's dark desires.

Even Nury had to gasp, her hand coming up to cover her mouth, "Oh, Lady Seraphina..."

Arland released Nury's hand and stepped forward, his clawed hand coming up, the golden scales dancing with divine light, "Rania, your reign of terror ends before it's begun."

His declaration was enough to snap her out of her reverie. "What? You haven't won yet, boy!"

Arland grew a sly smile, causing her to screech, "STOP SMIRK- huh?!"

Rania's words were cut off as Agdron grabbed her wings, twisting them painfully then kicked her in the back of the knees, sending her to kneel, while the sound of a sickening pop echoed around the chamber as he dislocated the wing joints from her shoulders. Her screech of pain echoed around the chamber.

Nury stepped behind Arland, "Do it, babe."

He allowed his remaining arm to change as Nury knelt and inhaled. As Arland pushed off, she roared, her jet of flame sending him towards her, his claws raking through the pair of demons there.

Rania screamed as he landed behind Agdron.

"I'm sorry, Agdron..."

"It was my fault. The crown... It's powerful, but it changes you... Don't let it corrupt you..."

As the men found mutual respect, Agdron fell, his final breath a smile on his lips as his mind became his own once more.

Arland turned and grabbed Rania by one of her gnarled horns to hold her still as he walked around her, to face her.

"Rania of the elf tribe... For your crimes, I sentence you. May the gods have mercy upon you, for you'll find none here."

He placed his claw on her head and felt Seraphina's power flow through him, claiming the soul of the elven hag. As her power faded, a series of lights rose from her, swirled around Arland, and melded with him, sealing him as the new demonic king. He took a step back and allowed his claws and wings to fade, the scales shining briefly before vanishing.

As he let out a long sigh of relief, Nury rushed over, her arms wrapping around him and holding him as her tears soaked his back while she sobbed.

He twisted his neck to look at her, "There there, I'm here and it's done."

She shook her head, "No... You died. Asshole. How dare you fucking die on me like that..."

He chuckled softly and pulled her arms from around him, then turned to face her, "Hey, now, I didn't exactly ask to be stabbed. But I'm back now. Sera made sure of that. She helped me correct my mistake. And she sends her best. She loves you, Nury. As do I. We both only want what's best for you."

Nury looked up into his eyes, her cheeks stained by tears, "I know I said you could fuck her when you died, while you wait for me. So... did you...?"

Arland turned his head and scratched his cheek, "Uh... yeah..."

"So you really were dead... Look at me, in love with a zombie..." She said.

They both laughed briefly. She caressed his cheek, "I don't care. I'm happy to share you with Trinar, and I'm not so arrogant to think I can overrule a goddess. Tell me you pleased her though. I don't want to have to deal with a pissed-off, sexually frustrated goddess next."

Arland grins, "I pleased her. She came repeatedly. It was her way of teaching me to better read minor signals from others. Both for sex and for battle."

Nury raised an eyebrow, "Oh? So you're... a better lover now...?"

Arland met her gaze, "Maybe a bit. But I'm a bit exhausted right now."

"Well, let's find the royal bedchamber, get some sleep, and finish this all off tomorrow."

Arland nodded and they made their way down the hallway to the master bedroom. They made their way to the bed and stripped their clothing, crawling under the covers. Nury cuddled up next to him and he fell asleep soon after.


The next morning, they awoke and returned to the throne room. As they arrived, there was no sign of Rania or Agdron. All of the broken stained glass had been cleaned and the window itself had been replaced.

Arland looked around, "Did you... wake up last night...?"

Nury shook her head, "And leave you? No way... This wasn't me... Even the blood that seeped into the crevices has been cleaned..."

Someone cleared their throat to the side, "Uh... E-Excuse me, New Masters..."

Arland turned to see a tall, busty half-elf dressed in nothing but leather straps over her nipples and between her legs. "Yes- Oh! Let's get you covered, miss!"

She stood stoic as he pulled his coat off and wrapped it around her, "Thank you, master. If I may, I took the initiative to have the maids clean up in here..."

"You're quite welcome, miss... What's your name?"

"Kira, Mi'lord. The head of the maid-slaves."

Arland nodded, "Well, you may take any clothes from the castle you need, any food. Gather the slaves and assemble them in the courtyard. I have an announcement for you and all the citizens. Slaves included."

She bowed, "Yes, master. I'll have everyone assemble immediately."

Nury watched with concern as she left, ignoring the comment about clothing. As they turned to head out to the balcony, the tapping of soft leather on stone could be heard.

Arland and Nury turned back to see Trinar burst into the room. She marched right up to Arland and slapped him, "How fucking dare you... You had no right to die, jackass!"

Arland looked up at her, his cheek stinging slightly, "Ow... I didn't exactly ask for it..."

She glared, "No one asks for it, but sending Nury and me away?! Look, I may not have known you as long as her, but you're my lover, too. We all agreed to that. You had no right to just die on us!"

She paused for a moment before her features softened, "But... I suppose it's my fault. I listened. Against my better judgment, I listened to you. I fled with Nury. We're as to blame as you."

Arland offered her a kind smile, "Trin, you know that I love you, as does Nury. I sent you both away because, no offense to you, you were both in my way. With you here, I was more focused on keeping you safe than on defeating her."

"Yeah," Trinar began, "And how did that work out for you? You still died!"

"Really? Because I don't feel very dead," Arland replied with his signature smirk.

Trinar blushed, "Y-you know what I mean. Jackass. I love you too... But please, don't ever die on me again..."

Arland stepped up and wrapped her in a soft hug, "I won't. Not for a great many years. And next time, it'll be as an old man in our bed. I promise."

Kira stepped in, "My lord. Everyone is assembled. Also... I'd like to introduce Krokette, the sister of Lord Agdron's advisor, Krokt."

As the half-elf stepped aside, a fair-scaled demon stepped in, "Greetings, my lord. I'd like to offer my services to replace that of my brother."

Arland looked her over, taking in her snout, shaped like those of crocodiles, but significantly shorter. Her eyes gleamed with an intelligence and loyalty that spoke volumes.

"How do we know we can trust you?" Nury asked.

Krokette eyed the woman, "I don't speak to concubines."

Arland stepped between the two, "She's not a concubine. She's my wife. You'll treat her with the respect due."

The demoness bowed, "Of course, my apologies for the assumption. To answer your question, Lady Dragon, we demons are almost... Bound by instinct to obey the crown, regardless of who wears it."

Nury glared at her, "Fine. But if you hurt him, I'll eat you."

"You're welcome to try. But I'm quite tough. My scales are harder than steel," The demon replied with a confident smirk.

Arland cleared his throat, "Okay, that's enough. We're about to address the citizens. Nury, I want you to my right. Trinar, you are on the left. Krokette, Kira, you're to be behind me."

The girls nodded understanding and followed him, each taking their respective places.

As they stepped onto the balcony to address the citizens, whispers and murmurs spread through the demon's ranks though he could scarcely understand it.

"Great, I'm king but I don't speak a word of demonic."

Trinar placed her hand on his shoulder, "Arland, common is taught here as is demonic. The whole country is bilingual."

He turned and smirked, "Thank god for your nation's cunning linguistics..." He said with a wink. The demoness and Kira blushed at his comment, while Nury matched his grin and Krokette glanced between them in confusion.

Arland turned back to the crowd, "As you may have heard, I've claimed your crown for myself. Yes, I'm human. But I won fair and square. That said..."

He paused and took a deep breath, raising his voice and ensuring he could be heard clearly, "The demon army will be returned. Your nation will not face a penalty for the actions that did not involve the majority of you. However... All elves and half-elves are to be freed."

The murmurs and whispers began anew, this time with extreme dissent. "ANY WHO DISOBEY ME WILL FACE ME IN SINGLE COMBAT!" Arland said, his lips drawing back in a mild snarl.

In the resulting silence, Arland looked over the crowd, "The elves are just as intelligent as any of you. They may live in camps, hunting and gathering rather than farming, but this is merely out of their own will, not due to a lack of intelligence. If you doubt this claim, consider that I've slain your king AND his concubine Rania. I was entirely trained by an elf. They are just as capable as you."

He turned and guided Kira to stand next to him, her face blushing as her bare skin was open for the city to see only her nipples and slit still covered, "This? This is unacceptable. You will provide clothing for any elf that requires it. You will provide food."

He turned to Krokette, "My advisor, Krokette, will provide compensation for any donations to the elves directly from the royal coffers."

Arland looked to Trinar, "My demoness here will inform me of the current state of affairs in the kingdom. I'll get things running smoothly and teach her what she needs. And when I'm satisfied, I'll hand her the throne. She'll be your new queen. So I suggest you treat her with due respect."

He turned and left the crowd to their thoughts.

In the throne room, he looked over the seat of power, "This... needs to be replaced. I saw what Agdron did here and while we found a mutual respect at the end, I don't much relish the thought of sitting on his cum-stained throne..."

Krokette stepped forward, "Sir, his seed never touched it. Rania was quite good at her role."

Arland sighed and looked over the scaled demon, "Krokette... You need to loosen up, girl. Seriously. Go get laid or something. Study some human culture. Not every word needs to be strictly formal when an informal estimation works towards the same point. He had sex here, regardless of which hole he used. Speaking of, that bed needs to be replaced as well."

The scaled demon bowed and left, setting about making arrangements for both to be replaced with something better suited to human tastes.

Trinar stepped up, "My love, there's one small problem. The crown cannot be passed. It must be taken."

Arland smirked, "I never said I'd give it up just that you'll rule in my stead. However, my blessing is working as we speak to purify it. Once that's done, I should be able to pass it to you."

Trinar nodded, "So, that's why it was tainted? Because the king was corrupt?"

Nury spoke up, "Kind of. If I'm not mistaken, the crown itself is corrupt and will corrupt the holder over time. However, Arland's blessing is from Seraphina."

Trinar sighed, "You're a little too overpowered, love..."

"That's why I'm willing to pass on the crown. I don't need the additional strength."

The demoness moved closer, her eyes searching his, "So... When you give me the crown, love... What are your plans? To leave me...? Return home...?"

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