Late Night Tales Of The Capital

Chapter 139 - The Young Lady in the Eyes of the Youths

Chapter 139 The Young Lady in the Eyes of the Youths
Xie Yi was a Buddhist cultivator before he became a devil cultivator, and he was also halfway at Formless Realm level. After seeing that Ye Que was merely at beginning Starburst Realm level, he believed that he would win easily. He had not expected to meet someone more than his match, however.

No matter how tough the defense of the Impenetrable Defense of Three Deities was, it was no match for the River Soldier. Coupled with Ye Que’s gold python of Divine Energy and the Bone Crunching 13 Blades of Thunder, it was logical and expected that the was able to slay Xie Yi. Furthermore, in his previous life, Ye Que had fought against monks from the Temple of Six Buddhas as a disciple of the Qingqiu Sword Sect. In fact, he even defeated their reclusive Buddha while he was at Apocalypse Realm strength.

Even if Xie Yi had true Formless Realm level strength, Ye Que was confident of slaying him, much less when he was just halfway through it.

Ye Que gave a sinister smile as he walked up to Xie Yi’s corpse.

“To think that a disciple of Buddha could fall to such low levels.”

“You deserve to die!”

The snow around Ye Que and Xie Yi had scattered all over the place when the latter was slain. Red Bean and Cao Xue, who should have been beside him, had already disappeared.

He squinted and looked around.

Red Bean could be seen about 400 steps away from the Guandi Temple. She was holding her big black umbrella with one hand and lifting Cao Xue from one of his legs with the other. The man dressed in black robes, who looked fearsome and gave off an overpowering aura just now, had been beaten into pulp after just a few blows.

Waist length scratch marks were left behind on the snow covered ground, and speckles of blood could be seen on the marks.

Both Guan Shuheng of the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder and Chen Chenchen of Broken King Gorge were sort of running toward Red Bean.

“Big sister, you were simply too cool just now. What sort of treasure is that big black umbrella? It seems to be even more powerful than Level 2 divine treasures!” Chen Chenchen asked with a “flattering” look. He had called Red Bean as his “big sister”, but he should not be any younger than her. His chin was covered in stubble and seemed to have been naturally mature.

“In future, in future can you teach me how to quickly increase my cultivation base? Also, your staff skills are astounding and on par with that of my Eldest Senior Brother,” Guan Shuheng said before pausing to think for a while. “No, it seems to be even more powerful than his,” he added.

“Look at Sister Red Bean.”

“In future, all of you have to learn from her.”

“The future of our Pavilion of Wind and Thunder will fall on all of you.”

Yang Nuanyue knew Red Bean by name and could not address her as “older sister” after deducing her age from her looks. She seemed to be teaching her younger juniors, but in fact, she was praising Red Bean.

No one focused their attention or looked at Cao Xue, who was being dragged behind Red Bean. He was close to death and everyone. Except for Ye Que, they all saw how the last move from Red Bean’s staff crashed onto Cao Xue’s chest. It had immediately caused it to sink for a few inches.

Everyone crowded around Red Bean and began asking her questions. All of them seemed to have forgotten about Ye Que, and no one noticed his appearance when he returned.


Guan Shuheng was the first to react. His exclamation caused everyone to turn their attention over.

The pile of snow that Xie Yi stirred up blocked everyone’s vision, and naturally no one had seen clearly how Ye Que moved earlier on. Of course, this suited him perfectly well.

Not many people had seen the River Soldier.

It was still prudent to take precautions, however. It was always better to have one less issue to deal with.

“Sir, what about the other black robed person?” Guan Shuheng asked softly before looking behind Ye Que, only to realize that there was no one behind him. There was not even a corpse.

“He fled?” Chen Chenchen asked somewhat uncertainly. Everyone could tell that Ye Que was a practitioner at Starburst Realm level, and it was already quite a feat for him to chase a devil cultivator away.

“He’s dead.”

Ye Que said very calmly, before shrugging his shoulders.

“Did you kill him?” Chen Chenchen asked, again uncertainly.

Ye Que rolled his eyes and looked at Chen Chenchen as if he was a fool. “What rubbish!”

“A cultivator who has just entered Starburst Realm managed to slay a devil cultivator halfway through the Formless Realm. He’s a real expert!” Chen Chenchen muttered to himself. “One of them has power beyond his Realm and killed a devil cultivator, while the other has reached Formless Realm at such a young age and fights with such ferocity. What sort of monstrous capability is this? I’ve never heard of their names or have seen them before. Could they be prodigies of hidden sects that descended the mountain to train?”

Ye Que squatted down to feel Cao Xue’s pulse before raising his head again. “Let’s not crowd over here and return back to the temple. Aren’t you people cold?”

“Sir, should we tidy this place up?” Guan Shuheng asked. He was the last to leave and had been standing behind Ye Que all this while.

Ye Que shook his head and pointed at the endless snow falling on them. “Anything will be covered up within a night in such a huge snow storm. I believe the snow level on Zen Mountain is higher than my kneecaps and even corpses will be frozen into ice statues.”

When Ye Que returned to the Guandi Temple, the bonfire at the middle of the small yard had already be relit.

The heartwarming flames seemed to have chased away the chilly mountain air very quickly.

The small temple was stuffed full of youths. More than half came from the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder, and less than half of them were from Broken King Gorge. Judging from the current situation, everyone should have already made self-introductions. The naturally mature Chen Chenchen was already chatting with the young ladies from the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder.

Perhaps it was due to their nature, but it was unexpected that the ladies from the Pavilion of Wind and Thunder could still be heard laughing softly in this night, where many had been slain.

Guan Shuheng was still busy with chores. One moment he was asking his own elder female senior if she was hungry, while the next instant, he could be seen checking on Lei Tianyou to see if he had become better. For one entire day and night, the youngest of the youths had not shut his eyes at all and went about his tasks without complaining.

As for Red Bean, needless to say, she was eating. However, she had already consumed one whole big goose, and she was now chewing on baked sweet potatoes with a frown.

She spat out one mouthful of food with every two mouthfuls she took in.

From her expression, it was obvious that she really hated eating sweet potatoes.

“What sort of rotten thing is this? How could anyone like eating this; it’s just too strange.”

“Meat is great, why don’t we eat meat? How could we not be eating meat?”

“I’m hungry!”

Red Bean mumbled on and on with the roasted sweet potato in hand. She immediately got up when she saw Ye Que return. “I’m hungry! I want to eat meat!” she shouted.

In an instant.

The small temple became totally silent.

“Sister, are you hungry? What do you want to eat? Tell me, I’ll get it for you,” Chen Chenchen had been trying since just now to chat Red Bean up, but she completely ignored him. Now that he heard his idol had some request to make, he was naturally very proactive.

Red Bean thought about it as she looked at Chen Chenchen. “As long as it’s meat.”

She paused for a while before adding, “The more the merrier.”

“Alright, just you wait, Big Sister. Wait for me, I’ll be back soon,” Chen Chenchen said before disappearing in a cloud of dust. No one could tell that he had been chased after by people intent on killing him for hours from the way he was running.

Guan Shuheng moved his slightly red face closer just as Chen Chenchen had left. “Sister, I think I can go out to search for food too. I saw a small mountain ridge not far from the temple when I was picking sticks. There should be some living creatures hiding from the snow storm within it.”

He turned to look at his surroundings. “Everyone should also be pretty hungry. I’ll go, and perhaps we can capture some food.”

Red Bean immediately waved her hand without even thinking this time, as if to say, “Go, go and return quickly. I’m going to faint from hunger soon.”

Ye Que followed closely behind the two youths. He looked at Red Bean with a strange look and pointed at their backs. “Only crooks and thieves will offer their help for nothing. You’re a young lady and have to show more restraint.”

“Humph!” He even added in a grunt for good effect.

“Offer their help for nothing? Restraint? Is there any relationship between those two things?” Red Bean paused before coming close to Ye Que as if something had caught her interest. She looked at Ye Que’s eyes from below and reached a finger out before giggling. “There’s something wrong with you!” she said softly as she laughed.

“Let me think, how did they say this in the stories?”

“Right, jealousy! You’re jealous!”

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