Last Building on Earth

Chapter 91

Chapter 87: Goblin

Wang Xuan and six people have entered the southern area. What they can see is the front hall of a movie theater. They can see the counter selling movie tickets, drinks and snacks. There are tables and chairs in the waiting area. There are several self-service ticket machines on the left and on the right. There are several electric massage chairs, and at the end is the viewing channel.

Wang Xuan just glanced at it and felt familiar, and immediately recognized it. This is the “Wanxing Cinema” in Longmao Square. The layout is exactly the same. The only difference is that the original “Wanxing Cinema” in Longmao Square is located on the fifth floor. But in front of him appeared on the first floor.

“This is Wanxing Cinema, I’ve watched several movies, no wonder it looks familiar…” Zhao Lei also recognized it. Just as he said this, Wang Xuan suddenly said, “There are corpses there.”

Everyone looked towards the end of the front, and there were five human corpses lying on the ground of the viewing channel. From a distance, these corpses had blood holes one by one, which were suspected to be wounds caused by the explosion, and one of them had a big half head. gone.

“It seems that someone came in before us.” Wang Xuan released the metal tentacles while speaking, and said solemnly: “Everyone be careful.”

Fortunately, with the previous experience in the Eastern District, everyone guessed that the Southern District should be similar to the Eastern District. It is a lair where monsters are entrenched. At this moment, they suddenly saw five corpses on the ground in the distance. , enter the combat state.

Li Haotian showed the Orion bow in his right hand, and said, “How miserable, it was destroyed by the regiment, I don’t know what monsters are in the southern district, and how does it compare to the eastern district.”

He just said this when he heard a voice coming from behind. He turned his head and saw that the door to the entrance and exit of the southern district was open, and six people came in.

The leader of the six was Bai Yan, who was followed by a freckled woman, then a dark-skinned woman and three men who finally walked in.

Wang Xuan glanced back at them, and recognized that these six people were the six newcomers who had just been in the curved corridor. It seems that they should have followed in the South District out of curiosity.

Bai Yan walked in with the six people and saw Wang Xuan turn his head to look at them. In his heart, he was most impressed by Wang Xuan in green scaled armor. He instinctively regarded him as the leader of the team, and he showed goodwill. Just as he was about to speak and become friends, he suddenly saw Wang Xuan’s face change, and shouted at him, “Flicker!”

Hearing this, Bai Yan was stunned. He reacted very quickly. Although he didn’t know what was going on, he instinctively flicked to the side.

At the same moment, there was only a “bang” sound. He had just moved half a foot, and a spark flashed from the corner of his eyes. The face of a fatter man standing behind him blossomed, blood was flying, and a lot of brains were mixed. The blood exploded, and most of his head was blown off.

“Wu Yong-”

Bai Yan screamed in horror, the man named Wu Yong had no response, and fell backwards.

The head is the key to the human body, even if it has the powerful self-healing ability of hatching beasts, if most of the head is blown up, it must be killed immediately.

Almost at the same moment, the sound of “Boom Boom” sounded in succession, and everyone was attacked.

Behind the counter selling movie tickets and drinks in front, there appeared one after another humanoid monsters with gray skin. They had bulging eyes and a white crystal scale in the middle of their foreheads. They were short and basically no larger than One meter six, they are holding weapons that are suspected to be muskets, and they can fire a kind of black marbles. Wherever the black marbles shoot, they explode wherever they go. Just now, Wu Yong was shot by one of the black marbles. In the middle of the face, half of his head was blown off immediately.

Fortunately, the speed of this black marble is slightly slower than that of normal bullets, and those who have grown to the initial state can barely dodge or resist with their full concentration.

Wang Xuan reacted the fastest, and noticed these gray-skinned monsters the moment they appeared.

He now controls the metal tentacles just like his own arm, accurately and instantly connecting the three black marbles that came from the volley.

The three black marbles were hit by the metal tentacles and immediately exploded in the air. Wang Xuan was too fast, swept a few meters, and rushed towards the oncoming ticket counter, while Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others could only do this. have responded.

Tie Jun lifted his diamond shield to block the black marbles that were shot at his head and face. The black marbles exploded on the diamond shield, leaving no trace behind.

Gu Manyao swayed, avoiding the black marbles that shot at him, kicked with both feet, and charged forward with the Yaochi knife.

Zhang Haofei raised his skeleton arm to block a marble shot at him. The marble exploded on the skeleton arm. He groaned slightly and shook his body slightly. Can’t blast his skeleton arm.

Their strength has reached the initial state, and they have the previous experience in the Eastern District. As soon as they enter here, they are fully focused. The gray monster that suddenly appeared shot black marbles. Although everyone was not confused, they avoided or blocked, but none of them were injured. Among them, Wang Xuan, the fastest, rushed to the front counter in an instant, and it can be said that he responded quickly.

The six people, Bai Yan and the freckled woman, were miserable. Among the six people, only Bai Yan, who was the leader, had grown to the beginning, and the other five were all in their embryonic state.

Even if they were just starting out, they needed their full attention to be able to dodge or resist the attack of the black marbles. They were not strong enough. Even if they saw the black marbles, it was too late to dodge. With the flash of Bai Yan, Wu Yong took the lead. Shot.

Followed by the dark-skinned woman standing on the other side, she was hit by two black marbles in a row, and a hole was blown out in her heart and belly, and she screamed and fell back.

One face to face, two died, Bai Yan and the remaining three were shocked, and immediately turned around and fled to the exit.

When they turned around, they realized that at some point, there were several more gray-skinned humanoid monsters at the exit. Each monster held a musket in their hands, aimed them at them, and pulled the trigger.

Wang Xuan waved the metal tentacle in his right hand, and attached the black marbles that were shot in the air. The marbles looked extremely terrifying in the eyes of others, but in his eyes, the speed was not fast. He could take it easy. of hitting or dodging with metal tentacles.

An eyeball appeared on the metal tentacle, and there was a faint green light inside. The “eye of the illustrated book” opened, and immediately captured the information of these gray-skinned humanoid monsters.

“Name: Musket Goblin, Race: Goblin Race, Dangerousness: ★★ (two stars), Musket Goblins are the regular army in the Goblin family, well-trained, they are good at using muskets and firing powerful musket shells, which can be effectively carried out Long-range attack, the disadvantage is that it is weak in melee combat, as long as you get close, you can easily kill them.”

While sensing the information, Wang Xuan volleyed the metal tentacles.

The metal tentacles stretched to the limit of four meters, and suddenly split in mid-air when they were drawn towards the counter, turning into two pieces. With a harsh sound, the ticket counter on the front was drawn, and immediately tore apart. Wang Xuan rushed in front of them and saw this. A look of panic shot from the bulging eyes of the musket goblin who was hiding behind the ticket counter.

Their long-range attack power is comparable to that of the beginning, but once they get close, they are vulnerable.

The two metal tentacles moved forward and wrapped around the heads and necks of two of the musket goblins. Wang Xuan pulled them up and smashed them at the other musket goblins as weapons.

The musket goblins in this row were in chaos immediately, and the four musket goblins collided, making a sound of broken bones.

Wang Xuan discovered that the bodies of these musket goblins were unexpectedly fragile, not even as good as ordinary humans. The four musket goblins collided with each other, killing them immediately, and four white scales appeared and submerged in his right hand.

Following closely behind, Gu Manyao rushed up, and the Yaochi knife in his right hand blocked a horizontal block, blocking a musket bullet that came over.

The musket shell exploded on her knife, and she rushed up with her knife and hit a musket goblin.

Once it got close, the musket goblin was vulnerable to a single blow, and Gu Manyao immediately cut his head with a knife.

Wang Xuan noticed that the musket in the hand of the musket goblin cannot fire continuously. After each shot, it needs to be reloaded. Although this time is very short, it is an opportunity for everyone.

He started a killing spree, and he killed all the seven or eight musket goblins who had been hiding behind the counter in the blink of an eye.

There was a sound of an explosion on the other side, but a group of musket goblins rushed out of the waiting area and stopped at a distance of 20 or 30 meters from them, holding their muskets and firing them at them.

This group of musket goblins numbered more than thirty, and they were fired together, and dozens of musket shells immediately enveloped them.

Tie Jun shouted loudly and took the initiative to take a step forward to meet the group of musket goblins.

“Hide behind me!” He shielded his head and face with a diamond shield and blocked it in front of him.

While Li Haotian retreated behind, he activated “Three Arrows in One Shot”, three white light arrows shot out, and the three musket goblins were hit and fell over.

Zhao Lei activated the “Scar of the Holy Spirit”, and a white light flickered faintly in the cross crack on the back of his right hand. This “Scar of the Holy” could not only gain insight into the weakness, but also capture the trajectory of the musket bullet, allowing him to accurately grasp the shot. The musket bullets came over, and then dodged.

Wang Xuan had just killed this group of musket goblins. He didn’t want more goblins to rush out from the other side. The two metal tentacles he controlled extended out, grabbed the half-broken counter, lifted it up, and protected it in front of him. The musket bullets that came over accelerated their speed and rushed towards the group of musket goblins in the waiting area.

“Boom boom-”

There were consecutive explosions, and the muskets shot one after another on the half of the counter, causing a huge explosion. Soon the half of the counter was blown to pieces. Wang Xuan controlled the metal tentacles and grabbed a table in the waiting area to block it in front of him. , another metal tentacle wrapped around a chair and volleyed it out.

With a whistle, the chair smashed away under the terrifying power of the metal tentacles. These musket goblins were just powerful muskets in their hands, but they were very fragile, and there was no time to dodge. One musket goblin was hit, and its body, together with The chair shattered together, killing him instantly.

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