Last Building on Earth

Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Van

Although she was shocked, she was not flustered. She immediately thought of the monster crawling on the rear windshield. Wang Xuan reversed the car and couldn’t get rid of it at all.

Needless to say, Wang Xuan thought the same as hers. When he noticed that the monster was crawling on the rear windshield, he pulled the gear to the forward gear, almost stepped on the accelerator, and steered to the right.

The roar sounded, the tail of the red car was almost thrown out horizontally, and the scale monster behind it raised its right claw, and wanted to continue to smash the rear windshield, and was thrown out.

The monster was thrown out in the air, fell heavily on the ground, rolled on the ground, and let out a faint scream, which was full of brutality and anger.

Wang Xuan was engrossed, holding the steering wheel tightly with both hands, the car turned at an almost 90-degree right angle and rushed towards the right lane. Squeezed together, Zhang Qianwen screamed.

“The monster was thrown off!” Zhao Lei kept turning his head to look behind him, and when he saw that the monster was thrown out, he immediately cried out excitedly.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Wang Xuan suddenly felt a flash in front of him, and a van turned towards them from the opposite corner and was ramming towards them.

When the incident happened suddenly, he was shocked and hurriedly stepped on the brakes.

The driver of the van also noticed Wang Xuan’s red car in an instant, and also made an emergency brake.

Although both sides stepped on the brakes, the speed of Wang Xuan’s car was too fast, and the distance between the two sides was too short to stop the car.

There was a loud bang, the two cars collided, the front of the car collapsed in, and the sound of the headlight glass shattering sounded, Wang Xuan noticed that the hood of his car was slightly bulging upwards.

Fortunately, the impact this time was not too violent. Wang Xuan was sure that he had not seen the van before. The other party seemed to appear out of thin air. The words of the female driver flashed through his mind, and he understood that Zhao Lei’s car had been knocked over before. This situation has appeared again. The time and space of this underground parking lot can no longer be explained by common sense.

The fronts of the two cars collided, the cars stopped, and the door of the van was pushed open from inside.

Wang Xuan thought of the monster that was just thrown away. Although the monster was thrown away, it should not be injured. It may appear again, and the danger has not been lifted.

He pushed the gear back to reverse, ready to reverse and turn around to escape from here again, while trying to warn the van driver of the danger.

At this moment, he realized that not only did the driver drive the door out of the van, but the back door also opened, and four people came down, all swearing and holding weapons such as steel poles and sticks in their hands, with fierce expressions on their faces. , aggressively surrounded their car.

Wang Xuan looked at the van driver and the five people behind, all young men. Except for the driver who looked a little normal, two of the four people who got off at the back had yellow hair, one had a bald head, and the other had long hair tied up. With pigtails, these people have tattoos on their arms and necks, and at first glance they look like the kind of gangsters.

“Get out of the car, you are driving so fast in the parking lot? Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?” The van driver came to Wang Xuan’s car, stretched out his hand and slapped the front cover of the car, with an angry look on his face.

Until now, he had never understood where the red car in front of him came from, and it suddenly rammed into it at high speed. He almost suspected that Wang Xuan rammed it on purpose.

A bald man in the back held a steel pipe in his right hand, tapped lightly on his left hand, and said, “It’s really bad luck, Brother Airplane asked us to help, and there was a car accident before we set off. Bah, bad luck!”

Although he said that he was unlucky, he was thinking of extorting a good deal in his heart.

When Wang Xuan saw these five vicious people surrounded, not only was he not afraid, but he was relieved.

In this kind of weird and terrifying underground parking lot, when he suddenly saw these five people, and they were still holding weapons, he felt a sense of security in his heart.

More people means safety.

He was about to open the car window to speak when he suddenly noticed the left rearview mirror out of the corner of his eye.

In the rearview mirror, he saw a black shadow covered in scales, approaching at a very fast speed.

“No, there are monsters, be careful…”

Before Wang Xuan’s words could be finished, he saw a huge black shadow suddenly rise through the window glass, almost touching the left side of the red car, and pounced on the van driver who was standing in front of the front of the car on the left.

The incident happened suddenly. The driver of the van was watching Wang Xuan and the others in the car. Before he understood what was going on, he felt that he was hit by a huge force. I saw a pair of green eyes and a big mouth…

At this moment, his mind went blank, and he couldn’t think of anything. He only felt that his throat was tight, and he couldn’t breathe and speak. A severe pain of the throat being torn came up, and he instinctively let out a scream.

During the scream, his eyes darkened, and then he felt his back hit the ground heavily. After that, he didn’t know anything.

After a sudden change, the other four originally ferocious gangsters all widened their eyes in shock, revealing expressions of disbelief.

They saw the van driver lying on the ground, with a wolf-headed ape on his body and a monster with black scales all over his body. With a swing of his head, the monster tore the van driver’s throat open. Almost half of the neck was bitten off, and a lot of blood spurted out.

“There…there are monsters—”

The **** with a small braid screamed, the monster propped up on the ground with its four claws, almost soaring into the air, and one of the yellow-haired **** holding a baseball bat was attacked diagonally.

This yellow-haired **** screamed hoarsely, his face was contorted in horror, and he wanted to swing the baseball bat in his right hand, but this monster was too fast, and with great strength, it was simply not something ordinary people could fight against. .

He didn’t have time to struggle and resist being overwhelmed by this monster. With a slap, his neck was bitten by two rows of sharp and sharp teeth.

Seeing that the yellow-haired gangster was also thrown down, the remaining three gangsters were shocked, but they reacted. The other tall yellow-haired roar let out a roar, and instead of turning around and fled, he waved the steel pipe in his hand. , smashed towards the monster.

Huang Mao, who was knocked down by the monster, was his cousin. The two were related. They didn’t like to study since they were young. Big Yellow Hair”, and the other is called “Little Yellow Hair”.

Seeing that his cousin Xiao Huangmao was thrown down by the monster, he rushed up without hesitation.

With a “bang”, the steel pipe smashed down, but was bitten by the monster raised its head and opened its **** mouth, stretched out one paw and swung it violently.

Da Huang Mao let out a shrill scream, his face was scratched by his claws, and immediately four blood troughs appeared, each of which was deep into the bone, and even the eyeballs were caught and hung on his face, his appearance was extremely miserable.

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