Last Building on Earth

Chapter 65

Chapter 62: Horror Monster

Wang Xuan let go of the metal tentacles, and a large amount of rotten flesh fell down, followed by entangling the rest of the lower body of the sarcoma monster, doing the same thing, twisting the lower body completely into meat sauce.

He didn’t believe that after the monster was ground into meat sauce, it could be resurrected again.

After a short period of panic, Zhao Lei and Li Haotian quickly stabilized their positions, and they joined forces to defend against the hordes of customers rushing up.

Every customer who was killed fell to the ground, and a white shard flew out of his body and sank into the crack in the wall.

When Wang Xuan twisted the remaining lower body of the sarcoid monster into meat sauce, finally a faintly glowing white scale appeared from the pile of meat sauce and submerged in his right hand.

Taking this white scale, Wang Xuan let out a long sigh of relief. Although this monster had tenacious vitality and amazing recovery ability, he was finally killed by him.

There was a reaction from the monster in his right hand. He sensed the excitement of the monster. The white scales contained powerful energy, which made the monster excited.

At this moment, the customers who rushed up in groups suddenly fell to the ground, and each customer flew out a white shard. In the blink of an eye, nearly a hundred pieces of white shards converged into a white rainbow, concentrated towards the cracks in the wall. rush away.

These customers fell to the ground and returned to their original human appearances, but after falling to the ground, they lost their breath, and their bodies exuded a faint stench.

Wang Xuan suddenly understood that these customers were originally dead people, but they were controlled by the creatures in the wall using white fragments to parasitize their bodies, turning them into monsters that could move and even spit human words. Stuff, really terrifying.

Seeing that there were people in front of them, the original fighting came to an abrupt end, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see that the crack in the wall swallowed up nearly a hundred pieces of white debris in one go, and there was a dazzling light inside.

The crack in the wall suddenly expanded, extending from the wall to the ground, and all cracked.

The incident happened suddenly, and everyone had no time to react, even Wang Xuan could only instinctively think of jumping up.

This wall is like a prehistoric beast, fully alive, and the crack is like an open mouth of blood.

Wang Xuan only felt a stinging smell, and he had just jumped up less than a meter, when it suddenly became dark in front of him, and he was wrapped in something, followed by the sky and the earth, and fell down.

He heard the shocking exclamations of Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao. He opened his eyes and saw that he had been swallowed into a strange and terrifying flesh-walled pipe. Huge suction, there is a lot of white slurry in it, and it is not slippery.

All seven of them were swallowed in, and at this moment they fell down the meat wall pipe.

The deeper you go, the stronger the squeezing force generated by the meat wall pipe. Wang Xuan was the first to react, and he activated the strongest power of the beast without hesitation.

The three-meter-long metal tentacle wrapped around his right arm, and immediately merged into a giant arm, showing the shape of the “arm of beast”.

The power in the body erupted violently, and it was continuously transported into the “arm of beast”.

Every time the strongest burst of the “arm of beast” consumes almost half of his power.

Between the thoughts, the right arm was swung, and the arm of the demon beast, which was clenched into a fist, was swung out and hit the wriggling flesh wall.

With a “porphyr” sound, the flesh wall couldn’t bear the terrifying power of the giant arm of the beast, and was instantly pierced through a huge hole, which completely sunk into it.

With the blow of the giant arm of the beast, the flesh wall pipe seemed to feel pain, and immediately contracted violently, twitching in waves, and each twitch spurted out a stream of white pulp from below.

Wang Xuan hangs his body with his right arm to stop himself from sliding down, and at the same time shouts: “Hurry up and stabilize your body, don’t slide down!”

Although he didn’t know what was in the depths of this flesh-walled pipe, he had a feeling that the further down he went, the more dangerous it was. Once he slipped down, he might not be able to escape.

Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei reacted a little later than him. One showed the demon chi knife and plunged into the meat wall beside him, using the demon chi knife to stabilize his body, while the other grabbed into the meat wall with the skeleton and bone claws, also in the meat wall. Hanging his body, he fell to the bottom about two meters away from Wang Xuan.

Below them is Tie Jun. He is the fourth person in the crowd to react. With the help of the curved blade in his hand, he inserted it into the flesh wall to stabilize his body.

Then there are Li Haotian and Zhao Lei.

“Xu Mengyun—”

Zhao Lei had just used a curved sharp blade to stick it on one side of the meat wall to stabilize his body, and he wanted to grab Xu Mengyun, but found that she had slipped two or three meters below him.

Xu Mengyun was terrified and struggled constantly. The curved blade in her hand had fallen off. She was just grabbing at random with her hands. How could she stabilize her body on this elastic and smooth flesh wall?

“help me–”

Her eyes widened, screaming in fear, struggling desperately, but she found that the more she struggled, the faster she fell, and the white slurry that kept gushing upward almost completely immersed her, and soon she could not even make a sound. Zhao Lei, who was closest to her, watched Xu Mengyun who fell below him and fell three or four meters below in the blink of an eye. With the terrifying appearance of his eyes protruding, Zhao Lei wanted to slide down to save her, but he was shaken again in the moment of hesitation.

He understands that the squeezing force of the flesh wall below is too terrifying, let alone if he can save her if he slides down, it is very likely that he will be sucked by the flesh wall and can’t climb up again.

“Zhao Lei, climb up!” He heard Li Haotian’s voice above his head.

Li Haotian used the curved sharp blade to poke a gap in the meat wall, and immediately grabbed into the gap with his left hand, stabilized his body, pulled out the curved sharp edge, raised his body, and plunged the curved sharp edge upwards into it.

Alternating like this, I tried my best to climb up.

While crawling, he noticed that Zhao Lei stopped below and didn’t move, and immediately reminded him.

Hearing Li Haotian’s voice, Zhao Lei shuddered cleverly, but he saw Xu Mengyun staring at her with her eyes stubbornly staring at her, and her mouth was gurgling. Her eyes shot out a look of resentment, as if she was resenting why she couldn’t help herself.

Zhao Lei’s scalp felt numb just by looking at it.

Xu Mengyun’s current appearance is really terrifying.

The squirming and squeezing force of the meat wall became stronger and stronger, and the bones in Xu Mengyun’s body made a crunching sound. Her arm bones, leg bones, and ribs began to be unbearable, and they were crushed and broken one by one. , a lot of blood spurted out from her mouth, eyes, ears.

Her pair of eyeballs gradually bulged out of their sockets due to squeezing, like goldfish eyes, which seemed indescribably terrifying.

Although the white scales she possesses are constantly repairing and healing her body, the speed of healing is far from keeping up with the speed at which her body is destroyed.

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