Lament of the Slave

Chapter 19: Agent?

The words of Imperial Agent Hal took my breath away. Did he know that I was trying to resist the effects of the interrogation room? Of course, he knew! I was sure I wasn't the first to try it. Why did I even think he wouldn't notice?

I was stupid for trying at all.

However, he was wrong about one thing, "I didn't lie to you."

"Hmm," he snorted, straightening his uniform before continuing. "Yes, you didn't lie, but not because you didn't want to."

"How can you know this? How can you know what I wanted to do or not?" I objected.

"This is not my first interrogation. I can easily tell when someone is trying to resist the effects of the interrogation room, meaning hiding something from me." Agent Hal said, confirming my concerns. "Did you think that the change of skills in front of me would go unnoticed?" He noticed that too?!

I was fucked.

I know I screwed up. But was I supposed to show them everything, all my skills? Skills that even Dungreen didn't know about tell them all my secrets just because they wanted to? I don't think so!!

It was probably a combination of Captain Rayden's aura and [Indomitable Will] that I dared to face the Agent. Whether my rediscovered courage was a good thing at the moment was uncertain. Facing him might have cost me more than I could afford, but I did, "It doesn't change the fact that I didn't lie to you. You said it yourself."

"I don't doubt what you told me, but I'm interested in what you're trying to hide from me," Agent Hal said, smiling for the first time. "You know, one of my skills has, let's say, a similar function to this interrogation room. It's a very practical skill for investigations, especially in the field."

"Okay," I said, afraid of what he was getting at.

"Now that I know you tried to resist the interrogation, that you are trying to conceal information potentially important to my investigation, I am authorized to use this skill to re-verify your statement," the Agent continued his explanation.

The smile didn't fade from his face, and it scared me. Because he was obviously just looking for an excuse to use his skill, pleased that I had given him one.

He sat motionless in a chair, his eyes fixed on me. I was afraid of what he wanted to do, I had no idea how to prepare for it, and I hoped that all this was just a bad joke. I looked at the Captain, hoping she would help me somehow, but she didn't even look at me. Her eyes were fixed on the Agent.

Without warning, a powerful force struck my mind. At that moment, the room, along with the Captain and Agent, was replaced by the darkness that surrounded me, taking my breath away. I couldn't even tell where the attack was coming from, but one thing I could say immediately. This force, this agent's skill, differed from the effects of the interrogation room. The effect of the room, of this massive magic tool, was not violent, unobtrusively forcing me to tell the truth. Right now, I felt like someone was trying to seize me, control me by force.

That bastard lied.

Of course, I tried to fight back with everything I had. However, I felt like an ant trying to push a human shoe away. Even though I fought back like never before with [Indomitable Will], he quickly pressed me into the corner of my mind.

If Agent Hal thought I was giving up so easily, he was wrong. There in Arda in that dungeon, I promised myself that if I ever managed to escape and regain my freedom, I would rather die than lose it again. So I was determined to fight to the last breath, just not to be controlled again like a puppet. I didn't care who my opponent was. The beggar or king, if they tried to control me, they were the same to me.


"I'll ask again, why do you want to become a seeker?" Agent Hal asked me.

His words echoed in my head, attacking my weakly built defensive walls, trying to penetrate them and get me in shackles. I didn't give him that chance. Not yet!

"Answer me!!!" Agent Hal ordered me in a raised voice.

Instead of answering, I screamed as loudly as I could, expressing my defiance and pain because the pain was what I felt very strongly now. I felt like my head was between the anvil and the hammer, just a moment to break, wishing I had some skill relieving my pain now.

I was sure that my nose and ears were bleeding, but no matter how my body suffered under this attack, and it was an attack, I was sure that [Never-Dying] would take care of the damage.

"You are still resisting?!" the Imperial Agent, standing over me, smirked. "We'll see how long!"

Only now did I realize that I was no longer sitting on the chair but lying on the ground, clutching my head, screaming. Not that this revelation would help me in any way.

"Tell me why you want to be a seeker?" he asked me again.

But I didn't have the strength to wonder why he was so attached to this very question, why it was so important. I tried my best not to submit to his will because his skill didn't force me to tell the truth. With this skill, he wanted to control me, to deprive me of free will. I experienced it, so I knew the difference.

The interrogation room effect was like the [Master's Toy] skill I had as [Slave]. When you didn't know what to focus on, you didn't even notice that it affected you. On the other hand, the agent's skill resembled a slave collar, and I'll never have one on my neck again.

With all my might, I said, "I will never be a slave again!"

My voice was weaker than I expected, rougher because my throat was sore from screaming.

"That's enough, Agent!" Captain Rayden said sharply, sounding rather irritated.

"Careful, Captain," he warned her, "this is an official investigation."

"Yes, it is. I was told that and that this investigation is focused on Frederic Dungreen, not Korra Grey. Plus, I think she answered your question right now. I'm also very interested in the skill you are currently using." said Rayden, keeping her eye on the Imperial Agent.

Agent Hal hissed, "Tss," unhappy with her question. "My skills are not your concern, Captain!!"

Then he looked at me, "Do you think this was the only question I had. She started to hide the truth with this question. No, this is just the beginning. I'll find out what she's hiding, what skills she's trying to hide, how she really crossed the border, how she survived the experiments."

At that moment, the attack on my mind stopped. I could finally breathe. I gasped as if I had drowned a moment ago, which was close to the truth. My mind was crushed, as if it were hundreds of meters below the surface. However, that stopped the moment the already familiar aura flooded me, bringing me to the surface. It protected me from the Agent's mental attack. I was extremely grateful but also confused why Rayden suddenly saved me.

"Captain, what's this supposed to mean?" Agent Hal asked sharply, looking at Captain Rayden.

She no longer had her arms crossed, but both were resting on the handle of her sword at her waist.

She returned the Agent's sharp gaze. "You tell me! You use a skill that I dare describe as mind control on a civilian. Mind-control skills and magic are banned in the Sahal Empire as far as I know and for a good reason!"

Really? So what about slave collars? The Empire used them. But it was a question I didn't dare ask right now, nor did I have the strength to do so.

"This is undoubtedly true, but the Empire has approved this skill," said the Agent Hal, agitated by Rayden's behavior. "I am authorized to use it if I deem it necessary."

The Captain raised an eyebrow, "This is the first time I hear about it,"

"Why am I not surprised," Agent Hal smirked.

"I may not have been informed, Agent. I assure you that once this is over, I will clarify it with my superiors, but until then, I will not allow you to use this skill in my city," she said firmly.

"You have no right obstructing my investigation, Captain!" he grunted.

"And what kind of investigation is that, Agent Hal?" the Captain asked, not backing down. "I am not aware that the Empire is sending its agents to investigate every newcomer to the Sahal like this!"

"What can someone like you know about who the Empire is investigating and who it does not!" he snorted haughtily.

Captain Rayden frowned. "Someone like me?!!"

"Little City Guards Captain of an insignificant city who is full of herself. I was very patient with you; I allowed you to take part in this interrogation. You should be grateful. I'll give you one last chance!" growled the Imperial Agent at the Captain. "If you don't want me to report you, stand aside and let me interrogate this creature."

What did he call me? Was this an empire agent? If someone like him represented the Sahal Empire, I began to doubt whether Sahal was better than Arda. If Sahal was where I wanted to stay? But the question was, where else to go? I didn't know Eleaden, realizing now that I hadn't even asked the librarian about basic geography.

It was hard now not to judge the entire empire by the Agent's behavior, but it wasn't right. So far, I have met more or less good people, some more accommodating, some less, but such were the people on Earth.

Maybe I was lucky to come across just such lovely people. If it weren't for Mr. Scoresby, I probably wouldn't have the courage to approach the city, let alone enter Castiana. An even bigger surprise was the city's approach to immigrants. They could have thrown me out of the city gates, forbidden me to enter, or made me a slave again. Instead, I received a small amount of money so I could start living in the city.

And I did.

I know it was her job, but Enola was nice to me. I have met no other guides, but Timmy was a great guide. Even the people at Broken Mug and Broken Heart were growing on my heart. Not to mention the library and Mr. Sandoval, it was a wonderful place.

I was all the more surprised by Captain Rayden's actions because I thought I was just an annoyance to her. Was I wrong? I don't think so, but her behavior confused me. I was grateful but confused at the same time.

Maybe Sahal wasn't the place I thought it was, but that didn't change the fact that Castiana was not a bad place to live from my experience so far.

Yeah, it was too early to judge this place based on the agent's behavior.

"If you want me to back off, you'd better tell me what she's accused of, because even as the captain of an "insignificant city", and I would not dare call Castiana that before the emperor, I've been entrusted with the protection of its citizens, and she's one of them," the Rayden said firmly.

Agent Hal smirked, "...and how long has she been in the city? Just a few days. Who made her an imperial citizen? You Captain, plus given your obstruction of my investigation, I have significant doubts about your competence!"

"You may have doubts. I have them too; even though you have proven yourself with the right credentials, I doubt that the Empire would allow a mind mage to become an agent." Captain Rayden said, still clutching the hilt of her sword. She looked at me, "You still haven't told me what this young woman is accused of, Agent!"

"I thought that would be clear," he said after a short pause, keeping his eyes on Captain Rayden. Clenching his teeth, he said, "She has resisted investigation and is a potential threat to the Empire!"

The fact that he finally answered her question was a small victory for Rayden. She knew it, and Hal knew it too. He didn't like it. The Captain did.

The little quivering bundle of misfortune down on the floor that was me didn't know what to think. On the one hand, I was glad that the woman defending me had the upper hand. On the other hand, I was stunned by his accusations.

"She is a threat to the empire?" Captain Rayden asked, wondering. "You'll have to explain to me why, if you want to continue your investigation!"

The Agent Hal looked at the Captain with an expression that could say nothing else but, "Stupid bitch!!". He didn't say it out loud, but he could just as well. His stoic expression was long gone.

"She's a fugitive who crossed the border with no one noticing. We don't even know exactly what she is." said the Imperial Agent, irritated.

Rayden stood up for me, "According to the system, she's human. You've verified her status yourself. What more do you want? I have no idea why you think otherwise.

"Her look? She explained it to you, and you know very well that she didn't lie. I know you don't have a good opinion of me. Still, you shouldn't underestimate me. I know the Empire knows of at least two similar cases. One was dead, the other survived, and I'm sure there are others I don't know about. So don't tell me she lied about how she came to her "mutations."

"Nor did she lie about her crossing the imperial borders. Yes, her method was new, but she was not the only one. Suppose you want to investigate anyone who has crossed the border unnoticed. In that case, there are hundreds of them living in Castiana alone.

Will you investigate everyone, just like Korra Grey here?!"

"Tss" hissed the Imperial Agent. "Are you done?"

"And you?" Rayden asked.

"I don't know what you see in her, why you're defending her so much, but I warn you, it's not in your best interest. Captain!!" Agent Hal warned her.

Captain Rayden raised an eyebrow. "Is that a threat?"

"Let's just say it's a friendly reminder that it might not end well for you if you don't let me do my fucking job!" he snapped at her.

"Then it probably won't end well for me, Agent. Because you still haven't given me a good reason to consider this young woman a threat to the Empire, and believe me, I take the protection of the Empire very seriously." the Captain emphasized the last sentence, adding, "It seems to me, Imperial Agent Hal, that there has been a misunderstanding. I'm not defending Korra Gray here, but a young woman who has been struck by a MIND ATTACK."

The Imperial Agent took a deep breath before asking, "So you will not let me continue my investigation, are you?"

"Not until I check who you really are, and if what you say about your skill is true," the Captain shook her head, holding her ground. Then she looked at me, "More than anything else, she needs healer's care,"

"You know nothing about the interrogation," he snapped, continuing. "Now is the best time to get the truth out of her."

"You mind mages are all the same. Especially when you get what you want, you don't care how many people you destroy the lives of," the Rayden growled, disgusted.

"Careful, Captain," the Agent warned her, adding, "This is an unfounded accusation that I will mention in my report. We'll see how long you stay as captain."

Captain Rayden smiled, "The same goes for you. My report, however, will be accompanied by a record from the interrogation room."

The Imperial Agent laughed. "I hate to disappoint you, Captain, but you have no record. I've already taken care of that. Your reports will be just unsubstantiated claims, empty words."

"I don't know what you did to the interrogation room, but I'm sure you recognize this," she said, and a tennis ball-sized orb appeared in her hand. Its surface was formed by dozens of metal plates of various shapes, covered with glowing runes.

My guess was, some kind of recording device?

The Agent flinched, reaching for the magic tool in her hand, "Give it to me!!"

"Traina's tits, you really think I'm a fool," Rayden wondered, hiding the orb again. "Why would I give it to you?!"

Imperial Agent said no more, waving his hand over the table from which all the documents he had spread out had disappeared into his magical storage. He straightened his uniform, his hair and headed for the door. However, he stopped there and turned to my protector, "This is not the last time we see each other, Captain!"

With that, he left the interrogation room.

I secretly hoped this was the last time I saw Imperial Agent Hal.

"Fucking mind mage," Captain Rayden cursed before looking at the open door and calling, "Travis!"

The young man appeared in the doorway within seconds. The saluting assistant asked, "Yes, Captain?"

"Send Marcus in to have her examined and take her to the infirmary. I'll be in my office," she told her assistant, looking at me one last time and leaving the room after three more people rushed in.

With her departure, the soothing aura, which helped me so much, also disappeared. I was afraid of this moment, I was preparing for it, for the influx of negative emotions.

That didn't happen. On the contrary, I felt calmer than before.

Confused, I searched for the cause, realizing that right now I didn't have [Spatial Domain] among my skills, but ... um [Bare Ass]. Wait, what was that skill? Yeah, when Agent Hale placed an identification station in front of me, I didn't have time to read the skill list to pick sensible ones, so I chose the first one on the list.

Great choice, Korra.

Instead of changing skills, I opened my eyes to look at who had a hand on my shoulder. To my surprise, I looked into the blue eyes of a middle-aged man. His smile was charming. What he said wasn't, "All right, guys. She's fine physically, if she's okay in her head, we'll find out in the infirmary."

This time I took a good look at him.

[Healer: lvl ??]

I guess someone like him knows what he's talking about, I shrugged in my mind.

Next to me, two men placed something I only knew from tv, a stretcher. They quickly moved me on it, their grip firm but strangely tender. Before I knew it, they were taking me down the hall to the infirmary.

I looked at them too.

[Guardsmen: lvl ??]

[Guardsmen: lvl ??]

Fuck!! I cursed in my mind.

Even if they took me straight to the gallows, I would have no choice but to thank them. Little did I know that there were so many powerful people among the city guards.

Under the healer's soothing touch, I only now realized that they were people who had been waiting outside the interrogation room door all along. Did Captain Rayden know that something like this would happen? Or was it just a routine measure? Hardly, but maybe a common measure in the presence of an imperial agent?

Were there only these three in the hallway, or were there more ready to intervene if necessary? They carried me out on a stretcher so fast that I didn't notice. At least I was sure there was Travis, who was also not weak in terms of levels.

But I didn't have more time to think about this mystery, because we arrived at the infirmary. Either my mind was so sluggish, or the carriers were so fast because I felt that our journey to the infirmary took less than a minute. Maybe the infirmary was just around the corner?

Anyway, it didn't matter. We were here.

The men moved me to a bed in the infirmary. Then they looked at the healer who had not taken his hand off my shoulder the whole time.

"Sir?" the men saluted.

"You guys can go, now she's in our hands," he told them, ignoring the salute they did before leaving the room. Instead, he looked around the infirmary, focusing on the man at the potions cabinet, "Lenny, bring me the Soothing Touch."

"Sir, but these are for..." the man wanted to object, but the healer stopped him.

"I know, for the victims of a mind attack, which she is," he said abruptly.

He stood there wide-eyed for a second, but then he immediately followed the command of his superior.

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