Lament of a Noble Born

Childhood – III

First genuinely new bit of content for the rewrite!


The weeks leading up to the exam were nerve-wracking for me. Not only because the realization slowly sunk into me about what exactly I was about to do, going the elf equivalent of Harvard, but also from Firebrook giving me a bit of info about what other test takers were preparing. It ran the gambit of expensive private tutors hired by the wealthiest families to educate their children, to the fantasy equivalent of cram schools for those with ‘less’ disposable income. Of course, in this case ‘less disposable income’ meant a family only had three vacation villas rather than five.

Hearing that, I couldn’t help but imagine some elf with a twirly mustache haughtily and monocle laughing at the ‘poverty’ of his fellow elves.

As the day ticked closer, I was genuinely getting concerned with my odds of even answering questions on the exam, let allow finishing it, the more I heard about it. High failure rate. Brutal examination process. Disqualification over the slightest infractions.

So, I poured over my books and studied with every free moment I had.

And I studied.

And studied.

And I burned myself out after a week of ceaseless worrying.

Eventually, I got a headache so bad that I just couldn’t read anymore. So, when Mom came into my room one morning to see me wincing into my pillow to ignore the throbbing pain, she confiscated the tomes I had been reading without a comment.

“The exam is a few weeks away Syllia, you can take a few days for yourself,” Mom later told me when I asked for my books back. That made me hold in a chuckle. A parent basically forcing their child to stop studying.

So here I was on day two of my “Study Detox”. The headache still came and went, thirty minutes here or fifteen minutes there, but it was nowhere near as bad as it was a couple of days ago. And right now, I was headache free!

So, what to do when I have the house to myself and all the time in the world?

Bubble bath!

I submerged myself fully into the warm bathwater. With how low I had brought my head, it almost felt like the suds of bubbles were like icebergs floating by. Of course they weren’t, it was all a matter of perspective, but it felt poetic to refer to it as such!

I hummed contently as the warmth of the water worked its way into my muscles. Don't know how I would survive if there wasn't a form of bathing beyond the stereotypical stream or lake common in medieval societies. Apparently, all that “Elven Ingenuity” I heard repeated at nauseum in class meant proper pluming in every home in Silvermoon. Who knew?

Mom was working late tonight, meaning I had to cook up something for dinner by myself; and leave something for Mom to nibble on before she went to bed. While she did eat on the job, that was more like constant snacking. I’d couldn’t imagine going a whole day and just having the equivalent of little crackers with cheese for lunch. Not to say I can cook to save my life, but I can boil a mean pot of fantasy pasta. Just need to remember to-

My musing was interrupted by a familiar rhythmic sound of flesh against flesh.

Eyes snapped open, and I slowly sat myself upright and listen; arcing my head as if doing so would make hearing the low noise any easier. My conclusion was that the dull moans and heaty breathing was coming from outside. Frowning, I leaned over to the window beside the tub. Cracking the blinds open, I scanned the area for the source of that noise.

Low and behold, a couple having sex just outside my house. Quite literally next to it. In the alley way between my home and the neighbor's.

A man and a woman, both blondes, were going at it in the periphery of my vision. I didn’t recognize either of them; but then again, I don’t really pay attention to everyone I pass on the streets. The woman was on her hands and knees, her nearly transparent yellow dress pulled aside to reveal her wet core being abused by the man’s thick cock, a pool of cum running down her legs showed this was not their first tryst of the day. Her chest was bare of anything to keep her breasts concealed, her sizable tits jiggling freely with each firm thrust from behind.

Her partner, who had only removed his trousers, had his hands secured on her waist. He drove himself in and out of her at a frantic rate. His lips moved to utter sweet nothings into her pointy ear. A hand came down on one of her ass cheeks, leaving a rosy, red mark and causing the woman to let out a wet moan.


My first reaction was to slam the blinds shut and retreat into the bath water to hide.

I dared not open the blinds again, lest I be seen.

So, I just sat there. My previous thoughts long gone. All I could do was listen to the debauched sounds just beyond the thin wall. My young body reacted of its own accord. My cheeks flared up as the seconds pass. My lower lips grew inflamed at the mental images of the rutting outside. I rubbed my legs together to generation a bit of friction to ease the sensations, which only ended up fanning the flames even more.


Some days I loved the fact I was living a second life. Yes, things could be better (I still hold a form of longing for my old body) but as far as returning from the dead is concerned, I've had very few complaints; when one gets a second chance at life, a person should not be picky about the particulars.

Yes, I live in conditions that can charitably be called poverty. My mother was a whore. My avenues for advancement were limited by classism and, potentially, a lack of a proper education. All of that is before considering that my new race are magic addicts who are going to lose their main source mana (crack) following 'Mr. Menethil’s Wild Ride' through Quel’Thalas, which leaves most of my race dead, in a decade or so.

But on a more immediate scale, my biggest problem at the moment was…well…me.

More specifically: my body. Now that I was eleven years into this new life, my body decided that now was the best time to flood my system with hormones! In short, I was getting horny very often. Prior to all this hormone nonsense, my attraction and sex drive to anything was practically zero. Sure, I knew what the moans and cries from beyond my house were and what was being done to cause such noise. But up until recently, my body never reacted to it.

Now though? Can't go a damn day without something setting me off!

Walk around, see a whore in the alleyway getting fucked. Going home, see a man bottom out into the mouth of a scantily clad lady. At home, take Romeo and Juliet outside if there needs to be any explanation. And that’s ignoring the whole ‘exhibitionist’ thing I have going on with training myself.

The whole world seemed to be conspiring to constantly flip my switch.

Damn it! I just realized what that sounds like!

Even at home, when no one was around, I was getting turned on. Seeing my own, nude, reflection in the mirror when changing was enough to rouse my loins. Hell, even Mom was starting to get to me.

Example, normally she gives me a big hug right before she runs out. Before all this, I marveled at how thin and revealing the outfits were while still technically be considered clothing. Now? Now I focused on the curves it accentuated and the beauty it instilled into her. It gets even worse when you consider that almost most elves look like there are preternaturally trapped in their twenties or late teens. Soon enough, a decade or so, we'd look practically the same age.

Also, it gets awkward when she gives me a hug and all I can think about is how soft her tits resting on my head are. I really hope I don't develop an Oedipus complex....

Speaking of my mind, my other concern was my orientation. Has it changed? I hadn't really given it any thought until recently, what with all my newfound arousal at everything, but is all of this affecting my previous orientation? In my last life, I was a heterosexual male. I never once considered myself attracted to men. Though I knew one or two guys who were into that sort of thing I never understood the appeal men may have had. No revulsion, just no interest. Has that changed?

I still find women attractive. My whole Oedipus complex at least assured me of that. And all the scantily clad woman that walk the streets who I ingrain in mind. So yes, woman still do it for me! But men? The only answer I had to that question was that thinking of men didn't turn off my arousal. It kept the proverbial fire roaring just like the thought of a woman would.

…..Cumming!” I heard the woman scream at the top of her lungs. Yet as soon as she screamed out her climax, the slapping of flesh against flesh started up again.

Rolling my eyes, I got out of the tub.

I'm not wasting anymore time waiting for the lover birds to finish. Better just get dressed and eat something. I quickly made my way back to my room with only a towel wrapped securely around my waist. On my way in, I caught sight of myself in the mirror: an elf child, dripping wet, soaked blond hair, blue ethereal eyes, and a budding pair of breasts.

My chest, formally flat as an anvil, now sported two small lumps. The beginnings of my breasts. It was somewhat surreal. Honestly, I had kind of forgotten about the whole gender thing for the longest time. Adolescent boys and girls basically had the same body figure. Flat, doughy things with no real differences beyond societal norms. Hell, even our voices were equally high pitched. It was easy to forget- No, that's not right. Ignore. It was easy to ignore the fact that I was reborn a girl.

But looking at myself now...I was a girl.

“…you're going to break me…don’t stop…please don’t stop….!”

tsked. I could hear them from my room! Be considerate about how your actions affect others people! If she’s no going to quite herself down just put something in mouth to shut her already!



The noise, combined with the visuals in my head, reignited the fire I had tried to ignore. There was no simple way out of this was there?

Standing before my mirror, I took deep breaths. I've seen this body hundreds of times without clothes. Hell, even this morning getting dressed. And I had even, clumsily, relived myself a handful of times previously. But this time felt, different. All the sounds from outdoors made it more debauched. Lewder.

With warmth pooling in my face, I moved to untie the knot holding the towel. Closing my eyes, I pulled. The wet rag flew across the room. I kept my eyes close for a whole minute before working up the courage to see myself.

I shuddered at my own reflection. Not only feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, but seeing my red face looking back at me

I ran my hand over the- my developing breasts. A statement that, nine years prior, I never thought I would think. My nipples were hard from the cool air. Running my thumbs over them produced a sensation. A pleasurable feeling rung out from the friction. A soft twist caused me to advisably squeak.

Deep breaths.

This was perverse.

The mixed sensation of embarrassment and arousal only fueled the warm wetness in my crotch. What had held me back from experimenting in depth with these new sensations was both a sense of wrongness. Wrongness from bringing such a young nubile body, even if it was my own, to release.

Of course, as the days went on, it became easier and easier to do this.

Deep breaths.

I could feel the warm of my finger directly over my cunt.

My cunt.

I hadn't even touched it and my body was quivering!

Deep breaths.

One finger tepidly touched the outer folds. I jerked at the poke of my cunt.

It felt….good.

Really good!

I quivered as my folds grew slicker with every second passing. Tepidly, my finger continued to explore my lower lips. Running along the outer folds. First with trepidation, then with growing confidence as the pleasure flooded my body. My digit grew wet with secretions. Without realizing it, my forefinger had begun to push into my pussy proper.

I bit my lip to stifle the moans as the finger ran over a bundle of sensitive nerves.

With an annoyed grunt, and more effort than I though was needed, I forced the hand away. I held my finger to my face. A sticky, clear, liquid coated it. The clearest evidence of my self-discovery. It felt surreal. I clenched my hand into a fist.

Rubbing my fingers together, then separating them. strings of clear liquid connected my fingers together for a certain distance. I gather that it was precum. While I had not intended to go this far, a fire had been lit.

And it would burn unending until it was properly quenched.

My fingers returned to their ministration. Now more than merely the forefinger, an entire hand was busy with pleasuring my nether region. Rubbing and palming the sensitive flesh. My palm ran over my sensitive nub as a slipped a finger back in; my hips reflexively jutting upwards to increase the contact between my palm and clit.

Beginning to dip down, my forefinger again slipped passed the outer lips once more. The sudden contact with my pussy’s bundled nerves made my body twitch and writhe in response. My body grew hotter, and I clapped my unused hand to my mouth, no longer trusting my resolve to contain my moans anymore. The coppery taste of blood was on the tip of my tongue as my teeth bit into my lips.

Despite knowing the size of my finger, it felt so much larger inside me. My finger soon pumped in and out. First slowly, then gaining speed. Dipping and curling the delicate flesh within. It felt like every small shift was larger than life.

So, I laid there. Pumping my finger in and out. Unconscionably matching my thrusting with the woman's soft moans outside.

I could feel a pressure building up within me.

My body began to move of its own accord. My unused fingers began to assault the lips on the surface, while my forefinger continued to curl and wiggle within me faster and faster. Breaths grew more heated. My hips began to raise up to my finger. Legs flailed about without true direction, merely trying to allow further access into my depths.

Images raced in my mind to accompany my orgasm. Cute girls. Cute boys. Sexy ladies. Sexy men. Scantily clad figures. Nude figures. The moaning of sex from the alleyway. Imagining myself there being abused like a whore. My clothes ripped to shreds and laid out around me. The feeling of the pavement as my head as I was forced down like some animal in heat and bred. My insides filling up with sicky cum until I burst. The pain flaring in the back of my head as I reveal all my-

I shuddered as a wave of pleasure washed over me. My finger was caught in the vice grip of my inner walls. Hips jerking upwards. My toes curling and legs spreading as far as they can. My moans rang out unhindered, my other hand having long left its task and found its way to my unattended chest. Warm liquid washed across my occupied fingers. My body jerked as pleasure ripped through my small frame.

And just like that, it was over.

All I was left with was a lull of pleasurable heat across my body. My heaving and breaths echoing across my quiet room. Muscles relaxed and I laid on my bed. A wet, hot mess.

The couple outside had grown quiet since I last paid attention. Hopefully that meant they were done with whatever they were doing. Not that I think the sounds would have the same effect on me so soon after my own release.

While not my first orgasm, this certainly the most intense I’ve ever experienced. This was nothing like the other times! It felt so much better! More visceral. More primal. If it always felt like this from now on, I could already tell this activity was going to become a more frequent occurrence for me.

Removing my hand from my lips embrace, I saw it was drenched in mucus like substance. I'll use the towel to clean that off later. But for now, I just laid there basking in the afterglow of my own ministrations. I vaguely remember what I was thinking about earlier; dinner and all that. But I think it could wait a little while longer.

And maybe I'll have another go after I finish making dinner.

Mom wasn't coming home anytime soon.

I never felt so embarrassed in this life.

“You're a growing girl Syllia. There is nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone has needs.”

Someone, something, let me die a second time.

“Now, I was planning to wait until it was your birthday, but I don't think there's any harm in giving this to you a few weeks early.”

Elune, Sargeras, anything, please strike me down now.

“Oh sweetie, there's nothing wrong with enjoying yourself. Why I have a pair in my room for when I feel the need.”

Kill. Me. Now.

Mom did come home late last night. I was sure to clean up after my impromptu masturbation session, and the two that followed. In my defense, once you taste the forbidden fruit, its hard to just ignore it. Maybe seeing that many of the hand towels were now in the laundry basket tipped her off. Or the scent of sex from my chair in the kitchen from when I was fucking myself against the table last night....

Didn't matter how. She knew.

So here we are. Mom sitting next to me on my bed, an open box placed on my lap. An early birthday present she said. All the grown-up ladies have one she explained.

It was pair of dildos.

Small, glass dildos. No coloring, just clear glass. One smooth, the other bumpy. Both were sized for someone of my size. In any other circumstance, I would probably be focusing on the fact that there were sex toys made for young girls, or adult dwarfs and gnomes. But now. I was just avoiding looking Mom in the eyes. My face was red as a tomato.

She brought me into a hug, giving me a soft kiss on the side of my head. Her breasts brushing up against my side, “I know its strange Syllia. You're at that age where you're starting to change from a girl into a young woman. Every girl goes through this in their lives. I did, and now so are you This is just the beginning. It might be scary at times but remember that you can always talk to me if you have any questions. Never feel embarrassed about asking me anything. Even if you think it's a silly question. You're my little girl and I only want what's best for you.”

I know most things already! You need not bother yourself with me!

She paused for a moment. Then a smile, “I don't have any work tonight. How about I show you how to use these tonight after your bath. I'll show you how it’s done properly and safely. We can do it together and you can ask me any questions you have.”

My hands covered my face. How could Mom be so open with this! Don't elves have any boundaries when it comes to this type of stuff!

The image of her nude, slowly pumping a dildo in and out of her pussy, while I watched or even copied her, did nothing to impede my growing Oedipus complex.


The days passed by, and low as I am to admit it, I did make use of the ‘tools’ Mom gave me. I didn’t take her up on the offer, mostly due to the shame that I kind of wanted to, but I did make use of my new toys. It made the visualization of certain ‘fantasies’ more enjoyable. To my chagrin, many of them were dominated by me getting…dominated by men. There were still ones filled with women, naturally, but I found an equal number of times where I fantasized about what men as well.

It was strange. What did that make me anyway? Straight? Gay? Bisexual? Something else?

Ugh…why does everything have to be so confusing.

“Hey Silly,” Noly spoke up, breaking my concentration.

I looked up from my, recently returned, book to see Noly standing before me. I refused to let the red head ‘play fight’ in my room, too many fragile things for her to break with her clumsy swings. So, she busied herself with a series of stretches and pushups. We would normally meet someplace else, but it was storming outside, and neither of us wanted to get drenched. Mom left to do something a while ago, leaving the two of us to ‘hold down the fort’.

So inside we stayed.

Noly knew I was razor focused on my studying for the exam, so she was the one who did most of the talking. I gave the occasional ‘ah’ and ‘I see’ but I wasn’t really paying all the much attention to her tales of Farstrider initiation. From what little I did gather from it, there was a lot of physical exercise and wilderness training. Two things I have zero interest in.

Yet as I look up from my tome, it seems like she’s been standing there for a few minutes.

“I wanted to ask you if….” She seemed hesitant to talk.

“Ask me what?” I questioned, bookmarking my place in this tome thick enough to stop a bullet; if she was interrupting me, it must be something important to her.

“I wanted to ask…well…what do you know about…kissing,” Noly squeaked out that last word so fast I almost didn’t catch it.

“Wait…what?” I had to do a double take on what she asked. Where did that come from!

“Kissing,” she again quipped out, this time a bit more confidently. “You know, when people press their lips-“

“No, I know what you’re talking about,” I interrupt her explanation. “I’m wondering why you brough it up.”

“Well, when I was at the lodge with the other initiates, I saw these two older kids walk off during lunch. When they didn’t come back when lunch was nearly over, I decided to go out and look for them. Then I heard her scream and thought maybe they were I trouble. But when I found them, they were….” She looked down at the floor while her cheeks began to redden.

Oh boy. I didn’t ask who ‘her’.

“They were up against a tree doing that stuff Mom does with people,” Noly got her bearings again and fought through whatever embarrassment she might be feeling. “Not the whole thing where they take off their clothes, but the stuff with the kissing and touching. But he didn’t give her anything after, so I was confused.”

“What do you mean he didn’t give her anything?” I asked, because knowing that this world was a tad on the…debauch side, ‘giving her’ something could mean something very dirty.

“He didn’t give her any coins,” Noly clarified, shaking her head. “Normally, when I see Mom, or the other ladies, do stuff with men they get some coins from it. But this boy didn’t give her anything. So, when I got home, I asked Mom why he didn’t give her anything.”

Wait a second. Noly lives near a brothel and spends time in the establishment with her mother when she needs to work late. Meaning, Noly was saying that after seeing two young people (teens?) going at it in the woods with, assumedly, some petting and kissing she went home to ask her mother why the guy didn’t pay the girl like a prostitute?

I felt my brain short circuit.

“Mom said that not everyone pays people for kissing and stuff,” Noly continued. “She said sometimes people do it because it’s fun. Like, friends do it sometimes just to pass the time or just to have fun and relax and…stuff.”

As I processed every word she spoke, I could feel heat race to my cheeks and warmth pool around my lower reaches.

“So, I was wondering if you wanted to…you know…maybe…try it…”

Wait she’s saying she wants to….

“I mean the kissing stuff,” Noly sputtered out after seeing my silent, red cheeked, expression. “It’s not like I…. What I mean to say that it’s like…practice. You know?”

“Practice?” I replied, finally finding my voice.

“Yeah, practice,” she repeated, looking around her as if she was seeing if someone was watching us along the line up of people. “I mean, Mom said that people who are together do that stuff and- I mean not together like us, here, but ‘together-together’. I mean, we are together, but not together like ‘together-together’ like…you know when…”

Noly’s words soon became a circular argument with herself as she continued to ‘explain’ what she meant, becoming little more than a sea of incoherent words slurring together. It was kind of cute to see her all flustered like this, her face and ear tips slowly becoming as red as her hair.

I should have probably expected something like this to happen sooner or later. With everything being a bit looser, in terms of morality, that the questions of ‘experimenting’ would pop up eventually. Young kids exploring their bodies and all that. Hell, not like I can argue from a point of virtuous high ground with all the masturbating I’ve been doing recently.

And with the image of kissing a girl as cute as Noly made me hot and curious about it myself.

“Okay,” I interrupt her nervous explanations.

“-and I mean. Not because…. I mean- Wait what?” she stopped mid rant to look at me.

“I said okay,” I reiterated, trying to hide the fact that I was subconsciously rubbing my legs together at the mental image of two cute elf girls (one of whom was myself) kissing. “I’m okay with trying it with you.”

“Are you sure-“

“Yes, Noly. I’ m sure.”

She blinked a few times, inhaled a deep breath, and walked over to me, plopping down onto the bed beside me.

We sat there, thigh to thigh, turned to face one another; noses almost touching. Being so close to her face, I can feel my own cheeks heating up like her’s are. But for almost a minute, all we did was just sit there staring. Neither of us wanting to make the first move; or maybe it was both of us assuming the other was going to make said move.

As I saw the clock on my wall tick past two minutes of pointless staring, I decided I was going to have to be the one to get this going; the though sending a shiver of thrill down my spine even as I kept wondering if I was about to do something wrong.

But before I could get on with it, Noly took the initiative.

Closing her eyes, she crossed the short distance between us and pressed her lips against mine. All she did was keep her lips in chaste contact with my own, all the while I could feel her labored breathing through her nose as the seconds ticked by. Eyes still slammed shut, thought I could see her short brow twitch.

I will admit, my breathing hitched from the sudden contact and my own face felt warmer

I heard her fingers drum against her sides, as if she were venting nervous energy from them. I had to stop myself from reaching out and grabbing them to calm her a little bit. Mostly because I was worried, she might take it as me trying to hold her in place than offering a comforting hand. She was seemingly nervous enough as it was, no need to add anything else to that.

So, there we stood there.

One second.

Three seconds.

Seven seconds.

As we passed the twelve second mark, Noly’s eyes shot open, she gazed into my own for one last second, then pulled back. With how heavy her breathing was, a person would be forgiven from thinking that our kiss had been far more intense than what it in fact was.

“Are you okay?” I ask her, poor girl looked like she was going to melt away with how red she was. Was she worried what I would say, this being a first kiss and everything? Or did she have some second thoughts about all of this?

“…what?” Noly replied, seemingly now coming back to her senses.

“I said are you okay?”

“Um…yeah,” she replied.

A moment of silence as we processed what we just did.

“So…you want to try that again?” I asked, again rubbing my thighs together.

She silently nodded; our faces crept into one another for the second time.

Then the third.

And the fourth.

By the tenth time our lips clashed, one would be forgiven from thinking that either of us had ever had any reservations or concern about this. We separated only for the briefest gasps of air before returning to our embrace. Our baser natures slowly taking over where hesitancy and embarrassment once held sway. No more words were needed to convey our want to explore these sensations we were feeling with one another.

While these were only chaste kisses, no tongue action of any kind, the way our mouths pressed against one another and the way our arms wrapped around one another each other’s body to press ourselves closer into one another, anyone could be forgiven for assuming something more ‘intense’ occurring. Hell, it certainly felt like this was far more than it really was. With our chest pressed up against each other, I could feel her erect nipples from her developing chest press into me as surely as she could feel my own hardened nubs press into her.

Though at the rate we were going, I felt that this was going to escalate rather quickly. I could feel Noly’s hands slide down by back to-

“Hey kids I’m back!” Both of us were snapped out of our little reality with Mom’s words.

We separated even before the door shut behind her. Whether it was from a fear of being caught in an embarrassing position, or the ‘magic’ dying upon realizing we were no longer alone, I couldn’t say.

Our eyes locked onto one another.

“So, are you okay?” I repeated my earlier question to her.

Noly, a little out of breath, licked her lips, “Yeah, I’m okay. But….I have to go now though,” she stood up and straightened out her shirt, wringing her hands as she spoke. “I have this…thing I forgot about at home….and you know how it is….when you forget about your thing…..I left that thing at the lodge and I need to bring it home.”

‘But you just said it was at your home’ would be my first response to her contradicting statements, but I can tell she’s just a little frazzled and maybe wants some time to process everything.

“But this was fun,” she spoke up, maybe worried that I was thinking she was leaving because what we did upset her. “I’d love to do this again sometime…you know if you want to and all…not that I’m saying you have to or anything…it-”

“I’d like to as well,” I cut her off from another circular argument I could tell her rambling was going to descend into again. Low as I was to admit it, I too found it enjoyable. More enjoyable that I thought I would find it.

“Really?” Her eyes widened with excitement, and she fumbled over her words. “I mean, yes…..I’m completely…… Yes, I would love…. Yes Silly, I would like that as well.”

We smiled and said our proper goodbyes. Mom gave me a sideways glance as Noly raced down the wet stone street, the rain seemingly dissipating for the day. While she didn’t say anything directly to me about Noly, she did tell me to ‘have fun’ and not let any drama ruin our ‘relationship’.

I reply that we were just friends, as if on reflex.

She laughs and nods her head, waiving off my ‘defense’. I think she had her mind set on the issue.

Later that day, unsurprisingly, our ‘practicing’ dominated my lurid desires as I brought myself to climax repeatedly. My lustful thoughts dominated by a cute red head going further than merely kisses.

All the while, the date for the exam loomed ever closer.

Ah young love! How sweet and wholesome it is!

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