Ladybird’s Yanderes

Chapter 7: Stalker Parade

To eliminate any confusion, Chapters 1-3 take place during the fist day of school and chapters 4-7 take place during the second. 


Anna Hirsh yawned as the sun rose over the horizon and light flooded her eyes. She stretched and shook the tired feeling from her body before standing up. Unlike most mornings, the sight that greeted her when she looked around wasn’t the familiar bedroom that greeted her everyday but instead a dingy back alley. The alley was located behind the apartment building where Lady was staying. She spent the rest of the morning shaking off the cold and recounting the events from the day prior. 

On the first day of school yesterday, she had discovered that Lady was her online friend LadyKiller. After following him to work, she followed him to his apartment and camped outside. Looking back on it, Anna wasn’t quite sure why she had done any of it. Maybe it was some semblance of punishment for her actions that caused her to sleep in the alleyway but regardless, she was here now. Pulling her phone from her pocket, she checked her messages and saw that she had received no messages or calls from her parents despite not going home. 

She moved to the side of the apartment and watched the door to Lady’s room with bated breath. Sometime later, the door opened and Lady exited the room with his backpack on. After locking the door, he continued on the way to school unaware of the girl following behind him. Anna watched him as he entered the school building. She was about to follow when she remembered that she was still wearing the same clothes as yesterday. She ran home as the school bell rang signaling the beginning of the school day. 

As Anna reached her house, she entered the gate code and stepped through the swinging automated iron gates. Her hands fumbled with the key as she entered the house and headed to her room on the second floor. She pulled a plastic water bottle with a Ladybug inside out of her backpack and set it on her desk. “I’ll find you a better home soon little guy” She said to the insect. Neither of her parents were home right now so she was able to shower and change her clothes. After hastily drying her hair, she left her house and headed back to school. For the second day of high school, Anna Hirsh was late.

The school day continued as normal after Anna arrived, around lunch, she was forced to discipline someone who insulted Lady.  After her third period, she had no more classes with him. Anna headed to the entrance after the final bell rang following a certain gray haired boy. As she headed outside, a hand suddenly grabbed her shoulder, spinning her around. “Why are you following him?”, her friend Sara asked. Sara and Cass were standing behind Anna with stern looks on their faces

Mildly annoyed by their intrusion, Anna responded. “None of your business.” Sara drew her hand back and slapped it across Anna’s face. A red mark started forming around the area where she had been struck. “You bitch!” Anna returned the strike twice fold nearly knocking Sara off her feet. The two girls began to grab at each other and trade increasingly violent strikes. “Stop it both of you” Cass yelled, grabbing their arms. 

The two girls looked up while panting. They were still standing on the front steps of the school building and a crowd was beginning to form. Several people had already taken their phones out to record the spectacle. Dragging her two friends away from the crowd, Cass led them further down the sidewalk where fewer people were standing. “What the fuck was that all about?” Cass asked the two once they had escaped from the onlookers. Anna looked meekly, clearly disappointed in how she had acted. “Sara started it.” Sara scowled “You’re the one who's acting like a freak and following that boy” Anna’s eyes lit up with a dangerous light. “Don’t you dare talk about him!” 

Cass was watching dumbfounded as her two friends continued arguing. She was the newest member to the trio of friends but in the time she had spent with them, Anna and Sara had never gone at it like this. Finally getting fed up with their bickering, Cass hit them both on the back of the head with a firm hand. “Both of you stop fighting. Sara might be an idiot who doesn’t know how to express it but we’re both just worried about you. Please just tell us what’s going on with you.” Anna looked up at Cass before turning to Sara. “I’m sorry” She muttered

“I made a mistake,” Anna said. “One of my online friends was actually Lady. I would play games or talk with him one day and harass him the next. I’m a horrible person.” Her eyes started to water as she talked and her voice began to choke up. “Hey it’s not your fault. You didn’t know”  Sara said while hugging her crying friend. Anna shook her friend off and started wiping away her tears. “It doesn’t matter. I still hurt him. I still yell at people and get angry for no reason. I beat people up for no reason. I steal and I lie. I’m horrible. I’m a disgusting person. I’m the worst. Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me and they should. I’m such a –” 

“Stop It!” Cass said, grabbing Anna. Cass and Sara hugged the crying girl from either side. “You're right.” Sara said “But this is our fault too. You’re not the only one who was being an asshole. I still think some of those shits we beat up deserved it but we did take our anger out on the wrong people as well. We’re bad friends for doing all this with you. The three of us are pretty bad people huh.” 

After hugging it out, Anna continued walking towards the bookstore where Lady worked and quickly caught up with him. “Why are you guys still here?” Anna whispered as she turned to her two friends. Cass shrugged while Sara responded “Just cause”. Despite their nonchalant attitude, the two girls were both worried about their friend and had followed her to make sure she was okay. The three girls peeked out from behind a bush and looked at Lady. He was still walking to work unaware of the three girls following him. 

“Where is he going?” Sara asked. “Work. Some local bookstore,” Anna responded. Cass wondered how Anna knew that but was afraid of the answer she might find if she asked. Lady approached the bookstore and entered while the three friends watched. “Is this the place?” Sara asked. Anna merely nodded in response to her friend's question. The girls approached the bookstore and crouched down peaking through the window. “What the hell are we doing?” Cass asked. Her question was met with silence. 

After a few more minutes, Cass and Sara finally convinced Anna to go home. As Anna was walking, she took a detour and swung by Lady’s apartment. Lady was still at work and the building seemed mostly empty. Cautiously approaching the door, she jiggled the handle only to find that it was locked. After pacing for a few minutes outside the door, Anna pulled two paper clips out of her backpack and tried to pick the lock. Getting frustrated, she pulled out her phone and looked up a tutorial on lockpicking. After a few more unsuccessful attempts, she finally managed to open the door.

Anna was greeted by a sparse one room apartment. There was a bed and desk against the left wall and a small kitchen area against the right. A door flanked either side of the entryway and Anna opened them to discover a closet and bathroom. The wall opposite the entrance contained a glass door leading to a small balcony. She approached his bed cautiously before crouching in front of it and running her hand over the covers. Climbing onto the bed, Anna laid face down and breathed in. She didn’t know what Lady smelled like but she imagined it was a lot like this.

Anna started to grow restless after a few minutes. Whether it was due to the poor AC or something else, she couldn't say but there was an unmistakable fire spreading through her body. At first she was unsure but after a few minutes, she recognized the feeling. She was horny. It had been a long time since she had felt this way. The last few instances were brought about by celebrity crushes in middle school and a childhood friend she had once liked. 

Swallowing her shame and succumbing to temptation, she began rubbing her hand over her pants. The sensation proved to not be enough and she slid her hand under the seam of her pants. Her slender fingers felt the warm area of her panties that were quickly growing moist and she blushed. As her fingers traced the outline beneath her panties, Anna’s breath began to quicken. 

The hastening of her fingers solicited an embarrassing moan from her lips. She bit down on the neck of her shirt to quiet herself and continued pleasuring herself. After a few minutes, she managed to reign herself in and slowly came down from her high. Anna blushed as she felt the wet area around where she had laid stained with sweat and other bodily fluids. She walked to the door and was about to open it when she heard a pair of steps making their way up the rusty staircase outside. 

Anna grabbed her backpack in a panic and ran onto the outdoor balcony sliding the glass door closed behind her. She heard the apartment's front door open just as she crouched in the corner of the balcony. She prayed that Lady wouldn’t realize anything was wrong as she analyzed how she would get down from the balcony to the ground. Science it was only two stories, Anna finally hung down from the balcony ledge before dropping to the floor. Her foot rolled out from under her and she winced in pain as she landed on her side. 

Her leg wasn’t broken but the pain she felt when she put pressure on it made it hard to walk. After nearly an hour, she finally managed to limp her way back home. Anna scowled upon seeing the two cars in the driveway. When she entered the house, neither of her parents greeted her and neither one commented on her obvious limp. After making it upstairs, she collapsed on her bed and began crying. 

A mix of shame and excitement filled her heart. From her perverted intrusion into his room to the emotional confession to her friends, everything had kept building until now. She released her pent up emotions as she cried into her pillow for a half hour. When she was done, Anna noticed the sound of her stomach growling and realized she hadn’t eaten anything today. She missed dinner and breakfast due to camping out at Lady’s and was too busy following him and defending him during lunch to eat anything.

A craving for pizza led her to scrounge her drawers for money which yielded a plastic bag with assorted dollar bills. She was about to order a pizza over the phone when she realized that the money she had was all stolen. Some of it likely came from Lady. The plastic bag was placed back on her desk and she began to tear up again. Had she not just finished crying, she would have definitely started now. She opened her backpack hoping to find a forgotten candy bar or bag of chips only to be greeted with Lady’s lunchbox. 

She had failed to return it to him after finding it abandoned on the rooftop earlier today. Opening it up, she discovered a bag of chips and an apple. Her initial reservations were dashed as her stomach growled again and she greedily ate them both. Anna placed the lunchbox on her bedside table and laid on her bed thinking about the past two days. Part of her wished that things could go back to the way they were before she knew that LadyKiller was Lady. As she laid there, she realized that she had opened her phone unconsciously and was sitting on LadyKiller's contact screen. She decided to type out a message and hit send before collapsing in exhaustion and falling into a deep sleep.

 Longer chapter today, hope you enjoyed. I know that I've been jumping between different perspectives and times the last few chapters but hopefully it didn't seem confusing or slow. The poll is just out of curiosity since online novels all seem to have different ways of formatting dialogue. I likely won't make any major changes to my method unless people hate it. For anyone wondering about the second story I mentioned, I plan to reach 10 or 15 chapters here before I attempt writing two stories concurrently.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.