Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 88: Ball, Part 1

We arrived at a large building. In front of it was a big square where carriages parked. I could see plenty of people in exquisite gowns and expensive suits. Some were chatting, others walked towards the entrance. Two marble columns supported the roof which covered the area in front of the door.

“What is this place?” I asked.

“It’s the palace the royals use if they visit Lupos.” Helena said.

“You can also rent parts of it for events.” Cassie added.

As I looked around, I spotted very few people in a student uniform. We certainly stood out. Surely that was the reason why we got some glances. And not Nyx sitting on my head.

We made our way to the door where we showed our invitations. The guards were unconcerned about Nyx, or the draugr who was following me. Then again, Princess Olivia told me to bring them.

Once inside we went to the main room. It was large and open. I could see some musicians checking their instruments. The centre was clearly meant for dancing. The outer area was filled with small tables where you could place your drinks. Servants were expertly navigating the crowd while carrying trays. I also saw people with food in an adjacent room.

“I think I have spotted the buffet.” I announced.

“They always have some nice things at such events.” Cassie said.

“Yes. We should go there before the best stuff is gone.” Helena confirmed.

So far we got some curious glances but nobody tried to talk with us. A bunch of students were not considered that important I suppose.

The buffet was filled with delicacies I had never tried before. Small slices of bread with various toppings seemed popular. A lot of effort had gone into making the food pretty. I filled a small plate with a selection of things and walked to an empty table. My friends were still filling their plates.

“Can I interest you in some sparkling wine ma’am?”

I stared at the maid, who was smiling at me. She had a tray with glasses and was offering me one. I looked at her neck. There was no collar. Good.

“Thank you.” I said and took a glass. I sipped the drink and watched the maid move on.

“You got yourself a drink, excellent!” Helena said as she joined me. “That is the most important part. Always have a drink. Otherwise you risk not surviving such an event.”

I looked at her. She smiled. “It’s the number one survival lesson for young nobles, trust me!”

“I would have expected it to be the other way around. Don’t drink anything, it might have poison.” I said.

“Depends on the ball. But at some events you would welcome getting poisoned.” She responded.

I bit into my first treat. The bread was slightly toasted and topped with a sour white cream that included herbs and pieces of salmon. I liked it.

Cassie returned next. I frowned at her plate. “You made a terrible mistake!” I pointed at the filled mushroom on her plate. While I could see that it was covered in cheese and bacon, which I approved of, the mushroom gave me shivers.

“Mushrooms are delicious.” She said.

I shook my head. “I would prefer stale crackers.”

Helena and Cassie looked at me as if I had gone mad. “I know you dislike mushrooms, but surely there are limits…” Helena said.

“No. They are the worst.” I responded.

“Why are you looking at Koyuki like that?” Skadi asked, as she arrived.

“She claimed mushrooms are worse than stale crackers.” Cassie answered.

Skadi shook her head. “That is just wrong.”

“So, how long do we have until the princess arrives?” I asked.

“I expect an hour or so. She will likely call us before that and go over the way she wants to introduce you. Then she will likely start the ball with the first dance. After that you will get mobbed by nobility.” Helena said.

“Who let you in here?” I looked around and saw Archibald. He did not have all of his usual followers with him. Only Florence was there. She wore a lovely green gown. It matched her eyes. So did the emerald necklace she wore.

“Wouldn’t you like to know?” Helena said with a smile.

“Was it Countess Ashburn? She will be so disappointed in your company, Cassie.” Florence said.

Cassie snorted. “Unlike you, I don’t need my parents to get invited to such an event. Mom is around, sure. But she is not why I am here.”

“I think Koyuki wore the wrong uniform. Are you sure you are not supposed to be a maid?” Florence said, while smiling maliciously.

“No, I am here as a necromancer. Don’t worry, I am sure I can demonstrate that before the night is over.” I smiled back. Princess Olivia did say something about a demonstration after all.

“Oh honey, do try. Show the people here how uncivilised you are.” Florence answered. “You are pretending to be a soldier. You could not even afford a proper dress, could you? No jewellery? Oh, did you not have a collar, once?”

I think she wanted to provoke me. Maybe she hoped I would make a scene at the ball and embarrass myself in front of the nobility.

“You might be pretending to be a soldier at the academy, but we are soldiers. Unlike you, we actually defeated the vampiric nightshade. I might be a student but I have already earned the uniform I am wearing. Did you earn your gown?” I responded.

My response had caught her off guard. She did not seem to have a response to that. I simply ignored her and returned to my food.

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