Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 84: Preparations

The information about the princess coming to Lupos spread rather quickly. Over the next week, it became the number one topic everyone talked about. I did not get any additional attention though, meaning the reason for her visit might still be a secret.

I also learned that there would be a ball.

“I have no idea how to dance.” I told my friends. It was Venday and we were currently having lunch.

“Me neither…” Skadi admitted.

“Oh, we can teach you!” Helena suggested.

“Yes. Dancing can be fun.” Cassie said. “Sadly, at most balls you are expected to dance with people you might dislike. Because politics.”

Helena nodded. “True.”

“So, if I don’t learn how to dance I can escape that unpleasantness.” I concluded.

“No, people will just think you are rude if you decline.” Cassie said.

“I can live with that.” Skadi said.

“Or, you could learn how to dance and then dance with us!” Cassie suggested.

“Is that a thing? Women dancing with each other at a ball?” I wondered.

“Partially. It’s ok for close friends and family members. But you are mostly expected to dance with the opposite gender.” Helena said.

“So, you want us to be rude. Just in a different way. By dancing with each other instead of not dancing at all.” Skadi observed.

“Yes!” Cassie admitted with a big smile.

While Skadi pondered that, Helena asked me: “Koyuki, did you have any training concerning balls? I am curious.”

“Well, I have learned how to serve at such events. It’s mostly about making sure people have food and drink. Smile at them, be polite and make sure you are there if a glass is empty. Otherwise make sure you are not seen.” I explained.

“So, be invisible, until you are needed. Then appear out of nowhere. Like an assassin.” Skadi said.

“Um. Assassination was not part of the training, no.” I said.

“While I assume Skadi is thinking about the books she loves to read, it’s not entirely unheard of to use staff for murder attempts. Also, you can hide security among the servants. Mostly though, you want them to spy for you. Maids hear many things.” Helena said.

“I have been trained as a maid but never really worked as one. We were told to not spill any secrets and forget everything we heard though.”

“Obviously. A good maid would not spy on their master. You want your own servants loyal but you want to bribe the ones of others. It would be a bad look for Rossalyn Academy to have their maids betray their owners.” Cassie reasoned.

“Anyway, how does that ball even work? There are quite a few students here. And some parents are showing up too… Won’t that be too big?” I wondered.

“Not really.” Helena said. “First, I doubt every student will be there. This is not a school event. I suspect only the higher nobility, or those with connections, are invited. Second, big events do happen. Usually you only engage with people in your social circle. Like, if I am at an event where royalty is present I am expected to stay away from them. As the daughter of a count, I am too low to engage with them. Especially since I am not even the heir.”

“Yes. Normally you engage up and down one rank. More or less. It changes a bit depending on your liege lord. And how important your territory or family is. There are counts who serve the king directly, for example. Most are pledged to a duke.” Cassie explained.

“So, me meeting the princess is a really big deal.” I concluded. Great. I was already nervous about that meeting.

“It kind of puts you on the level of the dukes, yes. Of course, that is only if you look at it in terms of nobility. In the end royals talk to their advisors, accountants, ministers, generals,... If you have an actual function your title is meaningless.” Helena said.

“Well, your title might get you the fancy job but otherwise she is right.” Cassie added.

That was a bit of a relief. “So she is just going to talk to a future officer.” I said.

“Future archmage officer. You are likely going to become a general in time. Or maybe get a special title. They will want to keep you happy and loyal.” Helena said.

“Yeah. Especially as a necromancer they will keep a close eye on you.” Cassie added.

“A necromancer’s biggest weakness is assassination.” Skadi pointed out.

“So, you think they will provide bodyguards that are loyal to them? To protect me as long as I am on their side but get rid of me if I were to betray the kingdom?” I asked.

“Exactly.” Cassie said.

I shrugged. “I have Nyx. And I have you. I doubt I need more protection. We are a team, after all.”

“And we have the Order of the Iron Beaks!” Helena said.

“Psst! They are a secret!” Cassie pointed out.

Helena only grinned. “It’s not like anyone would figure out what they are by hearing the name. One day people will tremble when they hear it. But for now… they will just have their imagination.”

“Ok, back to the original topic. I think I would like to learn how to dance.” I said. Maybe it would be fun?

“Perfect! It’s a bit like fighting. I am sure you can use the footwork you have learned.” Helena said.

“Yes, that also means it counts as training! You always tell me it’s important to train, Skadi.” Cassie said.

Skadi sighed. “Ok. You did train hard since the field trip. It’s only fair that I do this for you.”

Our new training started on the same day. We decided that Helena and Cassie would teach us how to dance every evening, from now on. We learned surprisingly quickly. Maybe all the weapon training had helped. Or maybe the mana circulation technique was responsible. But it seemed like we would be good enough to not embarrass ourselves at the ball.

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