Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 37: Planning

Life at the academy became a comfortable routine. Sadly, there were no rats for Nyx to hunt. But she participated in combat practice frequently. We all improved our spellcasting and were able to use some magic now. It was five weeks after I had gotten Nyx that I was summoned to the principal’s office.

My undead companion was following me. While she loved to ride on my head, the lazy thing, I decided that was not appropriate here. We had learned some basic military etiquette by now. That included proper saluting and marching in formation. I made sure my uniform was straight and knocked.


I stood before Erik and saluted. “Sir, reporting as ordered.”

“At ease. This is not a formal meeting.” He leaned back in his chair, looking relaxed. “You are probably wondering why you are here.”

“Yes sir.”

“I have spent some considerable time looking into the attempts on your life. The ambush on the road points to one of the dukes, but there is not enough evidence to do anything. The adventurer responsible for the tampered skeleton was identified. Curiously he died on a mission soon afterwards. Eaten by a crimson spider.”

I had no idea what that was. We did not learn a lot about monsters yet. But being eaten by any kind of spider sounded nasty.

“That brings me to the reason you are here. Soon you will have your first field exercise. And that puts you in danger. Of course, the instructors will do their best to keep you safe. It won’t be easy to get past them. But don’t let your guard down. And if there is a problem, talk to Irene. There is very little that she can’t handle.”

“Yes sir.”

“Princess Olivia has high hopes for you. And so do I. Don’t disappoint us. Dismissed.”

I saluted and left. It was Solday afternoon. So I did not have anything to do, other than train. Or hang out with my friends. They were both in the park practising their magic, and waiting for me to report about the meeting. Which I did.

“Yes! Finally, our first field exercise!” Helena cheered.

“Do you know any details?” I wondered.

“Didn’t you read the syllabus?” Skadi asked.

“There is a syllabus?” I wondered.

“Yes. You can request it at the dorms. Anyway, it’s a two week trip. It’s about how you set up a camp, hunt and those sorts of things. There are going to be older students as well, to get command experience. The first years will be split into groups of about four and a second year will be assigned to lead them. It’s supposed to teach us about a soldier's life and help us fight in groups.”

“Can we decide our own groups?” Helena asked.

“Yes. Students are encouraged to build sensible groups themselves. Anyone left will be assigned.”

“Nice! So, we need a fourth.” Helena said.

“Can we pick our commander too?” I asked.

“No.” Skadi answered. “The second year who is in charge will be assigned.”

“Girls, focus! Who is our fourth?” Helena asked.

“No idea. We have Nyx but I doubt that she counts.”

“Animal companions, summons, golems,... all those things count as skills or weapons.” Skadi confirmed.

“Skadi, what about your roommate?” Helena suggested.

“Eh. It’s not that she is bad… but I don’t really know her.”

“How can you still not know your roommate?” Helena asked.

“I don’t talk with people if I don’t have to.” Skaid answered, crossing her arms. “I am still not sure why I am even hanging out with you guys.”

“Because we are awesome! And we are going to be an amazing team! The world will tremble before us. Hehehe.”

Skadi and myself stared at Helena. She seemed disappointed that we did not join her laugh.

“So, does anyone have a suggestion?” I asked.

“Hm. We already have a good group. Skadi and Nyx make a decent front line. I am a bit of a skirmisher currently. I can use ice daggers at range or go in close with a spear.” Helena said. Then she looked at me. “What are your plans? Are you going to create more skeletons?”

“If we hunt something I could animate it afterwards. I have just recently learned a necrotic dart. I will stay at range and support, probably.”

“I think we have everything covered, except healing.” Skadi said. “And no first year can do that yet.”

“There is Cassie from my advanced alchemy class. We haven’t learned healing potions yet but she could be useful. Although, she mostly likes to make bombs. She is really into explosions… Ok, maybe she is a bad idea.” Her attitude was a bit concerning at times. She might blow us up.

“Nothing wrong with a good explosion.” Skadi said. Helena nodded.

“Eh… There is also Finley. He is from alchemy too. He is more interested in logistics. I have no idea if he would be good in a fight.”

“I am not sure if that is what we need.” Skadi said.

“What about Shin?” Helena said.

“Who is that?” Skadi asked.

“Catkin. Fast, good with a spear and reasonably cute.” Helena answered.

“And he has been polite to us so far.” I added.

“What’s his affinity?” Skadi asked.

I shrugged. “No idea.” I looked at Helena.

She scratched her head. “I have never asked. Maybe air?”

“Cassie was the best idea yet.” Skadi said. “I think her alchemy would add something. Koyuki has the same class but she is only focusing on improving her undead, right?”

I nodded.

“I propose that we ask her.” Skadi said. “Let’s see if she is willing.”

I was still a bit concerned but maybe it would not be that bad.

“Do you know where her room is?” Helena asked.

“No. I don’t know much about her.”

“We can ask the staff at the dorms.” Skadi suggested.

“Let’s go!” Helena said.

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