Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 30: Incident

The other students left after the lesson was over. I stayed to clean the bones. Horas told me I could use the lab. He also promised me a basic strengthening solution tomorrow, which I could apply after the bones were cleaned. Hopefully I could finish that tonight. I started by submerging the bones in his mixture, then I scrubbed them with a sponge and afterwards rinsed them with water. It was getting late but tomorrow was Solday, that meant no lessons. I could have simply continued tomorrow but I was too excited to stop. I got used to the smell and really enjoyed the process.

I hummed a happy tune as I progressed. What would I name my minion? Minion? No, it would be more than a simple servant. I wanted a pet. The skeleton was not even raised yet and I was already forming an emotional attachment. I gently stroked one of the bones. Whatever this creature was, it would become my companion. Hopefully for a long time.

Suddenly the door burst open.

“HA! I knew we would find her here!” Helena exclaimed.

“Hi Koyuki.” I heard Skadi say.

“Hi. Were you looking for me? I might have lost track of time…”

“It’s Frigday evening, we should be drinking!” Helena declared as she walked closer. “Ohhh, is this your skeleton?”

“Yes. I am almost done cleaning it! Horas made an alchemical solution for that.”

Skadi came closer as well. Both girls examined the bones with interest.

“This should make a fine warrior.” Skadi concluded.

“Tomorrow I can strengthen it. Then it should be ready. Hopefully I can learn the spell to raise it quickly.”

“Can we help?” Helena asked.

“Nah, it’s alright. I am almost done. You can keep me company though, if you want.”

They stayed and we made small talk while I finished. Afterwards I cleaned up and we got some food. We almost missed dinner time. They were already closing the counter when we arrived. The only option left was roast chicken with garlic mushrooms.

On the bright side, we found an empty table since it was late. I took a sip from my beer and eyed the dish warily. The chicken smelled heavenly. I liked garlic in general but mushrooms… I poked one with a fork. So squishy. I shuddered.

“You don’t like mushrooms?” Helena asked.

“No.” I answered.

“Your loss.” Skadi said, happily eating hers.

I shoved those questionable things to the edge of the plate. As far away from my chicken as possible. Then I ignored them. The chicken was good at least. Afterwards Helena bought a bottle of wine and we had a pleasant evening.

The next day we decided to do some more sparring. While I was slowly improving I was still far behind my friends in skill. But the additional practice would help in time. In the afternoon we split up. Skadi and Helena trained their magic while I returned to the lab. Horas was not there but I found a jug with a note. It told me to apply the liquid within to the the bones.

A brush was on the table as well, so I used it to coat the skeleton. The bones darkened when I applied the substance. It gave them an even more sinister appearance. I wondered if I could paint them? Could I have a pink undead tearing things apart?

I kept working while I was fantasising about colour schemes for a future undead army. I needed to discuss this with Helena and Skadi. My thoughts were so distracting that I had not noticed the darkness forming around me. I frowned. Was it that late already? No, this was not normal. This was a strange fog.

The bones around me rattled. I currently held the skull in my hand. It was the last piece and I had just finished coating it. The empty eye sockets filled with purple light. I felt eyes staring at me. A presence awakened inside the skull.

Maybe I should have run. But this was my skeleton. And I felt something else. As I watched the creature awaken, runes popped into my head. I had seen something similar before, in the necromancy textbook. It was a spell.

I kept hold of the skull, even as the other bones aligned themselves around it. I pulled mana from my core to my hands. In my left I turned it to death, in my right I turned it to water. Then I shoved both into the spell that had appeared in my mind.

I held nothing back. I poured all the mana my core produced into the spell. My consciousness collided with an alien mind. It was wild, feral. I almost lost my concentration. Sweat dropped from my forehead. The presence fought me. It wanted to hunt. It considered me prey. No! I was not prey! I was its master! And it would serve.

My mana flooded it, drowned it. It yelped in surprise. It fought my magic but I did not relent. I felt my body grow tired but I did not give up. This skeleton was mine. The runes in my mind glared brightly and with a final push I overwhelmed the creature.

My magic flooded it, claimed it and… it purred. All the fight was gone. The creature now soaked in my mana and I felt it curl up, content. Meanwhile, the actual skeleton had reformed. I held the head of what looked like an undead panther. As the light returned I could see that the bones were now black. They were decorated with light blue lines forming random patterns. The eyes still glowed purple.

The spell was complete. I still felt a connection to my new companion. A slight amount of mana flowed into it, constantly. I suppose that was the upkeep one had to pay for an undead. It needed a name. “I call you Nyx.” The purring intensified.

Of course, I had no idea why any of that happened. That solution was only meant to strengthen the bones. Why did an undead awaken by itself? And how did I manage that spell? I needed to find a teacher. As I tried to get up I felt dizzy. And tired... so tired. The world turned black.

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