Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch195- Hinata vs Roshi (2)


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Through the cloud of steam, she could see Roshi faltering. His transformation wavered, the four-tailed beast struggling to maintain its form. Sensing her chance, Hinata pressed forward. She reached deep into her chakra reserves, her energy flaring in response.

"Yuki, now!" Hinata yelled, her voice a commanding echo in the chaotic battlefield.

Yuki responded with a mighty roar, her form dissolving into a spiraling torrent of frost. The icy whirlwind swirled around Hinata, her energy guiding it towards Roshi. The Jinchuriki roared, his body radiating heat in an attempt to melt the icy assault. But it was futile. The icy whirlwind engulfed him, its chilling grip disrupting his transformation.

Yet, as the icy vortex subsided, Roshi, or rather the Four-Tailed Beast, stood tall, the harsh glow of his chakra still blazing. With a roar, he released a massive Tailed Beast Ball, the concentrated energy hurtling towards Hinata.

Reacting instantly, Hinata summoned a wall of ice, the natural energy reinforcing her defense. Yet, the Tailed Beast Ball was immensely powerful. As it crashed into the icy barrier, a massive explosion erupted, shattering the frosty defense into a thousand shards.

Thrown back, Hinata barely managed to land on her feet, her body pushed to its limits. Yet, she refused to falter. With Yuki's support, she stood her ground, a testament to her unwavering resolve. They had come too far to back down now. There was no room for mercy, only the determination to end this. With that thought, Hinata charged forward, her icy-blue Byakugan locked onto Roshi, her mind already strategizing her next move.

As the shattered shards of her ice barrier descended like snowflakes around her, Hinata took a moment to gather her thoughts. The intense heat radiating from Roshi in his Four-Tails form was an oppressive weight against her ice-infused chakra. The terrain around them had transformed into an extreme battlefield, each square inch a testament to their clashing wills.

However, her heart remained steady, refusing to succumb to the blistering intensity of her adversary. A glacial calm coursed through her veins, her Snow Fox Sage Mode serving as a counter to the consuming heat. Hinata looked at Roshi, her icy-blue Byakugan piercing through the searing air, her focus unwavering.

"Roshi," Hinata spoke, her voice steady amidst the roar of the battle. "You've given me no choice. I didn't want this to escalate, but your power leaves me no other option."

Roshi responded with a fiery growl, his form crackling with the volatile chakra of Son Goku. His burning gaze met Hinata's, a silent dare against her threat.

Flicking her gaze towards Yuki, Hinata signaled her companion. The snow fox nodded, understanding the weight of Hinata's decision. Drawing from the swirling natural energy around them, they began molding their chakra, each feeding into the other's power. A frigid aura surrounded them, their combined energies intensifying, a silent testament to their bond.

Hinata closed her eyes, focusing on the icy currents of chakra swirling within her. A vortex of natural energy began to gather around her, her six ethereal tails pulsating with a cold, otherworldly light. The sage power within her bloomed, a serene calm descending upon her as she prepared for the imminent assault.

Opening her eyes, Hinata locked onto Roshi. Every sense was heightened, the world around her fading into a backdrop as she focused on her target. Her icy gaze met Roshi's fiery one, a clash of wills resonating between them.

The next moment, Hinata was on the move, a streak of icy energy against the heat-ridden battlefield. Her six tails unfurled behind her, each emitting a trail of frost as she drew closer to Roshi. The Jinchuriki roared, a wave of heat radiating from him, yet Hinata remained unfazed, her frosty aura serving as a counter to the heat.

Roshi retaliated, a blast of molten chakra hurtling towards Hinata. But her heightened sensory perception had already picked up his attack, her body reacting instinctively. One of her tails extended, morphing into an icy shield that met the molten blast head-on. The heat was immense, yet the icy shield held firm, a testament to Hinata's mastery over Ice Release.

As Roshi's attack subsided, Hinata took her chance. With a swift motion, she dove forward, her hands glowing with a bright, icy chakra. Her Gentle Fist technique met Roshi's defensive stance, her strikes aimed at his tenketsu to disrupt his chakra flow.

However, Roshi was a formidable opponent. His defenses held strong against Hinata's relentless assault, his body radiating with molten energy to counter her frosty blows. Their powers clashed, a steaming mist clouding their vision as the frost met the searing heat.

Through the dense mist, Hinata perceived a surge of foreign chakra. Roshi was attempting a Genjutsu, a last-ditch effort to turn the tide. But Hinata was prepared. Her sage-enhanced senses detected the threat before it could take hold. With a burst of her own chakra, she disrupted the encroaching Genjutsu, shattering Roshi's illusion before it could ensnare her mind.

It was now or never.

"Yuki, now!" Hinata yelled, her voice resonating with a commanding echo.

In response, Yuki let out a mighty roar, her form dissolving into a swirling vortex of frost. The icy whirlwind charged towards Roshi, the chilling power ready to disrupt his chakra flow.

Roshi countered, releasing a wave of blistering heat. The air sizzled, the frosty whirlwind evaporating before it could reach its target. But the rapid temperature change was a significant drain on his energy, and Hinata saw him falter.

With a swift motion, Hinata gathered her remaining chakra. Her six tails swirled around her, each contributing to a sphere of condensed icy energy. The power within her surged, the sphere growing larger, its frosty aura consuming the heated air around her.

And then, with a mighty yell, Hinata released her chakra, her unique Sage Mode ninjutsu—Permafrost Prison. A wave of extreme cold energy swept through the battlefield, freezing everything in its path.

Roshi had no time to counter. The frosty wave hit him, his fiery form instantly encased in a thick layer of ice. The sudden freeze disrupted his chakra flow, his transformation waning as the Permafrost Prison took hold.

The battlefield fell silent. Roshi, once a fearsome Jinchuriki, now stood frozen within Hinata's icy jutsu, his fiery power extinguished by the unyielding cold. Hinata stood her ground, her icy gaze softening as she beheld her victory.

As the cold energy of her Permafrost Prison faded, Hinata exhaled, her form reverting to her normal state. Beside her, Yuki materialized, her six tails flickering as she watched her partner with pride. Hinata jumped at her, sharing their victory. The battle was over, and they had emerged victorious.

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