Koushin: Konoha’s Dragonborn[Completed]

Ch189- Night


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As the night descended, an eerie silence fell over the battlefield. The aftertaste of the first day of the battle was bitter in everyone's mouth. Out of the initial 80,000 strong Allied Shinobi Forces, 60,000 were left standing, while the 100,000 strong White Zetsu Army had dwindled to a mere 20,000. Additionally, several reincarnated shinobi had been sealed. Two names echoed across the ravaged landscape. The first was that of Koushin the Thunderfire, and the second was "Goddess," as Koushin had introduced Ino, his girlfriend.

Back at the encampment, the wounded were being treated while the others rested, preparing themselves for the next day. Inside one of the larger tents, several shinobi were huddled together, their faces illuminated by the flickering light of a single oil lamp. Their voices were low, yet animated, the discussion centering around Koushin's exploits during the day.

"I saw it, I swear," one shinobi, a boy not older than sixteen from the Hidden Mist Village, insisted. His hand was bandaged, but his eyes shone with excitement. "This violet lightning struck the Zetsu right in front of me. Before I knew what was happening, they were just...ashes."

"And then," a battered shinobi was narrating to a rapt audience huddled around a flickering campfire, "before I even knew what happened, a crackle of violet lightning blazed across the sky and a rush of blue fire consumed the enemy."

Another chimed in, his eyes wide with awe, "I saw the same thing! We were losing, and then suddenly, our foes just...burned."

A murmur of agreement echoed through the tent, punctuated by individual stories of similar encounters. The shinobi from the Sand spoke of a moment when an enormous flame, as blue as the deepest ocean, had eradicated a swarm of Zetsu. From the Leaf, a woman recalled how she saw a purple streak of lightning whizz past, striking down the enemies that surrounded her. The stories continued to pour, each more incredible than the last.

"Did you see him?" a young shinobi from the Hidden Leaf asked, eyes wide with disbelief, "He was there one second, gone the next, and the enemy fell like wheat before a scythe."

"Are you talking about the Thunderfire?" a medic-nin from the Sand Village interjected, her hands still stained with the blood of her comrades, "In our section, a bolt of purple light split the sky, and the Zetsu we were struggling against just...vanished."

"I can't believe he's our Commander," a shinobi from the Hidden Cloud mused, "He's all over the battlefield, not caring about his own safety, and yet he still has time to crack jokes."

"Yeah, but you gotta admit, the guy knows when to be serious," the Leaf shinobi added. Laughter filled the tent at the comment, the grim ambiance momentarily forgotten.

Meanwhile, another name reverberated through the battlefield, a chant of hope and strength: Goddess Ino.

In a separate tent, a group of female shinobi were discussing her exploits. Their voices carried awe and admiration as they spoke of the woman who controlled a Dragon and soared through the continent.

"Did you see her? Riding that massive Dragon like a queen. I couldn't believe my eyes," a Hidden Stone shinobi remarked.

A kunoichi from the Leaf nodded, "When she flew over our division, it felt like the entire tide of the battle was changing. The Dragon's roars scared away the enemies, and her presence alone made us feel invincible."

A group of shinobi from the Cloud Village recalled her daring feat, "She was magnificent! Like a celestial being riding on the back of a beast," one of them exclaimed, a sense of awe seeping into his voice.

"I thought it was all over for us," another added, "But then she swooped down from the sky, dragon's fire blazing, and drove the enemy back."

"Ino-sama, the Goddess," a young kunoichi breathed reverently, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "She flew right over us, and it felt like...like hope was back."

An older shinobi nodded sagely, his gaze distant, "Her mere presence was inspiring. We were surrounded, outnumbered. Then a shadow fell over us, and there she was, a dragon in the sky, fire in her eyes. The enemy fled before they could even engage. It was as if they knew they stood no chance against her."

"She's not just Commander's girlfriend, she's our Goddess," a shinobi from the Mist chimed in, and the others echoed her sentiments, their smiles shining bright even in the dim light.

At the top of the colossal Dragon Corpse, Ino and Koushin found a moment of quiet in the chaos. The Dragon's solid backbone offered a perch that overlooked the scorched battlefield, the stars shining down like silent spectators. Their legs dangled off the edge, feet occasionally brushing against the scales that shimmered under the moonlight.

Koushin's arms wrapped around Ino, their bodies pressed close, her back resting comfortably against his chest. His steady heartbeat was a comforting rhythm in the backdrop of the distant battlefield. Despite maintaining control over the Dragon Corpse, Ino relished the warmth of his body, a haven amidst the battlefield's turmoil.

"You did it on purpose, didn't you?" Ino's voice was playful, a tender melody that curled around Koushin's senses.

"Which part?" Koushin's voice echoed in the still night, rich with amusement. He knew exactly what she was referring to but playing coy was part of their dance, a warm jest embedded in their banter.

Ino rolled her eyes, a fond smile gracing her lips, "You called me your Goddess this morning, and now the entire Allied Forces have picked it up. It seems you've successfully made me a divine entity."

Koushin chuckled, his breath ghosting over her ear, sending shivers down her spine, "And what's wrong with that? I see you in that light every day, love. Isn't it only fair that others get to see your true radiance too?"

Ino huffed, but her heart fluttered at his words. She could hear the sincerity in his voice, the adoration that laced every syllable. Still, she prodded further, "That's not the point, Koushin. You called me Goddess just so people would see you as a God. That was your clever plan, wasn't it?"

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