Komand’r On Deck

Chapter 3

Chapter 3


(Nick Fury)



SHIELD Helicarrier
3 Hours after Tony and co get kidnapped


This was a disaster, my asset and Tony Stark’s entourage were snatched away by the alien Princess who has recently become a pain in my ass. After appearing in Monaco she released files after files that every nation on Earth was combing over, filled with information about other races, their level of technology, their culture and more importantly: star charts.

However, NASA, nor ESA have any sufficiently powerful instruments to scan those distant galaxies and the chart of planets in the milky way seemed to match with near Earth planets already detected by Hubble years ago, now we know that some of those were inhabited. My teams were working on the first contact -at least from the point of view of this world- with the Tamaraneans, the second species who at least seemed friendly with us. But now the politicians and the sharks of the World Security Council were after Princess Komand'r and seemed to not care that they might be provoking an interstellar power in doing so. They wanted her technology and things that I was sure she would be unwilling to give them. Beside information about threats, languages and things awaiting us beyond our solar system, she gave us nothing, no advanced technology or a way to move forward. It was like she was testing us, daring us to find solutions for ourselves.

I was elated when Natasha had entered into contact with the space royalty at Stark’s, we even had direct records of her interactions with her before they disappeared. But I feared that in doing so she compromised her position. Komand’r seemed fascinated by Natasha and strangely open. At the time, I had told myself that there was potential there, for a seduction mission, but it seemed that I had been naive. Princess Komand'r was in no way human, she didn't react like one of us at all. There was no sign at all in her conversation that she was about to abscond with my agent.

At least we were now aware of a piece of technology that made me and others raise the aliens threat rating: Teleportation. This changed everything, they could go anywhere and everywhere on a global scale. Already some of our scientists were looking for a way to defend against this, but they were stumped. It was why the Princess leaving with Stark was such a blow, the man was an unrepentant loose cannon, but he knew how to build whatever he set his mind to.

I was in the computer lab, watching as the technician combed over the video from the recording device that was on Agent Romanoff. The simple fact that the device was left while the agent was teleported tells me that the jig was up and that the aliens were onto us. And the proof that my assumptions were right? The proof made itself known in a shower of blue light, with a thirty centimeter cylinder that was just teleported onto the technician's workstation and facing me. The man rolled his desk chair back two meters away from the device in a hurry.

"Shit." I cursed, as I asked myself if this was some kind of bomb?

The top of the cylinder slid off just like in that Transformers movie and it unfolded into some kind of flower bush, suddenly from three rose-like flowers a holographic window was projected into existence. The beautiful face and the reddish black hair and the lilac colored glowing eyes told me everything I needed to know who it was.

"Greetings, oh Furious one." She gave me a sweet smile that if I was another man would have fooled me, but I knew better.

Royals were often manipulators, charismatic people that should be able to tell you something grand and be visibly clean of any wrongdoings and smelling like roses while acting in the shadows and doing the most horrific deeds.

"Your... Highness." I growled the title between my teeth.

For a long moment the two of us looked at each other, evaluating, plotting. I straightened my jacket as the princess kept silent. But she was the first to break the ice. "I wanted to contact you and tell you that my best healers are doing the healing on Friends Natalia and Tony. But let’s focus on Natalia, she is in a bad way, signs of torture and intense combat, then there's this affront on her right as a woman. I want revenge for her. And I assume you can tell me who did this to her?"

Fury raised an eyebrow. "You're asking a lot."

Gone was the valley girl act, I understood that I was seeing the true persona of Princess Komand'r. "I can ask or I can do the taking, choose?"

Sweat began pouring on my brows, I wouldn't cave under the pressure, I can't. "What do you mean?" I asked her, trying to stall what was happening while I thought about how to sidestep her threat.

The alien princess showed her teeth in a predatory grin. "Your data security on this planet is laughable. I am being courteous at the moment."

Frowning, I couldn't help but say, "Why do you care? Romanoff is someone you just met today."

Once again the female alien made no sense. "Colpodi fulmine." She said with a strange accent that didn't sound Italian at all. "The thunderbolt, as Italians call it. When the love strikes someone like lightning, so powerful and intense it can’t be denied. It’s beautiful and messy, cracking a chest open and spilling their soul out for the world to see. It turns a being the inside out, and there’s no going back from it. Once the thunderbolt hits, your life is irrevocably changed."

Her purple eyes gazed in my lone eye, smiling beautifully. "It's the correct quote, I think, oh Furious one, no?"

I looked at her in disbelief, mouth gaping. "You can't be serious?" I finally asked.

She ignored my outburst. "I would prefer if you'd cooperate, I want a name." Her tone made it clear that her patience was running out.

Not knowing the full capability of the Tamaraneans, antagonizing them was a bad decision, so I relented. Pushing a weary sigh I asked, "Then? What do you plan on doing?"

The answer was worse than he thought. With a smile of teeth she said, "Shower them with the light of X'Hal, of course. Bath them in her purifying light and clean their stain from the surface of this world. I am good at the cleaning." Her rant was illustrated by the video of an orbital strike that ravaged the surface of a planet, creating a giant crater that was kilometers long.

It was at this moment I understood who I was dealing with. Despite the airhead behavior she kept showing, this female alien was dangerous, she had the eyes of a killer, someone who had seen countless deaths, who had made everyone who lifted a hand against her turn to dust and be forgotten. *No wonder she was attracted to Romanoff, they’re personalities are similar.*

I raised my hands in defeat, frustrated by this power play we were having. "Fine, I will give a name, but I want something for it."

Princess Komand'r laughed and leaned back in her seat, she looked rather smugly at me.  "Be reasonable and I might be convinced."

"You said that our computer security is shit, can you do anything for us?"

Her face scrunched a bit as she began thinking. "Hmm, uplifting your society is a no go, there are rules that even I cannot break, Furious one…"

I wasn't surprised by that, if my society was more advanced I wouldn't advance savage like us. "Ah… is it some kind of prime directive shit?"

She beamed at me, happy that I understood her position. "Yes that, like in your Star of Trek. I might not be able to give you technology, but I can gift you knowledge such as our advanced Mathematics, unified theory or the science for Quantum computing. Choose."

The technician at my side gasped and looked meaningfully at me and mouthed quantum computing. With Quantum computing, deciphering encryption might become as easy as pie, but it would take time to come up with a human model… I am not an egghead but advanced Mathematics would put us before everyone on Earth… damn what a quandary.

"Quantum computing, then, give me the goods and I will give you the name." I finally enunciated my choice.

A bright blue light suddenly appeared in my field of vision and I heard a 'thump' on the desk before me. It was a cube shaped object with USB ports and a LED on its topside.

"This is a data unit compatible with your current systems, with billions of your teraflops. That is the minimum to contain the data processing you need." Princess Komand'r explained.

I whistled, impressed. "The name you are looking for is the Red Room."

A deal was a deal, the Ruskies responsible for the Red Room project would die, but America had now a piece of tech no one on earth had.

While slightly bowing her head, the princess said, "I thank you, Furious one, as a gesture of good will I give you a parting gift."

An octagonal device mounted on a pedestal and glowing green line of energy appeared, there were multiple ports and connectors attached to it. It was followed by three USB storage devices at its side and a spherical item in some silvery metal. The alien princess began to explain what those were. "This is a plasma reactor and it's battery, as well as the Mathematics and schematics to build them. You'll need it, but I can give you advice before studying what you have gained from me."

*Happy to do business with you.* I thought, I couldn't wait to give all of those to R&D.

"Oh what is it?"

Komand'r looked at the technician. "Your little club is infested with Glorgs and you are being spied on by your squids enemy. Your technician is a double agent and has been streaming this conversation. Good of the bye." The hologram was suddenly inactive.

Like lightning I took my pistol from a hidden holster and shot the technician in the hands as he was about to grab my precious and run. "You think you can run, you motherfucker?"





Aboard the Hyperdimension
May 30th


We teleported in the Hyperdimension and placed Natasha in the regeneration tank in a compartment of the medbay. She was completely naked in the regenerative liquid, and she looked unbelievably sinful. Vastly more attractive than in the movies, she was closer to her comic book counterpart, gorgeously toned and with beautiful curves.

We had run into a problem when we tried to use the tanks at first, they were built for Tamaranean physiology so we had to adapt the equipment to be compatible with humans. My new friends had to stay far longer than needed on the ship, but we could easily accommodate them and that’s what we did.

Floating before the regen tank, I observed the Healer, Talonn, who was now operating on Tony who was out cold and laid down on the medical bed far away from the regen tanks. Happy and Pepper were sitting out of the way from the Healer working on their boss and boyfriend. Talonn first teleported the shrapnel bits in Tony's body near his heart to a silver tray. They were covered in blood and bodily fluid. The power source was extracted from his chest cavity as well, thenTalonn cleaned the open cavity and used a tissue regenerator to stimulate cellular growth that helped him close the hole in Tony's chest.

All that was left was to clear the radiation and blood poisoning in Tony's body. I didn't want to see the work that was going to be done anymore so I used one of the local teleportation waypoints in the ship's corridor and went to my cabin, it was triple the size on the main ship from the one on the Tempest.

TALI waited for me, she then showed me everything she had taken on the Earth Extranet about the Red Room. The Red Room, also known as the Black Widow Program, was a top-secret Soviet brainwashing and training program. The program took young women and turned them into the world's deadliest and most elite assassins. It's still running apparently and TALI recommended we forcefully shut that primitive program down to save and deprogram the girls in it and take them as crew for the ship.

Looking away from the holographic screen,  I asked my subordinate, "Are you sure this is a good idea?"

I didn't have any misgivings about humans but having them roaming my ship was dangerous. Girls in their early and late teens trained to be deadly assassins even more so.

TALI nodded. "Simulations indicate that to secure Natalia's loyalty that it must be done."

It pained me to have to resort to such underhanded tactics and manipulate Natalia, but I was trying to make her life meaningful again, she deserved it. "Very well, we will do this after the situation with the Asgardians is resolved."

But as I imagined the naked body of the redhead and how pleasant she had been in our second meeting, I couldn't help but think that this bit of unpleasantness was worth it. I was really interested in setting up my own harem of wives and husbands.

The gynoid coughed, making me exit my introspection. "As a matter of fact," TALI began to say, "your Highness, you should go to New Mexico right now."

Frowning, I asked, "It's that pressing?" I floated up and shortened the distance between the gynoid and I.

"You'll miss a window of opportunity to locate Asgard. You still have your subspace marker on you, I hope?" TALI always had to be so nagging with me, she wasn't my mother.

I pushed the center of the buckle of my silver utility belt that started glowing a soft purple. "Fine, prepare the ship."

"As you command." TALI bowed and then left my cabin.

It was time to punch Asgardians in the face, it was going to be so satisfying after the way they had treated my people when they discovered them. Wait… so Tamaraneans really exist in this version of MCU, how incredible. My memories were telling me that it was true, how strange. I will wonder about this later. I grabbed a pair of energy focusing gloves from my personal armory, in my walk-in closet, and then left for the nearest transporter. TALI had the Tempest primed for liftoff, so I dropped into its captain’s chair and prepared to depart.

ETA to Puente Antiguo: 4 minutes.




Puente Antiguo
May 31st


The Tempest landed ten kilometers from the town, and entered into prolonged stealth mode, I exited my ship by flying out of it. I didn’t care that everyone could see me, people needed to get used to aliens being on the planet right now. I liked how warm and wide open the space around the town was, it made it easier for me to soak up the solar radiation. I circled the town to memorize it’s layout. It was a rather short circle, the town should be called a hamlet at this point thanks to how inconsequential it looked.

My gaze focused on the hospital, then I stopped to hover above it, I took my scroll and scanning device into my hands from my utility belt. The scroll was a handheld device comparable to those that could be found in RWBY at my express need of it; but TALI had adapted them with the technology available on board the Hyperdimension. It could be used like a contemporary smartphone, using the scanning device in my other pouch to relay information in real time and other functions I wasn’t clear about yet.

One of the functions was for detecting various life signs and to differentiate between them if the species or life form is in the database on the ship. Coincidentally, Asgardians did register on the scanner. The icon was moving and it forced me to look down to see a man being run over by one of those big vehicles. I giggled because it was the second time this happened. Deciding to land and introduce myself to Jane and co, I was surprised that everyone froze when they all saw me.

When nothing was said I broke the ice. “Greetings scholars; I am full of the happiness at meeting of you.” I joined my hands together and put them on my chest.

Once again everything was silent, wow tough crowd… then the sexy brunette with glasses and figure concealing clothes walked up to me and shouted, “You’re the alien princess!”

The brunette bowed to me, making me frown. The others must have seen my displeasure on my face and the older scholar shouted at the young female human. “Darcy!”

Darcy straightened up and looked rather embarrassed. I smiled at her and said, “Please, we don’t do the bowing in my culture. You have a really beautiful name, Darcy.” I strode up to her and touched her face in a sultry manner.

“Um, nice to meet you, your highness.” The young woman's cheek became fiery red hot.

"Can I ask you what you are doing here, Princess?" The other female human asked as she looked at me with something akin to trepidation.

“Oh, right. I’ve come to take care of Prince Thor.” I said as I continued touching Darcy and pointed my chin at the downed Asgardian in a hospital gown at our feet.

The three humans lowered their heads in sync to watch the well-built man on the ground.

“Prince…?” Jane began to ask with a nervous expression.

True, Thor didn't look too princely right now… but it could be because of his clothes. Fortunately, I was going to fabricate some for him on board and prevent those nice scholars from spending too much of their paltry funds.

“The man you ran over with the back of your vehicle.” I finally deigned looking down at Thor.

Friend Jane and Professor Selvig gaped at me and at the Asgardian.

“Oh my goodness.” Jane exclaimed as she was embarrassed to have run over the Asgardian twice.

"Anyone want to go on my spaceship?" I asked Jane’s group around me as I let go of Darcy and took Thor in my arms, Princess carry style.

Darcy was the first to raise her hand and jump enthusiastically. "I'm in!"

"Darcy!!" Friend Jane and Selvig reprimanded at the same time.

After this, it was easy to convince the researchers to help me load the Prince in their vehicle and to drive to the location of the Tempest. It didn’t take more than fifteen minutes to reach the desert granite outcropping I had stashed my ship in. I looked in the car’s mirror, we were being followed by one of those black SUVs with shaded windows. I frowned at them and opened the window to get my head outside and used my energy vision at reduced strength and targeted their left tire. I was surprised by how it simply melted under the lilac colored beam of energy.

“Huh, why did you do that?” Jane asked, a bit frightened by my actions.

“ClorbagVorblernelk*, I don’t like when they do the following. My ship's location is secret.”

"Ah." Friend Jane said and then she floored it, the vehicle going even faster.

Smiling, I liked it when my new friends took initiative. So it didn't take us long to arrive where my ship was parked and to load the big vehicle inside the cargo bay of the Tempest.



(Prince Thor Odinson)





Waking up to a strange and unfamiliar ceiling was becoming something of a habit lately. First getting exiled after a spat with my father, then being run over by some kind of monster once I landed on Midgard, two times! It was humiliating. *I have never felt as weak as I do right now. Did mortals feel like this all the time?*

Sitting up, I found that I was completely naked and only covered by a soft sheet. I briefly luxuried into the feeling, then looked around myself, only to see clothes on the nightstand at the bed’s side. I took them and saw that it was a pair of black undergarments, dark blue tunic and black pants with a belt. There were boots as well.

Swiftly, I put the clothes on, the light of the environment was clearly artificial and my surroundings showed that I was in a place of healing. The room was clearly full of technology. I could see a wide horizontal screen on the left wall showing a skeleton, and a wide array of scanners on the ceiling over the beds in the room. I also noticed a lot of panels in the walls which without a doubt hid other medical wonders.

My attention was distracted by a knock on the door that opened right away with a sliding sound. The person that entered was a tall golden skinned woman with a reddish black mane of hair falling to her ankles, and curves that were more bodacious than any woman I had laid eyes on. Her eyes shone with a purple color, sclera and pupil; it was as if I looked into a bed of flowers from my mother's garden. She was beautiful, but her expression and stance told me that she was no dainty floral ornament.

"Greetings, Prince Thor." The strange woman reminded me of tales I had heard from my father.

It finally clicked when I saw her eyes change from purple to green what her race was. "Tamaranean."

She grinned devilishly at me, it didn't reassure me at all. I knew that her people were all passionate warriors and wore their heart on their sleeves. "Oh, you still remember my people. I am gladdened by that."

I was wary of that change in stance from the female Tamaranean, the rumors are that they were descended from cats, that is why their behaviors could be so whimsical.  She could easily pass from being an affectionate female to a killing machine in an instant. "After your war with the Frost giants? Who wouldn't?"

The woman chuckled seductively. "Terrible affair, that was. Who asked them to try to invade?" She waved away his comment.

Thor nodded. "Indeed, Lady…?" She hadn't disclosed her name and station yet, it was some kind of faux-pas for their people if I understood well.

She looked resigned after she breathed in and out and with a weak smile said, "I am Komand'r. First princess of Tamaran and I'm in the same situation as you, in exile after some dirty political plot on Tamaran."

"How do you…?" How does she know? My father cast me out after I tried to make those ice giants pay, but… I feel that there was much that was going on in the background. Those ice giants couldn't have gone past Heimdall without help.

Komand'r's smile became more genuine, then as she floated up to me, I was trying to remember what abilities or powers her people possessed. I know they could fly and be as powerful as Asgardian, but I think that there's more to it than that.

The Tamaranean princess started speaking as if she was giving away a secret. "Odin Borson's temper is well known in certain circles and you are not the first child he has that has been punished harshly. Your sister, Hela, is one of those cases."

What was she saying? I was the first born. "I have no sister."

She grinned victoriously as she landed before me. "Don't you see? That is harsh, he basically rewrote the story books of your realm to strike down Hela's name from your people's consciousness. You're not the first born, Odinson but the second. Certainly, she was a warmonger but she was still his child and he had made her that way."

This struck a chord in me, wasn't I also a product of my father's own upbringing? I was always reminded that I would be king and that it was my duty to take care of my people, but the only way I was taught that was that I would need to be strong and fight for them. I should have seen the more stately side of being a king as well. Just like my brother, Loki would be a better king than I, but he was less liked by everyone because of his magic. A cultural bias that all the warriors had toward the Seidr arts. He has been bullied for it by me and my… friends.

I stared in the verdant eyes of the Princess before me and caught her arm. "Why are you telling me this, Princess Komand'r?"

I would get back on Asgard and ask about Hela, no family of mine would stay unknown to me.

The Tamaranean female looked at me holding her arm, until I let go of her, then she started to speak. "You were sent here for a reason, Odinson. I just hope you realize why, I also want you to be able to save your realm from annihilation."

I was on her almost instantly with my hands on her shoulders; is that why she took me in? Is Asgard really in danger?! Then I calmed down and let her go, fiercely looking at her I asked her, "Did you have a vision quest? Is that why you picked me up?"

"Yes, something similar. But I won't tell you about it till you are restored and forget about your glory hound ways and become a man I could be proud to fight with, Odinson." She said with a conviction that struck him, did the fact that I was weakened and powerless make her look at me with disdain?

Anger filled me. "I'm offended that you think that I wouldn't be a good shield brother. I know that right now I might not look like it but I am and always will be a warrior."

The Tamaranean's expression slackened as she watched me with a doubtful mien. "What do you live for, Odinson? Whoring, fighting and telling tall tales about your adventures as you drink yourself into a stupor?"

I stepped back, struck by her words. This is what I had been doing for most of my days since I came of age. *I never did anything important, the trust that was pushed upon me by my parents and people, I squandered it.*

She scowled and crossed her arms under her impressive chest as she stared me down. "Contrary to you, I live for strength, honor, death, and defending myself and my family; the welfare of my crew is paramount to me and helping where I can in this cold universe has just become really essential as well. After being exiled I realized what was truly important, but now that I have lost my place amongst my family, I cannot go back."

Komand'r was suddenly face to face with me, I didn't see her move at all. "Odinson, you shouldn't seek glory and praise anymore. There's more to life than that and war and battles are completely different than what you think they are. I truly hope that you will overcome your trial. I will help you when you finally find yourself." She said as put her index finger between my pectorals.

I trembled with an unknown emotion welling up in me.  "I don't know what to say, but… I am not like who I used to be, I have no powers…"

The princess finally smiled back and opened her arms wide. "These mortals we are surrounded with on Midgard, they don't need divine power or magic to move mountains. You should take a break and think about your next move." She put a hand on one of my shoulders.

My stomach rumbled and she laughed at me, making me smile in good humor as well. "I will, but before anything, I am starving, where is the nearest tavern?" 




5 minutes later


Everyone was looking at Thor eating his weight in food, the replicators in the kitchen struggled to keep up with the demand. We were in the galley, a module of the ship that functions as the ship's kitchen and dining facility. Jane’s team and I were seated on a L-shaped seater with a table opposite the cooking area, Thor sat opposite on a swivel chair.

Thanks to the local Extranet, we have succeeded in replicating the dishes of most western cultures of the planet. Bacon, eggs, sausage, waffle with syrup and some breakfast burrito were basically inhaled by the alien god. Professor Selvig was looking doubtfully at the strong looking blond man.

Then he turned his attention toward me, the other alien royalty. I smiled at him while eating chips with a good helping of sauce so spicy it made others’ eyes water. Selvig turned his head to Darcy and Jane, made a nod and Darcy understood right away what she needed to do.

"So,  he is an alien like you, Fire?" Darcy asked me with her big eyes and beautiful smile.

I stopped eating and focused my attention on her. "Yes, Friend Darcy. His people are called Asgardian, and your people have been doing the worshipping since they had showed up on your planet long ago, you know them as Aesir or Norse Gods."

Darcy looked at me blankly. "Are you seriously telling us that he's the Thor? With the Hammer and lightning?"

Taking another crisp potato chip from the bowl before me, I answered with gravitas, "Serious as a coronation day, beautiful Darcy." Then I ate my chips with an appreciative hum.

The young brunette blushed under my smoldering gaze while I licked my lips. My naked foot slowly sliding along the brunette's leg, she gave me bedroom eyes in answer to my daring physical interaction with her. I liked how receptive she was to my advances.

Jane slapped her hands on the table to attract my attention. “Then what is he doing here? What was this glowing funnel cloud he had come from when I ran him over last night?” She demanded.

I didn't bother to say anything to her, choosing to let Thor answer Jane instead. Looking somewhat melancholy, the Asgardian said, “Mine father sent me here with the Bifrost. Or it would be more to say that he kicked me out, as you mortals say it.”

"Aww, Thor." Darcy felt sad for the alien god, she gave him her burritos.

The Prince took it with a sad smile. Jane meanwhile decided to stay on topic and asked for further information.  "The bifrost? Like the rainbow bridge?"

I stopped my subtle seduction of beautiful Darcy and interrupted Thor. "Let me do the explaining, Thor."

I smiled when he acknowledged me and returned to eating. Turning to Jane and Selvig I started explaining what the Bifrost was. "The Bifrost is a dimensional energy which allows instantaneous travel within the Nine Realms. It is used primarily by the Asgardians to do the traveling."

None of the humans said anything for a long moment as they realized how primitive they were compared to other civilizations out there, I looked at my chest and - Huh, there were chips crumbs on my body suit. I dusted myself, then used a paper tissue to clean my mouth as well. Thor chugged the glass of orange juice at his side, I took care of giving him a metal goblet and hoped he wouldn't destroy it by smashing it.

"How advanced are Asgardian?" Selvig finally asked after everything dawned on him. What would they have thought if I told them that the bifrost could be used to destroy planets?

His old eyes were on me, not missing any of my movements. I grinned at him and conjured a holographic screen showing Asgardians fighting the Jotunn and appearing in rainbow light and firing beams of energy from their spears and their ship bombarding the Frost giant armies. "Very." I answered as I saw the captivated face of the humans who looked into the screen. I continued my explanation. "They combined the magic and technology and are one of the most advanced societies in this part of the universe but… they aren't perfect. Are they, Thor?"

Thor looked wistfully at the screen and watched his people fight; a sad smile on his face. "I am biased, I love my people and kingdom but we do have our faults. We are not as accepting of men using magic and we are too quick to resolve conflicts through force."

"Magic is real?!" Darcy asked in wonder, her beautiful green eyes wide open.

This time I didn't show any pictures or video as I didn't have any; sorcerers were a secretive bunch and the eddies of time couldn't be navigated because of the influence of infinity energies that helped shield them. The Ancient one was a really crafty one it seems.

Sorcerers… I hoped to meet them sometime. "Yes it exists, as a matter of fact... you have sorcerers on Earth." I said in the most obvious tone with a tilt of my head.

"They do?" Thor frowned, it must have been a while since his people went to Earth and knew what's what.

I nodded and answered in Tamaranean. "Yes, Prince. They protect this realm against extra-dimensional threats. This planet is protected by some kind of mystical protection, can you feel it?"

There was some kind of exclusion field around the planet, it was like background noise in my mind. I was naturally attuned to sense energy around me, the alien should be able to feel the same even in his diminished state.

Thor had closed his eyes, his expression shifted from doubtful to one of perplexity. "Now, I do." Then he turned his face toward me. "You have the gift?"

As a matter of fact most Tamaraneans could work with magic, I hoped to be able to use it one day, I mean… throwing fireballs would be awesome. Smiling at him, I nodded and made a so-so gesture. "I know a bit about magical theory but never had anyone to teach me."

Jane looked between me and Thor, was that jealous vibes that I sensed from her? I knew I was more attractive than her, but I didn't flaunt it and I was more interested in women at the moment. She could have the Norse God. Though I can feel the Prince’s interest in me, I'm not interested. Thor began to ask me questions about magic and how Tamaraneans viewed it, he wasn't an expert but he did know the basics.

Then all of a sudden, with a thump noise, the older brunette I wasn't interested in slapped the table. "You two, could you stop? We need to speak about everything that was revealed here." Jane asked with a scowl.

She was cute when she was angry, Thor must be thinking the same as he lowered his head and said, "Ah, sorry friend Jane. To continue our explanation about how advanced my people are, I must give you some context. Magic and science are the same for my people, due to some differences in opinions amongst our scholars about you Midgardians, we took on a gamble. My realm's scholars' hoped that you Midgardians could reach a similar level later to rejoin the nine realms, that is why we decided to leave your people alone, to grow up. It seems you are developing well from what I've seen so far."

Everyone hung on each of his words as he gave the reason to why Asgard let Earth alone; Thor was a good story teller and orator, I had to confess that I was pulled into that story about Ice Giants attacking the planet in mass and how it was because of an almost genocide of the population that Asgard had decided to attack Jotunheim and take the Casket of Winters.

"Some prime directive shit, then." Darcy commented aloud.

I high-fived Darcy for summing up that entire story in five words, we laughed together before it was my turn to give even more context. "Yes, there are rules for this, no giving away big technology or do the uplifting if you don't have a unified government or done the breaking of the FTL barrier yet."

Selvig passed a hand in his hair and finally looked at me in frustration. "We are well away from those milestones then."

I could understand him, discovering aliens and technologically advanced societies but you were considered by them to be barely out of the stone age and they lorded it over you by coming to your planet and disrupting things. Or was he lamenting the fact that we couldn’t give him free stuff? I saw the glint of greed in Jane’s eyes.

"Princess Komand'r-" The Astrophysicist began to say.

"Call me Blackfire, Friend Jane, you've earned it." I interrupted her instantly and gave her a disarming smile.

Her cheeks coloured. "Um, okay. Blackfire, you gave us star charts in your introduction video on the internet. You see, I am an astrophysicist and I would like to know if it's possible to teach us some higher science." She asked her shameless demand, I owed her nothing but I wanted to have a good relationship with Darcy so I decided to meet her halfway.

I feigned thinking about it by putting a finger under my lips while I played with Darcy’s leg with my foot, she began to mimic me, I looked at the cute smile on her face. *What a little minx.*

Putting my palms flat on the table, I stared at Jane with all the intensity of my gaze, she somewhat flinched as she saw the purple glow in my eyes. "I can't give you everything you want, but I can put you on the way. Do you know what the Unified Field Theory is? At least that's what my people call it. I can give you the basics and you'll research the rest on your own time, deal?"

I had already given a quantum computer to SHIELD, now I was going to give an important piece of science that would make Jane famous everywhere. But I also wanted to prepare the planet for the inevitable coming of Thanos and other threats that would like to either destroy or enslave the people on this little blue and green marble.

Selvig and Jane looked at me as if I had just proposed to them; they looked at each other and swiftly back at me again and shouted excitedly at the same time. "Deal!"

While the three humans conversed about what I was giving them, Thor took my arm and looked me in the eyes meaningfully. "Is that wise, Princess?"

It wasn’t, but I had a lot of time to help mitigate the damage from my actions. I sighed. "Prince Thor, my mission here depends on how prepared Midgard is."

Looking searchingly into my eyes, Thor let go of me and nodded. "I understand..."

I doubted he did, the type of war I was preparing for would surpass any his people would have ever had. I didn’t wake up in that body just for adventures, something sinister was brewing and I was afraid that we wouldn’t be strong enough to weather or defeat it. I needed training and fast, I could fight, Komand’r’s skills were etched into me, but I wasn’t her. I fought differently.

Darcy, who looked bored, must have had enough of the serious atmosphere, tried to change the atmosphere and said loudly after watching whatever she saw on facebook on her phone, "By the way guys, did you hear how some kind of satellite crashed and created a crater not so far away from here?"

My eyes widened and I stood up from the table, inadvertently floated up over the grav plates on the ground and exclaimed, "Ah! I've forgotten about it completely!"

Sue me, Darcy was distracting… I told Thor, "Your Hammer, it fell down with you."

Thor’s eyes became as wide as saucers, he slammed a fist on the table, spilling some food on the table and stood up as well and shouted, "What are we waiting for? Let us go look for it at once."

Looking at my bowl of chips I saw that it was overturned, I glared at him. "Maybe after another bowl of chips, Thor." I sat back with a pout.




Hammer crater
10 minutes later


I took Darcy and Thor with me, while I left Jane and Professor Selvig with a tablet with a treaty on basic unified field theory translated to their language. The Tempest hovered over the site of the Hammer’s crash and the cargo bay opened up to let us see a sprawling camp with clear, plastic access tubes with junction boxes leading to a translucent cube structure erected in the middle of the crater. I looked at the razor wire fence that runs fifty yards from the crater's edge, enclosing the complex.

I knew exactly who awaited us there. SHIELD was irritating me with their meddlesome ways. I killed the impulse I had to destroy it with an overcharged starbolt. It worried me, that such destructive and murderous instincts were coursing through me; I would be careful to not let them take me over at inopportune times.

It was still day, but I didn’t care that the place was occupied. Either Thor could lift the Hammer or I would, that’s what was important. Thunder rumbled overhead, causing me to look up to see a cloud cover, then a massive crack of lightning illuminated the sky and the rain began falling.

“We are so going to get drenched.” Darcy said as she zipped her jacket and denied me the view of her delightful neckline.

I put a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry, we won’t be, Darcy.”

Thor’s gaze was focused on the cube-like structure at the center of the complex. “I can feel Mjolnir under us.”

Of course he felt it, the weapon was producing a powerful electromagnetic pulse intermittently over the area. “It’s putting up a lot of energy, the instruments on my ship found it really easily.”

Passing my arms around Darcy’s waist, then around Thor’s, I said, “Okay stick to me friends, we are doing the infiltrating.”

Darcy clung to me tightly, Thor as well. Then I flew from the ramp and after some focus I deployed a starbolt construct in the form of a shield. We flew down into the cube; I find it weird that we weren’t yet detected, it couldn’t be the stealth field from the Tempest still protecting us, my powers weren’t exactly geared towards covert operation.

As promised, the rain didn’t touch us thanks to my starbolt shield. We touched down and that’s when everything went wrong and a lot of SHIELD agents surrounded us with weapons trained on us. I was confident in my construct’s strength, so I expanded it to cover the hammer and five meters around it, pushing out the agents around us.

Thor looked at me, then nodded in thanks while Darcy launched a high-five that I reciprocated. It wasn’t easy to hold onto the starbolt shield though, I hoped Thor could hurry up.



(Phil Coulson)


SHIELD Desert Base


Today was officially a bad day, it wasn’t just because of the sudden desert storm, but because the alien princess decided to come knocking on my operations. She appeared undetected over the base, if it wasn’t for one of the technicians using the good ol’ mark one eyeball, no one would have seen her coming. Sure, the cameras would have caught her little group.

I ordered Barton on the crane and to be ready to fire at the right moment to protect the artifact. But as I watched the solid purple dome of energy around the hammer’s crater expand something told me that none of our weapons could go through it. I watched as the tall blonde man broke off from the two women and walked up to the artifact.

[One shot, one kill, sir. Just give the word.] Barton said on the radio.

I doubted that it would be doing anything, meanwhile, I sped through the tunnel, ready to give the word to Barton. Stepping into the structure through the access tunnel, I was one story up from the action. As the blonde man approached the artifact, it started to glow brighter, blue electricity sparking off its surface. The crackling energy reached out to the man.

My interest was piqued, the artifact had never reacted this way with my people. I looked up, above the open ceiling of the cube-like containment structure, Barton’s crane bucket came into view. He was ready to shoot at any moment.

I watched from above as the blonde man stood next to the artifact, seeming to feel its power or some such. He reached out to it with confidence. The armed agents around the purple dome seemed to recover their wits, but I gave them the order to hold their positions but to not fire. Watching the man with anticipation, I looked as he wrapped his hand around the artifact handle. He smiled triumphantly, lifted… but the artifact didn't move.

Looking confused, he tried again with two hands.... But to no avail. Anger and frustration overtook the man. He looked like he was straining with all his might. He screamed from the effort. The man bellowed up at the storm and lightning in the sky above him as he still tried to lift the artifact. The hammer stopped glowing, but I could see that something new appeared on it, some kind of rune or glyph.

The blonde man looked down and saw it; but the artifact still didn’t budge. Falling on his knees before the artifact, the glowing runes faded. I looked on, disappointed by the show.

“It seems you are unworthy, Friend Thor.” Komand’r, the alien princess, commented with a commiserating tone.

“Huh, it can’t be this hard to lift.” The other unknown woman said.

She strode up to the artifact, put her two hands around the handle and… lifted it. Everyone looked dumbstruck by what just happened. Me, even more so. No one had been able to lift this object, even though we used heavy tools or vehicles.

The woman began to play with the artifact. “Woah, it’s so light.”

The blonde man with them inside the bubble of energy looked up at the woman and had an expression on his face that would push me to put a suicide watch around him for a long time. The brunette made the artifact fall, but it stopped in mid-air and then shot itself into her waiting hand. Then the woman began to throw the artifact away from her and make it come back to her hand again and again. She giggled like a little girl.

This was the first time I saw something like that happen. This was clearly something akin to magic or from a technology far more advanced than we know. The presence of the Tamaranean on the site reinforced this opinion.

“Ah that’s good, Friend Darcy, you did the lifting like I suspected.” The alien princess kissed the young woman, Darcy on the cheek.

Thor, it was the man’s name and the artifact was in the form of a hammer; I began to connect the dots about our strange visitors. Was the truth stranger than fiction? Were the gods walking amongst us once more? I had so many questions.

“She’s… worthy to wield Mjolnir? And I’m not?”  Thor said in a defeated voice and still on his knees.

The man looked broken, but Komand’r walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder in comfort. “We need to go back to the ship but before that...”

“WAIT!!” I shouted as I realized that they were about to leave without so much as a by your leave. I couldn’t let them leave like that, they had gone through our defenses as if they weren’t even here.

The golden skinned woman looked up at me. “Please don’t leave, we need to discuss some... things.”

I looked into her eerie purple glowing eyes, they didn’t show any give; I knew that we were vastly outgunned at this point, but so many resources had been used to contain the hammer. The princess smiled at me and nodded.

“Everyone, weapon down.” I commanded.

Right away, all the agents put down their weapons or put them back in their holsters. Looking up, I spoke on my radio while addressing the resident archer. “Barton, that means you too.”

[Yes, sir.] Barton sounded somewhat disappointed, he must have wanted to be the first to shoot an alien. *Nerd.*

The purple shield didn’t quite deactivate, it just formed a disc over the head of the three new… guests. Then it followed them as they entered the access tunnel that led inside the base.





Heimdall’s observatory


Standing at my post, I watched the scene. It was intriguing... the appearance of a Tamaranean on Midgard, and one of such powers wasn’t common at all. I wanted to report to my king but he has fallen into the Odin’s sleep. I wanted to help my prince, but this was a trial that only he could pass, it wasn’t the time to coddle him. Watching him break was difficult, but I knew… that he would come out stronger from this ordeal.

It was with those thoughts that I continued my watch.


A/N: Here's chapter 3, tell me what you thought, does it need more edition?

ClorbagVorblernelk:  It's very close of the word Jerk.

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