Kingdom and Harem

Chapter 35 : Massacre

The were close to the outskirts of the village.

Yoguri heard a sound of clanking metal from behind as she ran. It was rhyhmic sound.

She looked behind with a prayer in her heart, as expected, it was the worst case scenario. A knight was chasing them.

Just a little further. 

She took a deep breath and forced herself to soldier on. She had no energy to waste on anything else. Her large breast were jiggling and swaying grandly to left and right.

Her breathing was rapid, her heart beating hard enough that she felt it would burst, her legs were shaking mightily. Soon enough, she would be completely exhausted, she would collapse and not get up.

As she ran, she glanced behind again. The distance between herself and pursuer had not changed. Even in armour, the man's speed had not decreased. This was the difference between a trained warrior and a village girl.

Sweat ran down Yoguri's back as her body went cold. If this kept up, she would not be able to escape. 

Although she wanted to run on, her legs started to cramp up, and she could not move fast up.

She wanted to hide at nearby trees, but the sound of metal drawing up beside her filled her mind with fear.

The knight beside her held a bloodstained sword. In addition, his armour and shoes were covered in traces of spattered blood. 

"Wait!" A female voice was shouted from behind the knight. Soon, a woman in her late thirties reached them. Her large breasts and crotch were fully exposed. She managed to buy some time by letting herself being gang raped by the soldiers. When the soldiers had finished several round with her, they went after  her daughter. She chased after them.

Realising what her mother had gone through, Yoguri cried.

She collected her courage, stood up, and glared at the knight. 

"It's pointless to struggle." The knight smirked under his helmet. 

There was no compassion in those words. Instead, there was only mockery. Those implied that running away would only result in death anyway. 

The anger in Yoguri's heart boiled over. "What is he saying" , she thought.

The knight raised his sword to Yoguri, who had stopped moving. However, just before he could swing it down to her, 

"Don't look down on me!" Her mother shouted.

The mother forcefully punched his metal helmet. The strike carried her anger that filled her and desire to protect her daughter. She didn't care that she was striking the metal helmet with her bare hands.

She hit him with every ounce of her strength. There was the sound of something like bones cracking, and soon pain spread throughout the mother's body.

The knight wobbled under the force of mighty blow.



The mother but back her pain and made to flee again - suddenly a line of scorching heat bloomed on her back. 

"Damn you!" 

The village woman punching the knight on his face had shamed him greatly, hence his anger.

He was swinging his sword wildly, having list his cool. As a result, his first three blows didn't cause mortal wound. However, that was the end of her luck. Her mother was hurt and the knight was filled with rage. The next blow would certainly take her life.

Yoguri grabbed a rock and threw it to his face. 

"Aaaaaaaaaa!" He was in pain. His rage rose a new height.

Yoguri looked at the longsword raised high before her. Panic was written all over her face as she watched the malevolent gleaming of the terrible swift sword, and she realized two things.

The first was that her life would be over in seconds. Secondly, an ordinary village girl like herself had no way of fighting that fate.

The tip of the sword was stained with her mother's blood. 

The mother rose. As her heart beat faster, the pain spread through her body, along with scorching heat of her wound. 

The pain she never felt before filled her with fear and made want to throw up. Perhaps throwing up would clear the feeling of nausea that filled her.

Although she wanted to abandon her struggle, there was a reason she had not given up until now. She had to let her daughter live. That sole thought kept the mother from giving in.

In contrast, the knight in front of her seemed to be mocking the their resolve.

The raised sword swung down. The mother could not think of anything else. All she could do was using her own body as a shield, letting the blade cleave deeply into herself, in the hope of buying time for her daughter to escape. 

As long she had the strength, she would hang on tightly to the knight, or the sword he stuck in her, holding on tight, and not letting go, until the flame of her life guttered out. 

As life and energy were fleeing out of her, she saw weeping face of her daughter. She still held the knight tightly and her world black out.

"Motheeeeeer !!!" Yoguri cried and feel to her knee as she saw her mother collapsed. 

The knight was breathing hard and could only looked helplessly as Yoguri ran away while sobbing.

Could she escape the hell by herself?

Even if she fled into the forest, she might run into patrol of soldiers. However, as long she could survive, there was possibility of escape. 


We were looking for populated area. Finally, something like a village appeared in our view.

There was forest nearby and wheat field surrounded a settlement. It appeared to be rustic farming village. By the look of things, the village itself was not very developed. 

As I was observing the village, I felt something was amiss. 

"Are they holding a festival?" Brita asked.

People were running in and out their houses this early in the morning. They looked panicked.

"No, that is not a festival." The dark elf girl, said while biting her lip. She looked curious. Such incident seemed too familiar to her. 

The carriage got closer to the village. Things became very clear to us.

Fully armoured knights were swinging their sword to the villagers, who were dressed in rough clothes.

It was a massacre. 

A villager fell with every swing of a knight's sword. The villagers couldn't resist them and could only run away. The Knights pursued and killed the fleeing villagers. There were horses eating the grain in the field. Those horses must be belonged to the knights.

However, I was someone from other world who watched many movies. In movies, there were conspiracies and drama. So, my mind started to ponder.

Although it looked like the knights were conducting a one sided slaughter of the villagers, there might be other reasons at work here, which I didn't know about. 

Far outside the village, I saw a shocking scene. A naked woman with large boobs sent a soldier flying with a punch. The nude woman was leading a girl as they ran away. They were probably family. 

I quickly left the carriage towards them.


I was too late. The woman was lifeless on the ground. 

The younger girl was sobbing on the ground. She had a braid of dark blue hair that reached down to her breasts. Her healthy yellowish skin was now pale, and her dark eyes were wet with tears.

I gazed coldly at the soldier standing before the girl. Perhaps he was shocked at my sudden appearance that he forgot to swing his sword. I thrusted my sword into his chest. He collapsed. I looked down upon the fallen knight. I took a step forward.

She squeaked in confusion as I walked to her, probably in fear of the knight's death. After checking the wound on her body through her tatty old cloth, I put the girl behind me and glared at a soldier who had just emerged from a nearby house.

The soldier saw me as well and took a step back. 

"So you dare to chase women, but scared of people who can fight back." Fury could be felt from my voice.

At first, I was striding but then dashed to him. He slashed me but my slashed him first. He collapsed. I had been planning to follow up with another attack but I felt silly as I noted the soldier's weakness.

"Pathetic. He was killed in a slash."

Now that I knew they could be finished off with a single attack, my tension vanished in an instant. Instead of relaxing, I raised my guard. 

As if there were no longer villagers to be butchered, the soldiers came out one by one. There were twenty men in the same uniform. Their uniform was different from the border soldiers' uniform. It was foolish for soldiers of Treia annihilating villagers of Treia who contributed tax to the kingdom. Could they from another kingdom?

The girls were already with me. Gabriela casted a healing spell to the village girl. 

"Let me run havoc in the middle of soldiers while Marcella and Lily made a long range attack " I instructed them as I ran towards them. 

"Aaaaah !!" The dark elf girl screamed and ran past me. 

"Damn. Cover her!" I instructed them to protect her.

As the dark elf girl fighting, Lily was shooting bows accurately to soldiers who attack her from behind. Marcella shot fireball to soldiers who were grouping near her.

I reached them. I kept slashing and punching. Leliana, Brita and Mireille dashed towards us when the the enemies dwindled in number.

"Oooh!" My mighty roar shattered the air.

It was a signal that the slaughter to become a massacre of different sort. In matter of several minutes, the hunters became the hunted.

After most of the soldiers were killed, a man in golden armour yelled. I drew closer to him. He took three steps back in response, trying to get away from me. 

A shrill creaking noise came from his armour, and the sword he clutched in both hands was trembling uncontrollably. He was not the only one. The other remaining four soldiers were all acting in the same way. Although they were filled with fear, none of them ran. That was not courage- the grinding if their teeth attested to that. If they could, they could run away as fast they could. It was because they knew there was no escape, probably.

Gabriela and Marcella helped the girl carrying her mother's corpse to here.

Two more soldiers were knocked down by the dark elf girl. The leader and two soldiers remained standing.

The leader, they guy in a golden armour, his eyes shifted, pleading for help.

"I am not someone who should die here. Everyone, protect me."

Nobody moved. I left the leader.

I grabbed the two soldiers and brought them to the village girl. The dark elf girl realized my intention. She gave the girl a sword.

"They killed your family. Killed them with your own hand." The dark elf girl whispered into her ears. While sobbing, the village girl yelled and stabbed one of the soldiers repeatedly.

The another soldier was wailing as he saw the girl kept stabbing the corpse. He struggled to escape but I held him. The girl then stabbed him in the same way as she killed the preceding man.

I turned to the leader. 

"Tell us who are you. Why you did this?" I intimidated him.

"Will let me live if I tell you?" He seemed to be pissing in his pant. The stench of ammonia filled the surrounding air.

"It depends on your answer. I hate liar." I warned him. He nodded repeatedly.

This man was knight working under a Treia noble named Viscount Kent. The village was located in a land governed by Viscount Romeo, the same noble who hired the border soldiers we killed before. 

Viscount Kent wanted to weaken Viscount Romeo position by killing his villagers. Dead village meant lesser tax for Romeo. The soldiers hired by Kent disguised themselves as knight from Arkland kingdom. 

After I was convinced he disclosed all his knowledge, I let the village girl killed him.

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