King of the Bay Area

Chapter 85 - Team interview

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the King of the Bay Area!

Sitting properly on the chair, Lu Ke raised his head and looked at the people in the corridor. The line of sight was full of moving crowds, but there was no sound. Only the trivial sound of footsteps moving on the carpet, when staggered, Keep your voice down and say a few greetings, or exchange a look, and then pass by in a hurry, continue to move forward, very busy.

It seems that as soon as you close your eyes and open your eyes, the night is over and the sunrise comes again. Today is the last day of the rookie training camp. It is the day of the team interview. It is only 8:45. The interview has just started less than an hour. The corridor of the Marriott Hotel is full of rookie players, bustling and lively.

Not long ago, Lu Ke had just finished his first interview. Cleveland Brown, the entire conversation lasted for about eight minutes. The conversation was pleasant and the atmosphere was relaxed, but there was not much substantive content. This is only the first time Lu Ke has face-to-face conversations with team managers and team coaches. He has no way to judge whether the whole conversation is positive or negative.

Now, Lu Ke is waiting for the second interview, queued for nearly thirty minutes, and is still on standby.

Waiting was always boring, and the tension was amplified bit by bit. He pulled on his suit and exhaled for a long time, his beating heart softened slightly. Having experienced a big scene like the Rose Bowl and a large interview scene when a reporter was doing an internship, I never thought that the pressure of a simple interview would make people even more nervous.

“The suit is really suffocating, do you think so?” There was a half-joking voice on the right hand, but the voice was a little tight. It didn’t feel right anyway, it seemed that my limbs were bound by a suit.

Lu Ke shrugged. “Compared to a suit, playing is much simpler.”

“Hah, it couldn’t be more accurate.” The other party laughed violently. “If possible, I would rather go down now and start doing bench presses.” With the consent of a small group of people around me, the atmosphere eased a little, but Then it was silent again, and everyone was immersed in their own thoughts again to avoid disturbing the ongoing interview.

The waiting time was so slow, it seemed that the sound of an hourglass falling could be heard, another fifteen minutes passed, maybe twenty minutes, the room door opened, and a staff member came out, “Next.”

Lu Ke stood up and nodded politely, “Lu Ke, quarterback, UCLA.”

The staff looked down at the check-in form in their hands, looked for it, and then nodded, “Yes, when the player inside comes out, you can go straight in.” After that, the staff walked in again, off Come home.

About thirty seconds later, the door of the room opened and the player came out with a smile on his face. His eyes met Lu Ke and said friendly, “Good luck, man.”

Lu Ke also nodded with a smile, “Good luck.”

Pushing open the door of the room, Lu Ke took a deep breath, and then walked in. The room had a panoramic view. In the center was a set of surrounding sofas, sitting on the couch facing the door and back to the window. Two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes are sitting on the right side with a woman who looks like a secretary. The left side is empty.

When Lu Ke came in, a thin, tall, middle-aged man came out of the room next to him, and walked to the left-hand space. Then he saw Lu Ke, his footsteps could not help, revealing a complex look that was difficult to interpret “Pet, did John tell you about this?” But no one looked up. The middle-aged man with gray hair, a tough expression, and a touch of elegance in a suit and leather said, “Sit down, George. Our time is very tight. “

This is the interview room of the Seattle Seahawks. The middle-aged man who spoke is Peter-Carroll, the team’s head coach; on the other end is the team manager, John Schneider. -Shneider), and the last one on the left is the team’s quarterback coach, Carl Smith.

“Lu Ke? Please sit down.” Pete took the lead and pointed to the sofa opposite them, back to the door and directly to the window.

Lu Ke went around and greeted politely, and then he sat down and started to introduce himself again, “Lu Ke, quarterback, University of California, Los Angeles.” The same remark, it is estimated that I will turn it over and say today. Countless times.

Pete frowned slightly, always looking down at the information in his hand, and gently waved, “We all know this. So, you are also a quarterback in high school? But the record in the file was not found, how is this What’s going on? “

“I was studying at George Washington High School, this is a public high school.” Lu Ke explained briefly, everyone suddenly realized that the public high school sports department, the sponsorship costs are all from the state / government, rarely To develop vigorously, unless it is an excellent result, most of the records are not complete, and the scouts’ attention is very limited. “In high school, I was the team’s main quarterback …”

The introduction didn’t go on, Pete waved again, interrupting Lu Ke’s words, “High school is not important. We will follow up if necessary. Have you played other positions besides quarterback? ? “

“Yes, I tried the position of wide receiver in high school, and also served as a training partner in the defensive group in college. Both the defensive end and the central defender tried the position.” Lu Ke told the truth that he was a sparring partner fact.

“You must be kidding.” Carl finally couldn’t hold back, and his amazed voice blurted out. “With your size and talent, you can actually serve as a defensive end? There are wide receivers? This is a joke.”

Pete and John both raised their heads and looked at Lu Ke, seeming to be curious about Land Ke’s answer.

Faced with such offensive words, Lu Ke raised his chin slightly and said in a humble, “So I am a quarterback, not a defensive end, or a wide receiver. I believe this is the most Suitable for my location. “

“You ignored the prefix, sparring.” Karl was still reluctant to let go, and continued to be aggressive. Lu Ke opened his mouth and was about to fight back, but Karl was strong and did not give Lu Ke an opportunity at all-he is an interviewer, Lu Ke is an applicant, he has an inherent advantage, “To be honest, you are sure you can fight Rugby? Your height is 6.33 feet, but only 187 pounds. It ’s too light. It ’s really too light. Look at your physical performance. Have n’t you thought about it? Maybe you are not suitable for rugby. Maybe you should Give up. You know, after all, there are no people like you in the league. “

As a reporter, grabbing topics and taking advantage of opportunities is not the only skill. The anger climbs little by little. After reaching the extreme, he calms down. Lu Ke let Carl open as much as he could, while Pete and John, who were sitting on the hypotenuse, had no plans to stop. The atmosphere of the whole room was not like an interview, but an interrogation.

“What do you mean by me? Mr. Smith, can you please explain?” Lu Ke lifted his chin slightly, he could hear the contempt and contempt in Karl’s tone, the whole tone was not right, “Weight is light Players? Players with mediocre physical performance? Or players who came to the interview but encountered physical attacks? “

A series of rebuttal words made Karl’s cheeks slightly red, as if drunk, and ignited with anger, “Chinese, I mean Chinese.”

Lu Ke clenched his fists with both hands, and ignored Carl, but turned to look at John, not Pete, but John, “Mr. John Schneider, is Mr. Smith questioning my personal ability or questioning me? Color and race? Is this racial discrimination? “

This is not just a personal problem, but also a team problem. Lu Ke directly expressed complaints and protests to the team manager, emphasizing the seriousness of the problem.

Lu Ke knows that his physical talent is insufficient, and any team has the right to ask questions; but the way and tone of Karl’s questions always have words, insinuating Lu Ke’s race, not physical fitness.

“I only know that it is the ability of the player, not the race of the player, that decides whether the player can play. Half a century ago, white people believed that rugby was a highly intelligent sport, not suitable for black people, and rejected black people from entering the professional league. Now, black people have become the most important part of the league. So, you now question me, is it because of my ability, or because of my race? I need an answer. “

Not humble or overbearing, but sharp. At this moment, Lu Ke was not a rookie who came to the interview, but a young Chinese American living in the United States, fighting for his own rights and interests.

John froze slightly. In recent years, black groups have gradually united to fight for their racial rights; women have also united. However, Chinese groups have never been able to rise. Among Asian immigrants, Indian immigrants, Japanese immigrants, and Korean immigrants have found their own positions and gradually established their footholds, but Chinese immigrants are not included.

Suddenly, “Is discrimination against Chinese also equal to racial discrimination?” Such confusion made them a bit caught off guard.

“I’m just stating a fact.” Karl felt Lu Ke’s disregard, and the anger that had accumulated in recent days erupted at this moment. “Don’t you ever think that Asians are not suitable for rugby?”

“It’s like black people are not suitable for mathematics, art, or reading. Is this the case?” Lu Ke didn’t stop at any time. He fought back hard. Karl was speechless for a moment, and Lu Ke turned his head sharply, looking towards In order to keep the silent John and Pete, Huo stood up at once, “I will report this to the Alliance!”

“… This is not the case, it’s just a misunderstanding.” John finally recovered and tried to make up for the trouble. “We are just … er, just worried about your physical performance. The relevant test data are not very convincing …” John turned to look at Pete, asking for help.

But Lu Ke had no plans to sit down, and looked at John and Pete condescendingly. “Then, your expression is very unpleasant. I’m pretty sure that if it’s a black man or a woman sitting here, None of you will choose this way. It makes me more certain that I should not be the one the Seattle Seahawks are looking for. “

After talking, Lu Ke slightly retracted his jaw, gestured, then straightened his waist bar, turned around, and left the room without looking back.

grass! Deep inside Lu Ke’s heart, anger was rolling indiscriminately, his hands clenched into fists! He will make them regret it.

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