Killing Cockroaches In Xianxia For Self-Preservation


(Bu Cai POV)

(Back In The Chen Clan Mansion)


I refuse to sit like a constipated emu for hours on end and do nothing but circulate!

I get up from that accursed lotus position, and look out the window expecting a ray of vitamin D to shine on me.


...It's night time already?!

Where has my whole afternoon disappeared!

I storm my way out of the mansion and walk to wherever my feet take me.

Just get me anywhere except that fucking mansion!

I walk through multiple weird streets filled with a bunch of bizarre things such as,

...Feet masseur stalls who claim they can let you reach nirvana.

...Spirit Beast Enthusiasts Stores which has a nice welcoming bunch of eyeballs in jars displayed at the front of their stores.

Admittedly, I do see the potential demand for these sorts of places, so it's understandable...

But once I saw a large store with a luxurious exterior design... a disdainful frown adorned my face.

This disdain came from the fact that this place wasn't just some niche store.

It was a slave store.

In the Divine Sword Empire, It was completely normally for people with a specific Talent, Physique, or Look to be auctioned off in exchange for valuables.

And though some people in this rotten world may feel a sliver of sympathy, they still didn't mind it too much either.

After all...

In a world were what matters most is how heavy your fists are, weaklings get no say in whether they are treated as items or not.


But there is no use in being hypocritical.

I don't consider myself a hero, or someone righteous, who aims to bring justice.

So why should I get overly annoyed by it?

Sure, It certainly isn't something that conforms with my views, but it isn't something I can do anything about either.

...And now my chill mood is ruined because of running into this shit.


I hastily get to a quiet location and hop onto my sword and go for a spin.

What better way to elevate your mood than flying?

As I view from above the humongous Capital that's illuminated to keep the darkness of the night away, I'm amazed by it's beauty once again.

I feel the breeze of the night blow on me, and I decide to do something I've wanted to do from day one.

I sit down on my sword and whip out a trusty watermelon from my ring. I then swiftly and precisely chop it up and begin munching it.


Watermelon and flying sword hits the spot, I can't lie.


Soon I finish up and decide to land on one of the small hills that overlook a river which flows through the city.

It's dead quiet here, and only a few natural lights (Luminous orbs) prevent this place from becoming totally pitch black.

As I sit there and take in the serenity of the spot, I can't help but think that this would definetly be a great spot for running into a Jade Bea-



I vaguely see a silhouette that seems to be standing beside the river, immersed in it's flow.


Is this an opportunity I smell?

My Xianxia senses seem to tingling, so I instantly get off my ass and make my way over to whoever this is.

I soon arrive at the side of the riverside, and look for the silhouette that caught my attention...

And as soon as I saw 'her', I was stunned.

The captivating scene in front of me linked perfectly with those lines in Xianxia Novels where it describes someone as,

'Akin to a someone out of a beautiful painting.'

In front of me currently was a young lady around my age with long silky black hair, and was dressed in a white robe that fit her nicely, yet didn't fully hide her curves.

She had a pair of gorgeous blue eyes which were like sapphires, her face was immaculate, and had a delicate jade complexion. All of this combined made her look like a fairy from heaven.

She was standing to her side whilst looking at a beautiful blue lotus that was in her palms.

It truly is a very picturesque scene.

However, what really caught my attention the most was that...



Nervousness swelled up in me and my palms were getting sweaty.

My brain was also going in overdrive to think about my next move to make.

However whilst I was thinking, I hadn't shifted my gaze an inch from this image as I was completely entranced.

What do I do now!?

Do i just walk over and say, what's up?

Do I wait for her to notice me!?

Do I-

Suddenly she turns around and sees me.



I have to say something...

She asks curiously,

"B-Brother Bu is that really you?"

Phew, thank god she recognises me, now I just have to act chill and stay calm,

"H-Hello Sister Xinyi, How are you doing on this fine morn-*Cough* Evening?"


...I've fucked it.



What sort of morning has the fucking moon in the sky!



You know what? Fuck it!

I break through this nervous streak of mine and start to approach her. After I get close... we both get to fully see one another under the moonlight.

Now then.

...Should I just start a conversation now? No, that's too abrupt.

...Should I cup my fists and do a formal greeting? Nah, that's too uptight.

...Handshake? Fuck No.

Understanding that she isn't going to make a move...

I confidently walk over to her and... give her a deep hug.

As we hug, I say to her emotionally,

"I've missed you a tremendous amount Sister Xinyi!"

"I've watched all your matches, and was shocked as well as happy at how much you have improved!"

"Why don't we talk for a while and catch up?"


I hear her reply in a happy tone,

"Sure, I've been meaning to talk to you ever since I arrived here."

"A-And I've also missed your presence."




All I had to say was some Emotional + Positive shit and I've turned around my bad start!

We soon separate from the hug and make our way towards a nearby rock and sit down.

At first her and I were a bit awkward, however we soon got past it and started to have a large conversation with variety of topics.

Through this conversation I got to learn about her unfortunate situation in the Extreme Yin Sect, in the fact, that she hadn't been able to connect with anyone and was fully isolated over the years.

Add on the fact that they put huge expectations on her shoulders, she has been constantly stressed.

We both shared our worries and grievances over the years, and became even closer.

Though I found it very mean that she giggled at my dearest TreeTree getting fire fisted into oblivion.


Soon minutes turned into hours, and our conversation kept going smoothly.

We always had something to say to each other.

Whether it be complaining about the pettiness of Elders, to laughing over absurd moments such as when I had run into the match-making mission with Chen Fei.

Even when we were about to separate, we didn't feel sad or miserable, instead, we were looking forward to our next meeting.

And even though I had missed scavenging in the market tonight, I didn't feel regret.

Rather I felt inexplicably,




Author's Notes:

Hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading.

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