
Kigal-Note/Traits: Demon-type Traits (Post-Nightmare Festival)

General Description:

"Demons" on Terra Sol refers to beings born from or mutated due to demonic energies. These energies can be curses, the fumes from the Demonic Seas, or remains of powers left behind by "Devils", otherwise known as "Nega-Deities". 

The different Demon-type traits are split into the "hierarchy" traits, which shows how close to a real Devil the Demon's species is, and the "special races" category for certain Demon-type species that are granted an extra set of effects due to them being from special species.

Other than these, there also exists the "Demon Vessel" trait series and the "Sin Demon" trait series, but as they are traits that are generally not naturally acquired, they are granted their page.

Trait: Lesser Demon


  • Decreased stats when exposed to sunlight: [Small]
  • Increased stats when exposed to moonlight: [Small]
  • Darkness attribute enhancement: [Small]
  • Curse attribute enhancement: [Small]
  • Received Holy- and Gold attribute damage increase: *3
  • Received Light-aligned attribute damage increase: *2
  • Received Darkness attribute damage decrease: *2
  • Negative Karma Value increase: [Small]
  • Positive Karma Value decrease: [Small]
  • Increased effect of "Automatic MP Recovery" abilities: [Small]
  • Nightvision.


The lowest on the demonic totem pole, the "Lesser Demon". This trait is given to the low-rank demons, typically of racial rank G, F, and a few rare times, even E. 

The abilities of a Lesser Demon grow during the night but are weakened during the day. Their attribute focus leans toward Curse, the attribute said to be synonymous with demons, as well as the Darkness attribute. 

As demons, they take more damage from the Holy and Gold attributes. To a lesser degree, so does the Light attribute. Darkness, however, is less harmful to demons, even those of this low racial rank. 

Commonly seen with all types of demons, their Karma Values are easy to lower while quite difficult to raise. They also have inborn night vision and a strong affinity for mana recovery. 

Trait: Demon


  • Increased stats when exposed to moonlight: [Small]
  • Gloom-category attribute enhancement: [Small]
  • Received Holy- and Gold attribute damage increase: *3
  • Received Light-aligned attribute damage increase: *1.5
  • Received Gloom-category attribute damage decrease: *1.5
  • Negative Karma Value increase: [Normal]
  • Positive Karma Value decrease: [Normal]
  • Increased effect of "Automatic MP Recovery" abilities: [Normal]
  • Increased effect of mental-category status ailment abilities: [Small]
  • Positive correction to transformation abilities: [Small]
  • Nightvision.


The 2nd tier of the demon species' hierarchy. The [Demon] trait. 

It retains most of its abilities from when the trait was [Lesser Demon] but with a few upgrades here and there. One of the more noticeable ones is that the [Demon]'s attribute enhancement has been upgraded from enhancing only the Darkness attribute to the Gloom category, which contains not only Darkness, but also Curse, Moon, and more. 

Additional changes include the loss of the weakness against daylight, the inclusion of an affinity for mental-type status ailments, and a small bonus for transformation effects.

Trait: High Demon


  • Increased stats when exposed to moonlight: [Small]
  • Gloom-category attribute enhancement: [Normal]
  • Received Holy- and Gold attribute damage increase: *2
  • Received Gloom-category attribute damage decrease: *2
  • Negative Karma Value increase: [Max]
  • Positive Karma Value decrease: [Max]
  • Increased effect of "Automatic MP Recovery" abilities: [Huge]
  • Increased effect of mental-category status ailment abilities: [Normal]
  • Positive correction to transformation abilities: [Normal]
  • Positive correction to "Dark Arts"-family magic: [Small]
  • Reduces the LP costs for Demon-type targets by 10 points (cannot be lower than 5 points). 
  • Nightvision.


[High Demon], the top of the demonic racial hierarchy. It consists only of species with racial rank C or higher, though some D-rank exceptions exist. 

Along with yet another upgrade to previous effects, the [High Demon] has managed to conquer its weakness toward the Light attribute. It has also gained a stronger affinity for "Dark Arts" magic, or in other words, magic spells that require a negative Karma Value to be unlocked and used. 

Finally, a [High Demon] can make use of its placing in the demonic hierarchy to reduce LP costs for recruiting other Demons into their groups. 

Trait: Demonic Spirit


  • Received physical-type damage reduction: *3
  • Received magic-type damage increase: *3
  • Status enhancement when in areas with demonic-type aether: [Normal]


[Demonic Spirit] is a trait given to demons that are closer to a clump of demonic energy with a councience than a physical being enhanced/created by said energies. 

Creatures that are given with this trait completely lacks a physical body, being closer to a spiritual being despite their origin being demonic powers. Reflecting this, the [Demonic Spirit] trait grants the demon a high resistance against physical blows, yet a crippling weakness toward magic and other "supernatural" forces. 

Like with other spirit-type beings, [Demonic Spirits] gains a status enhancement when in locations that has a large amoutn of aether of a relatable type. In this case, this would be demonic-type aether. 

Trait: Seaborn Demon


  • Decreased stats when exposed to sunlight: [High]
  • Status enhancement when in Ocean-type areas: [High]
    • This effect is negated if exposed to sunlight.
  • Received Ocean- and Mist attribute damage decrease: *2
  • Positive correction to swimming abilites: [Normal]
  • Positive correction to stealth while in Mist-type enviorment: [Normal]
  • Passive chance to inflict Ocean or Curse-based [Fear] status ailments to weak-minded hostiles: [Normal]
  • Underwater Breathing.


The [Seaborn Demon] is a racial demon-type trait that is granted to the biggest and baddest of the sea creatures out there, focus on the "bad" part. This is not only a trait for "purebreed" demons, but also for certain ocean-living species that are capable of evolving with the right (and nasty enough) requirements to turn themselves part-demon.

A demon of the sea has evolved to the point where the sun is their mortal enemy, not that different from vampires and zombies, but in exchange, they have grown to become the greatest threat to emerge from the deep, dark seas. 

It is common knowledge that high-ranking [Seaborn Demon] only sticks is monstrous head up from the waves when there is fog on the sea, gifting the nautic beasts a strong affinity for not only the Ocean attribute but Mist as well. 

Other than this, the [Seaborn Demons] represents fear so greatly that their presence alone is enough to strike [Fear] ailments to targets, no skills needed. The only other marine species that can rival these demons' ability to cause fear and madness are the ocean-dwelling Outer Ones, and even if their racial effect is to inflict [Madness], the upgraded version of the [Fear] ailment, the have a lower chance to do so compared to the [Seaborn Demons]' ability to spread [Fear].

Trait: Inorganic Demon


  • Increases the values of RES stats: *2
  • Increases the values of HP and VIT stats: *1.5
  • Mineral-category and Metallic-category attribute enhancements: [Small]
  • Decreases Mineral-category & Metallic-category damage taken: [Small]
  • Negates "Life Recovery Negation" trait effects.
  • Halves MP usage for Magic corresponding to one's race's attribute(s).


An [Inorganic Demon] is a demonic entity born from when an object has absorbed enough demonic energies to become self-aware. They also have the [Inorganic Entity] trait found with other inorganic beings (Golems and Automatas just to make an example) along with the hierarchy-type Demon traits. 

This trait enhances the demon's RES values to a high degree, probably due to how close demonic powers are to magic. In addition, their HP and VIT is higher compared to other demon-type species, plus they are granted an enhancement to Mineral-category and Metallic-category attributes, such as Earth, Crystal, and Metal, just to mention a few of them.

[Inorganic Demons] are closer to "proper" living beings than common inorganic creatures, hence they are able to cancel out the "cannot self-recover life force" rule of the [Inorganic Entity] trait. In addition, probably for the same reasons why their RES is so much better than their other stats, an [Inorganic Demon] has it quite easy to cast magic from the same attributes as those related to their race. 

Zaria's comment: I am glad we didn't have to face any Demonic Spirits or Seaborn Demons down here. The Demonic Sea is just too perfect for them!!

Flint's comment: The only problem is that even they wouldn't be able to survive in this acursed biome. 

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