Key to the Void: A self-made isekai

Chapter 6: Focused on growth

I sat, focused on my breathing, forming my breaths into mantras. Contrary to what some have been led to believe from videos of Buddhist chanting and such, A mantra did not need to contain vocalized sounds of any sort. A mantra is a part of meditation, and it is any kind of regular use of your mouth, throat, or vocal chords that are simple and routine enough to aid in inducing a state of meditation.

A deep breath in, a deep breath out. The mantra of earth.

A long breath in, a short breath out. The mantra of water.

A short breath in, a short breath out. The mantra of fire.

A short breath in, a long breath out. The mantra of wind. Also the most challenging of the mantra.

Frozen breath, no breathing or no audible breathing. The mantra of void.

These were the five mantra of the core meditation that aided practitioners of the taijutsu-based art I practiced. Taijutsu was the art of body movement. It hyper-focused how to gain an advantage as a result of your position relative to your opponent. During grappling, you move to a position where you are on a strong line and the other guy is on a weak line. This allows you to better take advantage of your strength. While striking or wielding a weapon, you move to a position where you can take better advantage of your full reach than they can, such as being slightly to the left side of a right-handed person, or slightly to the right side of a person who is wielding a two-handed weapon since those always have their reach determined by the left hand.

It was a style hyper-aware of very minute things about distance and measurements, and how best to make them matter in battle.

In this style specializing in motion, this meditation helped center and relax the mind so that we could better allow our subconscious mind to just flow. This meant movement was also a very important part of the meditation. And yet, here I was, still unable to walk properly.

There was a lot of clattering in the room, and I looked up to see Tia moving through the latest absurd permutation on her unorthodox movement style. It looked even more painful that what she had started out with. For the best I could tell, she was just flailing her arms and legs around like she was having one of the worst grand-mal seizures I'd ever seen. She would flail and flop, and for some reason she was always rolling, in a side to side manner as opposed to end over end. And yet somehow that rolling and flopping about always resulted in some rather quick forward propulsion. It was eerily reminiscent of the way I'd seen a spirochete bacteria swim through a fluid medium under the microscope.

Only this was blown up to the macro scale, and she was also somehow managing to propel herself in that manner while on dry land. And she was fast too! She could likely give an adult running full tilt competition with this unorthodox movement.

Whenever she'd get to a wall, she'd flip end over end like a swimmer reaching the end of their lane and land feet-first on the wall before pushing off and going the other direction. In every way, the manners in which she was moving were more akin to swimming than any manner of movement that belonged on dry land.

I closed my eyes and took another deep breath, trying to block out those painful looking movements. Right now, she and I were the only ones awake. The boys were asleep. It is a strange new development that has come up in the past couple months. Me and Tia simply stopped having a need for sleep. I don't know if it has something to do with our elven biology or what. We can already see in the dark, so having no need for sleep wouldn't be too outside of bounds if that and potential energy vampirism are the standards.

It's strange, the more I find out about this, the more we seem a lot more like actual vampires than we do elves.

Although my eyes were closed, I was still hearing Tia flopping around, and this made it rather difficult not to think about her strange style of movement even if I couldn't see it. It really did not make sense for a reincarnated human from earth to decide what she was doing was a good idea. It was more like she was an alien consciousness that had inhabited a humanoid body and had no clue how the body was supposed to work, and showed no hesitation at all in taking actions that usually ought to cause her a fair amount of pain in favor of just achieving her goal. She hadn't really even been putting efforts into talking like I had, she just put all her attention into this incredibly reckless manner of movement.

I took one more deep breath and slowly opened my eyes just in time to see her make some new type of rolling and tumbling maneuver that now had her flipping backward, feet-over-head, and finally planting her feet on the ground with her butt in the air, face planted on the floor. Pretty much a far less comfortable looking rendition of Yoga's downward-dog position.

She only stayed in this position for all of a second though before she pushed off the ground with her hands, but instead of doing more wild tumbling, it just sent her up into an erect standing position. Then, she started flailing her arms as she was very unsteady standing properly on her feet, but she did manage to find her balance long enough to look over her shoulder, make eye contact with me, and beam a bright smile before loosing that momentary precarious balance and taking several very fast staggering steps backward and finally falling on her rear.

Did that count as her first steps just now? They were backward, hap-hazard, and for the best I can tell it seemed almost coincidental that she even ended up in a standing position in the first place. However, that's definitely the case. She took her first steps before she even turned 6 months old.

She grinned at me again from her position plopped down on the floor, and I was able to appreciate all this enough to graciously grin back at her. This does mean I'm officially behind her on the development track now, which I have to admit is somewhat frustrating with how hard I've been trying at it, but I can also appreciate it from the perspective of a former father and grandfather in my past life that this is a major bench-mark that should always be celebrated. And it also does make sense, she has been putting all her efforts into movement while I was dividing my focus between movement and speech.

Well, I do hope this at least gets her to start moving in a more normal fashion. I guess the only reasonable thing to do is let this motivate me to get competitive and try to catch up with my older twin sister. 

I used the wall to prop myself up, and promptly took my own first steps while using a wall for support. Guess we're going to start really pushing each other from now on. So, I'd better make the most of my time before morning comes and the kids are back. They have become a lot more respectful of Levin and Rolwen's space, but finding out they were capable of tossing them across the room like rag-dolls did not deter them in the long run from their daily visits.

While the elven children are cautiously hovering around Levin and Rolwen, they assign their own human companions to play with us in the meantime. If I'm understanding the elven dynamics of this all right, it feels like they mean it as some kind of temporary trade or something. A trade of human beings, and made completely without permission given on our part. On the surface level, it seems to be just kids playing, but there are some rather disturbing connotations under the surface of what's happening here.

It is not something I can do much about right now though. In the meantime, I make the most of it by doing my best to learn the elven language from the companions of the other elf children who have come to hover around us, most of them adult men and women.

I was expecting it to be more of the same today, but instead it was that doctor-like guy. He has been coming around about once a month since we were born.

However, our checkup for this month had only been a few days ago. Something was off about this.

His presence here was only made stranger when he started hanging strange paper talismans around the the room. It was like some kind of Shinto ritual. He even went and kicked our caretaker out of the room part way through it, and that was when he really started getting into it, going into all kinds of chants and waving his arms. The place did seem maybe a little isolated, but I didn't think the local doctor here would turn out to be a witch doctor.

At one point, he even knelt down and planted his hands on... no, wait... IN the floor! The floor had actually absorbed his hands like it was wet cement.

Ok, there's definitely some kind of real magic or something at work here. This is starting to freak me out just a little.

He chants in a deep droning voice that could give some of the best Buddhist mantras competition, and seems to be in some kind of focused trance the entire time.

This goes on for a while, but then, he suddenly goes silent and then stands up slowly.

"In azilu dir," he said. I roughly recognized the words he said, and they were not words that fit with some kind of ritual. That probably meant he was done now.

'In' essentially meant "should," and 'dir' more or less meant "now." I was having a little trouble with the main subject line of the sentence 'azilu,' but I think it had something to do with danger... maybe? It was conjugated in some way I didn't understand.

After this, he stepped out of the room and called our caretaker back in. He spoke to her for a while, mentioning things about the talismans. Then he finished off with a quick check on me and Tia. He simply touched each of us on the forehead with his palm for a bit and looked as though he was concentrating. This was a common thing during our check-ups, and after seeing that performance, I'm fairly certain there's some magic connected to whatever he's doing.

He seems rather satisfied with whatever he found in his examination and gives a happy nod, and then with a few final words to our caretaker he leaves.

I had no idea what just happened. It had something to do with magic, and I can assume it had something to do with benefiting us. That is literally all I'm able to understand about what just happened. I feel like I'm going to need to learn a lot more about magic in this world, otherwise it will drive me crazy.


That night, I came to a rather interesting realization. Our caretaker hadn't given us our solid food for the day. Those berries she would always stuff in our mouths had been a part of our regular routine pretty much since soon after our birth in this world, the boys were doing their usual exercises, and Tia was... she was standing? And with relatively little effort too. She just stood and walked right over to us from clear across the room.

How? How was she walking so smoothly all of a sudden.

"Ahh... this is so much nicer, the levels of spirit energy in this room now are at least somewhat close to a quarter what they were back on Earth. There's so much more I can do with this," she said perfectly, barely even lisping a single word.

"Whad da fuk!" Rolwen exclaimed as we all stared blankly at her.

Seriously! How?!

This chapter has been very heavily edited, to the point where only about 500 words of it are the same as previous and the remainder are all stolen from future chapters because what was here before was meandering and mostly directionless with nothing much happening, and I literally compressed around 1200 words worth of content down into 2 paragraphs about the elf kids bothering Levin and Rolwen while Asa learned Elven from their humans.

Yeah, the pointless meandering was BAD.

The former chapters 7 and 8 were similarly badly done to the point that I also summed up THE ENTIRETY of both those chapters in around 500 words for chapter 7 and 100 words for chapter 8, also both tacked onto this chapter. Literally, that bit about the elf doing the ritual and Tia suddenly talking were the respective core ideas of chapters 7 and 8, and just had a bunch of added fluff which I have now stripped off and condensed down into a package that fit neatly as part of this chapter.

So, this chapter is now 3 chapters condensed into 1, while also borrowing a little bit from chapter 14 which is probably going to be a lot shorter now that the elemental meditation got explained early.

I am going to be deleting chapters 7 and 8, but for now I will only be deleting the content of the chapters while leaving author's notes to avoid confusion.

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