Key to the Void: A self-made isekai

Announcement: Hell’s Underworld release coming soon.

I've FINALLY just finished writing chapter 5 of Hell's Underworld, and I am considering releasing it and dropping those first 5 chapters fairly soon. Perhaps being under a proper deadline again will get me back into writing as I should be, and having to keep up with public releases in a structured way would do that.

I've decided that next week, on Monday, I will be dropping the final 2 public release chapters of Key to the Void at once and then place the series on Hiatus, and at the exact same time I will be releasing Hell's Underworld and dropping all 5 of my currently finished chapters.

From that point forward, Hell's Underworld will release weekly on the same schedule as Key to the Void has currently, releasing once a week.

Key to the Void will remain on Hiatus until Hell's Underworld catches up to the same point in the story as Key to the Void. So, once Hell's Underworld reaches the battle of Astallan Recen, Key to the Void will resume and they will begin both releasing chapters at a hopefully similar rate.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.