Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 77

At the end of the diary, the man wrote down his wish.

I hope Sakura Kyoko can spend the rest of her life happily in that church he has rebuilt.

I hope that Ba Mami can go to school smoothly, go to high school and even go to university, and find more friends.

I hope Madoka Kame can live a stable and happy life as he expected.

I hope that Miki Sayaka can truly learn love and courage, and don’t need to take the same path of fighting as him, but use her love and courage to bring happiness to the people she loves.

I hope that Xiao Meiyan can always maintain a healthy body, grow up with the friends she finally made, and no longer be afraid to associate with other people, so that she can become the self she yearns for.


There are densely packed, names that Kyoko knows, names that Kyoko doesn't know, and some yellowed pages are written with many names and empty lines of justice's prayers for those people.

But the only thing is that there is no empty justice's wish for [empty justice].

In the end, the man just drew a lovely smile at the end of all the pages of the book, and gave the man his usual thumbs up, showing the man's usual cheerfulness and vivacity.

【Don't worry, it's fine. 】

"What is no problem..."

Walking through the buildings, Kyoko sprinted in the direction of Mitakihara, not even worrying about whether she would be seen by the people below.

"When a person dies, there is really nothing left! Stupid justice!!!"


4000 chapters

The fox is the best in the world

mass graves

Large-scale DD dirt reincarnation site



good night

Chapter 79: Sprinting

The road to Mitakihara City is not difficult to find. In fact, in addition to the highway that has been set up as a checkpoint, there is also a very convenient road that can directly lead to the direction of Mitakihara City.

That is the Shinkansen heading for Mitakihara, which has been suspended.

Since the infrastructure of the entire Mitakihara City was completely paralyzed, the original continuous route including Mitakihara City was forced to be cut off from Mitakihara City.Fortunately, the area of ​​Takihara City is close to the coast and is not a confluence of railway traffic, so although it was a bit troublesome at first, it is said that a complete temporary route design has been formed four months ago, and the smooth flow of related traffic has been restored.But at the same time, the Shinkansen from Kyoko and Zheng Yishuo in the city to Mitakihara City was also forced to stop, and now this route is completely abolished.

And Kyoko's purpose is to follow this route to Mitakihara City.

It is not that she has not considered the option of moving by means of transportation such as a car, but Kyoko found that no matter where the station is, there is no route plan for the direction of Mitakihara City.Don't even think about taxis. When Kyoko said that she was going to Mitakihara City, even if it was just nearby, she politely asked Kyoko to get out of the car with a embarrassed look. It was obvious that she refused the order. Profitable business.

In desperation, Kyoko has only two more reliable options. One is to re-use the self-sealed magic because of the past, and the other is to walk to Mitakihara City, which is about tens of kilometers away.

The first method can save a lot of effort, but judging from the taxi drivers who refused her, I am afraid that there are really embarrassing things lying on the road to Mitakihara City.Although the current Kyoko still doesn't care much about people other than herself, Zheng Yi, and Mami, but if she causes trouble for unrelated people for her own affairs, the girl's self-esteem is somewhat difficult to pass this threshold.

Therefore, in the end, Kyoko could only choose to mix into the station first, and then secretly set off from the track to Mitakihara City.

She actually didn't know where Zheng Yi was now.But Kyoko can be sure that if that person has been teleported to this place like himself, then he will definitely go to the direction of Mitakihara as soon as he finds out that the situation is wrong.That being the case, instead of relying on the naked eye to find a needle in a haystack in this city, it is better to go to the place where he will definitely go and wait for the rabbit.

As for what to do when we see Zheng Yi, it depends on the situation.

There are many messages in that diary that Kyoko can't understand for the time being, but there is one thing that Kyoko can be sure of through those words: If the man Kujo Masayoshi knows that [Witch's Night] is coming, then he will definitely act as described in that diary. As written, I chose to fight alone.

It's not that he doesn't believe in the fighting ability of the girls. The man simply thinks that children should not face such a battlefield. Best wishes, stepping into the battlefield of life and death alone without looking back.

Empty justice is such a person.

Obviously, if he brings his own Mami with that guy named Akami Homura, not to mention that he will definitely win, at least the winning rate will increase a lot, and he will not fall into a difficult situation of isolation and helplessness.But he chose to leave everyone alone and go to a fight to the death with a large witch who is known as a natural disaster level.

In Kyoko's view, this approach is downright stupid.

But even so, Kyoko didn't think it was ridiculous,

For a fool who is willing to bet her life for others, Sakura Kyoko can't do anything to laugh at this man's determination.

To be honest, she actually has a lot of questions, such as why the diary in this letter was written by Kong Tiaozheng six months ago; for example, why she appeared in the territory that should belong to her when she clearly entered the enchantment of the witch; For example, why it was almost night before, but here is the morning light pavement; for example, why the man knew the past that he had never told him, and even had someone rebuild the church for her, with the same fineness inside and out .for example……

For Kyoko, there are too many things she can't figure out, but there is only one thing to do.

In any case, let's see Kong Tiao's righteous side again.

At that time, maybe all these annoying mysteries will be solved by that big fool.

——With this in mind, and temporarily abandoning the questions and conjectures surging in her mind, Kyoko galloped on the track leading to Mitakihara City.


"Hmm... It doesn't feel much different from riding a bicycle."

Driving a deep black heavy-duty motorcycle on the road towards Mitakihara, Zheng Yi's initial sense of novelty passed, and even the flustered feeling of the first motorcycle posture disappeared, and he dared to push harder Turn the throttle off.

The performance of this R6 is quite violent, and it can be said to be a relatively unfriendly type for novices.But under the coordination of Zheng Yi's astonishing sense of balance and his physical abilities that have gone beyond the scope of human beings, after the initial twists and turns, he is now able to run at nearly full speed in the direction of Mitakihara City.

In the beginning, Zheng Yi's idea was actually close to Kyoko's. After trying to rely on means of transportation but failed, he decided to enter the interior of the station first, and then sneaked to Mitakihara City from the track.The distance of tens of kilometers is actually not too far for him or Kyoko. The idea of ​​relying on hiking sounds a bit far-fetched, but in fact, both of them can do it without too much burden .

As for why he drove a heavy motorcycle on the road to Mitakihara City in the end, it's a bit of a long story.

Before the disaster in Mitakihara City, most of the citizens were evacuated in time, and after the disaster, Mitakihara City naturally could not allow these citizens to live again so quickly. The huge citizens of Mitakihara City were arranged to go to different cities, relying on various jobs and some compensation funds allocated by the government to start a new life.

And in the city where Xingzi used to live, unexpectedly there was an acquaintance of Zheng Yi.

The father of Tachibana in the class, and the neighbor of Madoka and Sayaka, is Tachibana Fujibei who is known as Tachibana's father.

Of course, it is not the strongest human being in Showa. This Tachibana Fujihei seems to be similar to the JOJO family in the SPW group. They are all people with the same name, appearance and even similar personality.If it weren't for the fact that Zheng Yi, the Kamen Rider, was the only Kamen Rider in this world, even Zheng Yi would have mistaken him for the Tachibana father who was tied up by the overhaul card to train weirdos with that kind of similarity in appearance and personality.

After all, Mr. Tachibana was really hired by the TV station to participate in the filming of Kamen Rider from No. [-] to No. [-].

The same as the screen image, or the screen image is the true color of the actor, this old Tachibana also runs an auto repair shop in reality.It seems that Zheng Yi is also a teacher who likes to negotiate with parents and get along with the children in this timeline, so when Zheng Yi passed by Lihua's auto repair shop in a hurry, he was sitting at the door reading the newspaper Father Tachibana stopped.

Seeing Zheng Yi's hasty look, the sharp-eyed old gentleman didn't delay too much, and asked casually when he learned that Zheng Yi was going to Mitakihara City, he didn't ask any other questions, and directly covered a computer in the store with a protective cover. Chenbu's modified R6 was pushed in front of Zheng Yi.

Obviously, Zheng Yi's money is definitely not enough to pay for this R6.

But Lihua's father immediately stared at Zheng Yi's refusal, and angrily told Zheng Yi not to delay and go quickly, then pushed the filled R6 into Zheng Yi's hand, turned back into the store, and let Zheng Yi Yi couldn't shout anymore.

Zheng Yi, who was both grateful and helpless, finally left all the funds he could come up with, and promised to return the motorcycle. He rode the motorcycle and followed the route marked on the map that he had specially searched for before heading towards Mitakihara. move quickly.


FGOChapter 2 prologue to mess with

fire ender dragon fire

kamikaze fox

i have lemon

I also want to be invited by the little fox (no)

The second is more old-fashioned


Chapter 80: I'm in a hurry!

I refueled at the rest stop on the way. I learned from Zheng Yi, an employee at the rest stop, that after a certain distance, I will enter the forbidden road section with checkpoints. Basically, the driver will turn in another direction after passing this rest stop. Move, so this rest stop is the last place where you can rest.

For the checkpoint road ahead, Zheng Yi naturally did not have a pass or anything like that.If you want to pass, you have to choose from the mountains that are not easy to find or go directly from the front.Considering that this R6 still needs to be returned to the father Tachibana who cares about his safety but believes in his choice, Zheng Yi finally gave up the idea of ​​transforming into a direct impact on the checkpoint, and decided to rely on the green dragon form to bypass the checkpoint from the mountains and forests and enter Mitakihara City internal.

"Fortunately, I remembered to borrow a dustproof cloth from Papa Tachibana's shop."

Taking out the dark black dustproof cloth from the small trunk of the R6, Zheng Yi found a thicker bush to put the motorcycle in, put the dustproof cloth on the head, pulled out the key and put it in his pocket In the middle of the day, he finally found some dead branches and leaves and put them on the dustproof cloth. It was really hard to distinguish them in the woods from a distance.

After setting up the R6, Zheng Yi dealt with most of the traces that he carried the motorcycle into the forest just now, made an inconspicuous mark on a tree near the motorcycle's hiding place, and ran all the way to the forest At a higher place, transform into a Pegasus form and jump onto the tree in twos and threes, carefully observe and record the surrounding level design and situation.

Different from ordinary road checkpoints, there are three clear checkpoints and four hidden sentries on the mountains and forests on the road less than four kilometers from Zheng Yi's location to Mitakihara City. Zheng Yi can clearly see each checkpoint. Patrol officers armed with live ammunition.Although there are no heavy firearms, compared to the police revolvers and Taser guns used by the police officers inside the city, the firearms on these checkpoint personnel can already be called heavy firepower configuration.

Obviously, the checkpoints set up near Mitakihara City are not simple security checkpoints as reported in the news.This level of arrangement is more like preventing something from invading or something from escaping, with a very clear purpose.

Relying on the investigation in the form of Tianma, Zheng Yi quickly constructed a relatively safe, concealed and fast enough moving route in his mind.However, this route will inevitably conflict with the secret sentries on the mountains and forests. If we rely on the Tianma crossbow now, Zheng Yi can directly destroy the communication equipment of the two secret sentries at this distance, and in the chaotic period. Invade the interior of Mitakihara City during time.


Essentially, these soldiers only obeyed orders and did not pose a threat to Zheng Yi himself.They may not have been on the real battlefield a few times in peaceful times, and Zheng Yi can even see some relatively immature faces. Obviously, the composition of this garrison is not single, there are old and young.To shoot at these innocent people, even if Zheng Yi is confident in his aim in the form of a Pegasus, he will inevitably feel a little hesitant and worried.

Unlike killing witches or zombies, this may be Zheng Yi's first attack on ordinary humans with the power of Kurago.

Once there is a mistake, people will definitely die - the Tianma Crossbow has this level of power.


Taking a deep breath, Zheng Yi's ferocious and sharp mouthparts could not draw a helpless smile, but when the metal mouthparts rubbed against each other, there was also a sound full of bitterness.

He finally decided to use the blue dragon form to try to go around once, and if he didn't believe it, he would use the titan form to force his way.With the firepower inside these checkpoints, there is no firepower that can break through Zheng Yi's defense in Titan form.In this way, even if it is exposed, at least there is no need to fight these innocent people.

His purpose is just to enter Mitakihara City to find out the truth, not to disregard human life here.

Hanging down the Tianma crossbow in his hand, Zheng Yi was about to jump off the treetop.

However, plans always fail to keep up with changes.

"B4 checkpoint asks for support! B4 checkpoint asks for support!"

Still in the form of Tianma, Zheng Yi could clearly hear a man's hasty cry for help from the communication equipment of the three checkpoints and the four secret sentries at the same time.The man's flustered call for help was mixed with the sound of explosions and heavy objects hitting the ground, coupled with the somewhat chaotic sound of electricity, so that anyone who heard the call for help could tell that the other party was in an emergency situation.

Among them, the fourth secret whistle closest to Mitakihara City also responded quickly.

"A4 received, A4 received, your coordinates have been located, please report the known situation and support needs."

"There was an attack in the direction of the 4th track, and there was only one hostile target! It was a girl with a gun! We—I transmitted the video, and you will not believe it—because I myself couldn't believe what I saw !"

The girl with the gun?

Just when Zheng Yi was still a little dazed, the next moment, Xingzi's familiar violent scream came from the secret sentry tent.

"Give way to my old lady! I'm in a hurry!!!"

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