Kaidou of the Beasts Would like to Call Me the Strongest Creature

Chapter 90

Chapter 175 Forging Knife · Ash Messenger!

Sea Circle Calendar 1500, later known as the “First Year of the Great Pirate Era”

However, this year has only just begun. Although it is still chaotic, it has not reached the point where thousands of sails compete and hundreds of boats compete.

Roger finished drinking with Whitebeard, disappeared from the sight of the world, and began his retirement.

If nothing else, he should have gone to South Blue’s Bartlela Island to pursue his love.

How did he say that when he was on Fas Island?

The flavor of Bartlela Island has a taste of love.

Maybe it’s not because of how good the wine is, but because there is the most peaceful harbor in his heart, right?

Shiki fell, the Roger Pirates retired, and the Whitebeard Pirates officially became the strongest Iron Wall Pirates in the New World.

The era of repression for the next 20 years, the era of Whitebeard alone, seems to be about to begin~.

And the heroes on the sea are also beginning to prepare to compete for the position of the hegemon.

New World · Wanokuni.

The Beasts Pirates are among the Stations – On Ghost Island.

This guy Kaido came back not long ago and went out to wave for a while. The Roger Pirates did not find a single hair. Instead, they fought with many pirates and Marines. Kaido’s record was a complete victory.

Not to mention, Kaido went out for a lap and once again raised the prestige of Beasts Pirates a lot. Previously, Surrut, the co-captain’s limelight, coupled with Kaido’s power, made the influence of Beasts Pirates in New World. rose a lot.

With a big wine gourd in his hand, Kaido wandered around the tent and found Lafitte, stopped him and asked, “Lafitte, why didn’t you see Surrut?”

“Huh? Why did I see you taking the initiative to look for him today? Are you angry, are you going to look for him to vent your anger?” Lafitte asked sarcastically.

“No, I’m just curious why this guy didn’t come to me for special training…” Kaido waved his hand carelessly.

I don’t know what’s going on, this Surrut doesn’t bother him, instead he feels that the wine in his hand doesn’t taste good.

“Hahaha, Quinn just called the guy away early in the morning, saying that the weapon built for him in front of him was going to be finished today, and the two went to see it.” Lafitte said with a smile.

“Oh? Weapons? I don’t even know what’s going on, what did you do? Could it be something fancy like the Star Breaker Hammer before?” Kaido asked with interest.

“No, I don’t know much about it, but it should be a heavy machete or something…” Lafitte said after thinking about it.

Kaido nodded, then smacked his lips: “Tsk, that’s Laozi’s suggestion, I’ll have to go and see what it’s like…”

After speaking, Kaido turned around and was about to find Surrut and Quinn, but after taking two steps, he turned back and asked, “By the way, how is the situation over Wanokuni? That Kozuki Oden…”

“It’s alright, everything is in the plan. I have secretly attracted a group of bandits and robbers, just waiting for the situation on Wanokuni to become chaotic. The more chaotic they are, the better we can clean up the mess, don’t worry. Alright, 35 Lafitte said confidently.

This guy Lafitte never put his hopes in one place, and he also made several preparations for Wanokuni.

First, he gave Kurozumi a lot of tricks, and secretly cultivated many mountain bandits in Wanokuni, as a dark line, and finally, prepared a large number of pirates as a last resort.

If the situation breaks down, although Lafitte does not want to directly intervene in Wanokuni’s internal affairs, he is still ready to intervene.

Like Surrut, Kaido doesn’t like to use his brains on this kind of thing, and he has enough trust in Lafitte, and he has no doubts about his ability.

Therefore, Kaido didn’t ask any more questions, nodded and said: “Okay, then the Wanokuni matter will be left to you to handle, if there is anything that needs Laozi’s action, just say it directly.

Rafitte nodded and explained some other things to Kaido before Kaido left to find Surrut.

Before Quinn returned to Wanokuni, Lafitte had already arranged for labor to help him build the laboratory he needed.

After coming back, Quinn waited for a while. Not long ago, the laboratory was also ready, and he stuffed all the instruments that he had prepared before.

Although it is not fully perfected yet, it is still decent.

It’s hard to say large-scale experiments, but it’s okay to build a weapon for Surrut or something.

Wanokuni itself is a place with a high level of forging, and there are many powerful swordsmiths in China.

Kurozumi, the ruler of Wanokuni, is also the licking dog of Surrut and Kaido. He heard that Surrut wanted to build weapons, but he didn’t need to give him any orders. This guy recruited the powerful swordsmiths under the Rear Admiral Shogunate and sent ghosts. Island helped.

Therefore, the weapon of Surrut is a combination of Quinn and the big swordsmen.

In the knife forging room, Quinn stood beside Surrut, pointed to the knife maker who was working there, and said: “The materials are all specially made by me, from the handle to the blade, all good things are used, and the main components of the blade are still the same. It’s the previous Qianjun stone. Anyway, you like the feeling of heavy power. It’s just too strong and hard to open.

But this is the work of the swordsmiths. It’s no problem to leave it to them. The forging process uses the secret legend of the Wanokuni General’s Mansion. I don’t know much about it, but it looks very powerful. These guys are all Inherited by a family of swordsmiths, there are many famous swords from our ancestors…”

“It sounds amazing…” Surrut smiled.

In fact, after thinking about it for a long time, Surrut chose this style of heavy machete. On the one hand, it was because of Kaido’s suggestion. On the other hand, he wanted to try it. In the end, even though the swordsmiths of Wanokuni also made other weapons , But it is still the most experienced and the best in crafting tools.

A heavy machete or something, although somewhat different from the samurai swords they are used to making, is still within the scope of the profession.

Of course, it’s not that Surrut has nothing to do with this knife.

He at least provided design inspiration.

That is the shape of the knife.

And the design drawings he provided basically copied the style of the ‘Ashbringer’.

Even he was prepared to directly plagiarize his name.

Let’s just call it “Ashbringer”!

A blade of light, in the hands of a wicked party like him, is there any problem?

At present, Surrut is going to focus on developing its ability towards high temperature, and then cooperate with this knife. When the time comes, it will cut the opponent into ashes directly. It is also quite suitable for the name of ‘Ash Messenger’, isn’t it?

Speaking of which, Wanokuni’s knifesmiths suffered a lot when forging this knife, mainly because Quinn added some other characteristics to the Qianjun stone.

The most notable is the high temperature resistance, so it is difficult to calcine things with ordinary flames.

Surrut had to do it himself, calcining this thing around the clock for several days in a row.

Now that the last step has been reached, the swordsmiths in the distance are working together to carry Surrut’s machete and sharpen it back and forth to give Surrut a sharp edge.

··For flowers…

“It’s definitely a work that satisfies you more than the previous Star Shattering Hammer, don’t worry.” Quinn waved his hand first, then asked: “In addition, do you want to add some ability to this knife?

“I’ve thought about it, but I don’t have a suitable Devil Fruit… I haven’t figured out the corresponding ideas.” Surrut hesitated.

Quinn was from the MADS team, and he mastered the Devil Fruit materialization technology. At the beginning of the Star Breaker, Quinn wanted to develop some ability.

Now it seems that, fortunately, there is no tossing, otherwise an ability is wasted in vain.

Surrut doesn’t rule out this technology, it’s even looking forward to it.

But he didn’t want to understand, what kind of ability should he arrange?

First of all, Zoan’s ability, he directly ruled it out, is completely meaningless. Do you really want to learn from the idiot of Spandam and make some kind of elephant trunk knife?

That’s a waste. With that kind of effort, it’s better to cultivate a Zoan’s ability. Although the ability like the fruit of the elephant is not considered cutting-edge, it is obviously not weak!

So Surrut considers the direction of Paramecia and Logia.

And these two directions actually represent two kinds of thinking.

The first is to transform, Paramecia, most of them are like this, such as making some kilograms of fruit, tons of fruit, etc., you can further increase the weight of the blade, let Surrut turn freely, go down with a knife, the power will be heavy, and the mountain will be split into the sea. of.

However, it somewhat overlaps with the characteristics of Qianjun Stone.

The direction of Logia is actually the feeling of enchantment.

Any elements such as wind, fire, water, soil, etc., if you add one to it, it has a bit of a fantasy meaning.

For example, put the Thunder Fruit of Sky Island on it, and then it will be slashed out, with lightning and thunder, combined with the magma flame, the scene should not be too spectacular.

But if you think about it carefully, it seems that this is the case. Surrut is not sure whether the Devil Fruit ability attached to the weapon can be further developed.

If not, it would be a bit of a waste, and using this Devil Fruit to do this kind of thing is really too extravagant.

Logia・Thunder Fruit, find a suitable person to cultivate, then a proper Admiral seedling in the future!

The rest of the Logia are also pretty much the same, as long as they don’t stretch their hips too much, they are all the seedlings of the strong.

It’s really a luxury to use a knife.

These are factors in Surrut’s hesitation.

“Forget it, don’t worry about it, and think about it later. To be honest, it’s still unknown how this knife fits, whether it fits in your hand or not. It’s embarrassing not to go down, it’s a waste of ability…” Surrut finally shook his head.

Anyway, there is no suitable fruit in hand now, so you might as well wait.

I also need to feel this knife well? It is best to engage in some actual combat and run it in.

Regarding weapons, in fact, Surrut doesn’t mean much. He is not a swordsman or something. If this sword is not to his liking, he will still have to change it in the future. There is no psychological burden at all.

Because he is very clear, no matter what kind of weapon he is going to use, his foundation is still himself, and this will never change!

The rest are nothing more than icing on the cake.

“Indeed.” Quinn nodded.

Just as Surrut and Quinn were chatting about this, Kaido’s tall body came in from the outside…

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