Justice in the One Piece World

Why NOT to call a Buster Call

Chapter 26



From far away, I saw as Luffy pushed back Blueno from CP 9 as the rest of the Straw Hat pirates arrived. There it was… the iconic scene of the Straw Hats above the courthouse, facing against the CP 9 Agents on the tower of Justice.



We didn’t interrupt them, after all this was their moment. In fact, Sis and I had no plans on disrupting their fights in the Tower of Justice against the CP 9 Agents. It was, after all, their greatest character development in the story pre-time skip era. We needed the Straw Hats to be strong, they had too big a role to play in the future…even in we completely mess up the Storyline eventually.



I held my breath the very moment when it happened. Ussop, or as he’s called by Sogeking here, listened to Luffy’s orders and shot something at the flag of the World Government above the Tower of Justice…burning the flag into nothing… declaring war on the entirety of the World Government.



Then, the story unfolded like normal…except Franky this time didn’t have the blueprints of Pluton, instead… a random book about ‘ShipWrights for Dummies’ I could tell he had a genuine expression of surprise for a bit before bluffing it off and saying he hid the blueprints in the pages of the book.



Whether Spandam is a complete idiot or just easily gullible, the story went exactly the same as Canon as Franky burned the book anyway, showing that he has decided to trust in Robin and bet on the Straw Hats.



Soon after, the Rocket Man burst over the drawbridge and crashed directly into the Tower of Justice. The moment they got off, the Straw Hats, Franky Family and some more were swarmed by the Marines as the CP 9 units went into hiding all over the Tower of Justice.



To this day I wonder why did they even choose to have this game with the Straw Hats. The CP 9 were trained and instructed to complete their missions at all cost. Then, wouldn’t it be smarter to use deception if none of them have the real key at all? So even when all the CP 9 Units are defeated, then Robin would have still been eventually caught.



Anime logic, or perhaps the pride of the CP 9 was on the line. Then I could understand. Even being wiped clean on emotion, they would have drilled hard into their brains of their strength and pride as elite units of the World Government. A real shame that in the New World, it looks the CP 9 look like total wimps in comparison.



Diana: So it begins… their fight against the CP 9. This is honestly my favorite arc other than MarineFord. So much development and so much new powers. Every member of the Straw Hats gets their time to shine and Robin’s backstory… just a beautiful masterpiece of an arc.



Me: It’s either this one or Dressrosa. I’ve got to give it to Doflamingo as my favorite antagonist of the One Piece arc though. While the CP 9 are intimidating, their size and looks in a suit just doesn’t cover it. Just look at Kaku, who would be afraid of a ridiculous looking Giraffe? Or Kalifa turning into a Soap Sheep; the only part that beats Dressrosa would be the growth in strength for almost everyone and calling the Buster Call.



Diana: But we’re here to prevent that.



Me: We are. It looks cool on paper and anime, but I’m not into looking at people get bombarded by massive warships. That’s not Absolute Justice, that’s just cruel



Through our observation haki, we could sense fighting all over the Tower of Justice. From Zoro meeting Kaku and Ussop meeting… the Wolf Zoan guy.



Me: Sis, it’s coming. Get ready.



Just as I said that, Kaku’s Rankyaku: Amane Dachi cut through all around the Tower of Justice and slowly starting to fall.



Me: We can’t have the symbol of Justice fall…can we?



Diana: Not we can’t.



With that, we activated our Devil Fruits.



The Tower, which looked as if its top half was about to fall suddenly stabilized as a balance of gravity held it in place while sis used her fruit to reattach all the walls and parts.



A moment later, the Tower of Justice looked like it hasn’t been damaged…except for a very thin visible line through the center. Bah! A paint job can take care of that.



Diana: It’s up to you now Kara. It should be happening soon.



Me: I know



With that, I took out our Golden Den Den Mushi



Using my enhanced observation haki with my Devil fruits, I searched for electromagnetic waves that were similar to the ones I could feel from the one in my hand.



After a few more moments, looking far below the Tower Of Justice, I located it. The Golden Den Den Mushi of Spandam.



When I felt a familiar presence rushing into the area near Spandam, I felt him activate the Golden Den Den Mushi and the waves started to travel… and travel… until I neutralized it.



I created the opposite electric wave to intercept the signal, as the two waves met, they cancelled each other to nothing.



Despite the signal not going through, Spandam and Robin started yelling in shock at what he had done, and like canon, Spandam’s words were spread throughout Enies Lobby as Robin held a broadcast behind her back.



When Spandam attempted to call in every Marine on the Marine to get them to report in, I removed that signal as well. But then Spandam tried again… and again… until I had enough and sent a powerful electric wave at the Den Den mushi which suddenly shriveled up and died.



I know he doesn’t have a spare. This will do. I smiled as I realized that most of our work was already done.



Me: That was everything we planned for… but I don’t think we can just sit around and do nothing, can we?



Diana: No. Let’s get our crew, we’ll be waiting for them at the Bridge of Hesitation. Right in front of the Gates of Justice.





All six of us stood at the end of the Gates of Justice. Waiting for Spandam, Robin and Franky to arrive. It’ll take a while until they do and there are a few things I need to do to make it as similar to Canon…even without the Buster Call and the fleet that arrived with them.



I felt as the CP 9 Agents were defeated one by one and the others (except Luffy) start to make their way to Ussop on the top of the Tower of Justice.



From about a mile away, I saw Spandam and a couple dozen Marines dragging Nico Robin towards us.



It took them a while for them to reach us but eventually they did. When Spandam reached where we are.



Spandam: MOVE! I’m escorting a dangerous prisoner to be taken to MarineFord!



Our eyes met Robin’s as she widened her eyes in surprise.



Diana: Hello Robin, long time no see. Last time I saw you, you were in much better shape.



Robin: Are you here to take me to MarineFord as well…? to prevent me from spilling the secrets of the ancient language?



Spandam: I SAID MOVE! Do you know who I am?!



I said nothing as I simply walked up to him calmly. Squeezed his arm until he let go of Robin.



Spandam: Oww! What are you doing?!



I simply put his hands together and put a Sea Stone on his hands



Spandam: …


Robin: …


Marines: …







The last part was because his yelling was starting to hurt my ears so I just increased the gravity on him by 5 times. He shouldn’t be able to lift his head off the floor now. For what I know, he’s weaker than an average Joe.



Diana: Under the charges of an incorrect use of a Buster Call, denying Justice, and staining the image of Justice. You are under arrest.



I decreased the gravity on his face so he could talk. I wanted to hear what he had to say for himself.



Spandam: Incorrect Use? What are you talking about! I have all the right reasons!



Diana: Then please, tell us.



Spandam pointed at Robin with his chin



Spandam: She’s a threat to everyone on the island! To remove the possibility of her being a threat, I called a Buster Call.



Diana: Sorry… I cannot see the connection here.

You’re trying to tell me that since Robin is a dangerous entity to everyone on Enies Lobby, so you called a Buster Call.



Spandam: Exactly!



Diana: Anything else? Any other reason you would like to share?



Spandam: Is there need for another reason! That is enough reason. Now release me!



Diana: You truly are an idiot. I think you belong in Impel Down.



Spandam: What…?



Diana: First, you had Robin in Sea Stone cuffs from the very beginning. She was never a threat to begin with. To further strengthen the point, you managed to drag her here. The pitifully weak you.



Nice jab sis.



Diana: In addition, you were taking her off this island anyway. Why would you call a Buster Call on an island that no longer has the ‘threat’ on it?



Sis’s words were drenched in sarcasm as Spandam’s face paled as he realized his own stupidity.



Diana: In other words. the only thing you would have accomplished is destruction of billions of Berries worth of Marine infrastructure. I think that’s another charge against you.

In addition, you publicity stated that the lives of Marines are nothing to you. You stained the name of the entire Marines in one go. Do you have any idea how hard that is? Congratulations you sick piece of shit.

You are officially under arrest.

Oh, and by the way, the Buster Call won’t be coming. Tell me which Fleet Admiral would be crazy enough to authorize a buster call against a Marine Headquarters. Dumbass.



Actually, the Buster Call really did come in Canon, but he didn’t need to know that.



While sis was berating Spandam, who was now a sniveling mess, Franky arrived, followed by Zoro in the distance, and freed Robin from her Sea Stone Cuffs



Me: Well, Nico Robin, it is good to see you again.



Robin nodded in thanks as she realized that we had, in a way, indirectly saved her.



Me: We can’t exactly let you get away scot free though. In the end, I am a Marine and you are a Pirate.



The three looked at me in shock as they realized that I was serious.



Me: So fight me or run Straw Hats. *sigh* Please run.



With that, I rushed towards Robin, greatly enhanced with my second Devil fruit, I was behind her in less than a blind of an eye.



Me: Sorry



I then hit Robin on the back of her head as she was knocked out cold and started to fall… only to be caught by Zoro.



I then sensed my sister behind me. Looking back, I saw her walking towards us and further back an unconscious Spandam who was foaming at the mouth. eww



Me: My recommended course of action for you is to take Robin now and run away.



I was honestly giving him advice on what to do. I knew they weren’t strong enough to face us anytime soon. Even after the time-skip, they wouldn’t come close. I just needed them to stall time until that damn boat of theirs appear.



Behind Zoro, I saw the rest of the Straw Hats running towards us, or more like Luffy was carried over Sanji’s back… only to freeze in shock as some of them recognized us.



Diana: *sigh* Did you really all have to run TOWARDS us? Why can’t you guys run away? Now we don’t have a legitimate excuse to not fight you.



Me: What’s done is done sis. Alright Straw Hats, get ready.



The Straw Hats prepared themselves for a fight once again… this time knowing subconsciously that this was a fight they would not win.

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