Justice in the One Piece World

To Alabasta

Chapter 10



Diana: Sarah, Tim. I think’s it’s time we fly this ship. Tell us what to do.



Tim: Alright! Sarah, please turn on the engine and change it to flight mode! We have enough electricity so we don’t need Kara to recharge it yet.



Requiem started to hum as the hull of the ship expanded and the sides of the ship sprouted something like wings.



Tim: Once the ship starts to gain lift, Kara we need you to decrease the gravity on the ship, or better yet, reverse it. Once we are in the air, please remove the air friction as well. That way, we can gain speed faster.



Me: You got it.



The humming noise got louder and louder as the ship started to go faster and faster on the water, before bouncing on the waves, each bounce taking us higher before no longer hitting the waves anymore.



I activated my devil fruit and suddenly the ship lifted high up into the air. Higher and higher. There was a lot of air resistance but I canceled it as to not lose any momentum.



In a course of a minute, we were high above the seas, flying directly towards Alabasta.



Me: I think it worked Tim. Good job guys!



Tim: Thanks, hehe. While this ship can fly without you, it’s going to take a lot more energy and time to reach this altitude. And even then, it won’t be able to fly this long.



While we were discussing, Brown, John and Sarah were looking over the edge



Brown: I’ve never been up this high before! It’s much colder though… bruuu..



He shivered.



Sarah: It’s so beautiful! But also so convenient! This was we can ignore the seas and even other pirate ships!



John: I knew what I was making but seeing it in action truly is different… truly amazing.



I didn’t stop there. The wind was annoying so I willed the ship to go higher and higher, reversing gravity.



Of course, I parted the clouds above us since I didn’t want to get wet but soon we were above the clouds.



Mind you, these were the normal clouds, not the cloud seas from the island. That is still above us I think.



Sarah: Wow… we’re really above the clouds.



Me: Could we still navigate our way to Alabasta this way?



Sarah: It’s no problem. In fact, this makes things easier in a way. No obstructions or anything in our path!



So at record speed, we flew towards the Alabasta kingdom where we would meet Crocodile.



Diana: Get ready ‘Weakest Warlord’. We’re coming to kick your ass.






Once we were back in our quarters, sis I and started to talk



Diana: So what’s the plan?



Me: We beat up Crocodile before Luffy does and become the heroes of Alabasta instead of the Straw Hats.



Diana: If I remember correctly, dad was angry about this as well in the Dressrosa arc, wasn’t he?



Me: Yes, this was an example of ‘False Justice’. Where the World Government, or rather Smoker, took the credit for finding out and defeating Crocodile when in reality it were the members of the Straw Hat Pirates…maybe Vivi.



Diana: Any plans to make it go our way?



Me: We can solve this easily with a single call to Sengoku you know? Just tell him that Crocodile’s trying to cause a Civil War in a country that’s part of the World Government.

If he asks for proof we can search the Rainbase for some documents.



Diana: Then Crocodile will be stripped of his title before even having the chance to read the ancient language crap. That location of Pluton thingy



Me: Yup!



Diana: Awww, you little monster *rub* *rub*



She then continued to pet me on my head until I fell asleep. Of course, I made sure to slightly upkeep my devil fruit powers to make sure the ship doesn’t suddenly fall out of the sky.




*pet* *pet*


Me: hmm…



I opened my eyes slightly to see…another session of ‘Petting Kara’.



Diana: Aww…looks like she woke up. Alright guys, time to go back. I’ll invite you guys back when she’s napping.



Me: Really? Why do you guys have to pet me every time?



Diana: Doesn’t it feel good?



Me: Well…it does but it’s also embarrassing!



Diana: See? Don’t be, and you’re just a child.



Me: You’re my twin!



Diana: We both know that I’m the Older sister while you’re my cute little imouto!!



Sarah: *kyaa*



I looked around to see even Tim and John in the room. Doc was just hanging in the back, sitting on an armchair looking at us with a small smile.



Me: Are you guys really going to keep this up?



Everyone: YES



Me: ok…



I mean, they said it with such conviction and passion. In addition, how can I say no to my sister as well?



Me: BUT! Everyone’s training, RIGHT NOW!



I can make them suffer a bit through my gravity training. hehehe


John, Sarah, and Tim paled, knowing exactly what I mean.



Me: Doc, you’re joining too.



Brown: But I’m a doctor~



Me: You need to be strong enough to be the last one to die. You’re gonna train just as much as they are.



With that, I forcefully brought everyone to the training area.





After once again sending Tim to the sick bay and listening a mouthful from Doc about the 100 reasons not to beat a crew mate to a near death state, Sis and I started our own training.



We went into the mini arena, where all parts were reinforced multiple times, and I activated my gravity well.



25g. Most people would die right here but Sis and I clad ourselves in light haki and started doing our workout.



Diana: *huff* I think it’s time to train our swordsmanship.



Me: Agreed



I lowered the gravity to a low 5g so we can move around. By no means is 5g low at all, but comparatively, this was much better.



Also, about our Katanas that we received from God, we’ve never used them yet. Never had a time when we needed to. Dad just somehow got us each one of the 21 Great Grade swords as a gift on our 13th birthday. I don’t even know the name of the blade, but judging by how it’s survived numerous mock fights with our dad, it’s not bad. I’m not planning on using it for long; not that it would last long once we get to the New World either. For now, I’m just calling mine ‘Bob’.



I know that Tashigi and Zoro will go on a spree to collect the 21 Great blades. Maybe we should beat them to it or take them from Zoro if we have an excuse. On second thought, that would mean Zoro might die. Nah, not worth it; we still need him to continue the storyline. At least until Wano arc.



We started warming up with our swords. Practicing a few basic strokes before we stood against each other.



Diana: Here are the rules. No haki, no devil fruit (except for maintaining this 5g). Don’t use enough force to damage the ship. This is going to be just pure speed and technique



I nodded.



Diana: Begin!



In a close range fight like this, I always lost to sis, but that doesn’t mean I made it easy for her. Without my devil fruit, I lost my edge for the strength behind my attacks. But even without it, I was faster than her. Even without the aid of my devil fruit, my observation haki could see clearer, more and into the future (but I can’t use that in this mock battle)






As our blades clashed, a small shockwave was produced. I was the first to back off, not wanting to fight my sister in a battle of strength. My only way to win lay in the battle of attrition.



*clak* *ching!*



She sliced at my arm but I angled it away from me with the tip of my sword before I got in her guard and attempted to punch her.



She stopped my punch with her left hand before trying to grab my head.



I kicked off of her stomach to gain the distance again. With a grunt, she let go.



Then, my sister used Soru to get close to me…but I was ready for it. The moment she started to swing her blade, I used soru to bring myself right into her face… with my blade aimed at her right arm (swinging the blade).



My plan proved successful in stabbing her arm, but then I realized I fell into her trap.



As my blade stabbed her shoulder, she had already changed her grip behind my head. She was holding her blade in her left hand now, with my head completely unguarded.



Diana: fufu…nice try. Good night sister.



With a quick kiss of my forehead, I felt a dull pain of the back of my neck as I lost consciousness.





*pet* *pet*



Brown: …*j#w*@*s*&…are you sisters?



Umm… so sleepy, but I could hear Doc’s voice. Why does he sound so angry?



Sarah: Will she be alright?



Brown: That’s why I’m yelling! Diana! This is your sister!



Diana: But she’s alright…she’s not hurt…I held back…



Brown: That’s the second thing. I saw you get stabbed through the arm an hour ago with my own eyes!.How are you completely healed already? There’s not even a scar left!



Me: uuu…



They were being so loud! I just want to sleep.



Diana: Alright, all that aside, I think we should host our 3rd Kara Petting session.



That jolted me awake.



Diana, Brown & Sarah: Awww…



Diana: Sis, you should have slept a bit more.



Sarah: yeah! We were just about to pet you.



*pout* I pouted at them to let them know my dissatisfaction, but it didn’t seem to work.

*stretch* My sister just grabbed my cheeks and started stretching them instead.



Brown: That’s not the main issue! Kara! Did you know how scared I was when you blacked out?! Seriously, take your training with more concern for your safety!



Me: What about the time when Tim was knocked out?



Brown: That’s Tim. He’s alright



Tim: HEY!



Me: Alright, we’ll be more careful. It’s just that we want to activate our powers for sparring but that would damage the ship.



Diana: hehe, I still won though






Me: It’s only because haki wasn’t allowed. If it was allowed then I would’ve seen through that trick.



Diana: Both of us know that I would’ve still won. Just more time. I’m better at close combat than you are.



Sarah: Anyway, you should all get up. We’re approaching Alabasta and I would like to land this ship before we enter the docks.

Kara, please set the gravity to normal. Tim, lower the engine power but don’t turn it off. I’ll change the angle of our mast and wings so we can catch the wind as we glide down.



As I walked out onto the deck, turning off my devil fruit along the way, I saw a small speck of an island in the distance.



Me: There it is.



Diana: There it is. Think we can beat a Logia user in their own element?



Me: Against Crocodile? Is that really a question?



I asked sarcastically



Diana: You’re right. hehe. Alabasta, here we come.



With that, our ship slowly glided down onto the sea below.

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