Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 50

Page 50

Wu Changfeng immediately pointed to the neatly arranged empty seats:

“But you ordered all the soldiers not to leave the house, who is this play for?

Also, you have to have a role in singing, right? Where is it? ”

Chu Jian patted Wu Changfeng on the shoulder:

“Captain Wu, this show is not for soldiers, and it must not be for them.

Hurry up and go back, don’t go out of the house after the sound of the musical instrument! ”


Wu Changfeng wanted to say something, but Chu Jian walked directly towards the table where many costume boxes were placed.

Looking at Chu Jian’s back, Wu Changfeng sighed deeply, turned and left.

The old man from Leban looked at Chu Jian and asked suspiciously:

“This leader, can we still sing in this play?”

“Sing! Of course I have to sing!”

Chu Jian pointed to the box on the table and said:

“Don’t worry, let’s sing when the horns are on!”

With these words, the old man was relieved and continued to sit aside and wait.

At this moment, Chu Jian turned to look at the three of them, and said slowly:

“Zhang Qilin, you go up to the stage, and I will dress you up myself.”

“Dress up?”

Zhang Qilin looked at Chu Jian suspiciously:

“Chief, what are you doing?”

Chu Jian slowly picked up the brush used to draw the mask, dipped it in paint, and said word by word:

“Playing as a king, wearing a robe and a jade belt, number: Di Xin!”.

Chapter 61: If you want to exercise kingship, you must experience kingship

“Playing as a king, wearing a robe and jade belt, number: Di Xin!”

Chu Jian’s voice was inexplicably chilling.

The old man of the music class heard the words, looked at the others, lowered his voice and said:

“Looks like I’m going to sing Peking Opera Zhaixinglou, get ready!”

The rest nodded, quickly picked up their respective musical instruments, and checked them out.

Zhang Qilin stood on the stage with doubts, Chu Jian picked up the pen himself, and shouted:

“Suona Chaofeng, welcome the king!”

With that said, Chu Jian drew a stroke on Zhang Qilin’s face.

At the same time, the suona master, who heard this, put the suona to his mouth and blew it vigorously.

A loud suona echoed throughout the military area, and almost everyone heard the sound.

In the sound of the suona, Chu Jian did it in one go, and drew the face of King Zhou on Zhang Qilin’s face.

With a white face, black eyes and black eyebrows, it reproduces the portrait of a Peking Opera king.

Only at the end, Chu Jian bit the blood from his fingertips, leaving a bright red streak between Zhang Qilin’s eyebrows…

“Dragon robe jade with blood as makeup!”

Chu Jian’s voice came again as Chu Jian used the blood of his fingertips to draw a smear of red between his eyebrows.

In the sound of the suona, the other musicians felt a little puzzled.

“Why doesn’t this sound like singing about the star building?”

“Yes, the mask is indeed the mask of King Zhou of Peking Opera, but why haven’t I heard of the lyrics.”

Amidst the doubtful discussions of the musicians, Chu Jian picked up the Wang robe costume placed on the table and put it on Zhang Qilin himself.

Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou watched this scene in amazement, and until now they still didn’t understand what Chu Jian was going to do.


But they can’t sing!

“The gong rises, the king succeeds the throne, and the people are called ministers!”

As soon as the musician who was talking about heard him, he beat the gong vigorously in his hand.


With the sound of the suona, the gong was crisp and loud, and Zhang Qilin was now a statue of a king wearing a royal robe.


At this time, for some reason, a cold wind suddenly blew, and everyone couldn’t open their eyes, but Zhang Qilin, who was standing on the stage, was not affected in the slightest.

Looking at Zhang Qilin in front of him, Chu Jian nodded with satisfaction:

“very good!”

Then, Chu Jian looked at Hu Bayi:

“Go, call some soldiers!”

Hu Bayi was startled, then nodded, and quickly turned around and ran away.

Wu Sangou finally couldn’t help but ask:

“Chief, what the hell… is this going to do?”

Chu Jian smiled meaningfully and took out the token:

“I said, in order to activate the power in this token, King Zhou must be present.

Now, standing on the stage, isn’t it the Emperor Zhou of a thousand years ago, Emperor Xin! ”

A little surprise flashed in Wu Sangou’s eyes, and then he reacted:

“Sir, what are we going to do?”

Pointing to the clothes and swords of the guards on the table, Chu Jian said slowly:

“After a while, you will change into the clothes of the guards and follow King Zhou from the mountain road around the mountain.

After that, send this token to the Lingbao Pavilion in the rear. . ”

Looking in the direction Chu Jian pointed, Wu Sangou frowned in confusion.

In the direction Chu Jian pointed, you could vaguely see a warehouse.

When Wu Sangou came, he wondered why Chu Jian called the warehouse Lingbao Pavilion.

Secondly, I am also a little confused. Why don’t I remember that there was a warehouse there before?

Seeing Wu Sangou’s expression, Chu Jian did not speak.

There is indeed no warehouse there, but Chu Jian exchanged the Lingbao Pavilion there.

It seemed that it was just an ordinary warehouse. Only Chu Jian knew that the nine-story Lingbao Pavilion was unique!

Soon, Hu Bayi came back with several guards behind him.

Seeing the scene here, curiosity and doubt appeared on the faces of the guards.

“Put on that dress!”

Chu Jian gave an order. Although the soldiers were puzzled, they dared not to obey. They changed into the clothes of guards and took up the long sword.

“Remember, you will be out of the military area in a while. From the moment you leave the military area, you must close your eyes. No matter what you hear or feel, you can’t open your eyes, understand!”

Although the soldiers were puzzled, they nodded quickly.

Until now, they are also confused and don’t know what this is going to do.

The musician looked even more curious.

“Why don’t I remember that there was a scene of guards in Zhaixinglou?”

“Indeed not, and … playing the role of Jiang Shang, why didn’t you watch it?”

Just as several people were discussing, Chu Jian came to them:

“Excuse me, I will follow the team for a while. Similarly, when you leave the military area, close your eyes. It doesn’t matter if the speed is slower, but you must not open your eyes.

There will be red silk tied to your body in a while, just follow along, understand? ”

The headed old man nodded suspiciously, and still did not forget to ask:

“Leader, which part should we sing, so that we know how to beat it.”

Chu Jian looked back at Zhang Qilin dressed up on stage:

“You don’t need to follow the singing. No one starts singing today. Just don’t let the accompaniment stop!”


The old man has been with this music class all his life, and they are also busy with weddings and weddings on weekdays.

When there is a troupe, they will also play together, but they have never heard such a request.

No one speaks, why is it a play?

But Chu Jian obviously didn’t want to explain any more. After turning around and whispering a few words to Zhang Qilin, he told Hu Bayi and Wu Sangou again:

“You two don’t need to close your eyes, but remember not to make any noise, hear anything, see anything, you can only follow the emperor, and there must be no change, understand?”

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts and confusion, but they nodded.

The time was getting closer and closer to twelve o’clock, and everyone was waiting for Chu Jian’s final order.

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