Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 46

Page 46

Zhang Qilin was wearing a hood, so he couldn’t see clearly in the snow, but the black gold ancient knife behind him was particularly conspicuous.

Hu Bayi had a face covering on his face and was covered in white snow. He could only see a pair of eyes, like an explorer who walked out of a lost place.

Wu Sangou lowered his head, faced the wind and snow, grabbed the rope in his hand, dragged the unconscious person behind him, and behind him was carrying a very special wooden box.

Wu Sangou looks very ordinary, but what is striking is that beside him is a snow-white fox. Because the snow is too deep, he can only jump from time to time to avoid being buried by the snow.

Back, really they are back!

Come with the wind and snow, and come with everyone’s expectations!

At this moment, everyone seemed to have forgotten the cold, and just froze in place, staring blankly at the three people in the wind and snow coming up.

They came from the wind and snow, more like the legend itself than the creation of the legend!

No one dared to imagine how they could walk out with unconscious professors from the deep mountains of Kunlun under such bad weather?

The sky seemed darker than before, and the wind and snow were more raging, but the three figures became more and more solid in the wind and snow, and they never wavered in the slightest.

Getting closer!

“Quick! Quickly pick them up!”

Wu Changfeng gave the order in a hurry with excitement, and even forgot that Chu Jian, the head of the regiment, was still standing here, and he didn’t need his command at all.

But obviously this was an unintentional mistake, he was just too excited.

Several soldiers rushed out quickly, took the ropes in the hands of the three, carried the unconscious professors on their backs, and sent them to the medical station as soon as possible.

The Kunlun garrison is located in a remote location and has a harsh environment, so medical conditions have become the top priority, so the level and equipment of the medical station are very good.

At this moment, watching this scene, everyone still feels like a dream.

The scientist who the entire investigation team could not find was actually found by three people and brought back.

Not only that, even the missing herdsman was brought back by three people!

At this time, the three of them had come to the front, and their faces were serious. Although they were full of wind and frost, they couldn’t hide their perseverance.

The three of them quickly walked to Chu Jian with chills on their bodies.

Hu Bayi took off his face towel, stood at attention with a snap, and saluted Chu Jian with a tall and straight military posture:

“Report to the head, the 543 exploration team has completed the task. There are no casualties among the three team members, all of them will report to you!”

Standing in the wind and snow, Chu Jian looked at the three of them carefully, and it could be clearly seen that they were all in a mess, but their mental state was very good.


Chu Jian gave a serious military salute, and no one noticed that there was relief and relief in his eyes!

The three returned, and the stone that had been pressing in Chu Jian’s heart finally fell to the ground.

He looks in this direction almost every day, looking forward to the return of the three.

I even thought about whether it would be a little anxious to directly let them perform such a arduous task, and whether it would be too harsh for them…

But now, they were standing in front of him, and they had completed the task perfectly, so Chu Jian could finally rest assured.

myself, did not see them wrong!

“It’s good to come back… hard work!”

Chu Jian didn’t say much, just patted the three of them on the shoulders. The trust and emotion were immediately felt by the three of them.

They knew that Chu Jian should have been worried for a long time.

Hu Bayi grinned and said freely: “It’s not hard work, this time we are also eye-opening.”


At this time, Chen Wenjin stepped forward with surprise written on her face. She couldn’t imagine how they would have survived in that situation.

Zhuge Qing asked Chen Wenjin’s doubts:

“Didn’t the cave collapse, how did you get out?”

Wu Sangou rubbed his frozen hands:

“We also found that the cave had collapsed, so we found another way, which was only a few days late.”

With that said, Wu Sangou looked at Chu Jian, pointed to the fox lying on the side, and said:

“Chief, we didn’t kill the demon, but we brought it back. It’s up to you to decide what to do with it.”

Chen Wenjin looked at the white fox beside Wu Sangou suspiciously, but it happened to meet the white fox’s eyes.

Although this fox does seem to be very spiritual, it blinks its big eyes and looks around, seems to be very curious about everything, and even a little human.

But to say that it is a demon, it is hard to believe.

Isn’t this just an ordinary fox?

Chu Jian glanced at the white fox, opened his eyes in the dark, and immediately saw her hidden tails, as well as the shadow of humans!

Obviously, this white fox is indeed a demon, but it should have been told by Hu Bayi and others not to reveal the demon in front of others, so it was hidden.

Chu Jian nodded lightly:

“Go, go to the house, warm and warm.”

The three nodded and followed Chu Jian towards the house.

Seeing this, the white fox quickly followed.

Looking at the backs of the three, Chen Wenjin’s eyes were full of doubts.

When the three of them came back, not only did they not have the slightest sense of blame and indignation, but they excitedly told Chu Jian that they had completed the task.

What exactly is going on?

How did these three come back? .

Chapter 58: If a fox has nine tails, he can become a fairy!

Many doubts lingered in Chen Wenjin’s heart for a long time.

But it also made her vaguely feel that the 543 exploration team was by no means as simple as she thought.

Standing in the wind and snow, Chen Wenjin was a little lost.

It was Zhuge Qing who reminded him in time that Chen Wenjin returned to the lounge.

Sitting alone in the chair, Chen Wenjin’s mind is full of the three people returning from the snow.

Even the missing Dr. Li and others were found by them.

But there were only three of them, and under those circumstances, it was impossible for anyone to come back alive.

But they created a miracle, and even completed the task that the investigation team hadn’t completed.

All of this, what is going on?


At the same time, in Chu Jian’s office, the three of them sat in front of the stove, holding a jar of hot water and hand-cuffing.

Chu Jian was also sitting next to him. At this time, they didn’t seem to be subordinates at all.

The white fox seemed to be very timid about this unfamiliar environment, huddled in a corner and buried its mouth in the fox ears, but it couldn’t restrain its curiosity, so it secretly showed a pair of eyes and looked around.

“Sir, after we separated from the investigation team, we entered the underground magnet area.

Although it is a bit difficult, it is fortunate that I remember what you taught, and rely on the golden light to protect my body and save it from danger. ”

The three told Chu Jian what they had experienced, but Chu Jian just kept nodding with a gentle smile.

In Chu Jian’s view, the first action was already a big challenge for them.

And the three did not let him down, and successfully completed this mission.

“Chief, we saw the Yingxiantai built in the depths of Kunlun Mountain. It was built by King Zhou of Shang. To be honest, I still remember it fresh. It is really magnificent.”

Thinking back on it, Wu Sangou couldn’t help but admire.

Chu Jian heard the words, smiled and shook his head:

“The grandeur may be true, but it’s just in vain.

Welcome to Sendai is to welcome the immortals, and want to drink wine.

However, what they didn’t know was that what was ushered in was only some demonization, and what was damaged was the luck of the Shang Dynasty. ”

Hu Bayi looked at Chu Jian in surprise:

“Sir, you seem to know everything…”

Chu Jian sighed lightly:

“It’s not like you know everything, just like you haven’t come back for so many days, I’m very worried.”

Chu Jian did not hide the importance he attached to the three at all, which also warmed the hearts of the three.

Wu Sangou looked at Chu Jian with a smile, and asked curiously:

“Chief, do you already know about Yingxiantai?”

Chu Jian heard the words and then shook his head:

“I don’t know, but I’m not surprised.

The ancients had the wisdom of the ancients, and they even knew how to use the power of the dragon veins, so it is not surprising that the place where the three dragons converged was meddled by the ancients.

It’s just that now it’s more than before, the dragon vein can no longer be borrowed for power, and we must protect it. ”

“Chief, why is this?”

Zhang Qilin’s succinct sentence also asked the other two what they wanted to ask.

Chu Jian looked at the three of them, sighed softly, and then said slowly after drinking a sip of tea:

“Dragon Vessel is the foundation of the country’s fortune, and it has important ties. The establishment of the 543 Exploration Team is to protect the country’s fortune.

Although Yingxiantai is a historic site thousands of years ago, it is far less important than the dragon veins below it.

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