Just Transferred to the Head of the Regiment, There is a Soldier Named Hu Bayi

Chapter 4

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Hearing this, Hu Ba swallowed the words that came to his mouth, and asked suspiciously at the same time:

“Commander, which company is this person you’re talking about?”

As Chu Jian walked out, he said meaningfully:

“This person is not currently in the army, but he can be enlisted in the army! He is an indispensable force in the team, and now he should be in… Golmud sanatorium!”


Hu Bayi’s reaction was obviously a bit big:

“Chief, shall we go to the mental hospital to find someone?”

Hu Bayi naturally knew this place. There was a sanatorium in the city of Golmud not far from here.

It is said that it is a nursing home, but in fact it accepts all strange patients.

From the outside, it looks like a mental hospital.

Hu Bayi didn’t understand, who could be found in the mental hospital?

Might as well choose comrades from the army!

But Chu Jian obviously didn’t want to explain too much, and Hu Bayi could only follow him with doubts.

The two got into the military vehicle directly, and Hu Bayi became the driver at Chu Jian’s behest. Carrying Chu Jian, he drove away from the military area and headed towards Golmud City.


At the same time, on the outskirts of Golmud City, a rather foreign-style building stands here, which seems a little out of tune with everything around it.

On the gate outside the courtyard, there is a wooden sign with the words ‘Golmud Sanatorium’ written on it.

The trees in the courtyard are towering, and there are many figures on the walls, which are the disciples of Jesus.

It can be seen that the person who built this place must be a foreigner.

In the sanatorium like a monastery, the light is dim, and the few windows are also blocked by trees, giving people a gloomy feeling.

The chandeliers in the corridor are very small, like a firefly lying on the wall. With the yellowish white wall, it is especially scary.

The medical staff with masks covered their faces, leaving only a pair of eyes, and hurriedly walked through the narrow corridor.

The wooden stairs creaked, and the second floor leading to it was even more lifeless, and even the medical staff rarely came up.

In a house at the end of the corridor, there is no medical equipment, only an iron bed.

A young man sat on a bed, with chains at his ankles restricting his movement.

The narrow window, only a ray of light can penetrate, has become the only precious light source in this room.

The young man sat here, like an ancient Buddha, motionless.

As the military vehicle slowly stopped at the entrance of the Golmud sanatorium, Chu Jian got out of the vehicle, ignored the sign of no-entry for idlers, and pushed open the door.

Hu Bayi quickly followed, and until now he is still wondering, who can I find here?

Stepping into the house, a cold and gloomy aura rushed towards his face, but Chu Jian, as a soldier, had a whole body of righteousness and no evil spirits penetrated his body, so he directly called a medical staff.

Seeing that it was a soldier, the medical staff was obviously a little surprised.

At this time, Chu Jian did not have any nonsense, and asked straight to the point:

“Hello, I’m looking for Zhang Qilin, please take me to see him!”



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Chapter [*]: The Secrets of the Nursing Home

The medical staff had doubts in their eyes. This is not a place where soldiers often come and go.

Moreover, these two men are coming, and the medical staff naturally dare not be careless.

“You two, please come with me…”

The medical staff hurriedly said, and at the same time took the lead in walking towards an office.

In the dimly lit office, a male doctor wearing a mask sat there, listening to what the medical staff said, and said suspiciously:

“Second officers, who are you looking for?”

“Zhang Qilin…”

Hu Bayi answered this question for Chu Jian.

The male doctor glanced at the document in his hand suspiciously, then shook his head and said:

“Sir, there is no patient named Zhang Qilin here.”


Chu Jian frowned, and a cloud of suspicion lingered between his brows.

No, according to the time, Zhang Qilin should really be in the Golmud sanatorium now, how can there be no such person?

In doubt, Chu Jian took the information book in front of the male doctor and looked at it. It did record the admission time and symptoms of each patient in detail, but there was no information about Zhang Qilin.

Chu Jian didn’t quite understand the situation in front of him. Since this is a big fusion world, how could he not find Zhang Qilin?

“Take us to the second floor to see!”

Recalling the memories of his previous life, Chu Jian decided to go to the second floor to check it out in person.

Sure enough, the male doctor hesitated, but he did not refuse. He picked up a bunch of keys hanging on the wall and walked out first.



The footsteps stepped on the old wooden stairs, making bursts of noise, and a cold and dark atmosphere struck again.

“What’s up here?”

Hu Bayi asked with some doubts.

“This is a critically ill area. Generally, only critically ill patients will be transferred here. They are basically incurable diseases. Moving here will not affect the normal operation of the hospital.”

The male doctor did not dare to answer in any sloppy manner.

As the doctor came to the second floor, he saw a narrow corridor and two rows of wards with closed doors.

Chu Jian walked to the nearest ward and looked inside through the glass on the door.

Inside was a crazy old man who was drawing random things on the wall, and his mouth was still plausible.

Looking further inside, it was a middle-aged man, lying on the bed with constant convulsions, half-conscious and half-awake.

Basically, the people who are transferred here, the nursing home has no medical care.

In other words, nothing more than waiting to die.

Chu Jian and Hu Bayi walked along the corridor respectively, and each ward was filled with one or even several patients.

When the two came to the last ward at the end of the corridor, they found that no one lived in it, and the room was covered with dust.

“Why are there no patients here?”

Facing Chu Jian’s question, the male doctor was obviously a little flustered:

“Leader, if there are no patients, this room is naturally empty.”


Chu Jian saw a few clues, and immediately issued an order.

“Leader, this…”

The male doctor was still a little hesitant, but Hu Bayi took the key from the male doctor’s hand and began to try to open the door.


Luckily, I found the correct key after a few tries.

As soon as the door was opened, a musty smell came out, and Chu Jian walked into the house with a frown.

At this moment, he was very suspicious.

Because at this time, Zhang Qilin should be in a sanatorium, but why is there no such person?

And the attitude of the male doctor seems to be somewhat intriguing, as if he was deliberately hiding something.

All the wards on the second floor are full, why is only this ward unoccupied?


Just as Chu Jian looked around suspiciously, Hu Bayi’s voice entered Chu Jian’s ears.

“Sir, the feng shui layout of this ward is a bit strange.

The rest of the wards are facing south, only this ward is east-west.

And this wall is standing here, which makes this house sinister.

It stands to reason that this ward only needs to be the same as other wards. Why did it have to be built like this? ”

Hu Bayi’s words made Chu Jian frown. In this room that really came into view, the wall on the north side was very abrupt, destroying the whole pattern and directly changing the orientation of the house.

Walking slowly to the wall, Chu Jian reached out his hand and tapped lightly, and then a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“There’s something hidden in the wall!”

As Chu Jian’s voice fell, his hand also touched a part of the wall.

Then there was the sound of a mechanism snapping.


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