Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 98: Fusion

"You good?" I asked after sitting with her at the beach for another 10 minutes without having said another word. I had my arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her. Even now I wasn't even sure how much she was truly affected by what she said, but I certainly certainly knew that this was the first time she had revealed what she had felt back then.

"Yeah, I guess." She responded still with her chin on her knees.

"Did something happen?" There was no way nothing had happened for her to give such a speech out of the blue, especially since she just arrived. Usually, she would be out and about to get her cuddles and kisses for the information I wanted.

She chuckled slightly before glancing at me. "You know this is the first time you hugged me. I mean the first time ever since we have known each other."

"We hug each other in greeting."

"You know that's not the same. But I guess it shows what kind of man you are or rather what kind of women you like."

"...so you are saying that you figured out my type?" At my question, she leaned back out of my side-hug and looked at me properly.

"It is quite obvious if one looked at the women you surround yourself with. Kara lost her entire planet, Raven has her tyrannical father to worry about, never allowed to show her emotions, Diana was brought up by men-hating Amazonians on an isolated island, Shayera is exiled from her race, Maxima is a woman who was never loved and only knows war and then there is me."

I knew what she was hinting at. "You have all been through a lot, but a lot of people go through a lot of shit. I am not attracted to you because of that."

"So, you don't have a hero complex that wants to fuck all the broken women around him to fix them? Don't know if I should believe you mister Justice League founder." She squinted her eyes at me, conveying that she was at least half-joking. I rolled my eyes.

"I was a hero out of convenience, to challenge myself, and to give me a guise. Didn't you get the memo when I was revealed to have been working with Westmob? It also isn't fair to put it on me that I'm in a relationship with the majority of them. That shit was mostly Kara's fault."

"Yeah, yeah, blame it all on her. It isn't like Maxima and I had been pursuing you since before you two got into a relationship. I won't shame you for it. A hot goth girl and a literal demigoddess. It's hard to pass on that, I can admit that. At least admit that you are into being the supporting pillar. You like that we depend on you and the more broken we are the more steady you become. Otherwise, why else would you be so passionate about Kara? She was a train wreck when you started to date, even I was able to see that." She was almost glaring at me, accusing me of something.

"You make it sound so deliberate. I don't like them because I think I can fix them, but because they don't need me to get better. They have so much potential despite all the shit they went through. They keep on fighting regardless of what comes their way and they would be able to handle it without me. It's admirable." In fact, I should have been with them more often, supporting them as they had for me.

"...then what about me? I'm broken like them and need someone to lean on, a shoulder to cry on and I have been doing my best on my own for the past year. Is there no potential?" She muttered as she watched her feet dig into the warm sand.

"Felicia..." I reached out to her, but she quickly stood up and dusted the sand off her butt.

She looked at me with a wide smile donning her face. "Just kidding. I wanted to see if there was truly something to my theory of you collecting women with trauma like they are Pokemon." After saying that she turned around, so I could only watch her back in front of the sunlit background. "I actually don't care about my deadbeat probably dead father or that I am stranded in a universe I wasn't born in. After all, I have been living here for a lot of years already. I can't imagine returning. There is nothing there for me."

I approached her and hugged her from behind. She chuckled self-deprecating and almost mockingly. "Seems to be working. Is trauma the way to your heart?" She asked with a vulnerable tone.

"I guess it is. Finally, I see something else than just the confident, seductive, thieving kitty." She crossed her arms as her lips thinned.

"You already know all that I have said today. This isn't new information. You have known of my situation since the first time we met. I know all about your telepathic shenanigans. There is no way you wouldn't use it on me when I 'stalked' you."

"I did, but like the interactions afterward you were wearing a mask. This is the first time I heard your emotions about it even if you say you are just joking."

"So, what? I should have laid out my frustration to a guy I just met? Don't be ridiculous. That's something only Kara could do." She said while wiping a tear off the corner of her eyes.

"I guess not. You could have opened up more though. Every time we met you tried to get into my pants. It is probably why Kara doesn't approve of you. You rarely reveal anything about yourself."

"Raven could just-"

"You have to say it yourself. You can't expect someone else to open up to you if you don't do it yourself."

"Easier said than done." She leaned into my chest while closing her eyes. The sun shone in her face and a light breeze flew through her hair. "Kara said that I shouldn't expect you to love me if I forced myself on you. It isn't like I could even if I wanted to... but I knew she was, right. I could never have what they have." She quietly said as her eyes opened.

I was kind of surprised that Kara was so harsh on her, but I could already imagine Felicia bragging about our intimacy, while Kara was worried about me, making her lash out.

"I guess I deserve it. I was kind of insensitive, but it made me realize something. You could have all the pleasure from your girlfriends if you asked. I wouldn't be winning you over with just physical intimacy no matter how good it would be. So, I said what I said, knowing that you would bite the bait."

"Yeah, I know." She was a smart girl, after all, cunning too.

"I didn't lie, but I wouldn't have said it under normal circumstances."

"I know." It seemed like she really had a hard time just saying that she was troubled. Probably used to take care of things on her own since her father was barely there for her. Compared to what the others had gone through, her circumstances 'weren't that bad'. Of course, pain and distress shouldn't be compared. Just because someone else had it worse didn't mean one's own troubles weren't worth mentioning or worrying about.

She took a deep but shaky breath. "If you truly develop feelings for me and you realize that I had deliberately said it to get closer to you-"

"Then I won't blame you," I said as I tightened my hug around her. "As I mentioned you aren't alone."

"I am... this is manipulation."

"It's fine by me." It was since I knew what she wasn't saying.

I could feel how her fingertips stroked my forearms gently. "No wonder the others want you to hug them. It feels nice. Dependable, strong." After saying that she tapped on them, making me loosen up far enough for her to turn around.

Her arms wrapped around my neck and she tip-toed to gently press her lips against mine. She held onto me for a moment before letting me go with a reluctant sigh. "Thanks. I needed that."

She was frustrated and wanted to advance her relationship with me, so she chose to play on my heartstrings. Successfully at that, since she was truly troubled about her father's death. Although she didn't say it directly, her words always came back to an unknown world, her being alone, and then her dead father that she 'couldn't care less about'.

"So, want to fuck?" She asked with a mischievous smile on her face.


"Yes, I know you want to talk to your girlfriends... Wait, did you say, sure??" She looked at me stunned before a smile spread on her face. At least, until I pointed at her blinking bracelet. "Oh, fuck you knew!"

"Try not to provoke Kara and the others. They are probably still quite distressed and under some pressure. You bragging about what we are doing, won't help."

She raised her arms in defeat! "I won't- Wait, how do you know I brag about it."

"Kara can be harsh, but she won't be for no reason. Emotions are probably running high, so keep it low for now."

"*Sigh* Alright, I will do that, but just because you are handsome." After she said that I tucked a strain of her silver hair out of her face and then placed it behind her ear before I leaned in and kissed her. After separating she still stood there with closed eyes. She slowly opened her eyes and looked at me shocked.

Her face even turned red. She just raised her fist to her mouth and coughed to play off her shyness while gathering herself. "I... see you!" She then hastily pressed on her bracelet before she disappeared.

A few seconds later. "Sorry, didn't want to disturb you two." Giblet's voice called out from above.

"No worries." I looked up and saw him carrying two giant fishes, looking a bit embarrassed about having hovered there for the last few minutes. Though it seemed he was interested enough in what we talked about. After all, he had stayed around for the rest of the conversation.

"So, your girlfriend?"

"Great question," I said before taking away the fish telekinetically and guiding it to our usual fireplace.

"Is that a yes, or no?"

"It's a maybe and probably yes."


"By the way, did you already talk to Batman about the bugs in your house?"

"Ugh, don't remind me. He wasn't particularly apologetic about it, though he said that he wouldn't place any new ones."

"Well, keep an eye on that. He is ever curious."

"Sounds like you have some experience with that."

"You could say I have two lifetimes full of experience."

"…What?" He looked at me thoroughly confused. Obviously, he wasn't getting that I meant my dealings with Batman from two timelines.

"Nevermind. By the way, that fish you brought is fucking delicious!" I exclaimed as I devoured it like a starving beast. I couldn't help it since I hadn't eaten after my sparring and then the conversation with Felicia was as much a revelation as it was emotionally taxing.

"Thanks, caught it on that water planet with the giant waves. They have the best seafood. It's like they are evolved to be delicious!"

I smiled contend as he talked about the 'trouble' he went through as he was surrounded by a swarm of these fishes. He then went on a tangent about some annoyance that was the supervillains in this world, especially since a bunch of them had attacked several places at the same time, forcing the other heroes to act and him to watch the monitors.

Seemed like some troubling times were coming for this world. I was sure the Justice League would be fine, otherwise, Giblet was there to clean up.

Unlike yesterday, I wasn't currently sparring with Giblet. Instead, I was hovering cross-legged at the beach, meditating as I let the breeze cool the rising temperature of my body because the ki ran through it at high speed. My muscles were tense, and I couldn't keep the frown off my face as I failed to grasp what I was trying to accomplish, but I didn't give up.

Even when I noticed the life force of Felicia popping up beside me, I continued to try and create something that would catapult me from the upper-tier combatant to the top or even the peak of fighters. Someone that could actively fight the gods of destruction and maybe even come up on top with the hax that I imagined the combination of god and legendary ki would give me.

Just the idea of being akin to Broly with god ki going on a rampage was so tempting that I just had to try and make it a reality. Though despite what I imagined I would gain, I was still wondering whether that would be enough for me to actually stand a chance against the version of Kakarot and Vegeta I had met. I had the feeling that this would just give me a fighting chance, but an assured victory was not going to be possible.

After several minutes of failing to fuse these two aspects of my ki, I shook my head and called it a day. I had been meditating for the entire day already. Felicia was already back, and she was on a timer, so I could hardly squander her time like this. There would be another day. Maybe I should just sleep over it as there was clearly something I was missing.

After slowly opening my eyes and hovering back to the ground, I glanced over to Felicia, who was just sitting next to me while hugging her legs and leaning her head on her knees as she watched me. Surprisingly patient, considering that she barely had an hour before she was booted back to our universe. "Hey," I nonchalantly greeted her after seeing that she was content to be silent.

"Hey." She smiled slightly before standing up. Without any warning she pounced at me, making me catch her gently as she wrapped her legs around my waist. For some reason she giggled as she pressed down at my shoulder, clearly intending to push me onto my back. I obliged just because she seemed rather happy at the moment.

"Any reason for your happy attitude?"

"There is." She answered happily, rubbing her face into my chest and purring like a cat.

"You wanna tell me?"

"Nope~" She popped the P with a bright smile on her face.

Giblet wasn't back yet as he seemed to be a bit busy lately. Something about having to worry about some clone. Another Tuesday I guessed. There weren't any clones of Giblet. However, I sensed something akin to this universe's Superman's lifeforce. Another Bizzaro or Superboy. Either way, it had nothing to do with me.

With that in mind, I just observed the silver-haired beauty in my arms that was happily snuggling into my arms. Weirdly enough her actions were devoid of lust, which was abnormal for the seductive Black Cat that I knew of, though that didn't mean I disapproved.

She just sat in my lap while having her arms and legs wrapped around me, just hugging me as closely as she could. My hand drew circles on her back, making her hum appreciative. "What about you? It seems like something is frustrating you."

"You can tell?" I asked surprised as I was pretty sure I didn't change my expression at all.

"We know each other for a while now and I rarely see you want to be comforted like this." She chuckled slightly as if it was something obvious.

"Who said that I wanted to be comforted? There isn't anything to be comforted about."

"Yeah, so you are cuddling with me because I am happy?"

"Yes, or maybe I want to release my sexual desires on you."

"I see that's why we are still clothed and you haven't pinned me to the ground. It's because this is how you release my sexual desires, right? Sounds logical." I just huffed. Although I had come across some trouble during training, it wasn't like I needed someone to hug me over it.

Though I wouldn't deny that this made me focus better as I thought about what I had done wrong like a human would use his hands to fidget with something as their minds wandered. I might as well take a walk and have the same effect. A warm and soft body to embrace though was certainly something I preferred.

"I am just encountering a roadblock in a new technique - well more like a new transformation I want to create."

"Oh, what's next, Ascended Ultra Super Saiyan?" She teased as she loosened her hold on me to look at me. Her eyes wandered to my lips, but she restrained herself. Unlike her normal behavior as she had hardly time to play the long game. Seemed like the talk yesterday had steered her action in a different direction as did whatever she was happy about.

"Something like this. I am trying to combine Super Saiyan God with the Legendary Super Saiyan transformation, but their nature doesn't seem to allow a fusion." As I said this my mind wandered back to what I felt during my attempt.

"So, what's the difference between the two kis?" She asked with surprising curiosity. Previously, she had barely shown any interest in it- well not that she could have. The only time I usually talked about it to someone else was when I was inside the gravity chamber, a place she could hardly enter without worry of being crushed.

"Well, for starters the way these two different types of ki strengthen my body are different. God ki had evolved my cells. After my wish, I had gained purer ki and my cells evolved to accommodate it. On the other hand, my legendary ki breaks apart my cells by violently overflowing them, afterwards my cells evolve and heal to be able to hold the ki that previously broke them apart."

"Hmm." She hummed thoughtfully. I didn't expect her to really get what I was trying to say as it was really difficult to put these feelings of ki, its variants, and how it interacted with my body into words. "Disregarding that comment about your wish, so basically god ki represents quality and legendary ki represents quantity?"


"So, god ki evolves your cells to hold better quality ki and legendary ki makes your cells hold more of it."

"...Yeah, I guess?" I couldn't help but frown. If one truly broke it down to its simplest form, that would probably describe it best.

"So, what's the problem? Sounds to me that it should be compatible, right?"

"Well, legendary ki is extraordinarily violent, making it difficult to control. God ki on the other hand is easy to control. It's exceptionally pure ki and tranquil."

"They are polar opposites, like yin and yang."

"Like yin and yang... A balance between the two perhaps, but how would I go about it?" I mused while Felicia followed up with another question.

"How do you produce two different kis anyway, isn't that like your life force?"

"It's a bit more complex than that. It also includes the heritage of my Super Saiyan and Oozaru power. God ki now as well I guess, because I am a descendant of the first Super Saiyan God."

"And if you mix it all, your god ki wouldn't be that pure anymore? Wait, can't you make godly legendary ki?"

"That's what I am trying, but since one is violent and tyrannical, while the other is pure and transcendent, they don't mix too well. I could just forgo god ki as I already gained some benefits due to it already changing my body. However, I couldn't help but feel that it would be a waste. It would catapult me to the very top, strength-wise and there was no telling what other benefits god ki had for me."

"Yeah, too bad you can't create turn off the attributes of one type of ki. Like, make legendary ki that wasn't violent and tyrannical or god ki that wasn't pure or something like that." She mused, but something like that would be impossible. Legendary ki not being violent and god ki not being pure, how would that work?

The reason it was so violent and tyrannical was the lack of control one had over it like it had a mind and will of its own. A beast that wasn't meant to be tamed. Just mastering Oozaru or Ikari would be a bitch and a half-

Just as that thought crossed my mind, I remembered something that should have been obvious to me. "Super Saiyan 4." Super Saiyan 4 or as some of the fandom would call it Primal Saiyan. It might be possible with that form. After all, it signified the usage of all of Oozaru's power with a clear mind, something extremely similar to what I was trying to achieve. The only problem was that I remembered Broly having achieved that form and it didn't help him with his berserk nature. It was worth a shot, though.

"Super Saiyan 4" She looked amused about the name. "Looks like you have a new Super Saiyan transformation in mind."

"Maybe. I will have to try. Either way, it would mark a new height for my powers. Even if it fails to allow me to fuse these two ki types, I would still benefit from achieving it. After all, god ki had already boosted my base strength to previously unreachable heights. If I went SSJ4 on top of that, there was no telling how strong I would become."

"Sounds good. Great for you, but for now. How about a topic change?" She asked with a smile. In the corner of my eye, I could see her bracelet blinking, signifying that she would have to leave soon. "How about we fuck?" She asked with a seductive tone before she purred into my ears.

My mind churned before something clicked. "Sure. Just because you might have helped me figure out a solution to my problem."

My response caused a mischievous smirk to appear on her face before she raised her arm and pressed on her bracelet, causing the blinking to stop. "You know, Maxima's scientists found out how to stop pulling me back. I can stay here as long as I want to."

I raised an eyebrow as she continued to taunt me and tapped on my chest. "You already agreed to it. You better not run away with your tail between your legs or are you a cowardly Saiyan that doesn't stay true to his word?"

I couldn't help but laugh at her attempt to make me stick to my words. "If I didn't want this I wouldn't have said it," I smirked at her, which caused her to frown. Clearly, she wasn't expecting me to take her 'trap' this well before a realization hit her.

"You... knew? Wait- you knew!"

"Kind of. I had guessed it since you were much more at ease, much more patient as if you weren't running out of time. It would also explain why you were so happy about something. It wasn't too difficult to guess it."

"...So, w-we are going to do it?" She asked, almost sounding shy, though I could tell that it was mostly excitement.

My hands reached down to her buttocks, squeezing her wonderful, toned, but soft behind. "Well, if you don't mind what I am going to do to you," I said almost menacingly, which seemed to simultaneously frighten but also excite her. I leaned closer to her ears. "I had only meditated today, so I need some physical release." With a growl in her ears, she shivered slightly, though she didn't lean away.

Her crotch was firmly pressing and grinding against mine as if she didn't even want to wait until our clothes were off. I grabbed onto her waistband before ripping apart her latex-like pants until her crotch was free. Her face flushed from excitement as she kissed me. Her hands ran through my wild hair, pulling me into her.

We separated for long enough for me to see her white panties. Surprisingly innocent underwear for someone as seductive as her. I could see the wet spot forming where I could see her pussy lips through the pants. My fingers caressed her over the pants while she pushed her hips against them. Our tongues still intertwined as she rode my fingers.

She was like a dog in the heat as she desperately tried to push her panties to the side, but my fingers going inside her with the fabric prevented her. She whimper-moaned as she ran her fingers across my length that had already hardened underneath my pants. With desperate strokes along it and her grinding motions, she came to completion all over my fingers.

With a gasp for air, she separated from our kiss and continued to moan for a bit as her hips bucked. After a few more moments, she fell exhausted against my chest, trying to get some rest, but would I let her?

I hadn't trained yet and she was now here cuddling with me and grinding away so needy. There was no doubt in my mind that I would press her into the sand and have my way with her. It probably wasn't what she had in mind as she appeared to be more on the dominant side of things, but that didn't mean much if I was pumped like this.

"Ooh..." A familiar monotone voice called out. "Kara is going to kill you."

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