Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 88: Being Tied Up

It didn't take long for me to get back home. I had thought about visiting Clark for a quick chat about how he was doing, but it was hardly anything urgent, like threatening Bruce to get rid of his bugs. Oh, I knew he would probably still get some data to analyze, but pictures and sounds were out of the question and I would make sure he won't. Although he had his flaws and was paranoid as hell, he could be reasoned with... sometimes on specific topics... with some threats...

Honestly, though, it was a shame that our friendship wouldn't be the same as it used to be, but that was life. Things, people, relationships, and circumstances could change. There wasn't much one could do about that, and I certainly couldn't stop it once it happened. Besides, it wasn't like we were strangers now.

After arriving back home, I couldn't sense the life force from Maxima, Felicia, and Shayera, while Raven and Kara talked on the couch in the living room. I could sense Diana down in the training hall, clearly training as her life force fluctuated a bit.

"Where are the others?" Kara turned to me after I asked, to which she smiled slightly.

"I gave them some food for thought, so they left for now, though they will return for their training soon."

"What did you tell them?" I asked with a sigh, to which she shrugged nonchalantly.

"Just that you are the one to decide…" She then turned to Raven, who gave her a telling blank look. Was there more to that besides what she had said? Probably. Did I care at this point? Not really… Well, a bit, but that was probably because emotions were high right now from my return and because the merging fucked a bit with my brain.

Let me tell you, having two distinct memories of the same people and events of your life was kind of fucking with your brain and perspective. Fortunately, it was still manageable, even more so than the influx of my Saiyan memories when I merged with this body. I wasn't sure whether Chronoa had influenced the outcome, but I was mostly the same in terms of attitude. Of course, I wasn't too sure what exactly the changes were, as it was still fresh.

One thing was for certain, though, I had to hold back before I make too many decisions. Taking back Diana was certainly a rash and impulsive decision. If I wasn't feeling the way I did with her, I would probably have postponed it indefinitely, but as of now, I didn't want to.

It was good that Raven and Kara had given their okay, otherwise, it would have been very difficult to not feel bad in some shape or form. Aggression and resentment could easily have been born out of it.

Not to mention that I might have forced this relationship to develop this way regardless of what they thought, but it really wasn't important what I would have done if things were different. The events happened this way, and that was that. It cost too much energy to worry about things that weren't and wouldn't be.

I opened the training hall and found Diana sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room with her sword and shield beside her with the increased gravity pressing down on her body. With a glance at the ground she was sitting on, she was using the enhanced gravity that Bulma had given me.

I walked onto the platform and raised my ki to endure the pressure as I looked at her sitting there waiting. It was a familiar sight as she had always waited for me like this as well when we were about to spar. I had been too busy playing around as a hero and spending time with Bruce or Wally that I almost always delayed my training.

If Diana hadn't been the one almost pushing me to train, then I probably would have been even weaker. Back then, I knew I would reach Super Saiyan eventually and at that point, the Justice League was so powerful that almost nothing could stop them, so there wasn't a need to get that power as quickly as possible. They were taking up the slack I left with me being a weak ass Saiyan.

I also used to delude myself by saying that I was building my 'foundation' as if I was a dumb cultivator, but that was just a lame excuse evidently as I was a lot stronger and more skilled with only having half of my soul at this point. It was almost embarrassing to think that I sucked ass even before the timeline diverged. So much talent was wasted because I rested on my natural strength instead of improving it to its limit in each training session.

Of course, my focus back then hadn't been about getting stronger, but about living. It certainly wasn't a bad thing and I am glad I had done so. However, I couldn't remain willfully ignorant and let others take up my slack. I knew that the sky could fall down at any moment and I would be the one to hold it up.

Now with my soul back in one piece, I could already feel my sensitivity to ki rise exponentially with every breath I took. It was like I was constantly in a flow state. Perhaps this was what a true Saiyan was like. Maybe it was the true potential of this body. I only knew that another version of this body was an ancient Saiyan.

Unfortunately, I wasn't aware of what this entailed or what it meant for me. I could make some guesses with the knowledge I had, but I couldn't bother to ruminate about it. The things I learned and the way I had caused my body to adapt to my will and my training were all I needed to be aware of in-depth.

I stopped in front of the meditating Diana, causing her to open her eyes and look up at me. A smile blossomed on her face before she stood up with her sword in hand. She stomped on the edge of her shield, causing it to flip upward for her to catch it. She pointed her sword at me.

With a playful attitude, she spoke up. "I heard you enjoyed training now. How about a spar?" I had hoped she would say that, so I smiled and lowered my center of gravity as I dropped into my stance, causing her to follow my lead.

"I won't go easy on you," I announced, and we exchanged no more words as the moment we settled into a stance, we both knew the other was ready. She moved first and slashed at my torso. Her attack was swift and with minimal telegraphing. A lesser fighter would have been cut by this swift attack.

I turned my body and leaned out of the way. The sword swung harmlessly through the air. A swish sounded out as the edge of her sword cut through the air. But that was all that happened. She quickly took a step back, expecting a retaliating blow.

When I waved my fingers at her to come at me, she frowned and stepped in again. She slashed at my face, causing me to lean back, evading her attack once again. This time she didn't step back and continued to slash at me, trying to pressure me.

I kept my cool and weaved through her flurry of attacks. She scowled and took another step forward to make me take a step back, so instead pushed forward with a kick to her knee.

She lowered her shield and blocked it. The shield wavered slightly from the force I put into the attack despite it being a feint. The force delayed the time in which she could bring it up to protect her face again. She clenched her jaw as she tried her best to raise her shield and cover herself again.

At that point, it was too late. My fist met her chin. It was a testament to her reaction time and her experience when she instantly retaliated with a slash upward, drawing a white line across my armor. Her face had turned to the side from my punch.

Despite this, her sword turned after reaching the highest point to blindly slash downward again. The tip of her sword would only brush me, so I pursued her without hesitation. I only turned my body slightly at her panicked and dazed attack. My hand wrapped around and twisted her wrist, pulling her to me. With my other arm, I hammered several hooks into her body.

The violent pull, the twist, and the powerful hooks made her lose her grip, causing her sword to fall out of her hand and scatter across the room. With a wide hook, she swung her shield at me.

I weaved underneath it and gave her another body shot on her other side. With a pained grunt, she stepped back before reaching for her lasso. She pulled it and threw it at me. The lasso was thrown wide around me before she tugged at it.

The rings of rope swiftly tightened around me, trapping me. Well, my [After image]. Just her reaching for her lasso, throwing it, and then tightening the rope was too much time to give me. I was already behind her.

A simple kick to the back of her legs dropped her to her knees. It was too sudden, so she supported herself with her shield. I grabbed the rope to tie it around her. The moment she realized what I was doing, she attempted to jump away, but I had already stepped on the back of her head, pushing her face into the ground.

With swift motions, I quickly tied her up with a pretty knot on her back where her two arms were folded. She tried to get out of it during that time, but I had better groundwork and a clear advantage in positioning. She was tied up in a child pose with her arms on her back before she knew what was happening to her.

With a satisfied sigh, I sat on her back. She was more powerful and from our last battle, her teamwork had increased clearly as well. I could not fault her for her strength, speed, reaction time, or any other physical area. Even her teamwork and positioning during our last time, her deception and surprise attack was top-notch as well, but in a one v one?

Not that it was worse than the Wonder Woman of my timeline. In fact, it was better by a long shot, but there were certain things I instantly knew she lacked and why. She didn't have a more skilled and powerful sparring partner.

Of course, she had been sparring with Bruce and Clark, but there was a difference to spar with people that were better in one aspect versus someone that was more skilled in several. She had sparred with Shayera as well, but she was hardly an expert in hand-to-hand combat. It sufficed for bar fights and the common lot, but against a skilled fighter that was physically her superior?

Proof of her lack of experience was the fact that she was caught off-guard by my counters. Although they were the best at that moment, they weren't surprising moves one couldn't have predicted. The moment I dodged her attack instead of blocking, she was prepared for a more technical fight and let herself coerce into a closer fight.

The moment I kept dodging her attacks, she got flustered and overreached. She also wasn't prepared for the strength I put into my attacks. The combination of skill and power was too much and too sudden for her to adapt to in time.

Of course, she would learn and become a great sparring partner. There was much for her to improve in, but for now, it was time for our 'reunion'. "N-Nathan! Enough, untie me!" She growled slightly underneath me, causing me to stand up and turn her over. Her knees were pressed against her chest and one could see her hamstring muscles straining against the lasso but to no avail.

"Hmph. You were defeated, so accept your loss." I brushed over her cheeks. Her eyes widened in realization as I pulled her panties off my well-deserved price. I pulled out my already-hardened member and brushed between her lower lips.


I raised an eyebrow and looked at her, bemused. "What kind of noise was that?" I shook my head as I ignored the hesitating quiver in her voice as she called out to me. "Nate, l-let's go to the b-bedroom."

It wasn't something we had done before, but I knew Kara and Raven liked it more when I was more forceful, so I wouldn't ruin the mood by giving in to her demands and going upstairs first. This was the best opportunity to give Diana the best 'first' experience she could get. Besides, I was already pressing my member against her entrance.

"I-I am s-serious, Nathan! Stop" She certainly wasn't convincing with her pushing herself slightly against me. I slipped it inside with a single thrust. Her struggle to get out of my hold ceased for a moment.

The weird position caused my dick to press against her upper walls, drawing a mewl out of her. I couldn't help but marvel at the force her walls were clenching around me. I wasn't sure when it was the last time she had gripped me like this. Probably the last threesome we had with Barbara.

"N-nate, stop~" Her breathy plea and the way her walls clenched me as if to milk me motivated me even further. I impulsively grabbed the rope between her legs and lifted her up before I continued to thrust inside her. Her ass bounced against me before being smacked away by my thrust.

It cost me some concentration to aim at her entrance again, as I exited every time I thrust into her hole. After realizing my blunder, I pushed her back onto the floor again, so her body couldn't bounce away again, and fucked her into the ground. The ground lit up as it spread the kinetic energy to the rest of the surrounding tiles, preventing the ground from being destroyed by our actions.

I continued to fuck her hole until she begged me to slow down. Of course, I just continued until she climaxed. Her entire body shivered as she let out unintelligible noises. I waited for her pussy to relax before I slowly pulled out of her, getting a reluctant clench from her pussy as if to say goodbye.

Of course, I was hardly done with her. I placed my tip at her other entrance. "Noo~" She called out, but I knew what her body wanted and pushed my way inside. The resistance was strong at first, but after fiddling with her nub and rubbing her hamstrings, she slowly relaxed again. Perhaps it was also because I would have pushed deeper even if she hadn't relaxed.

Her rosebud was like a vice before I loosened it up with several thrusts. The only sound coming out of the training hall was her suppressed moans and grunts as I thrust inside her without abandon. I slowly dragged out the moment, only to come inside her ass.

She was breathing heavily before I approached her face. With a handful of her hair, I forcefully pushed her mouth down onto my dick. This earned me a baleful glare, as humiliation was written all over her face. Perhaps the order I fucked her holes was a bit much, but I guess she didn't truly hate it, otherwise, she wouldn't move her tongue this way...

It took several hours before I finally rested and untied her, causing her to sigh in relief and close her eyes, thinking she would finally get some rest. We sat there for a moment before I got some water and poured it into her mouth.

After getting a breather, I took the lasso and, to her horror, I put her into another position with her legs tied to her arms and spread apart to give me easy access.

She made some attempt to resist, but she was already too exhausted to do anything worthwhile. Of course, there was also the fact she didn't give 100 percent, but I wasn't mean enough to point it out to her.

She glared at me as I slipped into her again. I couldn't help but smirk as she bit her lip to suppress yet another moan. Since I hadn't trained yet today, I was still full of energy, so I was sure I would fuck out her 'resistance' at least after the 5th round...

In the end, she was freely moaning and indulging herself after the 3rd round already.


1 month had passed.

A lot had happened... No, that was a lie. Nothing much happened besides training day in and day out. Sometimes I trained with the others, but mostly I focused on getting physically as strong as I could be and with my new transformation, I was growing exponentially. With my soul being complete again, my ki control was exceptional as well. Even with my crazy growth, I only needed a short time to keep it at the same level.

Initially, I had thought attaining Super Saiyan 2 was going to be a big deal, but here I was 3 weeks after attaining it and I barely thought much of it. Besides the obvious benefits it had compared to a normal mastered Super Saiyan, it wasn't much compared to the combination of Ikari and Super Saiyan, my legendary Super Saiyan transformation.

Of course, accessing Super Saiyan 2 wasn't without its benefits, but it just paled in might compared to what other options I had. Not to mention that I just grew stronger with each second I was using legendary mode. Unfortunately, it wasn't entirely a cheat code for unlimited power.

I wasn't even talking about the fact that I would get mental fatigue from controlling all that new power, but that it responded to resistance. The stronger the opposition I faced, the faster and the more I grew. A month after achieving legend status and I had yet to replicate the massive jump I got from facing against Kakarot and Vegeta despite my current training routine.

I looked around me and found the surroundings to be lit by a bright white light. With one knee and two hands, I propped myself up, preventing myself from being flattened on the ki platform I had created on the crust of this neutron star. A star that had a gravity of 200 billion times that of the earth was currently trying to flatten me, smushing me into an organic splat on its surface.

The power of my legendary Super Saiyan state was flowing through me, empowering me and spurting the mutation to become closer to the nature of a true legendary Super Saiyan. Innate to the transformation I created, it healed my wounds and was the only thing preventing me from dying from inner bleeding.

It was a difficult balance to use this power in order to not die while also not being completely unaffected by the ridiculous amount of gravity acting on my body. It was basically the same skill that Goku used to fight someone far below his level, like Krillin as a Super Saiyan Blue, and not instantly kill him or maybe be even injured by him.

There was currently nothing in this universe that could match me in power, so I opted to push the boundaries of my body. I was just enduring the gravity of this neutron star, letting it tear my body down inside out only for my wounds to heal from my legend state and grow beyond what I was previously able to handle.

It was also during this training, the constant use of my legend state, that I realized something about the primal power coming from the Oozaru side of the Saiyans. There was so much more power to it that it was almost unimaginable how little one could unlock of it with a normal transformation. It was a gift that just kept giving.

I had always thought it made sense that the Super Saiyan transformation made Oozaru obsolete as it was better in every way, but since I was a fan, I knew of Super Saiyan 4, so I wasn't surprised by the 'hidden' potential it had.

With Ikari, I thought I was already getting close to unearthing most of the 'canon' potential. A ten times boost in regular size wasn't something to be looked down at, especially since I was able to combine it with Super Saiyan. It only appeared minuscule if one compared it side-by-side with Super Saiyan.

Now I felt the well of power it still offered. Just the artificial legendary Super Saiyan I had created by the constant use of that power revealed how much it offered. I couldn't help but wonder whether Super Saiyan 4 was still on the table for me. To be honest, it didn't seem likely. It didn't look like I would reach a ceiling anytime soon. My strength was already off the charts and I was still growing stronger at a rapid pace.

Just training, with no major fight, was already pushing me above and beyond. Just this little enduring was already increasing my strength ridiculously, and it was what I had been doing for two weeks now with no signs of diminished returns.

I had started with my gravity chamber plus the multiplication brought to you by the female blue-haired genius inventor. My power grew rapidly, and I quickly outgrew earth and its technology, so I searched bigger and bigger planets with better technology, but there were few and far in between where such technology as the gravity chamber was even invented.

Considering the lack of time, I had left Bulma's device for the earthlings to use, while I took the challenge up to the stars. To be honest, the first time I challenged the gravity of a star, I was closer to death than I would have liked, but that came with an unregulated training environment. To be suddenly blasted by a solar storm of stars that held so much more energy than anything earth could produce at the moment was certainly a dangerous hazard.

Just the idea of dying to a natural catastrophe of a star was simultaneously a badass and pathetic way to go. I wasn't too keen on succumbing to a mere star, but it certainly sounded impressive on paper.

My eyelids grew heavy as I felt tired to the point of blacking out. I realized I had overstayed my welcome on this star and let my power flow unthrottled. The sheer might energizing my cells made my entire body feel refreshed, and instantly woke me up as if I was doused by cold water.

The restraint of gravity lost its hold on me as if they were spider webs burning up by my ki. I stood up and 'breathed' to relax and take in the lack of weight on my body. Of course, I didn't truly breathe as I was just able to survive in even this hostile environment through the technique that I had developed.

I wasn't reliant on breathing, eating, or even drinking. As long as I generated ki I was good. It was freeing, but also a really disturbing feeling. It felt like I wasn't a living thing anymore. A life of constant battle and training certainly sounded heavenly, but I loved sleep and eating too much to abandon that. You couldn't forget about sex...

I put two fingers on my forehead and the surroundings changed instantly to that of the Justice Leagues cafeteria. I was currently on watch duty and had left a clone to deal with it, much to its displeasure.

With a wave of my hand, I regained his memories and was immediately up-to-date. I sat down and wondered when something interesting would happen again. The last few missions had been mediocre, to say the least.

I wished I would have met Amazo, but unfortunately, I had been on another world at that time. I had heard that after he gained the power of the entire Justice League, he had disappeared into the stars, though until now I hadn't met him in the distant universe yet.


Superman watched the footage with crossed arms as his colleagues spoke up about it.

"It's sad."

"Their world is the mess our used to be."

"Too bad we can't help them."

"Who said we can't?" Batman answered his colleagues as he typed on his keyboard underneath the screen where the fight was being displayed. After a moment, something switched on to the side further inside the cave.

A contained wormhole sprang into existence on top of the small platform, causing the others to close in on the portal in curiosity.

"You have been a busy little bat, haven't you?" Superman said as glanced at Batman.

"What else is there to do around here anymore?"

"This can take us into that other dimension." Green Lantern more stated than asked as he knew of Batman's capabilities as he turned to the man.

"If we decide to use it."

"Why wouldn't we?" Hawkgirl asked, confused. Their counterparts shouldn't be opposed to some help, right?

"You are talking about helping them, but would they accept it? Our kind of help..." the members pondered as they glanced at the fight happening on the screen. They knew the answer, and they didn't like it.

Superman turned to them, and after the years, they already knew what he had on his mind. He told them to prepare something. A little misdirection and a trap. Of course, they already knew that their tactics would be frowned upon by them. However, in the future, they would thank them for their actions.

With little hesitation, they built their trap - a room around their portal where the other version of them would enter their universe. There were no exits and only Martian Manhunter could exit it. Just after their counterparts had entered their universe and their Martian Manhunter escaped, they would activate it.

A high enough voltage to take out the entire 'Justice League'. They knew what they could take without killing them. After all, they shouldn't be so different from them, right?

Batman watched as his colleagues build the trap and glanced at the screen where he found a man with a tail looking right back at him. But that was impossible! He blinked only to see that the Justice League had defeated the many villains that had banded together.

Was it not calibrated correctly and accidentally showed a different universe? He shook his head slightly to banish the frame he saw and rather analyzed the situation. It was the perfect opportunity to lure them in. Now, after their victory against the villains, their guard must be the lowest. Not to mention, the entire league was present...

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