Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 86: Awkward

"You truly okay with this?" Kara asked Raven after the other had dragged her into the rebuilt library. Her best friend turned to her with a contemplating look. They had talked about this before, but she wasn't sure if it wasn't all too sudden.

"I forgave her, didn't I? I meant what I said." She said, looking through the wall where Nathan and Diana were holding each other, reveling in being able to touch each other intimately again. To be honest, it really made little sense for Raven to drag her away since she could see through the walls. Raven probably did it for her own sake.

"I know. It's just that we didn't know this would happen already. I had never imagined this to develop this quickly. Who could have seen it coming that he would regain his memories this suddenly? I certainly didn't." Kara admitted. Over the course of the last few months, she had grown attached to Diana. She had helped Kara go forward and stay strong to make sure her mind wouldn't go into a dark place, while she wasn't sure the two were alive.

In the end, she enjoyed seeing Diana happy, especially since she could easily relate to her situation, though she would have never forced the issue if Nathan didn't want to. Considering the last time, Nathan hadn't been too enthusiastic about knowing that Diana lived with her. She was sure he had only tolerated and even welcomed it because it had been good for her and, in the end, he was right.

Raven nodded. "Me neither, and it is awkward. However, you don't know how strongly he feels about her. It's rather… intense, though not as fiery as it is towards you or me." She looked in the distance after saying that. "I know emotions fluctuate in almost every situation, but that he could feel that strongly for her... I am happy if he is happy."

Kara hugged her comfortingly, "I know what you mean. Sometimes we have to push him to his luck." She said with a chuckle as she thought about how she did her best to include Raven in their relationship, despite Nathan's insistence on showing that he only needed her. Of course, she thought it was sweet of him to think about her wants and desires, but she really wished him to be happy as well.

Seeing him so restrained because he thought it would hurt her, ironically, made her quite upset because it meant another woman, who genuinely loved him, would be ditched and depressed, especially if those women were close to her. She couldn't have watched it with Raven, and she couldn't watch it happen to Diana. Of course, it wasn't the main idea why she wanted him to be with them. However, it certainly was a driving factor and besides, it made the idea much more tolerable, even somewhat desirable if it were women she approved of.

On the other hand, Raven didn't do it because she identified with the women that had no one else to depend on as she did, but she purely did what she thought would make Nathan happy. It had been a major reason she wanted her by her side. Raven and Diana loved him as she did, and they needed him as she did.

To be honest, it was certainly just her bias talking. Maxima and even Felicia genuinely loved Nathan in their own way, but they weren't the same as they were. They wouldn't break apart without him. It was the only reason she didn't actively want them to be in a relationship with Nathan. They could move on, but Raven, Diana, and she couldn't. That was the key difference.

Perhaps if Nathan made them his, it would change, but she didn't want to be the one to introduce someone to him that wouldn't appreciate him for who he was until the very end. Even if they saw how dark he could get, they needed to be firm in their love.

Of course, that wasn't much of an issue with the two aforementioned women, as they weren't saints themselves. However, she still didn't think those two could remain loyal to him, no matter what. She realized that this line of thinking had gone where it wasn't healthy.

She tried to be the woman that Nathan saw in her. The hero he knew from the series had watched, but if she was being brutally honest with herself... she would give up everything for him.

Her life, her morals, her soul, and even her friends and family. As long as he lived, there was no sacrifice she wouldn't give for him. As long as it would make him happy, she would give it to him. It was something she started to realize when she thought he wanted to kill Billy Numerous. She didn't want it to happen, but what if it had? Would that have been a deal breaker? Would she have turned him in? Or could he have convinced her? The latter looked far more likely even with no reasoning...

Raven was the same. Although she had renounced her demon side, she knew that the half-demon would still be willing to pull that side out of her to ensure his survival as she should. And now she had confirmed that she was putting his happiness at the forefront, something Kara had seen in her best friend for a while now. It would only escalate from now on.

Diana was like them, as she could hardly live without him. Even though she hadn't shown it openly, Kara had heard her heart, her quiet mourning. She certainly was more righteous than her or Raven. It was something Kara had learned over the course of their interactions. It was something that was even promoted by the other timeline-Nathan. Her Nathan was more... docile if one could describe him like that.

That Nathan was sweeter and more gentle. It was the reason he wasn't as strong as her Nathan. He didn't have that primal animal inside of him. Something that made him push himself harder and further than the day before, it made him an absolute menace to fight against, as he just wouldn't give up. A savageness that bled through even in their bedroom. Something he seemed to have forgotten after making peace with his past life in that other timeline.

An instinct to fight for dominance.

He always talked about wanting her and Raven to be more dominant in bed, but it wasn't because he liked to be submissive. He sought that fight-play for dominance. He wanted to earn it. Diana would realize this key difference between the man she knew and the man that he was now. Perhaps she too would be influenced to stand by his side, no matter what actions he would take.

Even though he had gained the memories of his past life, she firmly believed it wouldn't be enough to make him give up on his goal. His desire and goal couldn't be squashed by a voice of a docile Saiyan from another timeline. Even if the other Saiyan was himself.

She could already see it. The moment Diana sees her lovely Nathan turning into this primal beast, she will be consumed by it and yearn for it with her entire being. And from what she knew of the Amazonian, she would hardly resist this realization.

Diana had told her of the sexual adventures they had undertaken in the form of threesomes with Hawkgirl or Zatanna and that she saw a glimpse of something in Nathan that excited her. Probably a flicker of what he was in this timeline. From what she had told her, they hadn't even tried some bondage. Something Diana didn't even know she liked yet. From his retellings, it was something that her Nathan had figured out about her in a single simple spar.

Either way, Diana would love the sex and how he acted. She would appreciate this side of him and see things differently. Her viewpoint on many things would change. It was something that had happened to her and to Raven. Once they knew Nathan wasn't just a hero but a beast capable of unleashing hell, and righteous wrath if someone touched them, they put everything into him. They entrusted their lives to him and so would she.

"Kara, could you...?" Raven's voice brought her out of her thoughts, only to make her realize she had been squeezing her butt while imagining it was Nathan's.

"Sorry." She let her go before listening and watching Nathan's and Diana's interaction. Surprisingly, they didn't develop their reunion into sex, but they exited the guest room. Kara and Raven swiftly ran out and met them in the hallway, where they could see Nathan holding Diana's hand.

Kara jumped at him, forcing him to catch her with one arm. She slung her legs around his waist, while Raven went to his side and hugged it, causing her breast to squish against him. Was she this proactive because Diana was now part of their relationship?

"So, what were you two thinking of doing?" She asked, causing him to smile wryly.

"Diana told me that the gravity chamber had seen some improvement the last few days with the time-slowing device, so I thought I would check it out, while you showed me everything new." He admitted, causing her to groan. Of course, he was thinking of training again.

He had three beautiful women at hand, and he wanted to train. It was typical, though she wouldn't complain. Of course, she would never admit that she had grown to love his passion for it.

"Right, I forgot to tell you. In a year, we will face some powerful opponents, so we will have to prepare as soon as possible."

Kara couldn't help but sigh when she heard this. Of course, something like that would happen. God forbid they would have some time without something threatening their entire existence. "You don't want to relax one day?" She just wanted to be stuffed at least once today.

"I will not spend the entire day. I just want to familiarize myself with everything new." It was obvious that he relented, otherwise, she was sure he would play with his new machine for the next couple of days straight. However, that was just like he was. That sweetness and willingness to compromise were part of him, too. He was like the perfect concoction of aggressiveness and gentleness.

"Alright, what are we waiting for then? Let's go!" She said before hugging him tightly, letting him carry her down into the training hall or, as he baptized, the Hyperbolic Training Hall. The name was strange, though she couldn't come up with anything better, so the Hyperbolic Training Hall it was.

After they all got inside, Diana called out to the AI that was controlling the basic functions of this hall. "Turn gravity up to 1000g."

"Turning the gravity to 1000g." A female voice responded before the gravity increased. Kara mentally prepared herself for the change as it slowly crept up to 1000 times the gravity of the earth, while looking concerned at Raven, who just gave her a reassuring smile.

From what they had told me, Raven had absorbed a lot of demons and their powers, so she must be incredibly strong, right? At least, as the gravity passed her former limit, she still stood strong without even using her magic. At 600g, she finally covered herself in a magical dome to protect herself from the increased gravity.

The gravity continued to rise until it reached 1000g. Diana looked unbothered by it as she had trained under that weight for quite some time, so she was used to it. Kara was fine, as well as she had joined Diana's training not to brag, but she had an incredibly tough body.

Nathan looked fine as well, which was surprising since he didn't have his aura around him. He walked a few steps before stretching, exposing his incredible muscles in front of the women. She knew his ki empowered his body, so he could easily withstand something like this, but to not leak anything out must mean he got better, right?

He then shadowboxed for a moment before stopping almost as quickly. He looked over at Diana and she instantly got the unspoken request. After she called out, several anti-gravity robots appeared and rotated around them, while spinning at a high speed, waiting to be turned off.

After experimenting with the increased capabilities of these robots, he stood there for a moment before he looked at Diana and Kara with a raised eyebrow and asked. "Is this hall using ki to power itself? I think I am sensing it processing some ki."

"Yep, everything is now powered by ki, though it has some other energy sources, so it doesn't really rely on that function," Kara explained. It was something Westmob had come up with all the data from the Warworld. "You can charge it with your ki once a month. From what I have heard, it needs a lot of energy, though I am not sure if you would consider it a lot. What's the battery level?" Kara raised her voice for the AI.

"The ki storage is at 2%, while the normal battery level is at 70%." It responded.

"How do I activate the ki absorption function?" He asked before Diana showed him the ropes. It had to be turned on and off again to prevent an overload of energy. Something they realized in a trial. It might explode if it was turned on the entire time and suddenly had an abrupt influx of energy.

Of course, it was something that the scientists working on this had accounted for, so the machine would turn off automatically, but if Nathan suddenly went Super Saiyan when it was at 99% storage, there was a possibility it would short-circuit. It wasn't too much of a danger hazard since even if the entire training hall exploded with all its energy charged up, they would be fine. However, it would be a hassle to repair it again.

After turning it on, Nathan started to slowly increase his ki, or at least that was what she thought he was doing as there were no visible cues to go off of. As a result, she turned to watch the battery level that they have now displayed on the monitor on the wall. The moment she checked, the percentage was already at 60 percent before making a sudden jump to 90 percent.

"I see," Nathan said before the percentage slowly increased until it hit 100 percent. The absorption was then turned off automatically. The battery was then charged with processed energy coming from the ki storage.

"Pretty convenient and you said it would last a month? That's really long for this bit of ki." He said before rotating his shoulders to warm his body up.

Diana nodded. "Indeed, though, that is only if one used this training hall to its full capacity, meaning gravity at max, time sped up at max, plus all the other functions this offers."

He turned towards her with a smile as if he was a child that just got to know that he still had some presents left to open up. They then showed him the lasers and ki blasts generated by the machine. They didn't do much to hurt him, but they certainly would add to give him some variety.

After playing around some more, they shut off the system as they were ready to leave. After exiting exit the hall, Nathan fished something out of his pocket. A little pill?

He then wordlessly walked outside the house before throwing the pill into an open area after pressing on it. It then exploded with a strange pop and covered the area with a lot of smoke, preventing them from seeing what exactly just happened.

After the smoke settled, the area changed. The ground was covered in a few centimeter-thick white plates that were probably a meter each, covering an area of 40 meters. They were interconnected and glowed slightly as if they had some sort of function. There were pillars at the corners with a similar glow to it.

"A futuristic Cell arena?" Nathan muttered something she knew she wouldn't understand, even after thinking about it. He then walked up to a corner and picked up a remote that was embedded in one corner pillar. He pulled it out before stepping into the area. After sliding his fingers across the screen, his knees suddenly almost gave in.

He gritted his teeth to remain standing before he adjusted and straightened his back again. The glow of this platform had increased slightly, though it would be almost unnoticeable for normal people. After a moment of him moving slowly around, he slid his finger across the screen again. After returning the small device to the corner, he pressed another button before jumping off the platform.

With another poof, the platform disappeared again, and in its stead, the capsule lay on the ground. Nathan picked it up before hastily heading towards the training hall again before they could even question him about it. They chased him back down just as he threw the capsule out again.

The platform once again appeared before Nathan turned on the gravity of the training hall to a 100g. A bit too low to affect him, but he must have something in mind. Afterward, he went to grab the device from the pillar and slid his finger across the screen again.

With little resistance, Nathan was brought to his knees.


Bulma truly was a genius. I didn't know how she did it and at this moment I didn't care either, but to create something like this with it being powered by ki similar to his training hall was more than just impressive. It was truly mind-boggling.

I wasn't new to this field of research and I have seen experts and geniuses trying to improve the training hall to the state-of-art it was today and it was laughable to the device Bulma had casually gifted me.

It was a field that kind of looked like the cell arena that was amplifying the surrounding gravity, which meant it worked in tandem with my training hall. Just thinking of the gains I could make was mouthwatering.

Of course, even if I went to a black hole now, I could probably resist its gravity, but there was a distinct difference between besting gravity with all my might or with just my base form. It was also a difference when I was actively taking away my ki in the equation and whether I could regulate the gravity.

Usually, I would just have my ki sitting comfortably at a few thousand, so I wouldn't be killed because I let my guard down and run around with the power level of a regular human. Of course, my body was already durable enough to tank most things even without ki, but I knew I could push it further.

The two Saiyans that beat the living shit out of me inside the image training were probably way tougher than I was. Obviously, their primary source of strength was still their ki and their skills, but there were other prime examples of what a powerful body could accomplish through sheer might. Broly.

It was especially fitting since my techniques and transformations now emulated a similar transformation. I had the feeling if I put my cells under a microscope, I would find that they have mutated with the Ikari and Super Saiyan mixture. It was most beneficial to me as it elevated my powers to an insane degree, but the problem was the lack of guidance.

Obviously, I didn't have any guidance until now, but I at least knew what a Saiyan could unlock transformation-wise. Now I kind of branched off the normal Saiyan path and I am not sure whether I truly could now walk the path of a Legendary Super Saiyan. As Vegeta had stated, I was an artificial legend, which made my future uncertain.

As I thought up to this point, I couldn't help but smile. My mind was racing and ideas instantly appeared in my head as if it was natural. Thoughts about how I could improve my techniques and how to develop new ones were popping up one by one and without hesitation, my ki moved inside my body.

To my surprise, my ki moved exactly as I wanted like a tamed dog following its master's orders to a T. It was like my natural talent quadrupled over the night.

Was this the effect of my soul being whole again...? I couldn't deny that option. After all, the spirit was an extremely important factor in terms of ki control and efficiency. I couldn't help but laugh when I thought about the tremendous boost for learning new things and optimizing my techniques would get.

Something like a natural knack for ki control wasn't something that instantly elevated me to a completely different level, but the future possibilities widened and my growth rate would accelerate.

"Oh, no. He lost it again. When do you think we will see him again?" Kara asked the other girls, while they chuckled slightly before betting 4, 7, and 10 days, not counting the use of the time-slowing device.

I coughed at that. "Don't worry, I will restrain myself."

"Nah. You don't have to. We can visit you here, right?" Kara said as she jumped into my arms before wrapping hers around my neck, to which I could only nod. She then gave me a peck before going upstairs. I glanced at the cell arena inside my training hall. That wasn't even all this arena could do. There were some functions on that remote I hadn't touched yet, though I decided to let it stay there for now before following the girls upstairs.

Although I would love to get into training again, there were some things I would have to handle first and some people to visit and as you had it, there was even someone on the way here. After noticing the life force coming here, she seemed to have the same idea.

It didn't take long until Shayera landed in front of the door, making me open it for her. The moment she saw me, she grinned widely before jumping at me. With one arm around my neck and pushing me into a half-bent position, she put me into a headlock before ruffling through my hair.

"Seriously?! You oversized bird!" I called out as I twisted myself out of her headlock, only to kick her butt. I know we would make a mess, so after she landed from my kick, I tackled her out of the house, making her grunt at the impact.

We then wrestled until we cracked the ground and almost uprooted a nearby tree. With an overhead throw, I yeeted her into my lake. It took her a moment before she fly out of it, completely drenched. She shook her wings to dry them before locking onto me again.

With a dive to pick up speed, she crashed into me, causing us to skip over the floor like we were damn rocks being flicked across the surface of a lake until we impacted a boulder, splintering it into a thousand pieces.

We were sent flying sprawling to the ground. "Ugh, you damn monkey." She grunted as she held her head. I couldn't help but laugh at her.

"Should have worn your helmet." She gave me a scowl before she shook her head with a smile. With one hand, she straightened her tousled hair as she rested her arm on a bigger piece of the splintered boulder.

"I am glad you are back."

I smiled as well. It was nice to have some friends waiting for you. "Thanks, I am glad to be back." After I said that, she stood up again and stretched herself. Her skin was still slightly wet from being thrown into the lake and her stretching caused all her curves to be exposed. I had never looked at her this way, but now I remembered the times when she was somehow convinced to join Diana and me for our threesomes. The alcohol probably had helped.

It was a casual night and only brought us closer to appreciating the other's body, though with some awkwardness and some silence. It meant little back then, but now we had a much better relationship.

I certainly knew that she was attractive, and we were similar in many areas, but there was never the thought of us being a thing, even when Kara mentioned being okay if I fucked her. Now I couldn't help but see her as the woman I was great friends with and the one that was moaning when I did it with her. Not to mention the relief I felt when I heard Kara in one dream mention that they were regaining their memories

She seemed to have sensed my gaze and stared at me for a moment before she blushed as her eyes widened. It was like she realized I had remembered that night. She let go of her stretch and stood there awkwardly. "I am going to check on Kara." She said before flying away in haste.

I dragged my hand through my face as I thought about it. I wasn't even back for over two days and now was in an extended relationship with Diana which created an awkward situation with my best friend in this world. With a groan, I stood up and brushed myself off the dust before I headed to the house.

The house was quiet with just Shayera speaking. "... I truly am." I came in to see her bowing towards Raven, likely having apologized formally. Although she was brash most of the time because she just did and said what she wanted, she certainly wasn't one without regret.

Raven glanced over at me and just stared at me for a moment and then at Shayera, making me wonder what she was thinking about. She then sighed. "It's ... fine. I forgive you. It was a mistake and in the end, nobody got hurt... From what I understood, the misunderstanding was mainly fueled by the circumstances and... that magician."

She said before devoting herself to her book again as she muttered with an eye-roll. "Two women after one night. Greaaat." Since all the people inside the house were far beyond normal human limitations, everyone heard her mumbling, creating an awkward atmosphere, or at least it felt awkward for me.

Diana coughed. "How about we eat something?"

"Yes, I am starving." I immediately jumped on the out Diana gave me.

Shayera too jumped on it with a slightly too loud voice "I would love to eat something!"

"Right, then let's eat. Kara had already prepared something."

"Yeah, something. I probably should prepare some more." Kara said as she walked towards the kitchen, though I saw a glint in her eyes as she walked past me. A smile tugged on her lips, which clued me in that she would make the breakfast hella awkward.

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