Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 122: The End

Merry Christmas and nice holidays <3


I glanced down at the land below us and despite it looking relatively normal like some part of untouched nature on earth, there was a certain feeling to it. A transcendence that I couldn't truly describe or even fully grasp. Perhaps, I had the power to destroy it, but I certainly couldn't create something like that.

My mind tuned out the surroundings and I focused back on the aura I was feeling. It was like someone was knocking on the door. They were close but ultimately still outside, away from this place of sanctity. There was a surge of protecting this piece of land as I sensed the malice in the would-be intruders.

We had been flying for a bit already and we still hadn't arrived, which was insane to think about since all of us could blink and travel across a galaxy if we wanted to. This place was clearly just one planet, though I guessed that was all it was. When I looked into the sky I could see the battle that was happening for the last dragon ball. Although it was far away, the intensity made sure to reveal it to us.

I looked back at my girlfriends who were following me closely, and I could count myself lucky. Although most had been acted out to aggravate Darkseid, I was still a bit affected by him saying that Raven had died. Fortunately, she was a true freak of nature to grow into such a powerful individual in the short time she was in the dark multiverse.

We only exchanged a few words, but it seemed like she had cleaned the place out, killed countless beings, and even absorbed entire realms. She had gained massively in power. Obviously, it had been too much and the Upside Down Man was almost too powerful and nearly overtook her body.

Kara and Felicia were out and about fighting against Grail, Darkseid's daughter and at one point get lost. Somehow they came across Diana and they were able to kill themselves out of a horde of villains. There was an entire journey they had endured and I wasn't too sure about the details, but in the end through Felicia's thieving skills, they were able to get their hands on something called Element X or Tenth Metal, which was what they put on as their armor.

It put their stats through the roof with the power of their will and the ability to alter reality. Like the nth metal, it sounded like a completely overpowered material that should have been nerfed.

Either way, from the sound of it, they had been traveling together for a few weeks at the very least despite Diana having left with me not long ago. I couldn't be bothered to be surprised with this as it seemed there were a few places where time behaved strangely. Not a shocker since time wasn't really an obstacle at a certain strength level.

At least, time for the outside multiverse. Here in this dimension, it seemed extremely strict as if the law was needed to support the Presence that had lived her and not collapse under his weight.

For a moment, we continued to fly in silence as the tension continued to rise. There was an anticipation and fearfulness in the air. I could tell that the others were confident in their equipment and growth in strength, but we also all knew that this might be a key moment in this war amongst realities.

There weren't just the heroes and villains of the DC reality involved but from the Marvel and the Dragon Ball reality. I had no doubt that there were more involved but just couldn't take it to the big stage where the fate of the entire war would rest on. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, feeling invigorated by the fresh air.

I had endured years of torture because I had realized something during my spars with Kakarot, Vegeta, Giblet, and Cumber. They were just mentally tougher and spiritually mature. It was just something that they gained by living through battle and at the edge of life and death, for some they already died more than once.

I lacked that. Although I could break every bone in my body and continue to push myself, it wasn't the same mentality. From the very beginning, I never had the same weight as they had during training. I knew why I needed to go through this kind of bone-breaking training. To use the Zenkai, abusing the natural gift of my body. This was the main reason I could push myself until my body broke down since I knew the more I gave into my training the more I would reap from it.

There were certain goals I knew I could reach and how I could reach them if I just pushed myself far enough. I had a guarantee that my efforts would amount to something, not because I believed in my theories one hundred percent, but because I knew someone else had done it before.

Even though I had grown tremendously in these past 5ish years, it wasn't as much as I could have grown mentally. In a certain sense, I hadn't grown much from the guy who was stuck in a prison cell. So, despite having thrown myself into the most terrifying and insufferable prison that existed in this reality, I felt like it was the best decision I could have made.

I felt like I broke myself free from some unknown shackles when I took Raven's hand and forced myself out of it. It was almost like I had been reborn. My mind was firm and my spirit soared through this experience. Now, they didn't have this edge over me and with it, there wasn't anything I truly lacked.

My fist clenched as I felt the abundance of godly ki thrumming inside my body. Giblet and I had theorized about the spiritual aspect of godly ki and what it would mean for our bloodline, but it was difficult to grasp. However, it seemed like we had gone in the right direction. Despite not having trained, my strength had broken through a new level and I could completely shit on my past self.

Even if I was once again trapped with the Empty Hand inside the Great Darkness' domain, I wouldn't be forced to run away like last time. Even now my power continued to grow without any ending in sight-

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a loud crack. I looked into the distance and saw a crack in the sky with hands at the edges pulling the crack open. Without any hesitation and with no thoughts of conserving my strength, my power erupted. In a familiar flash, I entered Primal Saiyan Full Power Limit Breaker again.

With the powerful general called Godly Ki, my power ran as smoothly as it could, exhibiting strength far beyond the sum of its parts. I almost heard a whine of space when my aura spread and bent this most robust law to my will as I forced myself to close in.

The girls followed behind, bending reality to accommodate their desire to greet the newcomers and join the imminent battle. We already saw a few individuals step out and we arrived just as they closed the entrance again.

One I instantly recognized from the games. Demigra at the very front. Imposing and malevolent. That was the first thought that ran through my mind when I sensed his demonic ki and dark energy, coupled with the aura of the Great Darkness on him, his presence involuntarily sent shivers down my spine. He was the real threat of this group.

It was obvious he was in a relaxed state and he still overshadowed the feeling of threat I got from the Empty Hand and Darkseid. Considering the fact he was from the Dargon Ball reality, he was hiding a lot more power. I was already expecting at least two transformations that multiplied his strength to ridiculous degrees.

I glanced at the others that arrived through the crack, one I didn't recognize with blonde hair standing right beside Demigra, while further behind him a group of sinister folk. Despite never having seen them in person, their presence willed their identity into reality and each of them was as sinister as the last. Ares, Doomsday, Eclipso, Neron, and Spectre.

There should be a reason why these fellows followed the blonde guy. Perhaps a powerful magician, but I couldn't sense any magical powers from him. My eyes turned back to Demigra whose smile was faltering slightly as he looked from the direction we had come from.

He shook his head. "Did these fools get themselves killed already?" He spat disdainfully as if their demise had been an expected conclusion. I quickly assessed the ones present and then connected with the others telepathically.

"Take the others down. I will handle Demigra." Some were truly powerful and it was unclear whether the others could handle them, but we had to gamble and me taking on their strongest gave us the best chance.

There wasn't a need to explain much. We knew it and they knew it. It was on sight. As soon as I told them, the blonde guy, pointed at us and his followers heeded his command. I wasn't sure whether the girls had communicated with each other on who would take on which enemy, but they all just separated and took on an opponent.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see Diana clash with Ares and I could tell that the hostility between them didn't just stem from the current circumstances. I had heard a thing or two about Ares and he certainly deserved to get sliced into pieces. With a single slash, she pushed him into defense mode and she went for his head.

Kara took on Doomsday in an epic clash of pure physical prowess. Just their initial collision stirred up a storm. Raven took on Neron and I could already tell that he wouldn't have a nice time. I remembered his name from Raven's siblings and Raven had been looking forward to piece him up.

Felicia went against Eclipso and Maxima against Spectre. Although they were covered with the tenth metal, I could tell that they wouldn't be able to beat them without help. Of course, I wouldn't be able to help them with it. I had bigger problems to look forward to.

Demigra's eyes bore into mine, a silent challenge issued in the expanse of the 7th dimension. His scrutiny was as intense as his power, a power I was determined to surpass. "Once again a Saiyan stands in my way," he declared with a hint of disdain.

I couldn't help but snort in response, "And I will be the last." Before he could retort, I lunged forward, the force of my strike sending Demigra hurtling into a forest where the trees were as ancient as some universes. I pursued him relentlessly, my blows creating shockwaves that resonated through the dimension.

Our clash officially began a symphony of fists and energy resonating through the idyllic landscape, disturbing the peace that had ruled this land since time immemorial.

Demigra proved nimble, effortlessly dodging and blocking my assaults. Our hands intertwined in a brief struggle, and I seized the opportunity to push him into a colossal tree. The ancient giant splintered, yielding to the clash of titanic forces, but Demigra's strength surged in response, surpassing my own.

His metallic fingers, like unyielding vice grips, pressed back against mine. We struggled for dominance, and I could feel the tide of power shifting. Realizing my disadvantage in strength, I extracted myself with a spinning hook kick to his face. Demigra shot through several trees, obscuring my view of him. Undeterred, I unleashed a barrage of ki blasts, obliterating trees that contained life force enough to cover entire universes.

"You certainly don't play around," a voice called out from behind me. Instinctively, I dodged a kick aimed at my head, and in response, my hand waved, releasing hundreds of ki blasts upon him.

Even before the blasts hit him, I knew they wouldn't affect him. The grin on his face and the aura around his body made it clear that these ki blasts wouldn't even be an annoyance. The smoke of the explosions veiled my vision momentarily.

As it settled, Demigra stood unscathed with his arms spread wide open, as if to say, 'See, I haven't even taken damage from your attacks.' However, it wasn't just that, he transformed. His transformed appearance was a testament to the demonic power coursing through him.
Dark spots adorned his grayish skin, a black sphere embedded in his chest, and two menacing horns protruded from his forehead. Armored gauntlets covered his forearms and fists, and a tail swished behind him in an armored coil.

In an instant, Demigra materialized before me. Before I could fully register his attack, his fist, a blur of lethal force, dominated my field of vision. Instinctively, I leaned back, narrowly evading the full impact, the gust of wind from his punch grazing and cutting into my cheek.
Before I could retaliate, his tail coiled around my leg and hurtled me into the ground with relentless force. The world blurred as dirt and crumbling stones enveloped my vision, the resistance escalating before abruptly ceasing.

Flipping around, I found myself inside a dark cave, though I didn't look around to inspect it. My attention was fixed on the trembling ceiling. A sudden illumination bathed the cavern in ethereal blue as Demigra burst through the ceiling with a sneer etched across his face. However, that sneer quickly transformed into surprise.

Smirking, I thrust my cupped hands toward him, channeling an echoing battle cry, "Kamehamehaaaa!" The spinning beam surged forward, an unstoppable force that slammed into him and propelled him relentlessly through the ground. However, the moment I felt the resistance lessen, I quickly ended the beam and dropped to the floor, narrowly avoiding a swift kick aimed at my head.

Without hesitation, I pushed off the ground, deftly dodging to the side as Demigra spun and launched a powerful punch in my direction. His fist hit the ground, causing it to explode. As I retreated, energy crackled above my palms, manifesting into several small disks—the deadly Destructo Disks. In a seamless motion, I swung my hands, releasing a barrage of mini disks toward Demigra.

They effortlessly cut through the raining debris. However, they were stopped. His armored forearms intercepted the onslaught with deceptive ease.

Seizing the opening, I exploited the distraction to teleport back to the surface, reappearing with a surge of energy. I relentlessly channeled energy into my fingers, causing lightning to envelop them. My eyes trained on the ground, while my senses spread out.

The moment I sensed his aura, I was already too slow. His tail coiled around my arm, twisting it to the side, causing the technique to dissipate while also opening my body for attacks. "You're strong, but not strong enough." Without saying another word, he raised both hands and slammed them into my face like a hammer.

The world turned blurry again as I skipped over the ground like a stone, the terrain transforming into a chaotic whirlwind. I uprooted several trees and the earth beneath me crumbled only to come to an abrupt end after shattering a majestic waterfall.

I groaned as I flipped up again, my vision clearing just in time to witness Demigra soaring through the raindrops, each droplet glistening in the aftermath of the exploding waterfall. The air crackled with the residual energy of the clash, and my senses heightened as I prepared for the next round in this decisive battle.

"I thought you Saiyans start slow to assess your opponent's strength before going all out," he mocked. "Unfortunately for you, starting with your full power couldn't give you the early win you hoped for."

He certainly loved to hear himself talk. "Who?" I just responded as I wiped away the blood leaking out of my mouth. Demigra was truly full of himself to engage in a conversation with me at this moment.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

With a grin forming on my lips, "Who told you I was going full power?" Confusion flickered in Demigra's eyes, and I seized the moment to initiate my transcendence.

His eyes widened slightly. "But your transformation..." he started, his expression turning more serious.

"I was already starting small. Now, let me show you what I am capable of," I declared as my ki boiled into a mixture that surpassed any power I had wielded before, a convergence of legendary ki, Evil Aura, Death Force, and even traces of the destructive ability of the Death Force and the untouchableness that I picked up from Kakarot and Vegeta. All guided by the strict hand of godly ki originating from my bloodline.

Transcended ki, as I named it, pulsed within me, a chaotic fusion guided by the ancestral hand of godly Saiyan ki. Whereas before I had only the capacity to conjure up a little flicker that was enough to decimate Darkseid, now after having endured the torture and expanded my mind, I could unleash all restraints, expanding it to the very limits until it seeped into every corner of my body. I wasn't sure what would happen if I went full out, but it was either do or die.

Initially, his power grew, keeping up with my own, though, at one point, it fell off and stopped completely. His expression turned ugly as he realized that my power continued to grow, urging him to make a move. In an instant, Demigra closed the distance, launching a furious punch.

However, he was too slow and too late. My power suddenly ballooned, and I felt myself cross a threshold I hadn't realized I had encountered. My aura shot into the sky, piercing the crown of the forest to illuminate the 7th dimension with my light. The earth shook and the very air trembled as the dimension bore the weight of my power.

Just by standing there, my presence brought the entire reality to the verge of cataclysm. Even in this place, the pinnacle of this reality and the representation of this reality's highest might had lost its restriction on me and instead held its breath as I reached a height beyond imagination. Strength unbound. At this moment, a sense of invincibility filled me.

Glancing at the fist that approached me, carrying a force that had sent apprehensiveness into my core just a moment ago, all this was washed away. The fist's momentum, which had reached the limit of what this dimension allowed, came to a standstill.

In the face of my overwhelming might, time seemed to halt. Looking around, I found everything frozen. Birds in the sky, villains fighting my girlfriends, frozen mid-action, and Demigra, a demon god who was millions or even billions of years old, frozen in the air with a ferocious expression on his face.

It seemed like no one had noticed the change and how the reality cried because of my strength. I retracted my aura and the realm calmed down again, though I could tell that all the laws of this reality had lost its hold on me.

Rotating my body, the world's time seemed to flow again as he arrived at my previous position. I threw a casual punch, directly connecting with his side. The impact resonated with ominous force. The moment my knuckles hit his armored skin, it felt like I was hitting a water balloon that was about to burst, so I held back almost all of my strength.

With more than 99 percent withdrawn, the attack wouldn't pierce his body anymore. Though, he might not feel like I was holding back, not to mention appreciate it. Demigra coughed up blood before hurtling through the sky. His body turned into a red line that seemed to tear through the sky and shattered trees that could give birth to universes.

My glance was fixed on my clenched fist, a dark aura pulsating within it, opening and closing it as I felt the tremendous power compressed in it. However, that wasn't what attracted my attention when I looked at my forearm. The color of my previously red fur turned completely black.


One moment, he was dominating that monkey, and the next one, he was being toyed with. Demigra ripped his arm out of the steel facade of the obviously manmade steel plate that stood here without rhyme or reason. With his arm free, nothing held him in place anymore, and he dropped to the floor, causing a bit of smoke to whirl up.

His breathing was strained and heavy. He spat out a mouthful of blood, coloring the ground underneath him red. As he saw this, his clenched fist slammed into the ground, cracking it. He gritted his teeth, almost breaking them apart as he thought about the sudden increase in power the Saiyan just had. Once again, he should have just gotten rid of him than play with him. Now it was too late.

He looked up and saw the Saiyan walk through the tumbling trees and stones that were raining from the sky due to the mountains he had shattered. The Saiyan wasn't normal, and this transformation wasn't something he had seen before. It looked similar to what other Saiyans had, the hair of a Super Saiyan 3 and the body fur and tail of a Super Saiyan 4. However, the power he exuded obviously far exceeded even a combination of those transformations.

His mind was despairing as he looked into the eyes of the Saiyan that was pursuing him. Pure black surrounded his white pupils. His fur had turned black and his long hair was a divine silver. His body was surrounded by an inter-layered aura of pure black and divine dark purple.

Demigra stood up with a hand on his ribs. Several had snapped from that attack, and one of them pierced his lungs. It was a deep, sharp pain, but he could already feel his injuries lessen. A huge tree collapsed in front of Shallot, obscuring the view for just a moment, and in a blink, he suddenly stood in front of him.

He directly unleashed a blast at him from point blank before jumping back. His breathing was still heavy and took this moment to rest, though it quickly got stuck in his throat as he looked at the settling smoke.

The Saiyan stood amidst the dissipating smoke, an unyielding aura enveloping him. An aura that seemed to be still increasing even at this moment. The desperation in Demigra's heart deepened, realizing the true magnitude of the adversary he faced. Demigra staggered back, a mixture of despair and frustration etched across his face as he retreated from Shallot.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, Demigra conjured dark energy in his palms, molding it into sharp projectiles that he hurled at Shallot. The energy blades cut through the air with menacing speed, but Shallot just walked through them. Each pickle that hurled through the air just instantly shattered like glass on impact.

Demigra's attacks seemed feeble in comparison to the overwhelming power radiating from Shallot. Gritting his teeth, Demigra intensified his assault. His Time Power Unleashed transformation was his strongest form, giving him the ability to attack with time-based techniques. Previously, his physical enhancement gained through transforming had been enough, but now, backed into a corner, he pulled out everything it had to offer.

He unleashed a barrage of time-manipulating projectiles, each one carrying the potential to distort the fabric of reality. Yet, Shallot waltzed through it like nothing had changed.

Frustration gnawed at Demigra's resolve as he conjured dark illusions, creating mirages of himself to confuse Shallot. However, the Saiyan remained focused, discerning the real Demigra from the illusions, and just leisurely cut through the mirages as he approached. With each failed attempt, Demigra's desperation grew, the realization sinking in that his arsenal of tricks was falling short against Shallot's overwhelming power.

Summoning the last shreds of his strength, Demigra unleashed a torrent of dark energy beams, aiming to engulf Shallot in a web of destruction. The Saiyan responded with an explosive burst of energy, creating a protective barrier that absorbed and repelled the dark onslaught. The shockwave sent Demigra sprawling backward, his breath ragged and his form battered.

After Demigra struggled to rise, he found himself face-to-face with Shallot. The air crackled with tension, and the dim light of desperation flickered in Demigra's eyes as he faced the relentless force that stood before him.

His tail whipped at him but was easily caught. He continued with a punch against Shallot's chest, but the Saiyan just looked back at him with an indifferent expression. His eyes caused Demigra's instincts to flare up—imminent death.

His hands transformed into demonic claws as he poured everything he had into them. The Dark Factor he had absorbed from the previous Dark King, compressed into them. He sacrificed his foundation to create his most powerful attack that could splice space-time at the highest order.

Even the most formidable enemy had to avoid this attack. However, he wouldn't let the Saiyan dodge. The time around them solidified into a time labyrinth. He struck out, his dark red claws slicing at the Saiyan's chest, leaving behind trails of cuts into the fabric of this dimension's space-time continuum.

His despair turned into glee as he watched his claws reach his opponent. In the next moment, it felt like ice-cold water was splashed over him. The formidable claws that could tear through time stopped as they met his skin and then. They snapped in half, leaving his bare fingers to crash into his opponent.

His fingers snapped on impact as well, standing no chance against this immovable wall. Now in direct contact, he could feel the toughness of his skin, the energy boiling beneath the surface. "Is that all you've got?" A deep voice called out, making him look into his white pupils in the blackness that were his eyes. There was disappointment in his voice.

"Haaa! DIE!" Demigra shouted as all of his remaining demonic energy channeled into his palm. A blast directly impacted the Saiyan, causing an explosion to sound out that enveloped him. Demigra cut off his tail that was still in Shallot's vice grip and retreated. The explosion cleared, revealing Shallot, unharmed, standing in the dissipating smoke with an unyielding aura.

His hand directly pierced into his time pocket and retrieved his final trump card. Something that he wanted to use to turn this reality into his personal realm. A black sphere made out of the pure essence of the Great Darkness. Demigra didn't hesitate and activated it, creating a domain of Darkness. Having allied with this natural force, he was able to see in this pitch-black environment and could clearly make out Shallot's figure, who was expectedly uninjured.

There were consequences to using it without having the correct circumstances, but he had no luxury to worry about conquering this reality anymore. He had to survive! The Great Darkness pierced into his body, taking it over with practiced ease. He could feel his strength rise to unimaginable heights.

Even if he faced a hundred of himself before, he could wipe the floor with them. An exhilarating strength was bestowed on him in exchange for his freedom to a natural force, but he had no choice. His eyes found his target of hatred and resentment.
"It's all because of you-" A fist grazed his chin from the side, stunning the Dark King.

Demigra staggered and fell to the floor. Dazed, he just lay there for a moment before he reached up and found his fragile jaw hanging loosely from his mouth. He coughed out blood and a few teeth fell out with it. His mind couldn't compute what had happened.

The domain of Darkness dissipated, leaving only a battered and dazed Demigra on the floor with Shallot looking down at him with his arms crossed. "Seems like it's time to end this." Demigra watched as he looked at Shallot's rising arm like Damocle's sword hanging over his head.

Suddenly, Shallot's white pupils turned a menacing red and his movements stopped. "Hahaha." A delighted laugh sounded out as Pariah stepped out of the Inbetween of possibilities, a realm where everything could be. Although Demigra regarded the other as a cowardly worm, he was quite happy to see the other.

"What a catch!" He said as he spectated the Saiyan. "Although a bit early to reveal my methods, I guess there is no one to stop me with him on my side." Pariah looked over at Demigra. "You know everyone that has the Great Darkness inside their body is destined to be my pawn. Didn't you think twice why I gave you this drop of essence?"

Demigra remembered the moment Pariah gave him this energy that could boost his strength to ridiculous degrees. He knew the effect, he had studied it! There was no modification done on it, it shouldn't be problematic unless... Pariah could control the Great Darkness! At this moment, he knew he would have failed either way. At least, he was still alive.

"Once you used it, I could control you just like I did with all the other pawns of the Great Darkness. I lost some future minions, but it doesn't matter with you and the Saiyan, I can bring back my multiverse and nothing can stop -" His words were cut off by the sound of something slashing through the air.

Demigra's view suddenly started to rotate. Why did his neck hurt and why was he suddenly so tired...?


Pariah's speech stopped as he looked at the beheaded Demigra before he glanced at Shallot, whose hand was covered with a thin layer of ki. "W-who told you to kill him?!" His voice was shaking with anger.

"So, what was your entire game plan? Use those that were controlled by the Great Darkness to control yourself and for what exactly- Wait, never mind. I don't care." He fully turned to him. Pariah pointed his palm toward him as the Saiyan began to walk toward him.

"Stop! I said stop!" Pariah staggered back as the Saiyan continued to approach. "How is this possible?! Obey! You are clearly under my influence!" Pariah then started to amplify the evil in the Saiyan's heart, making his control over him stronger. "As long as I exterminate the last good inside you, I have absolute control over you!"

"What? Are you related to Babidi or something? Well, you are probably as moronic as him." Shallot mocked with a snort.

"Stop!! You are just a pawn. The Left Hand is destined to serve me! I am the chosen one! The Great Darkness chose me!" Pariah grew hysteric as he continued to retreat. "Now, give in to your evil desires!"

"What a joke. To a Saiyan, good or evil doesn't matter. It's only important what we feel is right and I feel like ending you is correct. So, even if you 'awakened' the evil, I would still kill you." He took another step before disappearing from view, but Pariah knew it was his death sentence.

"Nooo-" His head started to roll as well and he fell into eternal sleep.
...I glanced at the two corpses with indifference, despite knowing that they should have been the ones behind the vermin that caused trouble all over this reality. I could feel my girlfriends arrive a few moments later. "You okay, Nathan?" Kara asked softly and concerned.

Even though they weren't any good at sensing life force, they must instinctively sense the malevolence that had risen in my heart, but as fast as it had risen as quickly it settled again. My mind wandered to Pariah at the end.

I could ignore the whispers of the evil desire inside me since I had already grown used to the temptations Darkseid threw at me during my imprisonment. Besides, even though I fought for what was right, did this mean I was good? I knew I had evil in me, but that didn't define me, neither did the good. I was just a guy with too much power, doing what I thought was best.
"Nathan?" Kara asked again, interrupting my pondering. No matter what the future held, at least I wouldn't be alone.

"I'm fine now," I responded before my face froze. In the distance, a blinding golden light illuminated a part of the starry sky before turning brighter and bigger. Suddenly, a golden dragon could be seen, spreading wider and longer than entire universes. A display that would leave the entire reality in awe.

We stared at his vague form. "So this is Shenron?" Kara asked as she looked at the wish-fulfilling dragon. I hummed positively.

"Seems like they had won as well," I muttered before an ethereal feeling and request announced itself in my mind. Although they weren't words, I could directly discern the meaning of it. I could return to my past life. I could finally avenge my family and right the wrongs of my past.

A hand suddenly grasped mine, making me turn to Kara, who looked at me with a gentle smile on her face as if she knew what choice I could make. The others looked at me with understanding even though there was some fear in their eyes, especially Felicia, who was in a similar situation and must had the same request in her mind.

I glanced again toward the Super Shenron, who was now glowing again fiercely as he fulfilled the wish before completely disappearing. "Cumber, Giblet, Vegeta, Goku. See you soon."
I couldn't help but smile before I turned around. "Let's go home."

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