Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 106: Darkness

"His reign has ended. It's time for..." Raven started, but then her gaze locked with mine, and at that moment, I could sense something brewing within her. Something that wanted to be released, but at the same time was restrained inside her. Raven's pitch-black eyes seemed to be the abyss itself. They held an undecipherable look, but I knew whatever she was about to say would be significant, perhaps even unsettling. Something I might not like and in the end, this was what had held her tongue.

The power in the air shifted as if being drawn into Raven like a black hole, ready to consume everything in its path. I felt the pull, the stretch, the absorption of the surrounding energy. It was as if even Nothing itself would cease to exist once she was done. There seemed to be a cataclysmic war going on inside her and the realm around us suffered for it.

The prison was trembling from the brooding powers that were about to erupt. Her powers seemed irresistible, yet amidst it all, I remained unyielding. It was as if I were exempt or immune to her immense abilities. The strange pull vanished the moment her arms wrapped around my neck, her gaze fixated on me.

Although it should have been impossible as her eyes consumed the light it touched, I still could see myself reflected inside these abyss-like eyes. She bit her lip, a gesture that hinted at the struggle within her to vocalize what she desired to say and what she didn't want to utter like it would spell doom for her or me or for everything else.

And then, with a mixture of pain and vulnerability, she whispered, "...I love you." Three simple words, yet they carried a profound weight that was beyond comprehension. It wasn't just a declaration; it was as if, at that moment, she embodied love itself. The kind of love that would make you sacrifice anything for the other person, the type that would make you walk away if it meant their happiness.

As soon as the words left her lips, a burden seemed to lift from Raven's shoulders. Her body relaxed, her eyes closed. I looked at her with concern, calling out her name in a hushed tone. Despite sensing her strong life force, I couldn't help but worry for her well-being. I felt for her pulse despite the fact my senses told me her life force was still running strong. In fact, she had never been stronger, still, it didn't ease my worry for her.

When I realized she had just passed out, the impact of her confession settled within me, rendering me unable to tear my gaze away from her peaceful face, and her steady breathing. It wasn't the first time she had said it, but I felt like she had to say it or otherwise the situation would have been dire for everyone.

Shazam, who had witnessed it all, took a sharp intake of breath, his disbelief evident. The encounter with the half-demon, coupled with the disappearance of the Seven Deadly Sins, seemed to have unsettled him. "W-what is she?"

Ignoring Shazam's bewildered muttering, I had no intention of indulging his curiosity. Instead, I gently lifted Raven's body in my arms, determined to carry her out of this prison before the wizard came up with a reckless idea that could cost him his life.

I paid no heed to the presence of the six other beings that felt similar to Shazam, most likely his family, who had arrived in the meantime. There was only one person I cared about attending to—this demon girl who had once again captured my heart.

With a pull on one of my anchors, I teleported away, leaving behind the wizard and his kin. My sole focus was on Raven, on ensuring her safety and well-being. The world could wait; at this moment, she was all that mattered.


As consciousness returned to Raven, she found herself lying in her bed, the comforting familiarity of her room surrounding her. The memories of her confession, the overwhelming surge of power, and subsequent unconsciousness with a strange terrifying yet fulfilling dream flooded her mind.

Before she could fully gather her thoughts, the bedroom door creaked open, revealing Nathan entering with a tray of her favorite breakfast, pancakes with some strawberries and whipped cream. His smile was warm and comforting, erasing any remnants of worry or fear that lingered within her. Standing beside him was Kara, her eyes filled with relief, her arm gently hugging Nathan's. It was evident that they had reconciled, putting aside their previous little conflict.

It seemed like Kara had been able to take her mind off her worry about Nathan. She was always quite agitated when she didn't know Nathan was alright. The little defeat that was caused by Nathan getting together with Felicia had set her off.

"Good morning, love," Nathan greeted her softly, his voice brimming with tenderness. He carefully placed the tray on her lap, releasing the inviting aromas of fresh coffee and warm pancakes into the air. "I made your favorite breakfast. Thought it might help you feel better."

At the door, she could see Felicia, Shayera, and Maxima trying to peek inside, but Diana pushed them out saying that they should give her some time to wake up. The worry emanating from them made Raven's heart warm.

Her gaze switched back to Nathan and Kara. A smile tugged at Raven's lips as she observed the genuine love and care they had for her. They saw her for who she truly was, embracing every aspect of her, including the darkness that resided within her. From the glint in Nathan's eyes, she knew that he could recognize the immense destructive power she wielded, but he treated her no differently because of it. Well, given his nature, he might even find it attractive. She chuckled at that in the confines of her mind.

Savoring a sip of the coffee and relishing the taste of the pancakes, Raven felt Kara move closer. Her gentle touch brushed aside a stray strand of hair, and she spoke in a soft, reassuring tone. "You had us worried, Raven," she murmured, her voice carrying remnants of concern. "But we're just glad you're alright. We love you so much."

"Yeah, we heard you kicked some demons' butt! Atta girl!" Felicia called out before the four practically stormed inside. Diana sighed not believing that they couldn't give her some breathing room.

When she saw this, she couldn't help but chuckle as tears of gratitude welled up in Raven's eyes, not from sorrow or despair, but from the overwhelming love that surrounded her. She was once again reminded that they had embraced her wholly, accepting the light and darkness that coexisted within her without hesitation or judgment. They had witnessed the depths of her power and even now when she was on the brink of darkness their love remained steadfast and unwavering.

At that moment, Raven felt an immense sense of gratitude and blessings. She had found not just one, but an entire family who cherished her for who she was, embracing the intricacies and contradictions that defined her. With them by her side, she knew she could confront any challenge, and conquer any darkness that threatened to consume her.

She leaned into Nathan's embrace, feeling the strong support and security his presence gave her. She felt loved and cherished, but she also felt safe. After everything, after Trigon's fall, she felt completely at ease.

"I see you two have made up?" Raven asked as she gave Kara and Felicia a look. Normally, she would just wait and see whether they had truly come to terms, but she could feel that they didn't seem to be bothered by the other, or rather Kara didn't seem to mind Felicia being here, or Shayera... or Maxima. She was just too curious as to how they had made up.

"Yep," Kara said with a pop as she glanced over the other women in the room. "I had made a trip back to the farm and helped out at the farm for a day. It wasn't even 20 minutes in and I was already back in the same rut. The impatience of tending the animals and annoyance of the machines that resisted you every step of the way... It was so easy for old emotions and old habits to rise up again even though I had thought I had left them behind..." She took a deep breath before staring at Felicia and Maxima in particular.

"I knew he would sleep with you and I was fine with that, but my old mindset reared its ugly head again and gave rise to the insecurities and jealousy I felt for you two back then. You both were capable of something that I couldn't or shared the same interest with Nathan, it was something that I couldn't stand, but... I am not jealous of Raven or Diana, who are such wonderful women that I pale in comparison."

Her confession made Raven remember their talks during the first few months when Nathan would always spar with Maxima and eat Felicia's pastries. She knew that Kara didn't like them but that this rooted so deeply in her was unexpected.

"I guess it was the first impressions I had on you and the way I saw you as a threat back then instead of the friends, you could have been. I am sorry." Kara bowed to them which caused Maxima to wave her arms regally like the queen she was.

"Don't apologize, it was in your rights as his primary mate." She said with a nod, though the fond look she gave Kara made it clear that she appreciated the gesture, especially since it was the go for her to pursue Nathan.

"Geez if I had known that I would have dedicated more pastries for you. Don't worry about it, it's in the past." Felicia waved her off as well with the nonchalant attitude of her.

"So, Raven." Diana began, her gaze was sharp though it wasn't intentional as she knew the Amazon was just worried about her. "Are you alright? Do you need something?" It was almost motherly how she asked these things. If she lied Raven was pretty sure that Diana would admonish her.

"Can we stay like this for a while?"

"...Of course," Diana responded with a smile. Her hand gave hers an encouraging squeeze. As they sat together, reveling in the simple pleasure of breakfast and the warmth of their presence, Raven marveled at the beauty of their relationship. It was not without its ups and downs, with some being quite strong-headed, but which family wasn't without conflicts?

At least, they had built something strong, a bond founded on understanding and love, something that grew stronger with Nathan acting as the glue that kept everything together. Hopefully, it would be enough.

"Everything will be fine." Nathan's voice uttered in her mind or rather it was the feeling Raven got from his emotions. She wasn't actively trying to read his emotions and he wasn't actively sharing them and neither hadn't she opened her mind to anyone. Nathan was a powerful telepath but he couldn't have gotten inside without her noticing, especially not after the incident with the dreams.

So, why was she able to perceive his emotions? His calm confidence was crashing into her like waves on a shore. It felt like he could drown her with support and reassurance. She closed her eyes while the others were still conversing and teasing each other. At that moment, she just enjoyed the present, a calm, gentle, and fulfilling moment.

The darkness inside of her tried to grow, feasting off the powers of her slain victims, but despite this, she was more confident than ever. Her demon side appeared in her mind looking similarly infested with the darkness that clung to them. Even though her demonic side seemed to grow stronger from this darkness while she got weaker, her demon side would also lose herself in it as well.

In the past, she had thought her demon side was the darkness inside her, but devouring the sins made her realize that it wasn't her heritage or her race that had birthed it, it wasn't something that she couldn't control.

The circumstances might have nurtured her resentment, fear, and wrath at the world for her life, for the father he was cursed with, but in the end, she was the one that had kept the flame going until she finally got her revenge...

"We need to tell Nathan about our situation, he might have a way."

Raven nodded as she heard her demon side speak, she agreed. After all, he had been the one that had convinced her to make up with her demon side to the point they were able to fuse again. Although she had mentioned to Nathan that it was the influx of demonic energy that had forced her demon side to manifest, this wasn't entirely true. They were one side of the same coin. They could be one, but it was easier to strike a balance if we handled one side each, though that was just how she preferred it. "I know... Just not today. Let's enjoy this."

Her demon side opened her mouth wanting to refute but as she gazed at the darkness festering inside her, she bit her lip. "Just for today." Her voice lingered for a moment before fading away...

"Long hair? ...It suits you." Raven opened her eyes only to meet Nathan's. Like usual, there seemed to be an understanding in them as if he knew that she had reached a perfect balance at this moment. She wouldn't be able to hold it for long, especially with her darkness influencing her mind, but it would do for now.

"Thank you. I plan on trying it for today."

"I am happy for you."


The illusion shattered and I came back to my body, finding myself disorientated again. The world around me was engulfed in complete darkness, I couldn't see anything. Even my own hand in front of my eyes was unable to produce any light despite the fact that my life force was flaring up.

In this darkness, I couldn't sense anything either, just a blur of my anchor points that were somewhere outside of this prison of darkness. I flexed my aura, letting it surround me, an early warning system that gave me the reaction to dodge out of the way.

Although I couldn't hear, see, or sense anything, I tried my best to avoid the ambush attacks. I was already bleeding, having suffered greatly in the beginning. Several cuts along my arms and legs, which I used to block any attacks I couldn't dodge.

I was getting better, faster, but it was a far cry from the Ultra Instinct I had in mind. My movements were mostly reactive than the precognitive instinctive dodging Ultra Instincts were able to grant the user. And at this point, I wasn't even sure if that path was something I could achieve even with such an environment like this.

Almost my entire power came from rage-induced frenzies. Even at my current peak as a Super Saiyan 4 and my divine ki to aid me, my heart wasn't the calm that I needed to have for this technique and I wasn't sure if I could ever have that. Vegeta's Ultra Ego though was a different story.

It was something that was much more appealing and achievable. It was more inclined to how I fought and gained my strength...However, ultimately these techniques were their paths.

I have already gone to the limits of what a Saiyan could achieve normally. Super Saiyan 4 and godly ki. Now it was time for me to figure out how to grow beyond it. If I just copied Kakarot and Vegeta to master their techniques, I would just copy them. I would never be able to surpass them. This was something I couldn't accept.

Of course, that didn't mean I couldn't take inspiration from these techniques as I did with Broly's Legendary transformation. I would take them and create something better, something that fitted me and was within reach for my capabilities. Something that combined their advantages and diminished their weaknesses.

My thoughts were interrupted when my body moved out of the way from another attack. I retaliated with a kick that seemed to slice through the darkness and hit something. Strange the attack felt different than before.

"Guargh." Spit flew out of Cumber's mouth as I kicked him in the throat. The darkness around us vanished as he bounced over the water. I glanced over at his figure as he flew into the air and coughed heavily.

I glanced over at Raven, whose eyes were glowing a dangerous purple and with arms that seemed to have been formed from darkness itself. Her skin was familiarly pale and she was still rocking her long hair which signified her fusion with her demon side "Since when is he conscious?"

I asked as the last time I checked, he was still out of it. He still looked like he needed some time to recover all his wounds, so I was a bit confused why he was even able to be here. "How did he get here? Did someone teleport him here?"

We were currently inside Giblet's universe as it was the perfect training ground as the reality here could withstand more punishment than ours. This was already the second day after Raven had woken up again from her 3 days coma.

"Sorry, my mistake!" Kara's voice suddenly called out as she flew next to us, dragging a huge creature behind her. "He was really growly and demanded to fight you for keeping him alive. He was really annoying, so I brought him here for you to teach him a lesson!" Kara explained before continuing to fly towards Giblet's island, where Felicia was sunbathing her back.

"He feels humiliated." Raven chimed in, which I guessed was understandable. He would probably prefer to be killed than used as a whetstone for me to grow more powerful.

"By the way, how is Doomsday?"

Raven shook her head. "Diana put him through the wringer. He didn't recover yet."

"Huh. I guess, you will do then, Cumber. You probably should have taken the chance I was away to leave" I said as Cumber floated toward me with a furious expression on his face. Of course, he wouldn't be able to as I had already tagged him with a tracker, both magically and with ki.

"You think you can just humiliate me and I will just leave?! This is what I hate about you 'good' Saiyans." He spat. "You have a false sense of grandeur and morality. You should have killed me when you had the chance! Unlike you, pathetic 'good' Saiyans, I would never show any mercy! Today, I will kill you!" He growled before his powers erupted from him, now stronger than he was before our fight.

It was crazy that he was still just a Super Saiyan 3 and could keep up with me as a Super Saiyan 4, but I guessed mutants of a race were always insane. Just thinking about Freeza's potential made me mad envious.

He hadn't even healed completely and his aura just continued to peak further and higher. "I think you misunderstood something... but I guess I shouldn't have expected anything else. Mercy is something for the Strong to show. Of course, you wouldn't understand." I smirked which completely set him off.

A vein bulged on his forehead before rushing at me. He headed straight at me, not afraid of a clash in pure strength. His fist sailed through the air, only to stop when it meet my palm.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched him grit his teeth. To have a stronger opponent to face was exhilarating, but there was no denying how good it felt to be on the stronger side.

Just as I was about to counter, Cumber's face was suddenly replaced by a leg. I probably didn't need to mention that I was surprised as I looked at the person this leg belonged to. Giblet's godly aura surrounded him and given the scowl on his face, he didn't seem to be in the mood for a chat.

Before I could say anything to him, he blurred after Cumber, who had just recovered to meet my brother head-on. A loud bang caused by their crash turned the original cloudy sky clear. The water below them was pushed away.

They disappeared and clashed again a couple of hundred times a second. Each clash was accompanied by a sound that made it seem like the sky would collapse. The water was quickly deformed by their battle and a lot of it just evaporated from the sheer force they produced. The ocean became rowdy and it seemed like the world was about to end.

"So, that's what it looks like from the outside," I commented as Raven approached me. "By the way, do you know where Diana is or when she is coming back?" I asked as I still had the determination to be a better boyfriend. Since the merge of timelines, she had been put on the back burner for too long already.

Despite having spent some time together, I hadn't actually asked if she needed any of my help since I was too focused on other things or too focused on training. Actually, if Diana and Maxima hadn't any prior arrangements, I wouldn't be back in this universe already.

Diana seemed to go back to her island and clearly wanted to handle it on her own, while Maxima was dealing with some thief that had taken a few of their experimental inventions or something. Maxima looked pretty concerned with it and pointedly asked me if I knew someone with the name Grail. Once she realized I didn't know anyone with that name, she waved my inquiry off, saying she would handle it.

Raven glanced at me, "It's supposed to be a surprise." I guessed that was how much she was going to give me. With that, we fell into silence again as we continued to watch the fight between the two Saiyans. "Aren't you going to help your brother?" She asked after a few moments.

"Naw, he has it in the bag. Not to mention, it's not really a good idea to step into a Saiyan's battle. Kind of a cultural taboo." I said only to wince slightly when Giblet was bitch-slapped by Cumber's tail.

"I see... Didn't he interrupt your fight with Cumber first? Why aren't you mad about it?"

"Well, I already defeated Cumber. Not really that interested in defeating him again. Giblet can have this win. I knew he had been itching since Cumber had hidden behind the other warriors when they jumped us." After saying that Cumber looked over with a baleful glare, the distraction earned him a headbutt that cracked his nose. Blood flew as he was forced to turn his attention to my brother again.

"They jumped you...? Right, you mentioned that. Who were the ones that attacked you again?" She asked nonchalantly as the ocean's water kept being evaporated.

"The ones that attacked me were Trigon, Darkseid, Anti-Monitor, and Nekron. I guess I can cross out Trigon on my hit list. Hahahaha." I laughed good-heatedly, which Raven joined with a smile of her own, though there was a glint in her eyes as she continued to gaze at the battle though it seemed like she was looking at something else...

"Oooh, beam struggle." Raven suddenly said, making me turn my head to the two ginormous energy struggles that seemed to have conjured up a sun right above the ocean. However, it was much more than a mere sun, even the brightest star or biggest black hole paled in front of the might of the struggle happening right now...

No, wait. Since this universe was more robust, did that mean these things were more dangerous as well? I probably should check it out, though after they have finished the fight.

The explosion that followed was so massive that it completely evaporated the water to the ground and carved a deep crater into the ground. Giblet heaved heavily as he dropped out of his Saiyan God transformation. He still hovered and was clearly in better shape than the tumbling Cumber, whose charred body left a trail of smoke as he dropped into the water.

He would probably drown if no one picked him up, so with a sigh I teleported into the way of the finishing blast that Giblet just threw and slapped it out of the way before getting Cumber and threw his unconscious body to the beach. Giblet looked at me with a confused look. "He is an Evil Saiyan!" Clearly in disbelief that I would let someone like Cumber live.

"Yeah, he is going to be our whetstone," I responded easily to which he opened his mouth to retort, but he didn't utter anything, clearly stunned about such an idea. I just shrugged and let him process it as I went back to the island.

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