Just Saiyan [DBZ/DC]

Chapter 102: Defeat of the Mighty

I flexed my aura and let it disperse the smokescreen covering me. Raven looked at me with a stunned expression, but I had no intention of explaining as I was too focused to feel my current form myself. I felt like erupting with pure power as I sensed the changes the transformation had on me.

Super Saiyan 4 or Primal Saiyan, or whatever you wanted to call it, was easier to achieve than I had previously imagined. Compared to Kakarot had struggled quite a bit to achieve this, this was almost a non-issue. But then again, it would have been quite difficult if I didn't have my godly ki to aid me with the compression of my legendary ki that had gone completely berserk when the Blutz Waves kicked in.

After becoming a Golden Oozaru or rather a Green Oozaru, I had lost control despite the fact that I already mastered the Oozaru form. It was just something completely different in intensity with my legendary ki mixed into it. My mind at that time was just purely focused on causing destruction.

Fortunately, it hadn't taken long to snap out of it. There were several factors that helped. First was the fact, I had sensed Raven trying to contact me, her worry and anger for me. Her emotions had given me just a moment for me to use my godly ki to contest my instincts born emotions and ki.

However, I quickly realized it would be a losing battle as its power was amplified. My legendary ki was now fighting on a leveled playing ground as the Blutz Waves made my cells receptive to it. Coupled with the fact that there was just more of it, had given it the advantage.

Instead of having my cells destroyed, they were saturated by this previous destructive ki and even grew in size, forcing me to transform. I wasn't too sure what happened afterward as I had zoned out at some point, despite my best efforts to remember the entire process. I was only able to stay somewhat sane as I had just focused on Raven's emotions.

At some point and for some reason, I managed to suppress my ki and with it my size to that of my normal size. At that point, I hadn't even realized how much had happened with this transformation.

When I felt my power calm down to where I knew I wouldn't lose control, I opened my eyes to assess the situation again. I raised my arm and clenched my hand into a fist, feeling the immense power welling inside it.

My body was filled with immeasurable strength and completely filled to the brim with ki that I wasn't quite familiar with. It wasn't the godly ki that had come from my bloodline, nor was it my legendary ki that I had developed through a fusion of Super Saiyan and Oozaru power coupled with a healing factor.

This ki. I roused it and made it announce its presence through a red almost pink aura. It was a bit lighter than the red fur that now covered me. Of course, the appearance of it wasn't my focus as I tried to grasp the difference between the kis I had before and now.

This new one wasn't inferior to any one ki, I previously had cultivated, quite the opposite. It seemed like I had reached another level entirely. As I mused how much stronger I had become, I was interrupted by a red light washing over me. It felt like a light breeze as I watched the scalding hot beam out of hell fire unable to touch even a hair of my fur.

I waited until the beam ceased and looked at Trigon, who stared at me with wide eyes. He took a step back as if my gaze had pierced through him and quickly scowled as he glared at me, while completely ignoring the fact that Raven was ripping him apart and turning his power into hers.

He summoned a trident in hand and made moves to throw it at me, though as he pulled the spear to the side of his face his movement slowed down until he appeared to be frozen. He was a universal or even multiversal entity that spread terror and suffering across realms without mercy.

There were few powerful or fast enough to stop him. However, after absorbing godly ki into my base, I had already reached a comparable level. Now that I entered Super Saiyan 4 with a mixture of godly and legendary ki, I had surpassed the likes of him by unimaginable heights.

An entity that could probably beat most iterations including the more powerful versions of the Flash by his lonesome, especially since we were still inside the ruins of his realm, which empower him to this moment. True, it had been destroyed during their little scuffle enough to give me the opportunity to release my ki, but it was still there to supply him with grounds to ignore the universal limitations.

"Urkh. W-what?" Trigon uttered in disbelief as I clenched my hand around his wrist until it almost snapped. He grimaced slightly, though he didn't hesitate for even a moment. Without warning his hand suddenly vanished as he was displaced into a spot further away. I watched his actions indifferently as I knew I could end him without him being able to even blink.

Though his little teleportation didn't come without a price as I looked at the flesh that was touched by the threads of darkness from Raven turn into energy and then was assimilated by Raven. Of course, his flesh was already regrowing.

Raven flew up next to me, keeping her eyes on Trigon as she spoke up. "Are you fine?" There was worry and uncertainty in her voice as she wouldn't know what this transformation did to me. It was the best approach to stay clear as I didn't know if I had full control of my mind right now.

It certainly wasn't the usual way a Saiyan would have transformed into this form or at least, that wasn't the way Kakarot or Vegeta had transformed. With my newfound power and seeming control over my Oozaru powers, I still felt ferocious and wrathful. There was a savageness in my body that just waited to be released, but strangely my mind was clear despite how my body and ki seemed to search for something to destroy. Good thing I had a perfect punching bag.

The fire that licked Trigon's skin suddenly flared up as I glanced at him, hungry for a nice warm-up. Was that the equivalent of a demon getting goosebumps? I couldn't help but smirk at that. "Don't think you have won just because of your new haircut." He growled before he seemed to have sensed something, causing a smirk to appear on his face as if he was sure of his victory. "You think I hadn't thought about something like this after last time?!"

He spread his arms theatrical as a portal appeared behind him. A figure stepped out of it. That strange Saiyan, whose aura had given me a bad vibe. His ki was detectable evil. He glared at me as if he wanted to murder me and everyone I ever knew.

"Fight me!" The Saiyan's voice reverberated through the battlefield as he charged toward me, his fist poised for an attack. I calmly raised my finger, directing a focused beam of energy straight through Trigon's heart, while the Saiyan's attack landed. Trigon's eyes widened in disbelief at the fact that I traded a blow just to inflict some damage onto him.

Trigon clutched his chest, feeling the searing pain of the wound. Even though the wound looked fatal for most beings of this universe, Trigon wasn't 'most'. Either way, this ambush wasn't meant to finish him off. It was just an opening Raven needed. As if she had read my mind, she swiftly moved her soulself, seizing the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Though I wanted to watch Raven's battle unfold, my attention was forcibly drawn back to the formidable Saiyan before me. Despite having eaten his attack, I felt his corrupting ki attempting to influence mine. My ki remained unaffected and I was able to shrug it off.

Seeing that he finally had my attention, he didn't waste a single word and charged at me. With a determined focus, I met his assault head-on, the clash of our powers shattered the hell stone beneath us as if an explosion erupted and blasted everything away. Only the ground we directly stood on was fine.

He wasn't content with a single punch; he pressed on relentlessly. But his movements suddenly faltered as his head snapped to the side, then sharply turned upwards. His steps became unsteady, and his consciousness dimmed. Just as he was on the brink of collapse, he abruptly regained his composure.

I couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and admiration. He certainly was a Saiyan with an unyielding spirit and at that moment, I knew this wouldn't end this soon as his aura rapidly surged, transforming him into a Super Saiyan 2 or 3. The already long hair on his head made it difficult to discern the exact form, but the increase in his strength was undeniable.

The enormous growth in power should indicate Super Saiyan 3, but he clearly wasn't a normal Saiyan, so I wasn't too sure if the normal strength increase applied to him. There was also the fact that I had skipped Super Saiyan 3 or rather I followed Vegeta's example and jumped to Super Saiyan 4, so I didn't have the experience to tell them apart. Perhaps it was another transformation entirely.

With some anticipation, I watched as his aura increased while powering up. The aura, surrounding him, took on a sinister and powerful red hue, tinged with black, unlike normal Super Saiyans, though his hair remained golden.

Gritting his teeth, he flexed his leg muscles and abruptly transformed into a blur as he launched himself toward me. He closed the distance in an instant, his fist crackling with a ferocious aura, aiming for a devastating strike to the head.

But I was prepared and he was too slow. Meeting his fist with an open palm, I halted its progress. I swiftly retaliated with a hook aimed at his chin, but he skillfully blocked the attack, grinning tauntingly at me, hungry for battle. "Show me your power!" he screamed, his fist grazing my cheek as I tilted my head out of the way at the last second. "Show it to me-"

With a burst of power beneath my feet, I propelled my leg forward into a flying knee strike that connected solidly with his chin, shutting his mouth up and silencing his words. I pursued the advantage, delivering a powerful punch to his cheek. My ki surged to the limits, causing the illusion of my arms getting heavier as I brought it down on him. I could feel the weight to pulverize entire universes as my knuckles smashed into his cheekbone.

Despite the sheer strength I possessed, my opponent was only dazed, prompting me to maintain relentless pressure. I strived to control my power efficiently, striking with the speed and force necessary to bring down an opponent of his caliber. My arms blurred as I relentlessly hunted for his head, combining power and speed in a lethal combination.

Some of my punches and elbows landed, but he evaded or blocked many of my attacks with skill and precision. He proved to be a skilled and powerful warrior, born and bred for battle. At one strike, his tail came to his defense, catching my wrist mid-punch. A sharp hook to my body made me grunt, as his corrupting ki attempted to pierce my body. His ki bit into mine as his fist dug into my side, but it was clear that his Evil Aura couldn't influence me.

I wrapped my hand around his tail and pulled him closer as I slammed a ki ball forming in my hand into his face. The explosive power unraveled his tail, hurling him away and giving me the opportunity to take a brief respite, I assessed my powers and the ongoing battle.

"Who are you?" I questioned the Saiyan, watching as he spat out a mouthful of blood.

"Remember my name well. I am Cumber!" he growled, his aura surging once more as he rushed towards me.

He was strong. Undeniably strong. Cumber certainly was a formidable opponent. I would even go so far as to say that he was stronger or at least at the same level as Kakarot and Vegeta. After all, he was able to take a punch of mine after I had just transformed. Of course, it was a casual strike, but the argument still stood. With his transformation on top, he had reached levels that would have squashed me like an ant without my current powers.

While his transformation pushed his powers further, I remained confident that he couldn't defeat me. I was now several thousand times stronger than before. It was rather difficult to put a correct number on but it was in the upper tens of thousands times. I calmly watched his approach and thought about ending this quickly.

Just as he was about to reach me, my kick sliced through his aura, striking his chin. Of course, he didn't realize what had happened. His aura dissipated and he staggered forward, struggling to regain his balance. He took a wobbly step forward only for his body to balance on itself. His eyes turned white and he was no Broly. He was out.

My palm raised at him, I was just about to finish him when I saw Raven struggle with Trigon. I redirected the attack and fired it at the demonic father, blasting a hole through his torso. The impact from punching a hole through his chest created a whirlwind, ripping apart the ground around him.

Raven swiftly erected a barrier, shielding herself from the debris that ricocheted in all directions. The unexpected attack took her by surprise, and she turned her gaze toward me, acknowledging my assistance before turning her attention back to the demon.

Even though I was at this point several hundred meters away from their fight, the whirlwind reached me a second after I had attacked, generating a shockwave that leveled the terrain.

Even as the shockwave hit me, causing my hair and clothes to ripple, I remained rooted, observing Trigon slowly comprehending the situation as he gazed at the missing part of his torso. His chest began to regenerate, fueled by the already broken realm.

Raven didn't hesitate, seizing the advantage I had provided. Threads of darkness erupted from her shadow, burrowing into Trigon's open wound and spreading through his flesh like ravenous flesh-eating worms.

She was gaining the advantage and I could already see her victory of completely eradicating Trigon, taking all his powers for her own. Though I couldn't watch for long as I sensed a rapidly rising aura from behind me. For a short moment, I glanced in the direction of where I had thrown my Power Ball, giving any Saiyan with a tail the opportunity to become an Oozaru.

With a wave of my hand, I dispelled the Power Ball. I then turned to face Cumber, who had been thrown away from the shockwave just now. His aura grew more sinister and powerful, demanding my attention. Surprisingly, he hadn't transformed into a golden Oozaru, but his appearance had undergone some subtle changes.

His spiky hair had grown more pronounced, and occasional crackles of electricity danced across his body. Perhaps this time he had truly attained Super Saiyan 2 or 3? Regardless, I couldn't afford to underestimate him, especially if he had something like Super Saiyan God or 4 up his sleeves.

My blood boiled with an indescribable desire for battle as I witnessed his escalating power. Within seconds, he was approaching my levels of power as a mere Super Saiyan. Was this some version of Broly from another timeline??

He stomped on the ground and pushed himself flying at me. However, this time his speed wasn't in slow motion, it was fast and quick. I lifted my arm and blocked the punch aimed at my cheek.

My arm was slightly moved due to the impact of his attack, making me instantly realize the weight of his power wasn't lacking compared to mine anymore. He held powers to pulverize an entire or even multiple universes with a single punch. All this destructive power was concentrated into something as small as a fist.

After blocking with my right arm, my left hook shot at his liver. His knee blocked it. He threw out a punch as I retracted my arm. My other elbow slammed into his fist.

Despite the power to tear reality asunder just by moving it through space, it didn't. At our current levels, we held so much power that it would be disastrous for any place we went to.

Even if we didn't care for the environment, for the universes that would be in ruins because of our fight, we needed all our power to go into our opponent and destroy them with all we had, otherwise, we would lose. Even someone as evil and barbaric as Cumber knew to control his power to the best of his ability.

And despite our best efforts to keep our fights contained, every time his fist slammed into my block, our ki pushed against each other and completely flattened the ground in a 30-meter radius. Universe-shattering attacks condensed into 30 meters.

This certainly hadn't been part of my capabilities beforehand. However, I was fortunate that despite this sudden increase with a new transformation, my ki completely obeyed my will- No, it was more than that.

There weren't conflicting kis anymore, no chaotic legendary ki, no Super Saiyan or Oozaru power, nor godly ki. It turned into a strange mixture that completely filled my entire body. The boundaries of where my cells, blood, or muscles were and where my ki began had grown blurry. Despite my powerful senses, I couldn't tell how my cells absorbed my ki or how saturated they were because everything seemed to perfectly blend together.

Maybe it had been because I had reincarnated into this body that I didn't see my ki as mine or as something that was beyond my cells, my physical body, and perhaps it had helped me along to get the initial control of having something that I didn't have previously, but now it was all just me.

My body- No, I sought to destroy Cumber, who had challenged me! With everything that I had, my own heart was pumping so loud that I could hear it just like the demonic/primal/divine Oozaru roaring deep in my bones as if to reaffirm this newfound sense of completeness.

My aura rose as I slammed my fist straight into his face. My fist stopped for a moment before it continued a tiny bit after breaking the resistance. The action was followed by the crunch of bones as his nose broke before I retreated out of Cumber's reach as he swung with vengeance. His arm released some ki and transformed into a ki wave. It swept away the demonic boulders I put between us before I fired a death beam through them and into his shoulder.

He already looked battered up. His hand went to his nose and yanked it to the side, creating several cracks as it was put in place again before he snorted some blood out of it.

I took this moment to look at Raven and it seemed she was struggling as Trigon had closed his wounds and created a flaming sword that cut right through her threads. Unexpectedly, Felicia came into view, teleporting into this broken realm. She had no place in being here with the likes of Trigon and Cumber, just as I was about to help her, Kara, Hawkgirl, Diana, and even Maxima appeared.

"You should worry about yourself." Cumber hollered before his foot slammed into my chest, sending me through the realm's tough stone and dirt. I didn't even realize what happened before I felt the pain in my chest.

It was only because of the several ki blasts burning through the demonic ground that I instinctively swatted them away. I glanced at his approaching figure. He made for a formidable presence. His hulking body of pure muscles, surrounded by the red-black aura while still donning the golden hair.

His stature made his agility and speed a strange and imposing sight. It appeared he wasn't only a good melee combatant as he suddenly shot several quick shots of spiraling ki blasts out of his hand as he pursued me.

I retaliated with a sword-like slash that cut through his attacks and continued at him. Several slashes were dodged as he rotated 360 degrees around his axis without breaking his pursuit. "Damn, not gonna lie that was sick." I appreciated the maneuver which he smirked at, though that was quickly wiped off his face as I turned around and threw a pulsating red ki ball the size of a medicine ball at him.

He shot at it, setting it off prematurely.  The sight in front of me was completely covered by the hot explosion that would annihilate anything inside of it, though I was sure Cumber wouldn't die from something like this, especially since it wasn't even a direct hit. I looked around, but I couldn't find him.

However, the action of searching for his body, made me pause for a moment as I stared into the sky. The realm was already ripped open in several places and the sight turned strange as it displayed the normal universe in one area and the space-time dimension in another. Another held some form of energy that was strangely familiar before I realized that it was similar to Chronoa's energy signature or at least what I remembered from it due to my limited insight into god ki at that time.

My short musing was interrupted when a smoking figure jumped out of the explosion to the side. He looked up only to find my two interlocked hands slam into his collarbone. I felt it give way before he punched me away.

With a grimace, he placed his hand on the broken collarbone and adjusted the bone. With the pressure of a mighty opponent, a Saiyan's body could perform miracles, so it would heal even as we continued our fight.

He was a bit slower on the side I had broken his collarbone on, but he was still fast and resilient enough to take me on. Our combat grew faster and messier the longer we went at each other. I had some wounds to show for the match, a few cuts from ki-enhanced grazes had me bloody, but they were all superficial wounds.

I wasn't too worried, though it was quite surprising that I was even pushed to that degree. Even though this Cumber was truly a perverted Saiyan to be able to contend with me as a mere Super Saiyan 3. Still, there was a deep-rooted confidence in me that made me push on.

The air crackled with electrifying energy as the battle raged on. The clash of our powers echoed across the barren demonic land, creating shockwaves that shook the very foundation of this reality. Each move was executed with lightning speed and precision, pushing the limits of our strength and endurance.

As the battle intensified, I could sense the fatigue creeping into Cumber's movements. His once flawless ki slashes were now wavering, unable to match the ferocity of my onslaught. With every strike, I aimed to exploit his weakness, unleashing devastating blows that shattered and tore through his defenses.

The sound of our collision was deafening. My fists thundered against his body, shaking him to the core. Each punch I landed sent shockwaves rippling through his form, threatening to break him apart. I poured every ounce of energy I had into my attacks to fuel my increasingly savage onslaught.

His regenerative abilities were impressive, allowing him to heal at an astonishing pace. But even his remarkable durability couldn't withstand the relentless assault I unleashed upon him. I pressed on, refusing to relent, waiting patiently for the perfect moment to finish with a decisive blow.

His arms swung at me with desperate fury, but they were no match for my unwavering defense. I sidestepped, ducked, and evaded his attacks with a dancer's grace, leaving him vulnerable to my swift counterattacks. Each of his failed attempts to land a blow only fueled my determination, as I expertly redirected his momentum against him.

Our clash tore through the fabric of reality itself. Reality bent and twisted under the immense power we exerted, creating gaping holes and ruptures in the demonic land. The environment around us crumbled and shattered, forever scarred by the cataclysmic battle we waged.

And then, it happened. In a split second of vulnerability, his guard faltered. His defenses weakened, and I seized the opportunity without hesitation. With a burst of speed, I closed the gap between us and unleashed a final, devastating strike. A surge of energy erupted from my entire body and into his.

The impact was devastating. The force of my attack shattered his remaining bones and sent him hurtling through the air. The ground quaked beneath us as he crashed into the earth, leaving a trail of destruction in his wake. The dust settled, revealing the defeated form of my adversary, his body broken and battered.

As the battle subsided, the barren demonic land lay in ruins and most likely dissolving with every second that passed. The once-unyielding terrain broken of our Saiyan struggle, a testament to the power we possessed and with some irony the restraint and control we had.

I stood victorious, gasping for air, my body pulsating with adrenaline and ki still empowering my form. The battle had been lightning-fast, explosive, and unforgiving, but oh- how great it felt.

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