Just Because I Wear a Collar…

Volume 2 – Chapter 17 + Epilogue

❖ 17 ❖


Yuuki leapt on her bestie the moment she saw her, wrapping her legs around Iori’s waist as she kissed her neck happily. Her cool body felt lovely against Iori’s warm, firm back, calming the helldrake’s ever raging soul.

“Ahaha, someone’s in a good mood. I look that good in this, huh?” Iori asked, calling attention to the cocktail dress she’d chosen to wear.

“Please,” Yuuki grinned, teasingly biting the tip of Iori’s ear. “Like you don’t know the answer to that already.”

“Tell me anyway,” Iori grinned right back. “I’m running low on compliments.”

“Oooh, well,” Yuuki hopped off Iori’s back, circling around to face her head on before wrapping her arms around the helldrake’s neck. “If tonight weren’t a party, you wouldn’t have made it outta your bedroom for a week. That enough of a compliment for you, bestie?”

“Just a week, huh?” Iori chuckled, “But yeah, I think that’s enough to last me a little while.”

The two gazed into each other’s eyes, then kissed each other lovingly, not stopping even as they drew a pair of onlookers who’d stepped out into the hallway.

“You two can graduate from the whole besties with benefits thing anytime, y’know?” Rina teased.

“Mm, your love can blossom as brightly as you wish it to,” Adri concurred, smiling warmly at the pair. “But I suspect that what you have is enough to satisfy you both for now.”

“What’s that ‘for now’ about, Riri?!” Yuuki giggled, pulling back from Iori to hug her diminutive wife tightly.

“You know exactly what I mean,” Adri teased. “Besides, it’s hardly like Iori wouldn’t want such a thing, after all…” she dropped her voice to a whisper that neither Rina nor Iori could hear, saying something to Yuuki that had her blushing like a schoolgirl.

“No fair, you can’t tell me something like that,” Yuuki blushed, burying her face in her hands. “How’s a girl meant to keep her cool after that? I’m gonna melt, Riri…”

“Yuuki…? Adri, how’d you get her so bashful?” Iori stared on in disbelief.

“For real, what’d you just say?” Rina asked, utterly stunned.

“Nothing special,” Adri calmly replied, “at the very least, nothing Iori doesn’t know.”

With that, Adri walked off, waving back at the group. “I’ll see you all shortly. Know that I am eternally encouraging you.”

“The hell? You know what she said, Iori?” Rina asked, before turning to see Iori also blushing deeply. “H-hey?! Iori!”

“...Rina?” Iori mumbled.


“You didn’t wander into my dream last night by any chance, right?”

“Can’t say I- Ah.” Rina stopped herself, instantly realizing what had happened. She’d have been more surprised that Adri possessed the same ability she did if the sight of the two girls in front of her wasn’t so very adorable. “That dirty, huh?”

“Are helldrakes all that wild…?” Yuuki mumbled, peeking out at Iori through her fingers.

“I swear, they’re not normally that intense…”

Rina turned to see Adri peeking out into the hallway from one of the adjacent rooms, throwing Rina a small wave that neither of the other girls could see.

Screw encouraging them, you’re pushing them together, Adri!

“A-anyway, besties with benefits, yeah?”

“Mm,” Iori nodded. “Besties with benefits.”

Hang in there, you two.

Once things had calmed down, the three of them headed through to a banquet hall, where the rest of the girls, with the sole exception of Rhody, were all waiting for them. For this, the last night of their vacation, Adri and her family had prepared a grand celebration for all of her guests. A farewell that would ensure that their last memory of this trip would be an endlessly fond one.

“Ohhh, there you are!” Inumi happily greeted the three of them, her tail wagging a mile a minute. “We’ve got drinks ready for you girls!”

“Ain’t from my gourd, either,” Wakaba, looking surprisingly stunning in a tight, body-hugging dress, grinned. “So pup can handle ‘em, no problem.”

“I could handle another drink from your gourd. I just wasn’t ready last time!” Rina barked.

“That a challenge? You wanna go for it, pup?”

“M-maybe later…”

Iori chuckled as she watched Rina head over to Mio and Haqua, who were locked in conversation with Resta.

“Don’t wanna go with her?” Yuuki asked.

“I’ll be fine,” Iori shook her head. “We’re together, we’ll share tons of time together. But you and I live entire worlds apart. So I’m getting in more time with my bestie.”

“You make it sound like we won’t get to hang out~!” Yuuki giggled. “I’m gonna visit you allllll the time. I’ve gotta see all the urban mysteries your realm has to offer. Shizuku made ‘em sound crazy fun.”

“I’ll give you a ghost tour of Tokyo,” Iori chuckled. “We can bring Resta along, she can debunk every single story we share.”

“Resta’s a good sport, she’d keep up the illusion,” Yuuki laughed, taking a sip of her drink and kissing Iori on the cheek. “I’m glad we met, Iocchi.”

“Me too. You’re the best, Yuuki.” Iori nodded, as she unknowingly curled her tail around the back of Yuuki’s legs, protecting another of her treasures. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to express just how much you’ve come to mean to me. But for now, thanks for making this vacation worthwhile.”

Yuuki smiled, gently reaching a hand down to pat Iori’s tail, before breaking out into a giddy laugh.

“What’s up?”

“You can’t just thank me for that, dummy~!” she stuck out her tongue. “There’s a whole list of girls who put in the work! Rinarin, Hakucchi, Miomio, Riri, and let’s see…oh, there she is~!”

Yuuki pointed at the entrance to see Rhodolite standing in the doorway, blushing slightly as she smiled at all the other girls.

“Your fiancée, thank her too~!” Yuuki happily patted Iori on the back, pushing her towards Rhody.

“Ufufu~! It looks like you two are having fun,” Rhody smiled warmly at the pair, her cheeks reddening as she scanned over Iori’s body. “Y-you look good…” she squeaked, holding back something far, far more forward.

Iori just smiled, fully aware that there was more that Rhody wanted to say. So she decided to break the ice herself.

“You look amazing too, Rhody. That dress is gorgeous on you, really.”

“Oh!” Rhody gasped, her eyes lighting up.”You think so?! I bought it shortly after I moved, but I wasn’t sure I’d ever get to wear it, and then I thought I might have put on a little too much for it to fit the way it should, but-”

“It’s beautiful, Rhody. Really, you’re stunning. You’re always beautiful, but I feel like you keep hitting new heights every time I see you.”

Rhody curled a lock of hair around her finger and smiled bashfully.

“Well thank you, darling. You’re wonderful…”

“Let’s get you a drink, Rhody. I’ll introduce you to some of the girls you didn’t meet last time~!” Yuuki grinned, taking Rhody and Iori by the hand and hurrying off with them.

Meanwhile, Rina found herself entering a somewhat difficult conversation with Mio, Haqua, and Resta.

“I’m so sorry to bring this up tonight, really. If I didn’t have to, I wouldn’t…” Resta sighed, knowing how much harder she was making what should be a lovely night.

“I know, it’s not your fault, Resta,” Mio smiled gently. “I just wish I didn’t have to decide so quickly…”

In the days since she’d been told her manuscript had been accepted for publication, Mio found herself stuck on whether or not to accept. Everyone was telling her she should, but her heart kept wavering.

And now, here she was, on the last night she had to give an answer, still unsure of what she should really say.

“I’d decide for you if I could,” Rina sighed, resting a hand on Mio’s shoulder.

“But dear, this is ultimately your call. We’ll support whatever decision you make,” Haqua held her hand, smiling down at her happily.

“But you all want me to do it, right?” she asked.

“We do,” Haqua nodded. “But we also feel that you want to, deep down. And do remember, dear, that I’m highly proficient in observing the soul. There’s precious little that can avoid my gaze.”

“No fair,” Mio chuckled, squeezing Haqua’s hand just a little tighter. “You’re cheating, Haqua.”

“Though, in truth, I haven’t looked at yours in quite some time, so that’s nothing but a lucky guess,” Haqua winked.

“That’s even less fair!” Mio laughed, as she was tightly embraced by her partners.

“If you say no, Mio, you might not get another chance like this,” Rina said, looking her straight in the eye. “Your writing is beautiful, we want you to be able to share it with everyone.”

“You want it bad, huh Mio?” Iori asked as she passed by. She’d have felt wrong about intruding, but if she had a duty to her employees, then for the last few moments that Mio was one of them, she’d do what she could to guide her to the future she had been dreaming of.

Mio looked a little surprised to see Iori join in, but after a moment, shyly nodded her head.

“Good, good. I couldn’t gaze at your soul even if I wanted to, so thanks for being so honest,” she smiled, gently resting a hand on Mio’s head and gently petting her hair. She wondered, for the briefest flicker of a moment, if her larger, scaled hands might make this less comfortable, but the bashful smile Mio wore assured her that there was nothing more wondrous than a dragon’s touch, at least in her own proud estimation. “And I know Rhody would love to read it, too, right?”

“Mm, romance written by a former human sounds so exciting!” Rhody cried. “I can’t wait to get my hands on it.”

“I can just give you my manuscript, though…”

“Oh, brave enough to share that with more people now, huh? You’re getting there, and you’re gonna keep climbing higher!” Rina grinned, heaping on yet more praise.

“Though sweet as that is, I doubt that’s enough to satisfy Rhodolite, no?”

“Mm!” Rhody nodded. “I’m sure I’d still love it, but…I think I want to wait until it’s ready and printed. There’s this really lovely bookshop by my apartment, and all I want is to walk in and buy a copy so I can go home and read it cover-to-cover, ufufu! And then I can talk to the author herself about it! I’m so lucky, ufufu!”

Mio blushed, and smushed her face against Rina’s body, while Resta looked on with a gentle smile.

“Everyone’s here for you, dear,” Haqua gently cooed. “Eager to see just how brightly your star will yet shine.”

“I love having you in the office, Mio, I really do,” said Iori.

“And I love getting to share my workdays with you, too,” Rina grinned. “But this is what you want, so we want it, too.”

Mio didn’t have it in her to look up at any of the girls that surrounded her. She knew she’d see their smiling faces, encouraging her to chase her dream with everything she had. For all the talk about how bright she might shine, Mio felt that everyone else was far more brilliant than she could ever be, blindingly so, forcing her to look away.

But their warmth filled her up all the same. She might not have been able to face them, but she still had the answer she’d wanted to give within her.

And she knew that right now, bathed in everyone’s light, she had the strength to speak it into reality.

“I’ll do it.”

She heard a few loud gasps, then a shutter sound from Yuuki’s phone just as Rina and Haqua considerably tightened their hugs.

“You’re sure, Mio?” Resta asked, her tone suggesting that she hadn’t expected this at all.

“Mm,” she nodded.

“Completely certain?”

“If you ask me too many times, there’s no way I’ll be able to do this,” she chuckled, slowly raising her head and looking her future editor in the eye. “So yes, I’m certain. Totally, utterly, completely sure, even if I won’t repeat it again,” she grinned. Her smile had never looked quite so radiant. “Let’s publish my books together, Resta.”

Resta, in her artificial body, couldn’t control just how mighty the hug she gave Mio ended up being, and squeezed her so very tightly. That was OK, though. Mio welcomed it, and hugged her right back.

“No more doubts, dear,” Haqua petted Mio gently, before mouthing a silent thank you to everyone who’d helped give her a push.

I’ll leave you to it, then. Treat her wonderfully tonight, you two, Iori thought, looking at both Rina and Haqua before heading off with Rhody and Yuuki in tow.

What followed was a remarkably eventful night, filled with plenty of laughing, cheering, drinking, and of course, barking. Even Rhody, who’d seemed painfully shy at the evening’s outset, seemed delighted as almost every single one of Adri’s wives treated her as a friend with zero hesitation.

And as the hours ticked by with the night still in full swing, Rhody found herself sharing a drink with a particularly boisterous oni and an eager human, laughing at one of Wakaba’s many rowdy stories.

“The Demon King was so impressed that I punched out one of her aides without breakin’ a sweat that she pardoned me herself, ya know?!” Wakaba bragged. “Offered me a position as her personal bodyguard, but I told ‘em to pass it off to Adri! Swore I’d be no good for a job like that til I could take her down!”

“And all this time later?” Shizuku asked.

“Like you need to ask, Adri’s kicked my ass a hundred different ways, and I ain’t won once!” she cackled, in remarkably high spirits. “But that’s how it’s gotta be! Means there’s always a mountain for me ta climb, right Rhody? You get it, yeah?!”

“My mother would definitely agree, ufufu~!” Rhody giggled.

“...Annoyingly, so do I,” Iori sighed. “Your ring might be making me a bit of a musclehead, Rhody.”

“Ohh, I’ll cheer for you when you’re in the ring!”

“Yeah, take on all comers, Iocchi!” Yuuki grinned.

“‘Cept for me, of course. I bet I could take you do-wha?! Ow ow oww! The hell’re you doing, Shii!”

As Wakaba leaned in to taunt Iori, she was pulled back, much to her surprise, by Shizuku, who made up for her lack of strength by surprising the oni with a sharp tug on her ear.

“Don’t you start,” she smirked. “Last thing we need is a brawl breaking out, so don’t taunt Iori, got it? If you ruin your dress, Adri’ll find a whole new way to kick your ass.”

“...Y-yeah, got it,” the oni bashfully nodded, before pounding back more sake, and letting out a satisfied sigh, her smile returning in an instant. “But if you ever want coaching, gimme a shout, Iori! Bet that fire in ya’ll take you far, though!”

“Ahaha, well thank you,” Iori grinned, resisting the urge to tease Wakaba after that.

“And the same goes for you, Rhody! We’re pals now, so if you ever wanna shoot the shit, I’ll be here for you.”

“Mm, me too!” Shizuku agreed. “We’ll all share some sweets from the human realm together, huh?”

Rhody blushed, a little shy about having people suddenly call her a friend. After all this time alone, she felt like her world had become so much bigger. It was a lovely feeling, but in truth, it was a little daunting all the same. She didn’t want to show it, but she could feel her eyes starting to well up.

This is bad. Don’t cry in front of them, they’ll think you’re strange and…hmm?

Yet Rhody was coaxed out of her worries by Iori’s hand coming to gently rest on her back. Suddenly, she wasn’t sure at all why she’d been quite so scared.

“Mm! I’d love to!” she beamed, only stopping herself from hugging her new friends so that she could savor Iori’s touch a little longer.

“Hell yeah! Helps that you can really pound your drinks back, too!” Wakaba grinned, pointing at the many, many wine glasses Rhody had effortlessly drank her way through.

“Ufufu, well, helldrakes are powerful, you know? We have to be able to- Hmm?” she started to explain, before a loud chime rang out from her phone. “S-sorry, that’s my boss. I should check that. He probably wants me to come in tomorrow, maybe even now…”

“But you’re busy, Rhody,” Iori frowned. “You’re off the clock, you don’t need to check that.”

“Mm, leave it Rhody,” Yuuki concurred. “Just enjoy yourself tonight, ‘k?”

“I know, but still…” Rhody grumbled, checking the message anyway.

Sure enough, she was being called to work asap.

“I-I think I have to go, it sounds like they need more hands urgently…”

“The hell? Who’s makin’ my new drinkin’ buddy upset? Want me to kick your boss’s ass?” Wakaba offered.

“Not if I do it first,” Iori added. “Don’t go, Rhody. You look miserable even thinking about it.”

“Thank you both, but…but I’ve got to. This job’s important.”

“You don’t like your work, huh Rhody?” Yuuki asked, wearing a gentle, knowing smile.

“I-umm, I do…”

“Liar,” she stuck out her tongue. “You’ve got this far off look that tells me you feel kinda stuck there. Am I right?”

“...I can’t let it beat me…” she said, in a voice barely above a whisper.

“Beat you?” Shizuku asked, furrowing her brow. “That…doesn’t sound great, Rhody.”

“I promised everyone back home that I’d overcome anything this city could throw at me, so I want to keep going with it.”

“Rhody, I get that your pride’s important, but like, that’s no good. If your job’s making you feel that way, that’s horrible.”

“I-it’s not just my job,” she said. “Living here’s been so hard, you know? I’ve tried my best, but this city’s been so difficult for me to adjust to. Everyone thinks I’m weird and forward, I can’t get up on time, the train lines are so complicated, and…and if it weren’t for all of you, I still wouldn’t have any friends,” she glumly smiled. “But…but I’ve met all of you now. I’ve got friends, so if things are finally going my way, then…then I’m sure the job will someday soon, too. I want to do my best with it. Not just for everyone back home, but…for you as well, Iori.”

“For me…?”

Rhody nodded.

“We’re engaged, and I want to show you that…that I’m worth it,” she started, quickly speaking again as Iori tried to interrupt her. “I’m not good at most things I do, and I’m awkward at the best of times, so I must make for a terrible fiancée, and-”

“Quit,” Iori firmly responded, taking Rhody’s hand in her own.


“Quit, Rhody. That job is ruining you,” she said, her tone completely serious. “I know you can be shy, but I’ve never seen you get as hard on yourself as you are right now. It’s obvious that that job is hurting you, so please, quit. I don’t want you to struggle the way Rina did. You don’t need to prove anything to me. If I didn’t think we’d make a good pair, I’m sure that ring would have crumbled to dust already.”

“Mm, you sound like you’re about to burn out,” Shizuku agreed. “It’s no good. The sooner you step away, the better.”

“I don’t know where I’d go, though. Finding work’s so difficult, a-and I don’t know what I’d say to anyone back home, either…”

“Come with me,” Iori told her. “One of my dearest employees just quit, so there’s a gap that needs filling. You won’t be quitting out of shame, and you won’t be getting fired, either. You can tell everyone back home that you’ve found a position at one of Japan’s biggest companies. Imagine how impressed they’ll be then,” she gave her a reassuring smile. “And y’know, between you and me, I’d really rather have my fiancée close to me. My apartment’s far too big for me alone. So let’s make your parents really proud, huh? We’ll stay by each other’s sides each and every day.”

Gazing into Iori’s dazzling smile, it took no time at all for Rhody to let out a loud, heavy sob.


“Why?” Iori asked back.

“Why are you all so nice to meeee?!” she bawled, throwing her arms around her fiancée, who gently hugged her and patted her on the back. “I-I’ve spent so long on my own, but now you’re all treating me so well, it’s not fair! How am I ever meant to repay any of this?!” she cried, as the other girls surrounded her, all there to remind her that she wasn’t alone any longer.

“It’s not about paying us back,” Iori smiled. “Just like Mio, all we want is for you to be happy. If I get to see your smile every day, then I’ll be more than satisfied.”

Rhody felt her heart pound.

Oh gosh…

“The human realm’s been a little dull for me, but I think now I’ll start to find the fun in it again. And I’d be honored if I could do that right next to you, Rhody.”

This is dangerous. I’m in so much trouble.

“I-I…” the helldrake blushed, the fire of her soul blazed so brightly that it was practically cooking her.

Or, more aptly, about to make her melt.

“You OK, Rhody?” Iori asked, cupping her fiancée’s cheek with her hand. “I get that I’m probably being a bit overbearing, but…sometimes you need to be forward. I guess that’s what being a helldrake helped me see. You can’t sit around and wait for things to work out. I can bring you a smile now, so…I’ll do what I can to make sure it won’t fade.

Rhody bit her lip, certain that nothing but a deeply embarrassed squeak would leave her mouth if she didn’t keep it shut.

Mama, papa…

Because, looking up into Iori’s eyes, the helldrake realized something wonderful.

I’ve really fallen in love with my fiancée!

Rhody’s cheeks were bright red. There was no hiding anything now.

She wasn’t sure she could say it outright, but she could do something just as meaningful.

Rhody reached into her purse, and pulled out a bright, glistening ring. The very same one that had created the helldrake she’d come to love.

“Iori… U-Ummm, I-I’d like that. I’d like to live with you, work with you, and…s-spend time with you, so…i-if you could wear this…”

She held out her ring.

Iori looked at her for a moment, and gave her a confident nod.

Without another word said between them, Iori held out her hand, and Rhody slipped the ring onto her finger.

It looked every bit as good on her as Rhody had expected it to.

“Mm, I was right. Nobody suits it better than you,” she smiled at Iori. “Thank you for bumping into me, Iori.”

Iori nodded, and hugged her fiancée tightly. Over Rhodolite’s shoulder, she saw Yuuki, Rina, Mio, Haqua, Adri, and a whole host of others all smiling at her.

This whole trip, she’d looked to find herself, to find it within her to really break free of everything her parents had done to her.

And now, she knew she had it. Every day spent in Hell had come to this. She’d been so very worried that she’d lose to her parents again. That they’d take back her company and rob her of the happiness she’d started to find.

But now, that all seemed so very small. Why would they ever worry her? She would stand up to them, and she would win. She was sure of that.

And in that moment, she couldn’t be more grateful that Rina had summoned a succubus.

The party marked a wonderful end to a truly unforgettable vacation.


“Cheers!” I cried, clinking my mug against everyone else’s so hard that a huge wave of my beer spilled out onto the table.

“We can’t take you anywhere, really,” Haqua teased, using magic to erase the mess before lightly slapping my butt with her tail.

“Wan wan~!”

“Ufufu, I think having a puppy around is good for the heart! She always brightens up the room.”

“Ahaha, yeah, see! Rhody gets me! I’m the mood makeRRRRRH~! Wan waahn~!” I tried to boast, before Haqua pulled out her old standby of filling me up with a massive vibrator running at full speed.

Fuck, it felt good to be humbled.

“As much fun as she’s having, let’s pull that out for now, huh? I’d like her to be able to talk, at least for a little longer,” Iori asked, and Haqua regrettably immediately complied. 

“You’re a menace, Iori…” I breathed. “It felt so good…”

“And we all know just how easy it’d be to make you feel even better,” she teased, holding up a pair of large, clawed fingers. “So try to hold out for now, OK?”

“Y-yesh~!” I cried, my words slurring as the alcohol kicked my excitement into a fever pitch.

“Ehehe, good girl,” Mio grinned, petting my head happily before leaning in and whispering, “Let’s spend time together later, OK, my lovely little moo cow~?”


And this is all of you trying to keep me calm?! You’re all beasts, every one of you!

And I’ll be the tastiest meat you’ve ever laid your eyes on…


“Oh, we’re losing her again. Quick, mutt, give us a speech,” Haqua flicked my ear and tossed me a microphone, forcing me out of my stupor.

“W-wan wan?” I barked into the mic, hoping that’d suffice.

“Ufufu, not in puppy speak, please~!” Rhody giggled, reaching forward and ruffling my hair before pushing me up out of my seat.

“Fiiine,” I grumbled, heading to the front of the karaoke booth we’d rented for the night and turning to face everyone “But I’m terrible at this stuff, y’know? Don’t expect this to be a regular thing. It just so happens that today’s really special!”

Despite my deep hatred for speeches, I couldn’t help but grin as I thought about what had brought us here. Everything really did deserve to be celebrated, so I’d make this as loud and enthusiastic as I could.

“Rhody! Grats on starting your new job! You’ve got big shoes to fill, taking over for one of the sweetest girls in the universe, but our office has gone from zero helldrakes to two! No better boost to our fortunes than that, right?”

“Ohhh, thank you~!” Rhody cooed. “And you’re right! Leave everything to me~! It’s just a shame nobody can see my tail…” she chuckled, raising a hand to the earring that maintained her glamour, giving her a perfect, and perfectly adorable, human appearance.

But yeah, I had to agree, that girl looked best when her tail was on full display. She’s perfect the way she is.

After we returned to earth, Rhody immediately took over Mio’s position at our company.

It had been an adjustment no longer seeing Mio by my side as I worked, but Rhody had clearly picked up on it, wasting no time on her first day to set things right.

As I stared at my phone, glumly waiting for a response to one of the many texts I’d sent Mio, who was knee-deep in writing, Rhody scooped me up into a big, warm hug.

“I know I should be calling you senpai,” she said, smiling warmly at me, “but could I just call you Rina instead? I wanted to go with puppy, but that’d be embarrassing, wouldn’t it?”

“That’s why you should do it,” I grinned, being at least a little bit self-serving. “We’re friends, and we’re both dating Iori. No reason to hold back around each other, right?”

“Ufu~! Mm! I’ll do my best, puppy! Just like Mio’s doing right now. So don’t worry so much about her, OK? She wouldn’t want you feeling like this, would she?”

I sighed, and put my phone away.

“Yeah, you’re right. I’ll ask her all about her day when I get home.”

“And I’m sure she’ll want to ask about yours, so let’s give her lots of lovely stories to share, OK?”

I smiled. Rhody really was a beam of sunshine.

“Right, if I’m gonna be your senpai, then it’s my duty to give you an amazing first day, so let’s crush it together, ‘k Rhody? I’ll take you and Iori out to my favorite curry restaurant for lunch!” I grinned, laughing out loud as Rhody let out a loud, adorable cheer.

It had been a great first day in the end, and in no time at all, Rhody had taken to the work as if she’d been doing it for years, chalking her success up to having Iori and me around to help her when she stumbled.

It wasn’t the same as it had been with Mio, no, but it certainly wasn’t worse, and getting to come home to Mio and Haqua both made everything worth it.

Which brought me to the next part of my speech.

“Mio! We’re all so damn proud of you for becoming a published author! You’re about to take Hell by storm, just you wait and see! Every single day my phone lights up with texts from Resta telling me how confident she is in your work, and how excited she is to finally put out your first volume. Not long to go, now!”

“Mm, just two weeks! I’m so excited!” Mio grinned.

“Rhody is, too,” Iori smiled, resting a hand on her fiancée’s shoulder. “She ordered three copies.”

“D-darling, you’re not meant to say that…” Rhody grumbled, twiddling her thumbs shyly.

“It’s an honor, Rhody!” Mio smiled. “But why three?”

“One for home, one for work, and one that…umm, if it’s OK with you…”

“You want one signed? No problem! I’ll sign all three!”

Rhody’s eyes lit up, and she nodded happily.

“Thank you so much! Ohhh, I can’t wait to tell everyone from my village that I’m friends with a celebrity, ufufu…”

Mio was acting cool about it now, but I still remembered coming home from my first day of work after the vacation and just getting tackled right out of the front door, pinned to the floor by an eager-looking Mio.

“Welcome home, Rina!”

“Ahaha, hey there, Mio. Work went that well, or are you just pent up?”

“No, she’s certainly not pent up, I saw to that,” Haqua chuckled, as she crouched down by our side.

“Just…really fulfilled, I guess,” she smiled, and gently hugged me, kissing my neck lovingly. “I haven’t been able to sit down and go all out with my writing like that in so long, ehehe. Resta was so impressed when I told her how much I’d written today. I should be able to send her a second volume really soon!”

“Well hey, nice work!” I grinned, wrapping an arm around her and gently petting her. “Just remember it’s OK to go slow every now and then, got it?”

“Resta said the same thing,” Mio giggled. “But don’t worry, I’ve got it. I’m not letting myself burn out. I’ll make sure my dream turns out just as happy as I hoped it would.”

“That’s the spirit,” Haqua smiled, as she helped both of us to our feet. “Now, how about we get inside, hmm? This is hardly the place for Mio to show you just how deeply her passion runs,” she cooed, reaching down and squeezing my ass firmly.

“Wan wan~!” I barked, eagerly rushing into the apartment alongside the pair of them.

After a wonderful first day at work, my night with the two of them truly couldn’t have gone any better. Even if—no, honestly, because—I spent the rest of it doing nothing but moaning and mooing.

“I suspect that there’s little room in this speech for me, is there?” Haqua smirked

“Nah, you’re in there!” I grinned back. “Just by being here, you’ve made everyone’s lives so much richer, Haqua.”

“Mm, I’m with her.” Iori spoke up. “You’re the reason why Mio gets to work as an author, why Rina can always bark so happily, why Rhody’s smile is warmer than ever, and, well, I hardly need to point out how grateful I am to you, right?”

“Is that some shyness I detect? From a proud helldrake?” Haqua teased.

“Just showing some humility before Rina’s speech really gives me an ego boost,” Iori joked.

“Not that it takes much these days,” Haqua chuckled. “But thank you all. I’m glad I can be a rock for you all, truly.”

“And we’re glad to have you with us, Haqua!” Mio grinned.

“Mm, thank you for being my friend!” Rhody concurred.

I smiled happily at her, and kept the speech moving.

“And Iori…things have been crazy lately, huh? Becoming a helldrake, getting engaged, hooking up with your highschool crush,” I stuck out my tongue, teasing her lightly. “But through it all you’ve stayed crazy strong, and you even got your family to back off! I’m so damn proud of you, Iori."

I’d watched her closely in the days leading up to her confronting her parents, just in case she needed a pep talk. Proud and confident as she was now, I expected some nervousness to slip through as she made her way to her parents place with me in tow.

But she never once let her smile slip.

“You’re seriously not nervous?”

“The way you’re asking, it’s like you want me to be,” she laughed.

“I mean, what if they try to take everything from you?!”

“Then I’ll scorch ‘em,” she laughed, breathing out a small flame and grinning broadly at me. “They’ve done far worse to me, you know?”

“...Yuuki might be a really bad influence on you, Iori,” I grumbled, unsure if she was seriously considering killing them or not.

“I’m kidding, I’m kidding,” she assured me, getting a crazy relieved sigh out of me. “Their threats have always been hollow. It’s just been hard to see that through all my doubts. These days, though, I know I can tear right through all of that.”

“S-sure you’re not talking about murder?”

She cackled loudly, looking every bit like the giddy gyaru she’d become so attached to.

“Just standing my ground, that’s all. I’ll show them just how serious I am about what I’m doing with my life. I’ll forge ahead without them ever getting in the way again!”

She flashed me the most confident smile I’d ever seen.

At least, it had been, til the very next time I saw her, and she’d done exactly as she'd said.

“They crumbled so easily! Ahaha, you should’ve seen their faces, Rina! Their meek, obedient daughter suddenly taking them to task for everything they’ve done. They didn’t know how to handle it at all!”

If she’d looked like Yuuki in her giddier moments, now she resembled Wakaba, cutting loose and enjoying herself to the fullest without a care for formality. She’d come out of a brawl the decisive victor, and deserved every bit of the pride she surely felt.

“Let’s go grab a drink with everyone to celebrate soon, OK?! I wanna have fun with all of you!”

“Yeah!! We’ll rent out a karaoke place, get wasted, and sing enka!” I cackled, as the two of us walked out into the city, free of all the weight that had been on our shoulders. I was channeling a bit of my high school self, for sure, but that felt right in the moment. All the years we’d spent in the time since then being distant and cold to one another had well and truly melted away, and all that remained was the love we’d had beneath it all.

“I’m no good at speeches, but I’m good at being loud, so I hope my barks got through to you all, all the same! You’re all amazing, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life!” I cried at the end, capping off my speech with a bow and a grin.

“No way, that’s not the end!” Mio grinned. “You’ve done big things too, Rina!”

“Huh? Have I?”

“Of course! I heard you won a very prestigious award recently. We’re all so impressed, puppy!”

“Award?” I cocked my head. “That’s…no, you’re all mixed up. Last time I won an award was…uhhh…shit, have I ever won anything?

Packs of tissues from a shopping arcade’s lottery? I think that might be it?

Well, it was it until that night, I suppose.

Haqua snapped her fingers, and I suddenly felt the collar around my neck grow just a little heavier.

“Wow, it looks even better than I thought it would,” Iori grinned.

“Quite so,” Haqua chuckled. “There’s nobody it could possibly suit better, after all.”

“The heck?” I furrowed my brow, and looked down at my collar to see a huge, almost medal-like tag hanging from it.

With my admittedly pretty limited view, I could just barely make out what had been printed on it.

Rina Saeki: Neediest Bitch of the Year

Property of Haqua, Mio, Iori, and anyone else who wants a taste.

The whine that left my throat was so loud and so deeply pathetic that it was like I’d foregone my life as a succubus, too. The moment I laid eyes on it, it was like anything I had that even resembled dignity had fled my very being, and I was overtaken with a deep, primal urge.

Wanna fuck, wanna fuck~!

“Wan wan, wan wan wan~!”

"Ah, did it make her forget how to speak?” Iori asked, as I crouched down and sat like a doggie, paws held up to my chest.

“No no,” Haqua chuckled, snapping her fingers and willing away absolutely everything I’d been wearing that wasn’t my collar.

Ohhhh, it felt so nice being seen~!

“Rina’s desperation just reached breaking point, that’s all. Being around so many beautiful girls is bad for her mutt brain. If we don’t tend to her now, who knows how long it might be before she can speak again?”

“Ehehehe, if you insist,” Mio giggled, as she approached me and started kissing me deeply, while one of her fingers eagerly tugged on my nipple rings.

“Hogging her all to yourself? She’s my treasure, you know?” Iori chuckled, quickly finishing her drink before joining Mio, getting between my thighs and eagerly licking my needy pussy.

“Wahn~!” I barked.

“Ufu~! Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll be nice and gentle~!” Rhody giggled, as she squeezed and kneaded my butt with a strength that absolutely wasn’t gentle.

Not that I was about to complain.

“After saying all those kind, sweet words, we finally get to see you at your most honest, dear,” Haqua cooed, joining the group and looking lovingly into my eyes. “You’ve worked so, so very hard, dear. Now here comes your reward.”

Haqua kissed me deeply, and what had started as a simple night of drinking and singing had become a full blown orgy. Not that I’d expected any less, of course.

So I truly gave in, and let out a loud, ecstatic bark, hoping beyond hope that the people in the other booths could hear me and know just how pathetic I am.

“Wan wan wahhhhn~!”


“On your feet, mutt.”

Haqua propped Rina up as the group walked home from their night of fun.

“You’re a succubus, you can sober up at a moment’s notice.”

“Don’t waaaaanna,” she pouted, then cackled loudly. “Bwahahaha! Haqua, you look so pissed off! Gonna spank me, huh?!”

Haqua’s tail curled up like a scorpion ready to strike before she calmed herself and simply smiled at her pet.

“No, I’ll do nothing of the sort. I would simply never hurt my dear sweetheart, especially not when she’s drunk,” she smiled, and walked forward without her.

“Wha?! No spanking? No pain?! No fair! Haqua! Haquaaaaa!” Rina cried, chasing after her partner and tugging on her sleeve.

“Oh, she really did sober up fast,” Mio giggled.

“Is that always something she's always been able to do?” Iori asked.

“I guess so! She probably didn't realize it herself. We're all still new to this, and Haqua…well, she's not so much into teaching us as much as she's into surprising us whenever it’ll be most embarrassing for Rina,” she explained, smiling pleasantly. “I think she just knows how to really make every day fun for us, ehehe.”

“It’ll be nice to enjoy that a little more fully. I always had to hold so much of myself back around you three, ahaha,” Iori chuckled, scratching her cheek before quickly realizing that helldrakes just weren’t built for that at all. “Is it OK if we stay at your place tonight? We don’t have the benefit of sobering up quickly, and I really don’t want to walk us both back to my apartment.”

“I’m nhat even a liiittle drunk though, ufufufuuuu~!” Rhody very drunkenly giggled, nestling in against Iori’s side and breathing deeply, like she was eagerly lapping up her fiancée’s scent.

“Of course It’s OK! And of course you aren’t drunk,” Mio smiled, petting Rhody, who giggled like a schoolgirl at the sensation.

She’s weak to pets, huh? Good to know. Iori noted. She’d cuddle her tight tonight, she knew it.

“Honestly, I’m surprised you’re not living with us, Iori. Or well, I guess I’m surprised we’re not living with you. Your place is huge, right?”

“Mm, and if you want, I’ll get you a bigger apartment. But well, when I brought that up to Rina-”

“No way! Our place is a shithole, but it’s our shithole!” she cried, before swiftly getting back to begging Haqua to bully her.

“There you have it,” Iori grinned, giggling along while Mio laughed.

“She’s such a funny little munchkin…” Rhody mumbled, her words slurring slightly.

“But it’s just something I’d like to do while Rhody and I get to know each other better, that’s all. We’ll still come by often, and our door is always open to you.”

“Mm, you can live out your lovey dovey newlywed life together! Maybe I’ll write a book about you two!”

“We’re not married yet,” Iori reminded her. “But it’s good to see you overflowing with passion, all the same,” she smiled.

Soon, the group reached the apartment building that Rina so lovingly called a ‘shithole’, and the tiny succubus’s grumbling hadn’t ceased for a moment.

“I’m sober now, Haqua, you could’ve bullied me a little.”

“It’s no fun when you’re so grumpy about it, though,” she smirked.

“Mmm,” she pouted, unlocking the door.

“All I’m asking for is a little spanking, maybe call me a bi-mmph?!”

As she headed inside, however, she was greeted with a faceful of toned thigh, tinged with the scent of sweat, lust, and sake.

“Yer horns are still too sharp, pup! Shave ‘em- Nnn~! Down or something!” A certain rowdy oni cried, as Rina smushed her face in deeper. “H-hey, don’t lick! AHt least wait until we’ve said hi! Ahn~!”

“Wakaba…?” Iori furrowed her brow, stunned to see the oni filling the entrance hall with an expression that lay halfway between frustration and desire. Not that she responded. She was too focused on Rina for that.

“Ah, forgive me, Wakaba dear. I left my mutt awfully pent up and knowing her, she may well have gotten drunk off you alone. Take care of her, will you?” Haqua smiled, pushing past the oni as she made her way into the apartment.

“H-hey, Haku! I- Ah~! Pup, damn you’re feisty today! Fine, we’re havin’ fun, ya hear?!” the oni growled, before grinning and pushing the succubus’s head down.

“Wait, Haqua, you’re not surprised to see her?” Mio asked.

“Why would I be? She’s family.”

“And she’s so cool!” Rhody cried, giggling happily. “I wanna give her a kiss for…for bein’ so brave…” she started to sniffle.

“Is she cool…?” Iori whispered to herself, watching her and Rina go to town as she too, walked past her like it was nothing.

Maybe I’ve adapted to being a demon faster than I think…

“Still, how’d she get here? I thought setting up portals was a pain.”

“Temporary ones, yes,” Haqua nodded.

“But the one we set up’ll stick around forever, so I’ll always be able to come vibe with my bestie~!” A giddy voice cried, before both Iori and Rhody were embraced in the comforting chill of Hell’s peppiest yuki-onna.

“Ohhhh, that feels shoooo nice…” Rhody giggled, her skin tingling at Yuuki’s touch.

“Yuuki!” Iori cried. “I’ve missed you so much! Let’s go out together, right now! We can get clothes, and-”

“Slow down, bestie. Nice to hear I’ve infected you though, you’ve got that gyaru spirit!” Yuuki grinned and kissed Iori’s neck.

“Mm, I’d much prefer we rest here for the night,” the gentle voice of Adri called out from the living room, and the group walked in to see her sipping tea, casually beckoning a golem maid to give her a refill.

“Ohh, Adri! It’s so good to see you!” Mio grinned, rushing up to Adri and hugging her lovingly. “And wait a sec, when did our living room get so big…?” Mio asked. “Ohh, I’ve got a ton of questions!”

The rest of the group, with the exception of Rina and Wakaba, shuffled into the living room, taking seats alongside the elegant succubus.

“To answer what’s likely most pressing. I had Inumi install a more permanent portal to our mansion in your apartment,” Adri smiled, pointing at a door in the wall that absolutely hadn’t been there when they left. “As for the size of your abode, Inumi found it remarkably lacking, so she felt a renovation was in order. It should seem the same size from the outside though, so nobody will notice if they’re not allowed in.”

“And she’d been so insistent that it was a ‘shithole’ a moment ago, Adri. My pet will be so devastated,” Haqua teased. “But thank you, really. This was long overdue.”

“But of course, dearest sister. Puppy will come around to it when she realizes there’s more room for her to run around. Why, she can roll around and have her belly rubbed in any room of the house. She’ll be delighted,” Adri gently smiled.

“And then I get here and find out you don’t live here? What gives, Iocchi?!”

“Ahaha, not you too,” Iori rubbed her neck, explaining things for her very eager bestie.

“Now, dearest sister,” Adri smiled up at Haqua, before nestling in close to her. “Let’s catch up, shall we? I’ve missed you ever so much in the time since you left us…”

Haqua smiled. It hadn’t been much time at all, in truth, but she’d felt just the same. Knowing now that her sister and any of her wives could always come by was a tremendous comfort. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever truly reside in Hell again, this realm had become home to her, but this would surely make it warmer and brighter. There’d be no distance between her and the rest of her family, physical or emotional.

She asked Adri’s golem for a cup of tea, and launched into a story.

“I never did tell you about the night Rina and I met, did I? It’s quite something, Adri. Her soul was so wonderfully desperate!”

Haqua smiled as she recounted what had, in truth, become one of the happiest memories of her life. Over the months that had felt like a lifetime unto themselves, Haqua had grown to the point where she barely recognized the cold, isolated self she’d once been.

And now, surrounded by loved ones, she was truly ready to savor it all.

Her life was truly wonderful, and she was certain it would stay that way forevermore.


❖ Epilogue ❖

“My Lord, I bring you this week’s findings," a smoky, yet largely emotionless voice announced.

Not a single step the blonde woman took echoed as she made her way through the castle's throne room, her movements so fluid that not even the skirt of her maid uniform, propped up from behind by the large, arachnid abdomen underneath, fluttered in her wake. She presented the Demon King she'd served all her life with a small stack of papers, her six silver eyes never breaking contact as she bowed deeply.

“Well done,” Suzume, King of all Demons, spoke. Though her voice was light, her tone was even and calm, and the expresion smoldering behind the tongues of flame that were her irises betrayed no feeling other than absolute confidence. It was, of course, only befitting of one in a position of extreme power. She could show no weakness to any and all who might gaze upon her visage, and so she held firm, projecting strength and determination in all that she did, even as she read the most curious report she’d been presented with.

As she finished, she rose from her throne, wide, feathered hips seeming to blossom out from underneath her as her talons found purchase amidst the plush carpet. 

“I demand privacy. All but Radiata, leave me be,” she commanded, throwing out her arms to the side, dazzling glints tracing the path of the massive, iridescent feathers that lined them.

And so it was done.

Dozens of demons scurried to and fro, leaving Suzume and her maid in near total silence.

“Is something the matter, Suzu?” her maid asked, concern slipping into her voice now that the two of them were alone. As she pulled herself out of a bow, the six chitinous arms behind her quickly struck out to straighten her uniform, the outfit looking as pristine as it would on a display mannequin by the time she'd brought herself back to attention.

“Suzume,” the Demon King corrected her, the glow from her feathers softening, if it could be called that, into their vibrant resting hues of blistering red, scorching orange, and flame-kissed yellow.

“You are one of the privileged few who may address me by name, yet none may so impertinently shorten it. Do well to remember this, Radiata,” she spoke coldly, yet the maid, who’d watched her lord grow from an immature youth to a fine ruler who cared deeply for those around her, sensed some degree of remorse behind her eyes. And so her words, cutting as they were, did not frustrate the maid in the slightest.

“Understood, My Lord,” she bowed again, this time only inclining her head in apology.

“I trust that you read the reports, Radiata?” the Demon King asked, running a hand through the wild, feathered hair ablaze atop her head.

“But of course, Suzume,” she nodded, dismissing the slight pang in her chest over the swift reinforcement of full names. “They reflect the strength of your reign, do they not? Your citizens are at their happiest and most fulfilled, and sentiment suggests that they are all optimistic about the future that lies ahead. You have brought about unprecedented peace and prosperity, My Lord. Be proud.”

“Mm,” Suzume nodded, a swift, energetic swish of the feathery tail behind her showing just how happy the compliment had made her, sparks alighting the air despite her best efforts to hide her feelings. “All of that is in order. But you surely noticed the oddity that has caught my attention, didn’t you?”

Radiata nodded, casting a silencing spell that covered the throne room.

Not a soul outside of these halls could be allowed to hear of this.

“I trust that you speak of the Hell pocket that’s opened up in the human realm?”

Suzume nodded.

Such occurrences weren’t unheard of. Demons occasionally made the human realm their home and, through living there, often unknowingly warped their living spaces into a reflection of Hell itself, defying the laws that bound the human realm. Still…

“There is a great deal of power contained within. Far greater than any we’ve seen from anything of the sort in quite some time. I’d believe it to be an entire village of demons, but the report seems to insist otherwise.”

“Powerful magicks are utilized in the analysis, My Lord. We ran multiple scans, and each one suggests that, barring guests, only three demons call this pocket home.”

Suzume nodded again. She understood that the scan of the human realm shouldn’t be called into question.

But even so, the disparity between the energy displayed in readings and the amount of residents was just too vast. Something was wrong.

“Do we know who, exactly, resides within?” Suzume asked, drinking from her goblet.

“We likely know the identity of one of the demons, yes.”

“One? And why merely ‘likely’?”

“Observing the history of the pocket, we found that it was once a typical apartment belonging to a human woman named Rina Saeki, My Lord. Unless she has perished, it is likely that she has become a demon, and that the other two have moved to live with her.”

“Rina Saeki…” Suzume repeated the name.

Humans discarding their humanity also wasn’t unheard of, but the overwhelming majority tended to relocate to hell. By all accounts, the quality of life in Hell was far higher, and she would be welcomed with open arms. If she was willing to give up her humanity, she’d likely discarded attachments to family and friends, so the idea of her staying in a realm where she didn’t belong was strange.

Still, it wasn’t an immediate cause for concern.

But if she possessed this much power…

They had a great deal to discuss, it seemed.

“Discern Rina Saeki’s motivations for remaining in that realm, and once you have, arrange an audience with her.”

“You would have me bring her here?”

“Mm, a presence as tremendous as mine simply couldn’t leave the castle, let alone enter the human realm. Such an event would surely upend the very fabric of reality.”

“Very well,” Radiata nodded. “I shall retrieve her posthaste.”

“Treat her with care,” Suzume spoke, looking her maid in the eyes. “I don’t doubt your capabilities, but it is clear that she is remarkably powerful.”

The maid wore a slight, practically imperceptible smile, grateful for her lord’s concern.

“Understood. Be well, Suzume,” the maid bowed one last time, and in an instant, she was gone.

“You too, Dia...” Suzume whispered. With the silencing spell, she had no need to quiet her voice, but still, she felt the need to keep that close to her chest.

She sighed, and took another sip of her drink.

“I look forward to meeting you, Rina Saeki. I expect I’ll glean a great deal of insight from you.”

Suzume snapped her fingers, dispelling the silence and beckoning for the castle’s staff to return to the throne room. She knew not how long her maid would take to return to her side, but the work wouldn’t stop in the meanwhile, not for a minute.


“AHCHOO!” Rina noisily sneezed, rubbing her nose bashfully. “Guh, what’s wrong with me today…”

“I didn’t know succubi could get sick,” Rhody smiled, gently petting Rina’s back. “But gosh, dear, you’ve been sneezing so much today…”

“Maybe someone’s gossiping about me?” she grinned. “I bet I’m getting pretty popular!”

“Whatever you say, Senpai,” Shizuku, the company’s newest intern, chuckled as she wandered past their desk, handing the pair some coffee, “It’s probably just Inumi wishing she had a playmate right now.”

“Or Mio wishing she could hug you nice and tight,” Rhody happily suggested.

“What about Haqua? Bet she can’t wait for me to get home,”

Rhody and Shizuku went silent, and looked away from the cocky succubus.

“Jerks!” she yelled, playfully sticking out her tongue at the both of them.

“Nah, y’know what I think it is? Someone’s planning to kidnap you!” Shizuku chuckled. “Not that they’d get much ransom money outta you.”

“Haqua’d kill ‘em,” Rina shrugged. “Iori too.”

“And Adri, and Wakaba, and Mio definitely has that fight in her, and…” Rhody giggled, rattling off a list of girls who’d surely leap to Rina’s aid.

“Yeah! Anyone tries to mess with me, they’ll be in trouble!” Rina cackled, proudly putting her hands on her hips.

And all the while, another intern who none could claim to recognize watched the group from a distance, acutely aware of the turn their conversation had taken.

Rina Saeki… I feel practically no strength emanating from you whatsoever, but I know what you are. Only the most gifted can mask their power, but you shan’t get me to drop my guard, not for a moment.

The intern kept her breathing steady. In truth, she was intimidated, but she refused to let that show.

No matter how fearsome you may be, My Lord demands an audience, and I intend to grant her request.

Radiata nodded, her resolve redoubled.

As Lord Suzume had commanded, Rina Saeki would be hers.

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