Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 68

Making our way further along the dimly lit tunnel, observing absolute silence, Virgo and I heard a conversation between two guys who were discussing something. 

Stopping running and taking a quiet step, we were able to hear the topic of their conversation, because of which I, frankly, fell into a small stupor. 

And they were discussing the latest issue of the magazine Sorcerer' and like two lustful teenagers were arguing about which of the sorceresses of the light guilds who participated in the photo shoot of the magazine is sexier and which one they prefer. Moreover, the tastes of these guys were radically different.

Not what I expected to hear from the evil dark soldiers (and this, apparently, was another pair of guards of these tunnels), who are in such a terrifying organization as the Avatar. 

Although, despite everything that was done to them to turn them into obedient soldiers for the Dark Guild and the world order instilled in them (which I consider extremely stupid, but nobody cares about my opinion), these guys are still people and their interests are the same, just like others. 

It's easy to forget behind all the malice and grand schemes of their masters, but these people are still the victims (for the most part). In addition, each of them is individual and the fact that they work for the Avatar does not make them all the embodiment of evil. Every person has their own circumstances and what seems simple on the surface is not always so. As usual, everything is much more complicated. 

I, to my shame, in a fit of feelings after the discovery of all the evil deeds of the Avatar, he forgot about such a simple truth, and began to stigmatize everyone who was involved in this organization. And this is really wrong, yet each person is unique in his own way and it is impossible to cut everyone with the same brush (it is unreasonable and unjustified to equalize, regardless of the differences). 

At least I don't want to be the person who does that, so from now on, I'll try to be fairer and keep my impulses under control. First, need to find out the situation, and then hang labels. Although, in my current situation, there is no time for tenderness, so I will just act more delicately with those who did not give me a reason to act differently. 

Those two soldiers who led me to such thoughts, I only wanted to carefully neutralize in order to go further, but, unfortunately, for them, when I already wanted to take action, they said what they should not.

- Ugh, what a pity that Fairy Tail's Mirajane Strauss turned down a magazine photoshoot, I would have looked at her in a swimsuit. - one of the soldiers said dreamily.

- Yes, she has a great body. I once saw her photo, secretly taken with someone and she is very hot... - agreed the second and wanted to add something else, but could not, because an arrow of light flew into his head, because of which he instantly passed out .

- What the… - Seeing what happened to his partner, another soldier exclaimed in shock, but that was all he could manage before my fist landed in his face.

- Damn bastards… - I muttered angrily, kicking both guys again to blow off steam, and then turning back, I said: - Virgo?

- Yes, Master? - obediently, said the maid, obviously not understanding the reasons for my abrupt actions.

- Act with maximum efficiency and cruelty, there is no one to feel sorry for in this place. - I said calmly, tying up the two soldiers and leaving them to lie on the floor.

- Understood, Master. - said the Virgo dutifully, although there was a hint of a little enthusiasm in her voice. Apparently, she liked to see the manifestation of sadism on my part.

- Then go ahead, let's not delay any longer. - I said, and ran further, into the tunnel, which forked in this place into three passages, but I continued to run straight, since this passage leads to the cult building. 

Leaving behind my victims of jealousy and hypocrisy, Virgo and I ran another kilometer before we came across another group of guards, this time consisting of four people. 

This time, not wanting to hear more, something what would piss me off and shake my moral foundations, Virgo and I immediately rushed to the attack, and perfectly coordinated. 

The Maiden used Earth Magic to soften the ground under the feet of the soldiers, and before they knew it, they began to sink into it like a quagmire. In the next moment, I jumped out, and with the help of Light Magic, I stunned the unfortunate warriors and firmly tied them, after which, Virgo and I continued on our way. 

Still, if a person without magic, possessing the raw power of a D-rank Mage, coupled with magic weapons and good skills, can be considered truly dangerous for the townsfolk, then for someone of my level of strength, they are nothing more than ants through which easy to cross. 

It's not fair, but that's life. Moreover, for someone of Acnologia's level, I am also nothing more than a bug. As much as it hurts to admit it, but at the moment, that's the way it is, although I am actively working to fix it. But, there is still a long way to go before great success, especially since now is not the time for this. 

After three more similar encounters, we finally reached the end of the tunnel and found ourselves in front of a large stone staircase that led directly to the basement of the cult's headquarters. 

Before we started up the stairs, I used a few spells that disabled the intruder traps that I was able to find out about thanks to Briar. Only after my magic confirmed that the path was clear did the Virgo and I begin the ascent, which led us to a large closed door, which, oddly enough, was not guarded by anyone. 

I didn't want to rely too much on the 'Light Écriture', as it is too bright and eye-catching, and the manifestation of this magic can be noticed by someone who is on the other side of the door, and is unknown, what awaits us there, so I decided to contact my Earth Magic expert. 

Sending an inquiring glance towards the Virgo, I saw how she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds, obviously concentrating, after which she looked at me, while saying: 

- I feel on the other side a large empty room and only one living being, but he does not move .

- Ambush?

- It doesn't look like. I think he's just relaxing there. - Virgo said, shaking her head.

- Resting? Well then, I think can take a chance. - I said and quickly cast an x-ray vision spell to see who was waiting for us outside the door. 

Luckily, the flash from the spell did not attract anyone's attention, and I could see that in the basement, which was really huge in size, it was really completely empty, and one of the Avatar's elite magicians was dozing against the wall. 

Looks like they left it here so that he looked after the entrance to the tunnel under the Mikage Forest, and he went to sleep. He was a tall and broad-shouldered man, dressed in a strange tight-fitting suit, with large, pointed shoulder pads and a mask that hid his appearance from everyone and even Briar had never seen his real face. But I, thanks to the spell, saw it, and immediately regretted it. 

D-6, which is the alias this magician uses, seems to have been another victim of Dark Magic and was now completely disfigured. Scars covered his entire body and many of them festered and directly radiated dark and dangerous magic, which clearly prevented him from curing them. 

It's unclear how he's still alive or hasn't gone mad with pain, but he's to be commended for wearing his masked suit and hiding his appearance. Without exaggeration to say, it looks disgusting, in many places bare bones are visible, with rotting flesh, and from such a sight, I almost threw up. 

After disabling the spell, I decided not to slow down and finish this poor man as soon as possible, especially since I know his capabilities, again thanks to Briar. 

D-6 possesses the rather dangerous Decay Magic, a branch of Dark Magic (of course) that allows him to decompose anything when touched. Such a Tomura Shigaraki, at the minimum.

In close combat, the D-6 can be a nuisance opponent, especially against someone who uses weapons or their own fists in combat. Both can easily be lost if you're not careful. Luckily, I'm not going to fight him in close combat. 

In general, I'm going to end everything with one blow, especially if this guy set up so well. Of course, it would be better if there was a girl in his place now, whom I really fear, but I don't have to choose. 

After quietly telling Virgo that I would attack and she should stay behind and be on the lookout, I took a deep breath and used 'Light Devil's Rage' right through the door. The spell, almost instantly, reached the dark magician and slammed him right into the wall, immediately knocking him out. He didn't have time to wake up, so this is a pure knockout. 

I used the minimum spell power so aside from a couple of broken bones, a few burns from the light that negatively affects Dark Magic users, and a damaged suit, D-6 is fine. Relatively. Well, at least he's alive. If I had used the 'Sun Dragon King's Roar, it wouldn't even be ashes left. 

Approaching the disabled magician, I cast a whole complex of disabling spells on him, so that even if he wakes up, he will definitely not be able to fight today. 

- There are two, there are four left. - I said, tying up the mage.

- That was excellent, Master. - sincerely, said the Virgo. Well, yes, it was the first time she saw me using Devil's Slayer Magic. 

- I appreciate your compliment, Virgo, but it wasn't very impressive… - I replied, but was interrupted when I heard the footsteps of a man descending the stairs to the basement. 

Giving a sign to the Virgo to hide, I cast a spell and hid the aftermath of the battle, and also became invisible myself and hid D-6, waiting for our unexpected guest to appear. 

This guest turned out to be a very tall and slightly overweight, bald-headed, aged man dressed in a blue kimono. He had huge eyebrows that even Rock Lee would envy, a neat goatee and a tattoo on his forehead in the form of two kanji meaning "match". Although, this individual was firmly convinced that it meant "Zeref". The desire to tattoo the name of the most dangerous Dark Magician in the world perfectly shows the belonging of this person. 

He entered the room with his eyes closed, and holding a round shield in one hand, began to look around, saying: 

- D-6-san, where are you, tea? Alock-san has an emergency meeting, tea, Briar has been away for too long, so we're getting ready for unexpected guests, tea... 

Not hearing an answer to his strange speech, Gômon, that was the name of this magician, began to go deeper into the basement, but apparently, still feeling that someone was watching him, he was about to call on his Torture Magic, but the Virgo did not allow him.

Pulling her hand out of the ground and grabbing Gômon's leg, the Virgo pulled him towards her, which caused the magician to lose his balance and begin to fall forward, where I was already waiting he, or rather my leg, entwined with the light of the devil slayer. 

My 'Light Devil's Heel' performed well, and the unexpected blow was strong enough to knock out Gaumon and break his jaw. He probably even got a concussion, but it's not fatal. 

Gômon was probably the weakest magician of the Avatar elite, and his magic to control the instruments of torture was not particularly impressive, so it was possible to act not so carefully and abruptly, but, it only took two hits to take two of the enemy's magicians out of the fight. The more mages I take out of the fight now, the less enemies will be able to cooperate later, so there are some pluses. 

- Minus three, exactly half left. Let's go, Virgo, the most difficult thing remains. - Having tied Gômon, I said, and began to rise to the exit from the basement.

- As you command, Master. - said the Virgin, following me, while throwing sultry glances at my back. She seems to enjoy watching me beat up the bad guys. She's definitely a pervert... 


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