Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 66

- Well done, you did a great job, Briar. Thanks for you 'help'. - I said with a smile to the girl when she finished filling out the papers with all the important information, which turned out to be much more than I thought.

- I… will… kill you… - thanks to the incredible anger that the sorceress now felt towards me, Briar managed to regain minimal control over her vocal cords and was even able to squeeze out a threat through her closed lips. 

Emotions, especially strong ones like anger, are indeed a great force, able to shake even powerful Magic. If Bria had more time, perhaps she could do more than just make useless threats, but I'm not going to give her that opportunity. I got everything I wanted from her, so I can finish with her.

- In the current situation, you can't do anything that you yourself understand very well. And don't look at me like that if the situation was reversed, and if I were in your place and you were in mine, you wouldn't be so soft on me, Miss Dark Mage. - I said calmly. 

After my words, Briar's anger subsided a little, because she perfectly understands that I am right. If she needed to get information, then she would have no problem getting blood on her hands and tormenting the victim in the most sophisticated ways possible. And not the fact that it would not bring her a kind of pleasure. 

Briar was very lucky that nothing like this happened to her, because what I did to her is only a trifle compared to what I could do to a defenseless girl. And it's good that the girl herself understands this, although she doesn't want to admit it, judging by her look at me. 

Judging by what I saw today and know from the manga, Briar is too proud and believes in her strength, even in her invincibility, and today's loss hit her hard. There is no doubt, she is strong, according to my estimates, in terms of the amount of Magic Power and skills, she surpasses the current Erza. Of course Erza is weaker now than she will be two years from now when canon arrives, but not by much, so Briar herself is really impressive. 

But, she is far from being the strongest in the world, which, for some reason, she really believed in, while stubbornly ignoring monsters like Acnologia and Zeref. 

Apparently, the mentality of the Dark Mages is to blame for this, as well as her environment, which instilled in her a sense of arrogance and permissiveness. In principle, nothing else from a person like her, and should not be expected. Other Dark Mages appearing in the history of this world had a similar, I would even say, stereotypical behavior and character.

In the information that Briar set out on my orders, a place was also given to her own biography. The girl herself, although rather a woman, is now 36 years old, although she looks like a maximum of 20. And the thing is that she does not age, at least outwardly. She is not immortal, but throughout her life, she will look exactly the same. 

This explains why, Briar now looks exactly the same as in the future, ten years from now, when there will be a skirmish between Fairy Tail and the Avatar. More precisely, it won't be, because I intervened, but you understand. 

The reason for this unusual ability of hers is in the experiments with the use of Dark Magic, which were conducted by Briar's own mother, on her unborn daughter, when she was still in the womb. This explains the words of the Virgo, about the dark magic that permeates the body of Briar. She was born like this thanks to his mother, also a former Dark Enchantress. 

Actually, as a result of these experiments, Briar got her unusual appearance, eternal youth (at the age of 18, she has not aged a day), a large amount of Magic Power, her Clone Magic, as well as an abnormal physical strength that she uses to, like Tsunade, shatter the ground and send out shock waves, which at first I thought was a form of magic. 

Of course, in addition to the pluses of these experiments, there were also minuses, which is logical, because Dark Magic is not just called 'DARK', it always has a catch. As a result, Briar cannot have children and cannot use any other magic except her Clone Magic, which she cannot even develop further, for example, up to seven clones, each clone would get one mortal sin. 

She's still lucky that she could become stronger and not be stuck with one level of Magic Power for life. And the fattest minus in Briar's situation is that she herself does not know how long she can live. 

Yes, she does not age, but her body is still wearing out, and at an incomprehensible rate, different from ordinary people, and as a result, she can live for 100 years, or she can die even tomorrow, if her body decides so. In general, in this regard, you will not envy Briar. But so far everything is fine. 

The story of Briar itself, though tragic at times, is not as bad as it could be. If you take the whole situation as a whole. Due to her own experiments, Briar's mother died in childbirth, her father was unknown, and she was sent to an orphanage, where the Dark Mage found her, which he was able to understand what was done to her body. 

Seeing the potential of the girl, the Mage, who was understandably a Zeref cultist, took her from the orphanage and sent her to some kind of training center, in which they collect promising children and turn them into dark magicians. 

They are trained, at the same time inclining them to their faith and, in fact, brainwashed so that they serve for the benefit of Zeref and commit all sorts of heinous crimes for his glory. Although, in fact, they are just pawns of all sorts of dark personalities, like the same Hades. 

Such centers exist throughout Ishgar, and the Rune Knights find them from time to time, then raid them, destroying the dark magicians and saving children. But there is not much sense from this, because instead of the destroyed 'camp of dark mages', two more will appear. 

These dark personalities are worse than cockroaches and no matter how much you destroy them, they will always survive and still manage to find new associates. 

It is in such centers that the Dark Guilds train their elite members and the main fighting force, who then scatter around the world, who goes where, in order to bring destruction and enlightenment, about the 'great' Zeref. I think the same Zancrow from Grimoire Heart may come from a similar place, but this is just an assumption. 

Briar herself grew up in a similar environment and could not become anything other than a Dark Mage. After processing, she sincerely believes in the ideals of Zeref's cultists and wishes to fulfill their dreams, which cannot end well for the rest of the world, but since the girl does not know anything else in her life, she does not care about this. 

Although, she not as bad as I thought. Briar undoubtedly killed, and even those who did not deserve it, but it did not bring anyone pleasure. She believed that this was not a murder, but a purification in order to bring closer the goal of creating an ideal world, as Zeref sees it. Fanatic, what to take from her. 

Although, she always tried to shy away from such tasks, but she always followed a direct order, as almost happened today. In general, can give her a medal for the fact that she is not as bad as she could be. 

But, in fact, she is just a puppet, acting only on orders and believing in the ideals of her puppeteers. And if you deprive her of the puppeteer and take away her faith and purpose, then she will be left with nothing, and will not know what to do in this life. 

It's really sad and maybe not even fair, but it doesn't change much. I, as I was going to destroy the Avatar, and I'm going to do it. And the information received from Bria only reinforced my confidence. 

This, of course, will morally destroy the girl, to whom I involuntarily felt sympathy, having learned her story, but there will still be no other end for her. She's a villain. 

I won't kill her anyway. so she's going to jail and it's possible she's got the chance to start over. Maybe for once the system will do its job and Briar will really improve. Someday she will be released and find a new purpose in life. I would like to believe, but this rarely happens in life.

No matter what happens to her, it's not my problem anymore. After today, we will never meet this dangerous girl again. But... At least, as a sympathy, I can be gentle with her and end everything on a good note. 

Briar is still sitting like an statue because of the still working spell, and now looks at me with a thoughtful look. Nevertheless, the fact that I treated her humanly in resonated in her black soul and she does not want to kill me anymore. At least not as much as before. 

- Anyway, don't hold a grudge against me, it's my job and what I do is right, so I won't apologize for it. In addition, you yourself understand that sooner or later, for you and your friends, everything would have ended like that. Better that than the alternative of some madman who would kill you all. - I said calmly, looking into the girl's eyes, in which one could see that she noticed that after I read her story, my attitude towards her changed for the better. 

Judging by the look of the girl, she wanted to tell me a lot of things, and obviously using profanity, but, in the end, she was silent and only meekly exhaled, although I gave her the opportunity to speak calmly. Apparently, she decided that it was already useless.

- If you have nothing to say, then goodbye, Briar. The next time you wake up, it will all be over. - I said as I started casting the sleep spell.

- See you later, handsome. - said the Dark Sorceress with a smirk as she was struck by the spell and fell into a sound sleep. 

- It is unlikely. - I said confidently, casting a few more spells on the girl to make sure that she would not wake up soon and would not be able to fight for a long time.

- What now, Master? - asked the Virgo, who saw that I had finished conjuring.

- I learned everything I wanted to, so now it's time to raid. - I said calmly, and then looking at the maid, I asked: - Do you want to join me?

- I'll be happy to help you, Master. - Maiden said obediently, and then looking at the sleeping Braya, she asked: - And what are we going to do with her?

- We'll take she with us, and when the battle starts, we'll leave it somewhere safe so that she doesn't get hurt. When everything is over, we will hand over her and her accomplices to the authorities. - I said calmly, noticing that even the Virgo began to treat Briar more gently after I gave Virgo read Briar's story. 

Nevertheless, Briar is primarily a victim of crazy mages and the fact that she herself became such is not her fault. And Virgo understands this perfectly now, so she also sympathizes with Briar, even though she is disgusted by the dark magic within Briar... 

- Then, I'll carry her. - said the Virgo and put the body of the dark sorceress on her shoulder, then quietly adding: - I will not allow the Master to be smeared with mud from this yuck and touch her sinful body.

Although, the Virgo is still the same Virgo and it was not worth expecting otherwise ... 

Shaking my head at this eccentric maid, I put all the things back into my inventory and said: - Come on, we are waiting for the battle.

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