Just Another Isekai Story in Fairy Tail World

Chapter 32

I did not come across any more small fish and I calmly reached the foot of the hill on which the pyramid was located. Most likely realizing that the subordinates could not do anything with me, Lyon decided not to send them to me anymore. 

I won't be surprised if he already knows about the loss of Toby and Yuka and now prepares to fight me himself. Of course, he thinks that I'm just a hindrance and he will deal with me in a couple of seconds so that I don't bother him anymore. Typical thinking of typical second-rate villain.

It is possible that an ambush or a trap is already waiting for me in the pyramid itself, but I'm not a fool to go straight to the enemy base. They may be weaklings, but caution never hurts. One day I will relax, and then I will have to pay for it when the real moment of danger comes.

Having shown my angel wings, I quickly soared into the air and flew to the very top of the pyramid, where the Moon Drop ritual is being performed. 

By the way, I've been in the 'Light' transformation for almost an hour now, and I've already gone through four skirmishes, but I still have 80% of my Magic Power reserve.

I always had a large reserve, but after becoming a Devil Slayer, he generally took off into some unknown facets. It's been almost a week since I became a full-fledged Slayer and all the changes in my body seem to have settled down.

Now I can fire simple spells like a machine gun and my passive Magic Power recovery will cover those expenses. Devil Slayers spells, on the other hand, are really expensive, but they have overwhelming power, so it's a good compromise. 

But "Light", now I can support several hours in a row. My Ethernano regeneration fully covers the cost of maintaining this transformation, so as long as I don't use any other spells, I can be in the transformation forever, although I don't need to. It was a moment of progress, and now back to the pyramid. 

When I landed on the roof, there was no one there. Apparently, they really thought that I would come in through the front door and now they are waiting for me there. Cretins. 

It's okay, I can wait until they realize that I'm already on the roof. In the meantime, I can look at what everyone is here for. 

Approaching the hole in the roof, through which the concentrated moonlight penetrates during the ritual, I saw a large cave in which stood a huge block of ice. In this block, just the same, Etherias, Deliora was immured.

- Phew… And he's really big. - I whistled, seeing the living (relatively) Deliora for the first time. 

He was at least ten meters tall and looked suspiciously like the Beast King, the monster that had nearly killed the Strauss Family recently. The same physique and body shape, almost the same horns and mane. The only thing is that Deliora has a different colour scheme, as well as much more than the Beasts King, but their similarity can be clearly seen. 

It is possible that Zeref took the body of the Beast King as the basis for the creation of Deliora. And after not too humane experiments and many mutations, this happened. Quite a working theory. You expect something from Zeref.

- Something they are delayed… - I muttered, still standing on the edge of the hole and looking at the ice with the demon. By the way, almost five minutes had already passed. 

- Maybe give a signal... Nope, it's not necessary anymore. - I kept talking to myself when I heard the sound of footsteps of several people who were now climbing the stairs and obviously in a hurry here. 

Almost a minute later, my enemies finally ran out onto the roof. Looks like the rest of Lyon's gang was here. 13 mages in hoodies, pink-haired Sherry and Lyon himself, who put on a ridiculous horned helmet. 

- Who are you? And what are you doing here? - with audible anger asked the boy, who clearly had too much self-conceit. For some reason he called himself the Emperor. Where does such a nickname come from? 

- I just passed by. - I said nonchalantly. Why not chat, we're not here to fight, right? 

- YOU!!! - Lyon shouted. Oh, he also seems to have anger issues.

- Reitei-sama, let's show him our LOVE! And also avenge my dear Angelica, he dared to offend her. - Sherry screamed with tears in his eyes, creating a stone golem with his Magic. 

'Looks like she's not right in the head either.' - This thought flashed through my mind when I saw her behavior.

- That's right, I don't care who you are, but you will answer for interfering with my plans and beating my subordinates. 'Ice-Make: Snow Tiger'. - Lyon finally attacked after finishing his sentence. He is long. 

Lyon used Ice-Make with one hand and created an ice moving tiger that opened its mouth and jumped at me. Honestly, I thought he would be stronger, with such an conceit. 

Judging by the reserve, he is the maximum B-Rank Mage. And he doesn't have a lot of experience, obviously. Although he's probably just weaker now than he'll be in two years, he probably hasn't trained enough yet. Shouldn't have expected too much. 

Looking at the ice tiger which was not too fast, I just waved my hand sharply, thus sending out a sickle of light. The tiger obviously did not differ in particular strength, and from such a simple attack, it shattered into pieces. 

- One hand, huh? I have heard that such Magic is unbalanced and has many disadvantages. - I said, looking at the stunned Lyon.

- How are you… - Leon muttered in amazement. The mere destruction of the ice shook him greatly.

- Okay, I think it's worth ending this... Hey you, look here. - I shouted to get their attention. 

Those idiots really all looked at me. And I, making sure that the eyes were focused on me, sharply clapped my hands. The pop produced an extremely bright flash of light that blinded all my enemies. Indeed, idiots. 

And it worked, even the masks worn by the gang couldn't protect their eyes. 

Although this is a bit of a dirty trick, it will speed up the fight a lot, so it's okay. While all the mages were distracted by their injured eyes, I quickly jumped up to them and began to knock them out. 

First, I got rid of Sherry, whose magic could be a nuisance. I just put her to sleep with a spell, after all, beating girls is not good. But I didn't spare the gang and just beat them with my fists. Just one hit each was enough to disable them for a while. Weaklings. 

All this took me less than a half a minute, and by the time Lyon finally blinked, I was already standing right in front of him with a raised fist, and his subordinates were lying at my feet. I deliberately left him for last, because I wanted to destroy his self-importance. Besides, he just pisses me off.

- Boom. - I said, and smacked right into his self-satisfied mug. 

The impact sent him flying several meters away, and his stupid helmet shattered and fell to the ground. While he was trying to recover from the attack and get on his feet, I slowly approached him. 

- YOU! Do you have any idea how much effort and time I spent on this plan? And you just came and destroyed everything without even knowing anything! - Lyon shouted as he finally got to his feet and sent another spell at me. Incidentally, the spell was cast with two hands. Looks like he can learn from his mistakes. This time, it was an ice dragon that I destroyed with a beam of light.

- I know everything. It's not hard to guess. You want to release this demon in order to kill it. Your pawns are most likely victims of the destruction of the demon and want to finally kill him in order to take revenge, so they help you, hoping that you can kill him. And you, obviously, have a much more base goal, and most likely you just want to amuse your ego by defeating a strong demon. Perhaps to prove to someone that you are strong. Or something like that. - I said, destroying a couple more creatures of ice along the way, and getting closer and closer to the Sub-Zero Emperor. 

- What? How do you know? - Lyon asked in surprise, to whom I again gave in the face, as he successfully set himself up, weakening his vigilance.

- Everything is clear here. You are a typical guy, with a bunch of complexes, who, having received a little strength, imagines who knows what about himself. - I said, going back to Lyon, who now had a broken nose.

- How dare you, I…. - I didn't let him finish and hit him again.

- Oh, no need for arrogant speeches here, I already know everything. Although I still don't understand why all these people believe you that you are capable of killing Deliora? You are a B-Rank Mage, well, a weak A-Rank at most. You would never be able to kill such a strong demon that can easily kill a thousand magicians like you. - I said, pressing on the sore spot of this guy.

- Oh you… - This seemed to really piss him off and he released quite a lot of Magic Power, causing the nearby area to be covered in ice. Against this, I also released my power and my Light, melted Lyon's ice quite easily.

- Even if you could kill Deliora, not with your power of course, but hypothetically, you would only make it worse, you know? Deliora is a Etherias from the Book of Zeref, which means that until his personal book is destroyed, he can still be brought back to life. In addition, he would become even stronger than before. Whoever used this ice prison found the perfect way to get rid of Deliora, because he could never return. And you, for the sake of your imaginary ego, wanted to return him to the world. In the end, if you freed the demon, he would have continued his destruction anyway. Whether you kill him or not, it doesn't matter, because of you, more than one city could be destroyed and more than one million people would die, until Deliora was stopped again. - I said, shattering Lyon's illusions. 

He, after my last blow, was far enough away that he already folded his hands in front of him to try to perform the Ice Shell spell. That's an idiot. 

Apparently he decided that since he could not leave me and I had already ruined all his plans, then he needed to seal me forever, as revenge. It looks like he never learned any high-level spells and only has one response to a desperate situation. Use Ice Shell. 

However, after Reitei heard my little monologue, he lost all concentration and stared at me in shock. In exactly the same state were his subordinates, who managed to recover. I deliberately did not hit hard so that they could listen to my story. I also specifically dispelled the sleep spells with Sherry so she could hear me too. And everything worked out as I planned. 

Wow, how bad I am. I deliberately destroyed their plans, and then turned the whole situation upside down and now they accept what a horror they almost committed.

- It can't be, it can't be… - Lyon began to repeat after I hit him on the head for the last time. 

Stronger this time and now for sure. Concussion guaranteed. 

He finally broke down. I'm certainly not a sadist, but I enjoyed destroying Lyon's illusions that he built. I know he's a nice guy, but at the moment he's pissing me off too much and I couldn't help it. Plus, he needed that spanking so he could grow up. 

Finally, I finished with a hindrance, I you can begin what I came to the island for in the first place.


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