Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 86: The Truth Behind The Soul

"What just happened was that the curse, which was sealed inside your soul, got broken for a moment because of me."


Not knowing how to react, Greg just stood there motionlessly and looked at the shining white figure before him.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Hearing the question, Greg opened his mouth and asked slowly, "Are you really... Alice?"

"Yes, why? Who do you think I could be with this kind of voice, if not her?"

He wanted to answer at that question, but in the end, still closed his mouth and looked at Alice in silence.

Knowing that he was surprised by her appearance, Alice let out a small sigh and explained, "Okay, I see. Let me explain everything as clearly as I can, so please listen carefully."

Walking to the sofa on the side, Alice sat down and after crossing her shiny legs like an elegant woman, she started to talk.

"Firstly, let me congratulate you on your success in reaching the last level of the Body Grade. From here on, you can finally start the real cultivation."

Listening to Alice's praise, Greg nodded and slowly sat down onto his bed.

"So... can you explain what just happened with me back there?", asked Greg slowly, as he tried to figure out Alice's real appearance, but no matter how hard he concentrated, the light around her body was too blinding. It covered every corner of her skin, making it impossible to figure out her real look.

"As I said, the seal inside your soul got broken for a moment because of me."

"Seal? And because of you? What are you talking about?", asked Greg with a frown.

Not answering right away, Alice stayed quiet for a bit, and only just after a moment of silence did she continue.

"Normally, your Cultivation Art wouldn't have appeared inside your body before reaching level five in the Body Grade. But because I helped you to force open the first flow inside you, the curse, which was sealed inside your soul got free for a moment."

"Cultivation Art? First flow? Curse? Really, can't you just explain everything clearly from the beginning?", asked Greg as he held his temple in pain, trying to understand all the things Alice told him so far.

"Okay, then let me start it from the beginning. Because of your soul, which is totally different from others, you were chosen by me. And because of all these, you were qualified to learn my Cultivation Art."


"Yes, my Cultivation Art. I didn't tell you this in the past, but now that you reached the door of the real cultivation, I can tell you one thing. There are others like me out there, outside the void, or simply put in space. Each and all of them have different powers, which they cultivate through their Cultivation Art. That flow inside your body is my Art and that is called the First flow."

Listening to this, Greg's eyes widened in an instant and waited for Alice to continue.

"Now that the First flow is opened, you can finally start the real cultivation. As I said, you need to practice all the six elements respectively, while also consuming enough energy crystals. You need to practice one element at a time until the First flow with that element won't solidify and create another neutral flow, which will be called the Second flow."

Nodding, Greg looked deep in thought and asked, "So, in the end, I will have six different elements flow inside my body. And after that what? How will I get into the Soul Grade?"

"It's simple. After the Sixth flow appeared, you will automatically get into the Soul Grade. However, before that happens, it's very important that you need to be far away from any danger that could possibly be around you. So, if you are on the verge of a breakthrough, but you are in a fight, no matter what, it's very important that you NOT continue the practice. Understood?"

Feeling the serious tone behind Alice's words, Greg nodded hurriedly.

"Perfect, then let me continue to explain the other things. Where was I... Um... Ah, yeah, the Curse. I didn't want to tell you before, because I thought something like this wouldn't happen, but it seems I was wrong."

After a moment of silence, Alice sighed and continued, "Each being that has a Pure Soul has a curse deep inside them sealed away. I don't know how or why it is there, but I know for sure that those whose seal gets broken, will go insane and will have an insane amount of bloodlust and thirst for killing, while also getting some kind of inhuman ability. They will turn into a lunatic, who finds enjoyment in others pain."

Greg's face after hearing this, instantly turned pale.

Seeing this Alice waived her shiny hand around and said calmly, "Don't worry about it. Until I or someone else from the outside don't force your cultivation, that seal won't break and you won't turn back into that mad man as you were."

"But let's say it somehow happens again. Then what? Can't we just simply erase this curse away or something?", asked Greg in an instant.

"If the seal breaks, then the only thing we can do is hope that you can resist against the temptation. But for that to happen is close to nill. As for the part where we should erase it, just simply forget it. Until you don't want to die, don't even think about it."

Not knowing for sure what she meant under that statement, Greg frowned and wanted to ask her, but before he had the chance she suddenly talked with ice cold seriousness.

"But as I said, something like this won't happen ever again. I will promise."

Hearing Alice sound that serious, Greg sucked back his words he wanted to ask next.

After a while, when thinking through all the things Alice told to him, Greg nodded and asked, "So... you said there are others like you. Why didn't humans seen any of them so far?"

Hearing the question, Alice chuckled and said, "Because just like I said, they are out in the space and none of them can come onto earth's surface. You and I... we are the very first ones on earth. However, just because of this, we can mean huge danger for all humanity."

Nodding Greg said, "Because our power can draw those higher beings attention yes?"

Chuckling Alice said, "Yes, you are right. This is why it's very important that you use only a small amount of my abilities."

After talking with Alice for a bit more about the curse and his cultivation, Greg put her back into the Soul Stone and laid down onto the bed.

As he was looking at the room's ceiling, suddenly his eyes turned serious, and said quietly, "Altars, Guardians, a strange curse, other races out in the space and those unknown beings... Everything is covered in mystery."

Thinking about this, Greg closed his eyes and a while later he suddenly smiled.

"I can't wait to find out what is truly happening here."


In the next morning at around 9 o'clock, Greg slowly climbed out of his bed and went into the bathroom.

After a fast shower and cleaning, he changed into his clothes and walked down into the hall to get his breakfast, however the moment he stepped foot inside the dining hall, suddenly everything turned silent.

A pin drop could be heard clearly, that's how silent the whole place became.

Looking around, Greg saw that everyone before him inside the hall looked at him with scared and terrified eyes.

"Come one, this is a bit too exaggerated. I'm not that scary... Or maybe I am?

Thinking about this, he was about to walk forward, but suddenly someone behind him pinched his waist, making him flinch in an instant.

"What th-, Joe! You almost scared me to death."

After turning around, Greg saw as Joe was smiling at him, with his hand in a bandage.

"I knew you would wake up this late, so I waited for you. The girls have already finished eating and now they are out in the city shopping."

Hearing this, Greg smiled wryly and said, "I'm sorry. I slept away again."

"Not a problem at all, at 7 o'clock I wasn't hungry, to begin with, so that's why I waited for you. Also, I knew this would happen, so I didn't want to leave you all alone."

Knowing that he was referring to the silence behind his back, Greg nodded and said, "Thank you."

Joe hearing this just smiled and started to walk toward the tables, which were full of delicious looking food.

"Let's go, I'm starving."

Seeing Joe like this even after what happened with him made Greg to smile slightly, but still, he started to follow him from behind.

Eggs, bread, different kind of meats and drinks, Greg and Joe put one food after another onto their plate, while talking with each other spiritedly.

After taking enough food on their plates, they looked for a free table, and when they found one they walked there and sat down.

However just as the two wanted to start to eat, suddenly a loud voice sounded from the hall's entrance.

"Where are you?! Which of you f*ckers was the one who destroyed the wall in my place?"

Greg, Joe, and everyone else there turned their gaze from where the loud shout came from, only to see a man standing on the stairs in tight clothing, showing his shockingly muscular body to everyone around.

He had a black dragon tattoo running from the side of his neck down to the side of his left shoulder. He was wearing a long sword on his back, which looked like a katana, with which brave warriors fought with in the past.

As the man looked around, suddenly his eyes met with Greg's and in an instant, he pointed at him, while talking in a strict matter, "You there... Come here! NOW!"

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