Journey Of A Legend

Chapter 78: A Terrifying Power

Roy looked at Steve's unconscious body on the floor and a while later he looked at Gerald and said calmly,"You were right. He has some strange abilities for sure. But you didn't tell me that he could do something like this."

Gerald looked at Greg's figure in the distance and answered,"Back in the Academy he could only hide in his shadow temporarily and nothing else. This is also the very first time for me te see him use his ability that way."

Hearing this, Roy nodded slightly and started to think.

Seeing as the two didn't know what to do, Joe and Mila looked at Greg with a suprised expression.

"Hey Greg, what the hell was that? That was cool!", said Mila with visible stars in her eyes, after coming back from her suprise.

Greg looked at her and answered with a smile,"Not long ago I unlocked a very interesting aspect of my abilities."

And what he just said was true. After he let Alice to form that strange path with his power flown in it in his body, he could access to his abilities differently than until this time.

It was just like the last time, when he used the small wind vortexes around his body to beat Juan's gravitational ability and to dodge his dangerous attacks.

Not only did his movements became faster, but he could also alter the vortex's speed and rotation direction, making his body to be affected in strange ways.

For example, if he kicked and made the vortexes around his leg to spin at the direction, where he kicked at, it made his speed much faster than before. However, if the attack was too obvious and could be easily defended against, he could use the vortexes to alter his leg's direction even at very last moment even if he wasn't able to do that personally.

The same thing happened this time too.

Back in the past, he could only put things in his own shadow for exchange some extra weight or he could simply use it as a passage between two points.

But if he wanted to use it as a 'portal', then he needed to sink into his own shadow and find the place where he wanted to emerge.

For example, back in the tree palace, when he rescued Ben from the Giant's leg, he needed to personally appear out of the shadow next to him to help him.

But everything changed, when he concentrated his darkness ability on the flow in his body and this time he could just simply put his hand into a shadow and grab anything he wanted where a shadow was.

"Unfortunately the path is not complete, so it takes me some time to pinpoint the exact location I want to appear. But I won't complain, it's still too good."

"Yes and these things will be much better as you become stronger.", said Alice in a proud tone.

Hearing her voice after such a long time, Greg looked suprised. He was too used to her voice, because she always talked, but somehow after the fight with Juan, she strangly stopped talking. It made him quite confused.

"What happened with you?", asked Greg as he looked at Gerald and Roy in the distance.

"After helping you to form that little path, a small amount of my power got depleted, so I needed some time to replenish it, so I couldn't communicate with you. But I'm here, so let's beat those two!"

Hearing Alice's spirited voice in his ear, Greg smiled and looked at Joe and Mila

"Are you guys ready?"

Joe and Mila looked at Greg and smiled.

"Of course we are!"

"That's the talk!", said Greg and was about to activate his ability, when suddenly a cold breath appeared on his neck.

"Where do you think you are looking?"



Without the chance to react, Greg got punched in the stomach, making his body to fly away in an instant.

Watching this, Joe and Mila was suprised and watched as Roy stood where Greg was a moment ago.

"Whe-, huh?"

Mila didn't know what just happened and was still in daze, when a fist came at his way.

Just as it was about to hit her face, suddenly a thick thunderbolt appeared out of nowhere before her, defending her from the hit.


However even after Roy's fist hit the lighting, a huge shockwave got created, making Mila to step back a few meters, just because to defend herself against the shockwaves.

Seeing as his attack wasn't successful, Roy looked where the attack came and saw Joe looking at him with an expressionless face.

"Interesting.", said Roy and waived his hand, while grey light enveloped the stage from above.

Greg not far away from them, started to stand up slowly from the ground, but the moment he opened his eyes his body stiffened.

Above the stage, hundreds... No, thousands of different type and looking weapons hovered with a sharp glint, ready to fall down at any moment.

The experts seeing this sight looked a bit suprised, while The Saint said calmly,"When one reaches the Creator rank, one achieves the ability to enhance his own ability in the area or to form any kind of object he desires from just only his power. Of course the process of the later one is very slow, but making one ore two shouldn't pose a problem. But to see this many... This kid sure is a little monster."

"What is his ability? Watching the material that weapons are made from, is it something associated with metal?", asked the skinny guy as he looked at the thousands of metal weapons in the sky.

The Saint hearing the question couldn't answer and just shook his head.

"I don't know. I already asked Cloud and he said he can say anyone's information except of two person, from where one is him. Every data from him is safely protected."

"What? He dares to disrespect The Saint's favor?", asked the skinny guy with suprised expression as he looked at the old man with wide eyes.

"No, he doesn't dare. It's not like he doesn't want to say it, but more than he can't. If I need to think why, then I would say it's because of the leader of the Soul Association."

Hearing this, all the experts around got suprised and looked at the old man confusedly.

Mistress of Fortune looked at Roy and said,"It doesn't matter what that freak tries to hide from us, but we will know everything sooner or later."

As the experts talked among each other up in the estrade, Joe, Mila and Greg looked at the scary sight above their heads.

As Greg looked up at the sky, suddenly Gerald's figure appeared not far away from him, while he looked at him with an expressionless face.

"It's time to pay you back my defeat.", said Gerald and suddenly his body tuned a bit metallic, while the area around him started to shine with a dim light.

The moment he saw this happening, his face turned to boredom. Without hesitation he activated his wind ability and in an instant small thin vortexes appeared around his body, from which some rotated clockwise, while the other counter clockwise.



Like a personified rocket, Greg's figure appeared before Gerald and with a strong hit, he punched Gerald in chin, making his body to fly away in an instant.

"Maybe you are half step away from the Creator rank, but I too got stronger.", said Greg coldly as he looked at Gerald, as he was sutruggling to get up on his feet.

The last time they fought, he was only at the first level of the Body Grade, but since then, he always tempered his body as Alice told him to and successfully he reached the fourth level.

He was much stronger in physical strength than anybody else. Not even Juan stood a stand against him, so how could he? It was an utter joke, if someone tried to beat him by only raw strength.

Seeing as Gerald was about to stand up, Greg knew that he needed to knock him out once for all. Gerald wasn't strong because his Guardian's power was about to enhance his physical power. No, he was strong, because his strength came from the battle process itself. The longer the fight goes, the stronger he becomes, which is a scary aspect at the long run, so the very first person, who needs to be taken out is him.


However, just as he was about to use his speed boost, suddenly something sharp fell inches before him, making him to stop in his track.

The moment he saw that it was a wide sword he realized again that above him everywhere, thousands of sharp weapons were floating, ready to fall on him any moment.

Turning his head to the side, he saw as Roy wasn't even looking at his was, but simply pointed at where the sword was, while he fought against Joe's thunder attacks like they were nothing.

"What.... a terrifying person."

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