Join the Straw Hat Group, and the Whole Ship Will Help Me Simulate Crossing

Chapter 4

004: You Deceive People Too Much!

“You two go first, my boat is below.”

“Don’t wait for me, I’ll catch up right away!”

Ron pointed to a small boat floating on the sea.

Very close to their ship.

“Oh! Then hurry up!”

Luffy covered the straw hat on his head and said.

He jumped onto the fishing boat and drifted into the distance.

I’m not worried about Ron at all, and plan to meet up later.

Ron knew exactly what Luffy was going to do next, so he didn’t leave together.

“Little Thief Cat, put down the treasure in your hand!”

Ron jumped to the second floor and looked at Nami playfully.

What a veritable little thief, who stole directly on his head.

I’ve always heard of Nami’s name, but I’ve never seen a real person.

It is often said in the sea that there is a little thief cat who often steals the treasure of pirates.

And three or four of the dozen or so pirates he hunted were stolen.

The above is that there are not even 100,000 Baileys left, so it can be seen!

This little thief cat is like a locust crossing the border.

“Hehehehe, I didn’t expect you to come after me!”

“Lord Greed Wolf, we should not share these treasures equally!”

Nami glanced at the prepared boat below, thinking about the chances of escaping.

But if he had to escape from a strong man like Ron, it was not very likely.

“Equally divided? These treasures were mine!”

Ron said with a smile, and took the big sack from Nami’s back.

Open it a little and you can see the brilliant golden light inside.

Ron was almost blinded.

“Bastard, this is what I worked so hard to do!”

“How could it be possible for you to take it all away!”

Nami was directly fried.

My heart was bleeding when I said it was equal.

But I didn’t expect Ron to actually want to take it all.

“You didn’t even participate in the battle, what are you working hard for!”

Ron carried the treasure on his back, completely ignoring Nami’s words.

This guy is here to steal, it might be a little harder to steal.

But they, the fighters, have to work harder.

“You deceive people too much!”

“I fought with you!”

Nami didn’t expect Ron to say nothing of his feelings.

Now Nami can’t even hold weak women anymore.

Directly fluttering towards Ron.

Grabbing the cloth bag on Ron’s back tightly.

It looks like he wants to live and die with treasure.


A shell went straight through the ship.

There was a raging flame on the ship.

Slowly sink down towards the bottom.

“There’s no time left!”

Ron glanced at Nami and led the man down to the ready boat.

Get away from this ship quickly, if the two of them land in the sea.

No matter how powerful Ron is, no one will die as well.

So you can’t sink with this ship.

Regardless of the direction, the small boat quickly left the big boat and sailed towards the distance.

“Marine arrived just in time!”

“I haven’t cleaned up yet!”

Ron felt a little pity.

“Are you a pirate hunter, what are you afraid of Marine?”

Nami looked at Ron suspiciously and asked.

Ron’s appearance seemed to be very skilled.

“Most of East Blue’s Marines are rotten!”

“These guys think it’s the existence of pirate hunters, so they never get power and money!”

“Even if they meet a pirate hunter, these Marines will shoot like crazy!”

Ron said with a sneer, thinking about it too.

There are two mouse shits here, Colonel Mouse and Colonel Monka.

If there is no surrounding Marine cover, how could it have been rooted for so many years and not found.

So Ron mostly took the bounty to Logue town to find Marine to exchange the bounty.

As for East Blue, Ron didn’t bother to pay attention to it, he just cared about saving money for himself.

“Is East Blue’s Marine rotten?”

Nami muttered to himself, but there was no light in his eyes.

Consider how the village expected Marine to come and save them.

Now even Nami’s last hope is gone.

“Let’s go!”

Ron rowed the boat towards the island.

He remembered that Alvida should get a fruit in this piece.

That is, the slippery fruit, this woman eats the existence of beauty and beauty.

Even that kind of old woman can directly become a young girl.

And Luffy’s original play is not very far, at most is around.

There are not many isolated islands in this piece, so there are still traces to follow.

And Ron found the fruit after only looking for three isolated islands.

“What is this? Have you been looking for this?”

Nami looked strangely at the fruit in Ron’s hands.

I had some guesses in my mind.

But not sure if my guess is correct.

“You should have heard of it, Devil Fruit!”

“The biggest secret treasure in the sea, you can get the power of the devil by eating him!”

“But there are also side effects, that is, there is no way to go into the water!”

“And each of his prices is at least hundreds of millions of Baileys!”

Ron found a small box and packed it up, and explained to Nami casually.

The new book sets sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets!

Ladies and gentlemen, if you feel good, throw some flowers! *

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