Jeremy Lin coached by top coaches

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

"How much money did you pay so seriously? Just fool around and let it go," one of the assistant coaches said jokingly before disappearing into the crowd.

Shaking his head, he continued to write down some of the remaining thoughts and analysis and left the court.

"The Heat have problems with continuity because they have injured players. In this case, the Hornets can only narrowly win. Let Jeremy Lin organize the team, Walker and Batum as the firepower can improve the Hornets' offense strength"

Clifford was thinking about something while reading.

It was just me and the head coach in the room.

"Chen, I am very pleased that you have written so much. Where did you get these technical analysis and opinions?"

"I watched it when I was in high school, in order to better play and understand the changes and coping strategies on the court. Actively read the coach's intention and implement it! I also learned a lot at North Carolina State University, coach."

"Very good! Very good! To be honest, your views and analysis are refreshing in some places. Some are more experienced. This may have something to do with your years of interpreting the coach's tactics against defenders on the court.

However, because there is no practical operation and on-site coaching experience, there are some places where there are still some ideas on paper.This is my idea may not be all right. "

"I haven't served as the coach of the team yet. I just carry out the effective execution and post-match analysis of the instructions given by the coach to me. Maybe it is relatively immature and inexperienced to command the whole team."

"It's already very good! It's rare for you to have such a love for basketball. Some assistant coaches who have signed a guarantee contract and get a low salary may not do better than you, a temporary assistant coach.

We still have to start with some basic tactical arrangements.In this regard, you have more time to ask my assistant coach, former Brown University head coach Stephen Sellars, he is very good at offensive arrangements! "

"Thank you for your guidance!" I said excitedly.

"It's nothing. It just depends on what you think can be cultivated. You may not be able to get a high salary and perform well here. But you can learn a lot. Some assistant coaches have a good salary. It's okay to be an assistant coach who memorizes data for a lifetime. Might be fine.

But if you want to be the coach of a team!It is necessary to learn and operate on individual players, player relationships, tactical collocations, etc.! "

"Yeah, I wrote it down." I didn't expect the coach Clifford to say these words to me suddenly.Although I know to do these studies and drills.But it moved me somewhat.

Get out of the manager's office.Doing a day of more complicated work.Record data and help move things.Since there will be no games in the next two days, an intra-team match will be organized.

"Hey buddy. Are you new here these days. How come I haven't seen you?"

"Hi! I'm our team's new temporary assistant coach! My name is Chen Yinan! Nice to meet you!"

Turning around suddenly, I realized that this is not the Jeremy Lin who was sleeping on the sofa at a friend's house, was about to give up his NBA career, and finally broke out in the New York Knicks.The real person looks much stronger!
"Oh! Hello, hello! It's not easy to see a second Asian face while working here! Your appearance gives me a great feeling! I am also very happy to meet you!" Jeremy Lin suddenly opened his mouth and said happily Smiling, he took my outstretched hand and shook it.Very quick response.

Watching Jeremy Lin joking with his teammates.The title of social master may not be fake haha.

My emotions were also lifted!Watching them play up close while recording the data.Consult with two assistant coaches.

"Are you training by yourself too? Seeing that you are quite strong?" When walking out of the training hall.Jeremy Lin pinched my arm and said.

"I used to be an athlete. Later, in an accident, I was found to have a disease that is not good for sports. I just couldn't exercise vigorously for a long time. That's why I came here." I said as I walked out with Shuhao, my expression was very calm.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know much about you. So you will be an assistant coach in the future?" Jeremy Lin said more seriously.

"No, I want to be the head coach of a team. Lead the team to compete with 29 other teams!"

"Wow! Cool! Your dreams are great! Are you free tonight? Go out for dinner?"

"Of course! My stomach started screaming at 4pm." So Lin and He went to a quieter restaurant to chat while waiting for the food to be served.

"Then what is your goal, Lin?" I looked directly at the other party without thinking.

"Me? How should I say it. Take it step by step. You know. Every professional athlete wants to get that O'Brien Cup. Wear a championship ring!"

Speaking of this, Lin's expression was a little serious, as if something unpleasant had suddenly passed through his mind.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Feeling a bit cold, I immediately changed the subject.

"Wow! Didn't you know that this restaurant makes huge burritos haha! And the steak is thick and delicious! The chicken is delicious! You can try it later. AA or my treat?" Jeremy Lin suddenly said enthusiastically.

"Let's make it AA. Don't you feel like you are bribing me~" The AA system is very common in foreign countries.I playfully said to Lin.

"Haha, that's great! Usually, the oriental faces I've seen tend to be stern, like this." Lin made me laugh out loud.

"But you have a good sense of humor, Chen. That's good. You know, Chen. In America you have to be open.

You can take a joke.You can win and you can lose.relax.There is still a lot of entertainment.I think that’s because of the high pressure in the profession.”

I was nodding my head as I ate what Lin said was a giant burrito!And Lin was eating chicken with a good appetite at this time.Next to it are a few pieces of chicken skin that have been separated out and not eaten.I understand that this is a reflection of the body fat intake requirements.

"For this season. I hope to enter the second round of the playoffs with the team. You know it will not be easy. Everyone is also working hard on the court"

Lin, who was eating, opened up the chatterbox.Chatted about the game.It's not like when he just came in, and his interest has also increased.It shows his love for basketball!

"What are your plans for the future?" I asked.The big burrito soothed my stomach.Really big and delicious!

"Strive for performance! It also depends on the price Charlotte will offer me in the future. Does other teams have better room for development?"

It was getting dark.The night view is beautiful and there are not many people.Walking on the road and looking at the buildings and lush trees.I feel very comfortable.

"Chen, Coach Clifford is very good! I think you can learn a lot from him."

(End of this chapter)

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