It's the age of cyber, and you're still a traditional villain?

Chapter 340 Who do you think is the menopausal old aunt? ! (angry)

Chapter 340 Who do you think is the menopausal old aunt? ! (angry)

"β" was said lightly, but it was a real thunderbolt in the ears of Su Lin and the others.

Thirty-six hundred... "Purges"?

In other words, 3,600 SS?

This number is no longer an exaggeration, but can be described as terrifying.

You know, in the past three years, everyone has gone around and explored so many unknown areas. Not to mention hundreds of SSs found, it would be good to have dozens, and they can't even make up the fraction that the other party said.

If this is the case, let alone contending with the "law of heaven", their so-called "resistance" is just like a joke... To put it in very unpleasant words, an ant stands in front of you and says it will tear you apart. Will you feel panic?

Absolutely not. It’s not certain whether you can hear the other party’s screams.

This also further supports Tang Shuang's previous guess that "Tianli" was not trying to avoid their rising power, but was just looking for a suitable opportunity to catch them all in one fell swoop.

In other words, their internal standards are very strict, and there is no need to be serious if they don't reach a certain level... Not being serious doesn't mean that you can't be serious. As long as the conditions are met, doesn't it mean that you will be destroyed?

If they thought the situation was just unexpected just now, now it was really a life and death crisis.

"You said yes?"

Lin Yue took the initiative to break the silence and asked sharply.

"Hmm...why not?"

"β" resumed his sinister tone, tilted his head and looked at her.

Su Lin didn't say anything, she just gave the assassin's little sister a look to signal her not to engage in a fearless verbal dispute.

She knew that Lin Yue was not questioning this for no reason. She was probably saying this to reassure everyone that they should not be led away by the other party.

But the problem now is not here at all. None of the three of them are people who can mess up their own situation after others say a few words. However, there is no difference between belief and disbelief.

Regardless of whether the facts are true as "β" said, they currently have no ability to verify or change them. Just the two SS in front of them require them to risk their lives to block or resist.

In this case, let alone whether there are 3,600 SS or 36,000 SS outside, it is too far away for them... Even if it is a little closer, if it is true as "β" said, There must be "Tianli" SSs stationed in other areas of Qingyun Immortal Realm. They may not be able to resist this. Forget it, they will definitely not be able to withstand it.

For them, all they can do now is to pass on the news first - fortunately, Su Lin turned on the recording just now, so everything here can be synchronized to Xu Shi.

and, resistance.

"Do you still have enough bombs?"

Su Lin looked at Tang Shuang with a smile.

"It's enough even if some people swim over."

Governor Tang narrowed his eyes, "I hope he won't be too slow, otherwise he won't be able to see the only S-class counter-killing SS show in the world. I don't care."

Lin Yue said nothing, but silently clenched the dagger in her hand.

Compared to Su Lin and Tang Shuang's confidence, she was actually a little scared.

It's not that I'm afraid of death, I'm just afraid that I won't see you again for a long time.

Aren't these two sisters afraid at all?

She couldn't tell.

But one thing she knew was that fear couldn't change anything.

Only a battle can lead to death.

"Oh, courage is commendable."

"β" licked his lips, stopped spending any more time with them, and kicked the giant sand bug's head hard at his feet, "Eat them until no bones are left!"


With a neighing sound, the two parties moved their hands together.

yellow sand.

Blood mist.


Instant shadow.




The words are divided into two parts.

Xu Shi and his party were still on their way to Qingyun Immortal World at full speed.

However, he was not ignorant of the situation there. Su Lin and Tang Shuang had tried their best to pass on what happened to him.

"Two SS?"

A little boy with white hair appeared out of nowhere and frowned as he looked at the scrolling subtitles on the virtual screen in front of him.

"Lagging behind, old aunt."

Xu Shi looked solemn and said, "According to the latest news, I'm afraid there will be more than 3,000 SS."

"Duo Shao?"

Xia Keyan suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

"Who knows exactly how many."

Xu Shi clicked his tongue, obviously not expecting the situation to be hundreds of times more serious than he estimated, "Why don't you come and help me see if the people of "Tianli" are talking too much? "

Since the other party started to jump over the wall in a hurry, he had to make a rough estimate of the current situation anyway.

And if you want to do this, I'm afraid you have to rely on Xia Ke'an's prophecy ability - interesting to say, in fact, Boss Xu didn't want to bring her here for support this time. Xu Ying, a naughty child, is enough... In the end, no one knew if she was hidden in someone's suitcase. They didn't find it when they got on the boat. After setting off, they counted the number of people and found that there was one more person.

"Oh, didn't some people think that I am a burden before?"

The white-haired loli rolled her eyes at him, obviously aware of Xu Shi's attitude towards her before.

"No way, menopausal old aunt, don't be so sensitive."

Xu Shi quickly denied it, even if he really thought so, he couldn't admit it... Besides, just say it, right? I know you are SS, but you are not a combat type...

But he also had to admit that it was good to have Xia Keyan by his side. In a situation like this, it would be much more convenient to have her - it didn't mean that he wouldn't be able to confirm the situation with her if she stayed in Night Sin City. , but how long does it take to go back and forth? Given the severity of the situation right now, if you delay even one second, everything will change in an instant.

"Who is so old... just wait, I will take care of you later."

The white-haired loli was angry at the bastard Xu Shi's lack of respect for her elders, but she also knew that now was not the time for a quarrel, so she magnanimously refused to argue with him and switched forms to start prophesying.

Someone may ask here, doesn't it mean that Xia Keyan can't predict "natural principles"?

That is indeed not possible, but it is not completely impossible to take advantage of. You cannot predict the "natural principles", but you can do the opposite. I will look at the future that Xu Shisulin or other important figures will face soon. alright?

Although this still cannot be refined to specific individuals or time points, it is enough to just take a broad look at something as broad as "are there really 3,600 SS?"

The prediction soon came to fruition.

"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news." The old aunt who had lost her ability slowly landed on the ground, leaned weakly on Xu Shi's arms, and said weakly.

"Speak slowly."

When Xu Shi saw this, he knew that she must have used Doctor Strange's trick again to spy on all possible futures... Otherwise, it was just a simple prophecy, which would not have made her what she is now.

"The good news is that the "purger" of "natural law" is telling lies. "

Xia Keyan calmed down his breathing and said, "I just asked how could there be so many SSs popping up at once."

"As for the bad news...although it's not that much, it's certainly quite a lot. There are hundreds if not a thousand."

She didn't show off, and then added, "And these people have been lurking all over the world for a long time, and they will basically execute their "clearance plan" at the same time. "

Xu Shi frowned when he heard this.

The good news is not so good, the bad news is really bad.

After Su Lin and others fed him this information, he quickly realized that there was not much difference between three thousand SS and one thousand SS, and they were not something they could handle with normal means.

Especially when the opponent is preparing to launch a massive attack on them.

"Are they going to destroy the world?"

Boss Xu, who has always been calm, is now a little unable to sit still.


The old aunt was also full of worry, "The way these people act is very weird... I must have seen everyone coming together to form an alliance, so they divided everyone into the same camp."

In a sense, there is really nothing wrong with this logic - the purpose of the "clearance plan" is to eliminate the influence of outsiders on the area. However, in the past few years, as long as you have joined the "Galaxy" alliance for a long time, It is enough to bring about considerable changes in this area.

Culture, technology...etc., under the strong wind of the general environment, how can anyone really remain unchanged?

This also seems to meet the standard of "natural law". Since you have been contaminated by outsiders, then die together.

Xu Shi even had reason to suspect that these bastards were deliberately fishing - he didn't bother to care whether that was true or not. As the situation had developed so far, hindsight was of no use.

He rubbed his brows, and suddenly felt like he was in another world. It was clear that everything was peaceful a few days ago, so why is it that a big crisis is coming so quickly?

Is this the legendary "invading like fire, immovable like a mountain"?

"Don't be in a daze. I feel that Xiao Su and the others will not be in a good situation. We can't just rely on us to rush over like this, right?"

Seeing that he was silent, Xia Keyan warned him.

"Of course not, it's already been arranged."

Xu Shi's tone was heavier than ever before, "They must have called for support themselves. I have just sent instructions to the nearest SS, asking them to be one step ahead of us and help them as much as possible."

After all, he has made some preparations, which is the joint defense arrangement that he has been making in the past few years. In addition to the general troops, the special existence of the SS will of course also make some arrangements in order to deal with the current emergency situation. .

One thing to say is that the eyes of SS-level "upgraded ones" are higher than the top, and it is not that easy to control them... Fortunately, many people still have enough perspective on the overall situation, so this plan was implemented smoothly.

Especially some SS who like to travel around even took the initiative to take this job.

Xia Keyan's prophecy would take some time, so he would naturally not be idle and took advantage of these few minutes to make arrangements as much as possible.

"I don't know if it's enough."

Xia Keyan rarely said something depressing, and it was obvious that she was really worried about the safety of Su Lin and her party.

"Don't underestimate your sisters too much."

Xu Shi twitched the corners of his lips, "Besides, you should know better than me whether it's enough or not."

"It's okay for them to call me sister, right?"

The white-haired loli curled her lips, but her tone didn't change. "To tell you the truth, their future... is a bit blurry."

Her prophecy ability is quite buggy, and this rarely happens.

If she couldn't see clearly, it would mean that the situation of the predicted person was too unstable, and anything could happen.

In addition, Su Lin and the others are still facing people with "natural principles", so only those who can see clearly can find ghosts.

"Not to mention, if I remember correctly, the SS currently near Qingyun Immortal Realm... seems to be that one, right?"

"Not bad."

Xu Shi sighed, "Fortunately, we only need to buy time now. If that's all, his words are enough."

"Have you decided how to deal with "Tianli"? "

Xia Keyan asked in disbelief.

"At least it's been arranged."

Xu Shi nodded slightly, "I sent a message to all regions in the federation, telling them what is happening now and asking them to prepare."

"In the face of the "clearance plan" of "Tianli", what they have to do now is to give priority to preserving the A-level city-states, and then postpone it downwards. As for how to deploy those SS, they naturally know how to do this kind of thing. "

Xia Keyan nodded. These words sounded a bit unhuman, as if the original classification was just for the current screening... But she also understood this. It is the lesser of two evils, especially in such a situation where the strength of the enemy and ourselves is When the gap is too large.

Areas that are stronger and more valuable are naturally more worthy of spending more resources to protect them.

"But this can only be regarded as a temporary measure...hundreds of SS, this..."

The old aunt agreed with Xu Shi's approach, but this can only delay it for a while. Over time, they will still be dragged into the rhythm of failure. Oh, no, they are not in the advantageous zone now.

However, this is still the difficult part to deal with - how can SS be so easy and can be solved by saying it can be solved?

Unless it's a pure auxiliary like her, there are really not many SSs with such a high power level and no ability to protect themselves at all.

In a sense, she is truly a rare species. (pride)

And SS is not something that can be cultivated immediately. It takes three years to quit smoking, let alone promote S-class "promoters"... No matter how hard Xie Qingyan and Jiang Chengcheng work hard to encourage growth, this time is still not enough. .


"Unless we find an SSS-level person."

Xu Shi said categorically, "There is a world of difference between SS and S, and the gap between SSS and SS will only get bigger."

"you're right."

The white-haired loli doesn't object to this statement, but this plan involves a very critical issue.

"Where can I find SSS?"

Yes, there are traces of SS at least, but SSS is something that no one has ever seen before. Even in the system of Night Sin City, there is always "data missing".

"I know."

Xu Shi said noncommittally, "So this method is not feasible."


"So... we can't rely on this method, but should use some unconventional means."

(End of this chapter)

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